After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 260: 260

"Mom? When was Lin Taoran my mother Rong Xi Jue coldly stares at Rong Ling. His deep eyes are full of terrible murderous spirit. He has seen Lin Taoran's strength since he was a child.

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Besides, when did Lin Taoran treat him as a son!

Rong Xi decided to look at Rong Ling coldly and then said, "besides, Lin Taoran's speech is so bad. Should Su Jing stand there obediently and be lectured by her? Su Jing is qualified to say what she is not. "

If Su Jingxi was so angry, she would not be so angry.

Seeing Rong xijue's look, rongling shook her head and sighed helplessly, "Why are you so stubborn? Su Jing makes your two brothers jealous. Is that a good woman?" Rong Ling looks like he hates iron but doesn't make steel.

Immediately, Rongxi could not stop laughing and looked at rongling. His cold face was full of anger. He said in a cruel voice: "if I tell you, this is Rong Jing who is responsible for his own fault. Do you believe it? Did you see my divorce certificate with Su Jing? "

As soon as the words fell, Rongxi decided to get up quickly and turned away without saying a word. He didn't want to talk with rongling.

Anyway, he didn't feel much about the family and didn't want to stay here.

After Rong xijue said this, Rong Ling couldn't help but be shocked. Then he remembered such a thing. Although Rong xiju and Su Jing were rumored to be divorced, they didn't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to handle the matter. That is to say

At that moment, rongling could not help but drop her face and ponder for a while, wanting to know how this is going on.

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After leaving Rong's home, Rongxi quickly ran to Su Jing's apartment. Originally, she wanted to express her meaning to Su Jing. However, she saw Su Jing and Bai Nan's identity in the front door of the apartment. She subconsciously hid and watched their actions secretly.

"Su Jing, don't worry about it. I'll handle it for you." Bai Nan, in a solemn tone, patted her chest and agreed to Su Jing.

Seeing this, Su Jing couldn't help laughing. A trace of sadness flashed through her clear eyes, and a faint smile rose from the corners of her mouth.

"Thank you, Bainan."

"Thank you for what? Do we need to use the word" thank you "for our relationship Bai Nan looks at Su Jing in a funny way. The evil spirit's face implies other meanings, such as expressing something with Su Jing.

After hearing the speech, Su Jing lifted her lips lightly, and unconsciously staggered Bai Nan's eyes. She could not help but pull off the topic and said in a soft voice, "OK, it's very late. It's time for you to go back." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing immediately turned around.

How could Su Jing not understand Bai Nan's meaning. From that day on, Bai Nan made her heart clear and no longer covered up in front of Su Jing. However, she expressed her love very clearly, which made Su Jing feel embarrassed sometimes.

Seeing Su Jing's back, Bai Nan shrugged her shoulders. A trace of helplessness flashed on her face. Needless to say, Bai Nan understood what Su Jing meant.

Besides, Su Jing is very upset about this matter and doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

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Bai Nan understood this point and felt that he should not disturb Su Jing. However, if he did not disturb Su Jing, it did not mean that he would not go in front of Su Jing.

Who can resist the disappearance of his beloved woman and stay at home foolishly every day? Maybe someone can do it. Bai Nan can't do this kind of thing.

No matter what Su Jing means, or what attitude he faces, Bai Nan will not give up. Facing Su Jing, he is determined to win.

In any case, he knows Su Jing better than Rong Xijie and Rong Jing, and Su Jing doesn't reject him. This is Bai Nan's chance to win.

Such a thought, white South feel depressed mood for a moment after concocting the mind, can't help humming away.

After Bai Nan left, Rongxi walked out of the dark in a slow and orderly manner. He took a look at Bai Nan's back and subconsciously looked in the direction of Su Jing's apartment. Xiuting's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Su Jing, please tell Bai Nan what?" This is what Rong xijue is most curious about. I heard Su Jing thank Bai Nan just now. Obviously, Su Jing asked Bai Nan for help.

Thinking of this, Rong xijue clenched her fist, and a little anger appeared in her body, and she pursed her lips in displeasure. Su Jing preferred to ask Bai Nan for help instead of him, which hurt Rong xijue's self-esteem.

"Su Jing, this stupid woman!" Rong Xi was so angry that he could not find a way out. He murmured bitterly. He wanted to immediately go up and question Su Jing.

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When Rongxi was determined to be impulsive, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang out. It was the number from the sunspot.

"Sunspots..." Rongxi decided to take an impatient tone and felt that he was interrupted by the sunspot at this time, and his mood was very uncomfortable.

Rong xijue's tone was very uncomfortable. The sunspot's originally playful smile suddenly closed up and became serious: "something happened to the boss, the mother of beautiful sister-in-law..."

"What!" The sunspot's words have not yet spoken, Rongxi is determined to interrupt in a hurry, the picture just popped out of his head for a moment, isn't it

"Sunspot, come on, I'll go now." Rongxi uttered a domineering tone. Yu Guang unconsciously looked back at Su Jing's apartment and immediately left in a Porsche.……

At the same time, there was a tense atmosphere in the hall of the Su family.

Su Yan stares at Lin Yali and swallows anxiously. She wants to know something from Lin Yali's mouth.

"Mom, what do you want to do?" Su Yan's urgent tone, white fingers tightly grasp Lin Yali's wrist, gently shake, Yu Guang unconsciously looks at the things on the table.

These are the videos and photos she got in recent days. Especially when Rong xijue and Rong Jing fought for Su Jing in the hospital, they were all photographed by Su Yan.

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She wanted to teach Su Jing a hard lesson. Unfortunately, she came back to discuss with Lin Yali. It's a pity that Lin Yali doesn't allow Su Yan to start now.

Smell speech, Lin Yali subconsciously frown, a face gloomy looking at Su Yan, gently shaking his head.

"Mom, if this is the case, how can I defeat Su Jing? You told me that you can't when you have such a good chance!"

Su Yan stamped her feet angrily and said goodbye. If it hadn't been for Lin Yali's interference, she would have let Su Jing, a bitch, try her best.

Hearing this, Lin Yali sighed and cleared her throat. She said in a meaningful way: "my dear daughter, things are not so simple as you think. You should think about it. If you make a move now, what will happen if Rongxi decides to notice it?"

As soon as this word fell, Lin Yali's eyebrows flashed a shrewd shrewdness, thinking in her heart how to do this thing without being aware of it.

Although Su Yan's news about Su Jing has not been discovered several times before, it does not mean that no one knows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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