After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 227: 227

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Rong Jing's help, Su Jing really felt that she didn't know when and when to finish the report, and the manager was so difficult that she might give her new tricks tomorrow.

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"How are you going to thank me?" Rong Jing looks forward to looking at Su Jing. Since Su Jing has opened her mouth, he also follows suit.

Hearing this, Su Jing was a little stunned. She didn't think of this. After all, the relationship with Rong Jing was quite embarrassing, and the rumors outside were so strong that Su Jing didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Thank you very much, Rong Jing." With a smile of gratitude, Su Jing got the report and went back to her job immediately.

Suddenly, Rong Jing couldn't help frowning, a little discontented to open a voice: "is that it? No action has been taken. "

"No Su Jing refused in one breath, without looking at Rong Jing. She felt like she was tearing down a bridge.

"At least treat me to a meal." Rong Jing frowned and got up involuntarily. She went to Su Jing and looked at her seriously for advice.

Hearing this, Su Jing could not help frowning. Just about to speak, Rong Jing stretched out her long arm and pulled Su Jing up.

"Rongjing, what do you want?" Su Jing looked at Rong Jing in a panic, and her heart beat.

Hearing this, Rong Jing was mysterious, smiling and speechless. She quickly pulled Su Jing out of the office without giving her the ability to resist.

"Rong Jing, isn't there food in the office? It's not so much trouble. "

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Su Jing sits with the co pilot and smiles at Rong Jing. She feels that there is something wrong with the atmosphere. She still remembers what Rong Jing did during the day.

Rong Jing couldn't drag Rong Jing. Su Jing couldn't be dragged to the car by Rong Jing. Before returning to God, Rong Jing drove at one go and came to manhaston. When Su Jing didn't respond, she ordered a table to eat.

In the face of the temptation of delicious food, and Su Jing was so hungry that she felt it was a little difficult to leave.

"What's cold, will eat bad stomach."

Rong Jing, with a gentle smile, said as she put food in Su Jing's bowl.

"Su Jing, eat it quickly."

Seeing Rong Jing's affectionate face, Su Jing couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She exclaimed in her heart. She looked at the food in embarrassment and did not move her chopsticks.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rong Jing couldn't help frowning, worried and asked, "isn't it against your appetite? I'll give you some more. " As soon as the words fell, Rong Jing immediately raised his hand and wanted to call the waiter.

Su Jing immediately started to stop, smiling at Rong Jing's chatting, and whispered, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no When she finished, Su Jing picked up a crystal dumpling and put it into her mouth.

Su Jing couldn't help showing her happy face. She hadn't eaten such delicious crystal taro dumplings for a long time. It was so delicious.

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The next moment, Su Jing couldn't stop stuffing dumplings into her mouth. She ate them with relish.

Seeing Su Jing's satisfied look, Rong Jing nodded her head, lifted her lips and raised a smile. She seemed to feel very happy without eating.

When Yu Guang glimpses Rong Jing's eyes, Su Jing can't help but sip her mouth and recognize her face. She doesn't want to see Rong Jing's eyes.

To be honest, Rong Jing's eyes are too dazzling. People with a clear eye can see the meaning of Rong Jing, let alone Su Jing.

"Eat it, too." Su Jing was embarrassed to open her voice. She did not dare to look at her eyes. She was afraid that something might happen.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, Su Yan took Rong xijue's arm, and was very intimate. She called softly, "brother xijue, you see, my sister is also here. Why don't we sit together?"

On hearing this, Su Jing frowned. Yu Guang stares at Su Yan and sees her smile. Needless to say, Su Jing also understands Su Yan's meaning.

Isn't it obvious that I don't want her to eat at ease?

"I'm sorry, Miss Su. We've decided on this wing room." Rong Jing mildly smiles and reaches out to signal Su Yan and Rong Xi to go out.

"Brother xijue, there is no place outside?" Su Yan is coquettish and clings to Rong xijue's chest, hoping to get to Rong xijue's face.

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She doesn't want to leave. This is a great opportunity. Since Su Jing and Rong Jing are together, on the one hand, she can make brother xijue die of Su Jing. On the other hand, she can show her charm and let Su Jing see clearly who is worthy of brother xijue.

Seeing Su Yan's look, Su Jing ate as if nothing had happened to her.

Su Jing really felt that it had nothing to do with her. Anyway, Rong xijue and Su Yan were there. She ate the same food and left when she was full.

Hearing Rong Jing say "we" and Su Jing's look of indifference, Rong Xi is determined to bite her lower lip.

The more Rong Jingyue wants him to leave, the more he wants to stay.

"Well, we'll stay." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi did not mind Rongjing's obstruction and sat in the opposite position between Rongjing and Su Jing.

When Su Yan sat down, he made a wink at Rong Jing intentionally or unintentionally, as if to imply something.Touching Su Yan's eyes, Rong Jing couldn't help frowning. Needless to say, he also understood Su Yan's meaning. He must want to play some tricks.

Rong xijue and Su Yan sat down and called for the waiter and ordered many dishes. When serving, the table was full.

Seeing that her favorite crystal dumpling ran to the other end in a flash, Su Jing frowned and stood up, trying to take the rest of the dumplings.

Seeing this, Rong Jing immediately got up, with a gentle smile, and said, "I'll take it for you." Then she took the crystal dumplings to Su Jing.

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Seeing this scene, Su Yan secretly felt very happy and couldn't help but want to praise Rong Jing's behavior. It was really good.

And Rong Xi Jue eyebrows flash a trace of anger, angry staring at Rong Jing, hate to swallow Rong Jing into the stomach.

"Elder sister, young master Rong is very kind to you. I feel very happy when I see it." Su Yan said as she squeezed her eyes toward Rong Jing.

On hearing this, Su Jing ignored Su Yan. Seeing what Su Yan meant, why did she jump into Su Yan's pit? It was asking for trouble.

Su Jing did not speak. She ate quietly. Except for saying thank you to Rong Jing in a low voice, Su Jing did not say anything.

Because Su Jing is not a fool, everyone's eyes are on her, as if she would like something to happen, so she would not be so stupid and follow their meaning.

As long as she's full and gone.

Su Jing continued to eat without paying any attention to their eyes. After a short pause, Su Jing put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth gracefully, and with a gentle smile, "I'm full. You can eat slowly."

As soon as the words fell, Su Jing immediately got up. Just as she was about to leave, she was suddenly caught by Rong Jing's wrist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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