After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 242: 242

And this feeling is very sudden and violent, Rong Jingsi has no idea how to deal with it, and insists on Su Jing to promise his request and become his girlfriend.

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Or maybe it was the first time that she tried to feel this way. Rong Jing was rejected by Su Jing. He didn't know what to say. He was angry and depressed, but he didn't like to give up in her heart.

"Honor and respect..." When she touched Rong Jing's eyes, Su Jing couldn't help but sip her mouth and gently bite her lower lip, especially when she saw Rong Jing's eyes. All the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat.

"Sujing, you are hungry. Let's go and eat." Rong Jing extended his long arm and quickly grabbed Su Jing's wrist and walked to BMW.

Seeing this, Su Jing took a sip, and wrote helplessness on her face, sighed and shook her honor away.

"Honor, listen to me." Su Jing looked at Rongjing coldly, took a deep breath and hoped that Rong Jing could understand her meaning.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rong Jing was scared at once. She couldn't help but hand her rose to her hand and said softly, "this is for you, Sujing."

Do not want to take the rose, but not as strong as Rong Jing, but under, Su Jing had to take it, slightly sipping her lips to look at Rong Jing.

"Honor, listen to me." Su Jing is very calm now, but the one who is not calm is honor.

Su Jing is calm and Rong Jing is afraid. She subconsciously grabs Su Jing's wrist. Her eyes are full of feelings and love. She sincerely says: "Su Jing, I know you are still doubting my heart now, because my previous behavior also makes you wary of me, but Su Jing believes me, I am serious to you, I am sincere, I want you to guarantee that later There will never be such a thing. My heart will not have anyone else but you. "

Rong Jing held Su Jing's hand tightly, and he was sworn to the ground, and he could not help but put up three fingers in front of her.

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Seeing Rong Jing like this, Su Jing couldn't help but sip her mouth, and her mouth was curving bitterly. She had a soft lip flap and closed it. She really didn't know what she should say.

Su Jing's desire to stop is a kind of suffering for Rong Jing. Rong Jing can not help swallowing her saliva and waiting for her reply in a hurry.

But when Su Jing was about to speak, Rong Jing held her hand tightly and was excited: "Su Jing, you should believe me. I am sincere."

Rong Jing, excited to hold on to Su Jing, couldn't control the strength of her hand, and immediately hurt her.

Immediately, Su Jing could not help but "twice" a sound, frowned slightly, and looked at Rong Jing with pain.

"Honor, can you let go? "It hurts."

At the next moment, Rong Jing immediately released his hand and looked at Su Jing in a hurry, fearing that she might hurt her accidentally.

Su Jing waved her hand, then calmly looked at her eyes and said, "there is something I have to tell you clearly. You are the first person to tell me. To be honest, I am really a little happy. But love has nothing to do with gratitude, I can't accept your heart. "

Wen Yan, Rong Jing was a little stunned, staring at Su Jing for a minute. After half a sound, Rong Jing was depressed. What could he think of, Rong Jing looked up in a moment and looked at Su Jing seriously.

"Su Jing, I can wait even if you don't like me now." Rong Jing suddenly set up a stir fire and was excited: "Su Jing, I can wait for you, until you agree with me."

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Rong Jing smiled gently, and the warm eyes were full of firm, as if they had decided.

Seeing Rong Jing's eyes, Su Jing couldn't help but frown, and she said, "Rongjing, you don't have to be like this, it's not worth it!"

It's really not worth waiting for a woman like her!

"it's not worth it. I has the final say. For me, you are worthy of my love." Rong Jing said with a deep affection, as if she wanted to tell Su Jing that she was in an invincible position in his mind.

As soon as this remark came out, Su Jing could not help but let her feel a little bit more sad.

In Rong Jing's body, Su Jing saw her shadow, which one of them was desperate to love Rongxi.

"Honor, why are you?" Su Jing purses her mouth bitterly, and looks at Xiang Rongjing in a depressed way, and all the words become plain.

Standing not far away, rongxijie saw this scene, and her deep eyes became empty. Su Jing's tears seemed to tell him something.


"Bai Nan, stop me!"

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Bai Nan just to go out, by the white mother a shout, a little Leng, puzzled to see the white mother.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? You lose your temper after dinner. " Bai Nan was a little unhappy, but it didn't show up.

Receiving the news, Rong Jing is pestering Su Jing again. Bai Nan plans to go out after dinner. Just when she arrives at the door, her mother yells behind her.

"Bai Nan, do you think I don't know what you think? No way! " White mother a command tone, angrily staring at Bai Nan, quickly from the dining room out.Waiting for Bai nan to open her voice, the white mother complained bitterly: "you want to see that bitch Su Jing, no way!" White mother full of sharp tone.

Smell speech, white South does not live frown tightly, look at mother displeasantly, really do not know what to say.

Her mother didn't like Su Jing. It wasn't a day or two. He knew about it since her mother asked him to go abroad.

But Su Jing did nothing. Why did her mother hate her so much!

"Mom, why are you so ugly? I'm just going out to play." Bai Nan, with a smile on her face, patted her on the shoulder and left quickly.

White mother shouts also cannot stop, white South has disappeared in her sight.

"Bai Nan, this stinky boy!" The white mother stomped her feet angrily and glared at the white father who ate in the dining room.

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Touching the white mother's eyes, the white father slowly raised his eyes and said softly, "my son has grown up and has his own ideas."

"What's your idea? I think I'm fascinated by that bitch Su Jing. You can't see the truth." White mother is full of displeasure, acerbic way.

White father listen to white mother a person in shouting, still mans orderly eating meal, the corner of the eye flash a sharp vision, seems to be looking at something.

After leaving Bai's house, Bai Nan can't help sighing. She always knew that her mother didn't like Su Jing, but she didn't expect to see her so much.

Bai Nan shook her head a few times, worried about Su Jing's safety. She was afraid that Rong Jing would do too much.


Su Jing promised Rong Jing to have dinner with him. She wanted to refuse Rong Jing, but she couldn't speak all the way.

Rong Jing knew what Su Jing meant and begged Su Jing to give him a chance.

Su Jing didn't answer all the time, but she was so tacit that Rong Jing mistook herself for a chance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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