After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 258: 258

Seeing this scene, Rongxi could not help but be surprised. A touch of worry flashed on her face. She unconsciously started a Porsche and quickly caught up with Su Jing, for fear that something might happen to Su Jing.

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In the end, Su Jing's car ran out of gas and pulled over to one side. Seeing that Su Jing's car had finished, Rongxi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He immediately thought of something, frowned and quickly reached Su Jing's side.

"Su Jing, are you crazy? Driving so fast, aren't you afraid of an accident? " As soon as Rong xijue got out of the car and walked up to Su Jing, she started to scold her. Just now, Rong xiju was so worried about Su Jing that she didn't find her car. Her heart was about to jump out.

Suddenly, Su Jing did not dare to look at Xiang Rongxi. She was like a stubborn child who refused to admit her mistakes.

"You..." Rong Xi was angry, biting her lower lip angrily, especially when she met Su Jing's stubborn appearance.

"You're very reasonable, aren't you? Don't you know the consequences of your racing When she said this, Rongxi stretched out her long arm and quickly grasped Su Jing's chin, forcing Su Jing to face herself squarely.

But when she saw the crystal clear liquid in Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi was stunned and opened her mouth. When she got to her mouth, she was swallowed by him.

"What's the matter? Did you hurt it somewhere? " Rong xijue's tone suddenly became gentle. She looked at Su Jing at a loss for fear that she might be hurt. I don't know.

Su Jing patted off Rong xijue's wrist and ignored Rong xijue. She did not want to see Rong xijue look like. She bit her lower lip and choked: "rongxijue, you go. I'm fine."

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On hearing this, Rong xijue frowned slightly, looked at Su Jing displeasantly, and gasped angrily.

At this time, the woman is still stubborn in front of him. Can't she stand in front of him and bow her head?

"If you look like this, you can't be OK!" Rongxi was never angry to open her voice. She quickly got into Su Jing's car. Her slender fingers pinched Su Jing's chin again, forcing her to face herself.

"It has nothing to do with you." Su Jing replied coldly, hoping that Rongxi would leave and let her be quiet by herself.

"You look like you are now, where is nothing?" Rong Xi uttered an angry tone, and the strength on her finger increased a little bit. She wanted to hold Su Jing's whole body hard.

Feeling the strength of Rong Xijie's hand, Su Jing frowned, bit her lower lip and looked at Rong xijue. She said, "I said it all. It has nothing to do with you."

Hearing this, Rong Xi decided that he could not get out of his breath. He breathed a heavy breath from his nose. He was so angry that his teeth itched. He looked straight at Su Jing and said in a cruel voice, "if there is a relationship, there is a relationship. It's not up to you to decide." Rongxi has a domineering tone.

Hearing the voice, Su Jing frowned discontentedly. The tears in her eyes were forced back by Su Jing. Her eyes returned to her coldness. She gritted her teeth and said, "Rongxi has determined that this has nothing to do with you. It's me, not you, who has been insulted."

"Because you are my woman, because I love you, others abuse me, my heart is not happy." Rongxi looked at Su Jing with her deep eyes. Her face was full of sincerity. Her slender fingers did not know when to hold Su Jing's arm, which seemed to give her a sense of strength.

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Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help sneering. She looked at Rong xijue coldly, "rongxiju, are you kidding me?"

She was so insulted by Lin Taoran, but now Rongxi has vowed to tell her these things. Isn't it ironic?

When she touched Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi was furious. She was about to get angry, but she was immediately suppressed by him. Her eyes were fixed on Su Jing and her thin lips were pressed tightly, as if to convey something.

The next moment, Su Jing unconsciously staggered Rong xijue's eyes, bit her lower lip and said, "you don't have to look at me like this. I can't understand your eyes."

In fact, Su Jing didn't understand the meaning of Rong Xijie's eyes, but what could she do if she understood.

Now, at this time, there is no need for Su Jing to understand this. The first half of her life has been disturbed by Rong xijue, and she doesn't want to be related to Rong xijue in the second half of her life.

"Let go, Rongxi." Su Jing opened her voice with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

Touching Su Jing's look, Rongxi Jue's fingers trembled slightly, and she could not help loosening Su Jing. Her deep eyes became empty.

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Su Jing, she

"Rong Xi Jue, don't you understand?" Su Jing looked at Rong xijue indifferently, with a bitter smile in her mouth, and said in a low voice, "I can't be with you. The past is over, and I won't come back."

As soon as the words fell, Su Jing quickly got out of the car and stopped a taxi to leave, ignoring Rong Xi Jue.

Rongxi was either sad or angry. It had nothing to do with her.

At that moment, Su Jing kept telling herself in her heart.

Hearing this, Rongxi couldn't help but be stunned, staring at Su Jing's back as she left. Her sexy thin lips opened and closed, as if she had lost her soul.

After half a ring, Rong Xi decided to come back to her senses. She sighed and frowned. Even then, Su Jing avoided him.Rong xijue slapped the steering wheel and bit her lower lip. At this time, Su Jing still refused to forgive him and refused to give him a chance.

Rongxi decided to take a few deep breaths to suppress his anger and calm himself down.

Although Su Jing's words hurt his self-esteem a little, Rong Xi definitely got some crucial information from Su Jing's words.

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That is, Su Jing still hasn't let go. In any case, it's hard for him to understand his intention, so he made up his mind to recover Su Jing. He will never shrink back because of such a small thing.

When Su Jing returned to her apartment building, she felt paralyzed again. Why did she have to face all these rumors? And these were unnecessary things. Why couldn't she live a little happier.

She thought that after leaving rongxijue, Su Jing would feel that her life had changed dramatically. Indeed, it had changed dramatically, but this change made Su Jing very painful.

Every day, even if she didn't care about the rumors, she felt bad every time she saw them.

As soon as she opened the door, Su Jing heard Gu Yan's familiar voice. How attractive her mother's voice was to Su Jing. At that moment, Su Jing's eyes began to moisten and she subconsciously bit her lower lip.

"Mom, why are you here?" Su Jing asked mildly. She took a deep breath, put away all the depression and sadness in her heart, and looked at Gu Yan gently. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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