Is this woman stimulated by divorce? How can she be so different from before?

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Rongxi decided to think in his heart that it was better than that. He seemed to have forgotten that it was he who forced others to have an abortion?

Force a woman to kill her child, if the woman can treat him as if nothing happened, unless the woman's brain is sick!

If Su Jing didn't know what she was thinking about Rong xijue before, she would have understood that she hated Rong xijue, hated his ruthlessness, hated him for losing her baby, she didn't want to see him, let alone let him appear in front of her.

"Xijue, please sit down!"

Gu Yan sees two people all the time such big eye stare small eye's stalemate, then quickly forward to play round the field.

"Mom, you go out first!"

Su Jing's eyes were fixed on Rong xijue, she sat upright, and whispered to Gu Yan.

"Jinger All right

Gu Yan doesn't know what to say, but also knows that if they have something to say, if she continues to stay, it will only make them more embarrassed. It is better to leave.

Gu Yan walked out of the room step by step. When he got to the door, he took a worried look at Su Jing and sighed. Finally, he took the door with him.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here! "

Su Jing's icy words and the indifference of resisting others hurt Rong xijue's heart.

"I'll pick you up from the hospital!"

Rong Xi decided to reply with a cold word, her eyes still stay on Su Jing.

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"You don't have to be so kind!"

Su Jing gave Rong xiju a thin back and said, "I said, you are not welcome here!"

Rong Xi decided to look at Su Jing's thin back, and had an impulse to hold her in his arms.

"I sent you here, of course, to send you back!"

Rong xijue's words were still indifferent, but they touched Su Jing's fragile nerve again.

"Go away! I don't want to see you! "

Su Jing suddenly stood up, pointed to the door, and yelled, "Rong Xi Jue, we have been divorced, and now the child has aborted according to your will. What are you dissatisfied with? Why are you still in front of me? I tell you, I don't want to see you, you go now! Let's go

Su Jing screamed hysterically, and her tears burst out again. She didn't care whether the people at the door could hear her. She had nothing to care about now!

Who loves to see!

She doesn't want to think so much!

Seeing Su Jing slander him so much, Rong xijue's heart softened a little and hardened again. This woman is really unreasonable. Does she not have a sense of morality?

It's really shameless!

Rong Xi definitely despised Su Jing in his heart, but out of morality, he still felt that he should send Su Jing back to her family.

"I'm not here to quarrel with you. As I said just now, I sent you in, and I will send you back to Su's house! "

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Rongxi will still be very persistent, on the face of the cold more than a trace of disgust.

When Su Jing looked at such a stubborn Rong xijue, her heart was even more painful. She felt that she could not bear the pain!

Why does this kind of heart rending thing let her bear again and again?

"Hehe, hehe Rong xijue, if you want to find Su Yan, you can go directly. Don't use my name to approach Su's family. I believe Su Yan will be very willing to be close to you! "

Su Jing didn't know why she suddenly thought of Su Yan and began to sneer.

Rongxi decided to raise her thick eyebrows slightly, and a trace of displeasure reappeared. This woman is really annoying!

Did he say he likes Su Yan?

Someone has forgotten at the moment, how he hyped him and Su Yan, no wonder others will say so!

Rongxi didn't say so much more than that. She directly crossed over Su Jing and put all her things into her bag. She took Su Jing's bag in one hand and Su Jing's arm in the other, and strode towards the door.

"You let me go! You bastard, you let me go

Su Jing broke Rong xijue's hand and yelled loudly. In the end, she moved her mouth and bit Rong xijue's wrist.


Rong xijue felt a burst of pain in her wrist and subconsciously released Su Jing's hand. Su Jing took the opportunity to run to the door of the ward.


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Su Jing yelled, opened the door and threw herself into Gu Yan's arms.

"What's wrong with Jing er?"

Gu Yan looked at Su Jing in surprise. Seeing her tears on her face again, she was a little surprised!

"Mom, let's go!"

Su Jing took Gu Yan's arm and walked forward quickly.

"Jinger, where are our things? The Western games are still there. Shall we... "Gu Yan looked at the door of the eye disease room, worried, what happened between them?

Why did Jinger come out alone?

Why hasn't the Western games come out?

Su Jing was very strong, and she took Gu Yan and strode forward. She looked like someone was chasing after her.

The mother and daughter soon disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Rong xijue, who was in the ward, had already released her hand holding the bag and attached it to the wrist that Su Jing had bitten. The bright red blood dropped to the ground drop by drop along the wrist, blooming with beautiful blood flowers.

"This damned woman, you really have a good mouth!" Rong xijue said, regardless of the bag on the ground, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wrapped his bleeding wrist tightly, and then walked quickly to the door, looked around, no one!

"Damned woman!"

Rongxi decided to be angry with a punch to the wall, but affected the wound on the wrist, the pain he immediately grinned stuffy hum a few.

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Turn back to the room to pick up the bag, stride after the past.

Su Jing took Gu Yan and strode forward. She was panting because she was in a hurry.

"Jinger, please slow down! Your body is still very weak. What's the matter with you? "

Gu Yan was pulled by Su Jing and walked fast. He was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes on his feet. He couldn't walk fast and nearly fell down several times.

"Mom, don't ask! Let's go

Su Jing didn't want to say more. She took Gu Yan and looked at her back from time to time, as if she was afraid.


Gu Yan wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by the voice behind him.

"Su Jing, stop for me!"

Rong xijue's vicious voice came from behind her mother and daughter. Su Jing didn't look back, but she subconsciously accelerated her pace. She didn't want to see Rong xijue.

She now saw Rong xijue, that is, the enemy met, especially envious ah! Or if he can beat him to death!

Rong Xi decided that she had already called Su Jing, but Su Jing was still striding forward, even quickening her pace. She didn't mean to stop. She was more angry in her heart!

"Su Jing, stop for me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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