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Su Yuanshun picked up the plate on the table and smashed it at Su Jing's head.

Su Jing didn't look back. She still strode forward. If they wanted to hit them, they would smash them. At most, they would smash more holes. They would not die!

"Bang "Pa..."

The plate hit Su Jing's head, then fell to the ground and broke all over the floor.

Su Jing looked at the broken plate on the ground, and then looked at Suyuan. She raised her right hand to cover the back of her injured brain. She ignored him and continued to walk forward, letting the blood flow down her hair onto her clothes.

In an instant, her white clothes had been dyed red with bright red blood.

"Dad, that's what this bitch is like. She thinks that if she doesn't talk, no one will know what she does? We must not let her go today. We must let her know who that person is? If she doesn't, let her move out of the house! "

Su Yan see Su Yuan also angry jump feet, then add fuel to the fire.

Although Su Jing has already walked to the stairway and didn't even look at Su Yan, she knows what Su Yan's face looks like at the moment!

Is she trying to take this opportunity to drive her out of the house?

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Hurry up, as long as Su Yuan talks, she will leave!

For so many years, she has been staying in this home, just want to guard the home of grandfather's painstaking efforts, just greedy for that little bit of grandfather's breath.

Now, the grandfather is not there, even the only thing left of her grandfather's things are sold and robbed by them. Her only thought is gone.

And the people in this family can't accommodate her. If she continues to stay here, it will be meaningless!

Thinking of this, Su Jing suddenly stopped. Her left hand held her forehead and her right hand held her back. She turned around and looked at Su Yuan coldly, waiting for her words.

Su Jing suddenly stopped and turned around. The bright red blood made her pretty face more beautiful.

Su Yuan's eyes flashed a trace of surprise, and the whole person trembled for a moment. He suddenly thought of Gu Yan, the woman who followed him for many years. She also had such a beautiful appearance.

Lin Yali has been with Su Yuan for many years. Naturally, she is the person who knows Su Yuan best. It can be said that with a look in her eyes, she knows what Suyuan means!

Now when she saw Su Yuan trembling, she knew that the damned Playboy must have thought of Su Jing's bitch mother again!

Lin Yali stands up, grabs Su Yuan's arm, tugs hard, and calls Su Yuan back from her surprise. She says, "Suyuan, you'd better wait until tomorrow. You see, Su Jing's head is bleeding..."

Before Lin Yali finished her words, Su Yan said, "Mom, how can you say that? She's out hanging around and doesn't know when she'll be back? Now it's hard to find someone. How can we just let it go? What if she disappears again tomorrow morning? Isn't the reputation of our family ruined by her? "

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Su Yan's words can be said to be about Su Yuan's heart. This is what he worries about. If Su Jing destroys the reputation of the Su family, he would rather not have this daughter!

"Tell me, what the hell is going on!"

Su Yuan points to Su Jing and says in a cold voice, but he doesn't want to ask Su Jing to bandage the wound. Instead, he goes straight to the topic he wants to know.

"What do you want to know?"

Su Jing asked with a cold face. The bright red blood on that side of her face moved with her voice. It was really strange.

Although she felt ugly, Su Yan felt like she was suffering. She wanted to make Su Jing sad. The more she was sad, the more happy she was, the more happy she would be!

"Look, Dad, she's pretending on purpose? She is usually like this, ask her what is pretending

Su Yan took the opportunity to say.

Su Jing gave Su Yan a cold look. Su Yan took the opportunity to lean against Su Yuan and pretended to be afraid and said, "Dad, she stares at me. You see, she stares at me!"

Su Yan's words make Su Yuan even more angry. This dead girl, not only does not know how to repent, but also dare to be so arrogant. It seems that if he does not teach her a lesson today, she will not know that she is still a member of the Su family.

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"Who is that man? Is it because of this that Rongxi divorced you? How much money did Rongxi give you when she decided to divorce you? How much money did you hide behind our back? "

Su Yuan asked a series of questions, the most important of which was the last two.

Su Jing's heart was full of bitterness. After the bitterness, it was cold again. Her father only saw money!

Why does her grandfather, such a good person, have such a son?

When she thought of her grandfather, Su Jing felt a sharp pain in her heart. Two wounds on her head were bleeding. She had just miscarriage. She could not hold on. She covered a wound in one hand and slowly squatted down to let the blood flow out of her fingers.Although she doesn't like the feeling of being looked down upon by others, she is really tired now. She wants to have a good rest, but she also finds that if she doesn't tell her why, these people will not let her go, or she will leave the home on her own initiative!

What's more, there is a cold-blooded and heartless person waiting to see her joke outside! Even if she didn't have to think about it, Su Jing knew that Rongxi must be listening outside the door at the moment!

Ha ha, everyone is gathered today!

See her joke, want to torture her, want to let her go, even want to let her die all appeared!

In this case, let's get together!

Thinking of this, Su Jing yelled at the door, "I didn't expect that the president of Rongda of Rongshi group is a person who likes to listen to the corner of the wall. If this is spread out, it will be the front page headlines of tomorrow again!"

Su Yuan was shocked by Su Jing's words. He has always maintained a good image outside!

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Su Yan is even more afraid. She doesn't want her brother xijue to see her tender side, and subconsciously arranges her clothes and looks out of the door.

And the only one who didn't feel scared was Lin Yali.

"Su Jing, what are you talking about? Brother xijue is so busy, how can he have time to come here? " When Su Yan saw that Su Jing had called, there was no sign of Rong Xi Jue, so she became arrogant again.

Su Jing was also wondering whether that guy had left? But her things are still in his car!

But didn't he come to see her joke?

Did not see the joke, he should not leave!

"You rebellious girl, isn't it shameful to have such a thing of your own? You want to scare me with the name of rongxijue? It seems that if I don't take care of you today, you don't know what your last name is? "

When Su Yuan heard Su Yan's words, she also felt that it was reasonable, so she yelled at Su Jing in a loud voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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