After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 308: 308

Without warning, Su Jing said a word. Bai Nan suddenly raised her eyes, and her face was full of surprise, as if she didn't believe it at all.

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"Su Jing, what did you say just now?" Bai Nan opened her voice in a quiet voice. There was a tremor in her voice. She was excited and afraid. She looked at Su Jing as if the scene was an illusion.

Hearing this, Su Jing smiles. Bai Nan is so nervous and excited that Su Jing can understand.

The next moment, Su Jing took a deep breath, squeezed out a sweet smile and said, "I promise you."

When she saw Bai Nan's look and crystal in her hand, Su Jing had already thought about it. She decided to choose Bai Nan. Since she didn't know how to choose, she should choose someone who loves you and you don't hate.

She thought that maybe one day in the future, she would like Bai Nan and live a good life with him.

"Su Jing, you really agreed to me. You really agreed to my proposal." Bai Nan jumped to her feet excitedly and came up to Su Jing in a state of disbelief.

Happiness comes too suddenly, Bai Nan feels a bit unbearable, afraid that all this is an illusion.

The next moment, Bai Nan couldn't help pinching his cheek. He felt stabbing pain. The smile on Bai Nan's face was thicker, and he didn't feel pain at all.

This action was mischievous and lovely, which made Su Jing laugh.

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Seeing Su Jing's smile, Bai Nan felt very happy. She came up to Su Jing and gave her a kiss on her forehead. She said in a soft voice, "thank you, Su Jing." When Bai Nan said this, the eyes of obsidian flashed with bright light.

Seeing this light, Su Jing felt warm in her heart. At that moment, Su Jing felt that her heart was illuminated by Bai Nan's bright smile.

When she saw the smile on Su Jing's face, Rong Xi Jue, standing not far away, was stunned. A trace of shock appeared on her cold face. Her deep eyes looked at Su Jing and Bai Nan.

Although he couldn't hear their conversation, Rong Xi was certain that Su Jing should be a little closer to Bai Nan if she hadn't shown such a bright smile

At that moment, Rong Xi decided to feel a chill in his heart, which was really branded in his heart. No matter what, he and Su Jing couldn't be.

What Su Jing said before has been lingering in Rong xijue's ears, as if to remind him.

Suddenly, Rong xijue's sexy thin lips gave a cold smile and looked directly at Su Jing. In a quarter of an hour, Rongxi decided to return to her former coldness and quickly turned away.

As soon as Rongxi decided to leave, Su Jing suddenly turned back and looked at the direction he had just stood in. A trace of confusion flashed through her clear eyes, as if she had noticed something.

As if feeling Rong xijue's existence, Su Jing couldn't help being confused.

Perceiving Su Jing's look, Bai Nan blinked suspiciously and asked carefully, "what's the matter?" As soon as the words fell, she followed Su Jing's eyes.

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But nothing is found. Bai Nan takes a dim look at Su Jing and wants to see something from Su Jing's face.

Seeing this, Su Jing smiles and shakes her head gently. She says in a soft voice, "nothing." Maybe it was her illusion. How could she see Rong Xi Jue.

Rongxi decided to return to the company, the whole person seems to have been extracted from the soul, sitting in front of the desk, confused looking at the ceiling.

Seeing Rong xijue's face, the sunspot brow slightly frowned. Before it was low pressure, now it's confused space. What is the boss going to do?

However, sunspot is very busy to understand one thing. Rong Xi definitely usually shows this look. Needless to say, it must be that Su Jing has a great relationship.

"Boss, this is what you want." Sunspot put down the information in his hand and looked at Rong xijue with worry.

After hearing the speech, Rong Xi decided to nod his head lightly, but he was indifferent. He did not have any anger at all. He took a light look at the information and gave a low overflow.

Seeing Rong Xi Jue's appearance, the sunspot couldn't help but sip his mouth and opened his voice in displeasure: "boss, if you care about it, go on. Don't sigh here. Beautiful sister-in-law will not see it or know it."

Rongxi never answered the sunspot, and still kept his look and state just now.

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See rongxijue this appearance, sunspot gas can't hit a place to come, maliciously stare at Rong xijue, the mouth opened, the next moment reluctantly closed.

Sunspot is very clear that he is just an outsider. Su Jing and Rong xijue are responsible for this matter. He can't say anything.

After a helpless sigh, the sunspot face helpless: "boss, I still say that, if you care, then don't let go, unless..."

"Except for what?" Rongxi was determined to open his voice coldly, his deep eyes flashed a trace of imperceptible look, looked straight at the sunspot, as if he wanted to hear different words from the sunspot's mouth.

In fact, the sunspot doesn't know what to do, but he feels that unless Rong xijue gives up, or Su Jing already has someone she likes, he will regret it if he gives up like this.

Unable to get the answer from the sunspot, Rongxi gave a faint smile, with a trace of sadness in her lips, and said in a low voice, "what if she chose someone else?"Smell speech, sunspot slightly a Leng, obviously a little surprised to hear this news, but see Rong Xi Jue's eyes, sunspot suddenly calm down.

"Boss, did you hear sister-in-law admit it yourself?"

"No Rongxi shook her head vigorously, but Su Jing's bright smile appeared in her mind.

Seeing this, the sunspot pursed his mouth helplessly, coughed softly, and solemnly said, "since there is no such thing, why are you so sure that the beautiful sister-in-law has chosen someone else? Boss, you know something better than me, and seeing is not necessarily true."

Speaking of this, the sunspot stopped and felt there was no need to go on.

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There are some things that Rongxi knows better than he does, and he doesn't need to say anything more.

"Sunspot, you don't understand." Rongxi will faint overflow a sentence, the corner of his lips hang a touch of sadness, cold face is no longer like the past as heroic, but more a trace of sadness.

"Boss, I don't understand. There are many people in the game and there are many onlookers."

Sunspot's words hit Rong xijue's heart. It's impossible for Rongxi not to be surprised when he heard the sunspot say so. At the same time, a little strange idea appeared in his heart. If he could, Rongxi would like to ask Su Jing clearly.

But he was afraid again, because he was afraid to hear cruel words from Su Jing.

And this kind of emotion entangles Rong xijue, let him not know what to do.

Rongxi didn't know what to do. In the end, he found Su Jing.

When she saw Su Jing and Bai Nan walking in the alley like little lovers, Rongxi felt like a knife in her heart. How she hoped that the scene she saw was false.

However, Su Jing and Bai Nan whispered in Rong xijue's ears, beating his every nerve and telling him that what he saw was true. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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