After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 266: 266

Seeing this, Su Yan softened and pretended to think of something. She opened her voice suspiciously, "by the way, auntie, how can we not see Bai Nan?"

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As soon as she mentioned this, Bai Mu Qi couldn't find a way out. She said in a vicious low voice: "Bai Nan is attracted by Su Jing, a fox spirit. She went out early in the morning. I didn't even see anyone else's shadow."

Speaking of this, Bai's mother gasped angrily, hoping to let Bai Nan break her heart to Su Jing.

When I heard of Su Nan's marriage proposal, she realized that she was really interested in it

Su Yan deliberately pretended to be innocent, but what she said was to remind the white mother what she was doing.

Hearing this news, the white mother frowned with anger, felt a headache, and sighed: "Su Yan, aunt tell you the truth, I really don't like Su Jing. I'm entangled with so many men. Rong Xi Jue, Rong Jing, who knows who is fascinated by Rong Jing, who is infatuated with the fox spirit Rong Jing. She has no shame to come to Bai Nan's side, which makes me..."

Speaking of this, the white mother does not stop, Yu Guang notes Su Yan's look, which reminds him of the relationship between Su Yan and Rong xijue.

Seeing Su Yan lowering her head as if she was very sad, the white mother couldn't help swallowing her saliva and comforting her: "Su Yan, don't be sad. You are much better than Su Jing. A bitch like her will be late sooner or later."

Hearing this, Su Yan slowly raised her eyes and squeezed out a sweet smile on her face, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Anyone could see the sadness on Su Yan's face.

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"Auntie, we don't talk about this. We say that these bird's nests are very good, especially for nourishing qi and blood." Su Yan said as she handed the bird's nest to white mother.

When the white mother took over the gift box bag, suddenly a small package was transferred out of the gift box bag. Suddenly, white mother and Su Yan exclaimed, suspiciously looking at each other.

"Su Yan..." Murmured perplexedly.

Su Yan's face was confused, shaking his head, puzzled: "Auntie, I don't know." Su Yan pretends to be confused, with a smile on her lips.

Su Yan knows more about what is contained in this small package. Rongxi can't let Rongxi know what she did, so she has to borrow someone's hand.

It happens that Bai Mu's dislike of Su Jing is in line with Su Yan's and Lin Yali's appetites. Besides, Su Yan and Lin Yali are very clear about Bai Mu's character. They look smart, but they are actually very easy to control.

"You don't know." White mother looked at Su Yan suspiciously, but she didn't doubt Su Yan's meaning. She was confused in her heart and wanted to open the things inside.

Seeing the white mother want to open the small package, she was surprised and said in a low voice: "Auntie, be careful that there is fraud inside." As soon as the words fall, Su Yan looks scared. However, in her heart, she wants to open the small package quickly.

White mother didn't pay attention to Su Yan, had already opened the small package, immediately saw what was contained in it. White mother instantly widened her eyes, and Su Yan pretended to be surprised.

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"This is..." Su Yan was surprised at first, then became sad and couldn't help crying.

In fact, Su Yan has already seen the things inside, but she still needs to perform in front of the white mother.

All of a sudden, white mother a gentle tone to comfort Su Yan, advised her not to be upset, do not think nonsense. However, the moment she saw the photo, Bai's mother began to think about how to attack Su Jing and let her leave Bai Nan's side.

Yu Guang catches a glimpse of the white mother's face. Su Yan smiles behind her back, and a smile of pride rises from the corners of her lips. The purpose of this time has been agreed. Next, she is waiting for a good play to be staged. She wants to see how Su Jing, a bitch, can avoid this time.

And Rongxi will never find that she did it. She will only think that it is the white mother who finds someone to do it.

Thinking of the plan of killing two birds with one stone, Su Yan exclaimed in his heart, and felt that he was too clever.


"Look at this?" Bai Mu looks at Lin Taoran with a smile on her face. As soon as she receives this message, Bai Mu can't help but go to the hospital to visit Lin Taoran.

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Other people may not know about the friendship between Bai Mu and Lin Taoran, but they are close friends in private. They will say anything and even give advice to each other.

Seeing the information on the white mother's hand, Lin Taoran was very surprised. He looked at the white mother with a puzzled face and asked, "where did you come from?"

Lin Tao Ran can't help but exclaim, yesterday this matter but was blocked news, how white mother hand has information?

Aware of Lin Taoran's astonishment, the white mother frowned. She was in a good mood. Because of Lin Taoran's eyes, Bai's mother suddenly disappeared.

"What do you mean? Tao Ran, we have been sisters for so long, do you think I will harm you? It was given to me on purpose, and I don't know who. Don't look at this yet. Take a good look at the pictures behind you. " Words fall, white mother a tone of displeasure.

Hearing the speech, Lin Taoran slightly pursed her eyebrows, and did not have a good breath to sip her mouth. Of course, Lin Taoran knew that if she really got angry, it would be endless."Well, don't be angry." Lin Taoran gently comforted, but she was very curious in her heart. She knew that if it wasn't for a big thing, she would not come to her door in person.

When he saw Rong Jing pleading with Su Jing and fighting against Rong Xijie and Bai Nan, Lin Taoran was angry. He was sitting on the hospital bed and was about to jump out.

"Rong Jing, this bastard, loves Su Jing so much? Every day, I'm so obsessed

Hearing this, Bai's mother also felt the same. She slapped the table angrily, stood up, and said in a cruel voice: "the same is true of Bai Nan in my family. She seems to be fascinated by Su Jing. She comes back early and returns late every day. She still contradicts you from time to time. What do you think is so good about Su Jing, a fox spirit?"

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"Su Jing, such a bitch, is really a master Lin Taoran was so angry that his teeth itched. When he thought of yesterday's incident, he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Although Rong Jing helped her yesterday, Lin Taoran could see that Su Jing, the slut in Rongjing's mind, would not have made a scene with her at noon.

"That's right. Tao Ran, you need to be healthy now. Don't be so angry. Su Jing is so simple that we need to teach her a lesson. Otherwise, we think she is loved by everyone."

Smell speech, Lin Tao Ran looks suspiciously to white mother, want to see what from white mother's face.

The next moment, the white mother laughs and winks at Lin Taoran. Then she reaches Lin Taoran's ear and whispers a few words.

"Is this all right?" Lin Taoran was puzzled and thought that the plan proposed by Bai's mother was not feasible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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