After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 332: 332

Xiao Feifei looks straight at Su Jing. Her eyes are a little confused. Before, she thought Su Jing was an open-minded woman, but now She didn't understand.

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Not waiting for Xiao Feifei to come back to his senses, Bai Nan urged several times in front of him, obviously very impatient.

Seeing this, Xiao Feifei immediately followed up with a trace of melancholy on her face. She did not say anything about Su Jing, but buried it in her heart.

At the same time, Su Jing looked around suspiciously. A little confused appeared on her face. Just now she heard someone calling Bai Nan. Did she hear the wrong person.

After confirming that she did not see Bai Nan's figure, Su Jing was relieved. If she really met Bai Nan, she would be miserable.

In the evening, Su Jing bought food for Rong xijue. She already saw that Bai Nan was jealous and unhappy.

If this scene is discovered by Bai Nan, it may be what happens.

Suddenly, Su Jing sighed and sipped, and quickly returned to the room, while Rong xijue was already sitting on the bed, gazing at Su Jing.

"Worried about being known by Bai Nan?" Rongxi decided to get straight to the point without any surprise.

On hearing this, Su Jing frowned, pursed her lips tightly and looked at Rong xijue. She didn't know what to say.

She did worry because she didn't want unnecessary things to happen.

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Seeing this, Rongxi decided to smile faintly. She must have looked at Su Jing for two minutes. Then she opened her voice faintly: "go back."

As soon as the words fell, Rongxi would not say a word, lying on the bed, covering the quilt, indicating that he was going to sleep.

Seeing the meaning of Rong xijue, Su Jing nodded her head, but she was unable to hook her lips. In a soft voice, she said, "you should have a rest early."

As soon as the words fell, Su Jing immediately turned and left, leaving Rong xiju with no chance to speak.

When Su Jing's figure disappeared, Rong xijue slowly opened her eyes. Her deep eyes had an indescribable look. Her sexy thin lips opened and closed, but she couldn't spit out a word.

After half a sound, Rongxi will toss and turn on the bed, can't help but sit up. At this time, a tall figure appears at the door, and Rongxi will look at it curiously.

At that moment, a cold smile flashed on his face. Needless to say, Rongxi knew who it was.

"If you have something to say, you don't have to stand at the door." Rong Xi Jue a light tone, as if a pair of confident look.

After half a ring, Bai Nan opens the door in a high spirited mood. His normally playful face suddenly becomes serious. His eyes are directly staring at Rong xijue, just like the feeling that his enemies are particularly jealous.

Seeing Bai Nan's eyes, Rong xijue was obviously complacent. He motioned for Bai nan to sit at will and opened his voice faintly: "I think you must have something to do with me so late."

Smell speech, white South laughs for a while, on the face flash a sharp vision, straight fall on Rong Xi Jue body.

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"Rong xijue, I'll get to the point. Please keep a distance from Su Jing. You and Su Jing have nothing to do with you. Don't pester her with all kinds of reasons." Bai Nan has a sharp tone.

As for Rong xijue's method, Bai Nan can say that he is about to explode, but he thinks he can't be so stingy. How can we say that Rong Xijie is also Su Jing's savior.

However, Rong Xi decided three times and four times. If he approached Su Jing for this reason, Bai Nan would be angry even if he had a good temper.

Smell speech, Rong Xi can't help but sneer, a face disdain looking at white South.

"Bai Nan, you are too mean."

"Stingy, I don't think, if I'm really big, it's a big deal!" Bai Nan couldn't help but laugh and glared at Rong Xi Jue.

"If it were you, you would be so generous."

Bai Nan said this, but when it comes to Rong Xi's determination, if it were for him, it might be several times more serious than Bai Nan.

But this kind of thing, Rongxi will never say, if told, will only be white South joke.

"It's Su Jing's freedom. You can't control it." Rongxi has a cold glance at Bai Nan.

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Hearing this, Bai Nan couldn't help laughing. He looked at Rong xijue with disdain on his face and said in a low voice, "Rong Xi Jue, don't think I don't know your mind. On the surface, you speak so well, but in fact, I don't know which point to think carefully? "

As soon as the words fall, Bai Nan looks scornful and looks at Rong xijue, as if seeing through Rong xijue's mind.

Suddenly, rongxijue's face was slightly stiff, but there was no intention to cover it up. He said in a soft voice to Shangbai Nan's eyes: "even if you are guessed right, you can't stop Su Jing's behavior."

Rong xijue is right. Even Bai Nan has no right to stop Su Jing.

But it's strange that Bai Nan is not angry because Su Jing and Rong xijue are getting closer and closer.

Bai Nan couldn't find a way out and said in a cruel voice, "Rong Xi Jue, what I want to say today, please keep a distance from Su Jing. If you want to mess around, don't blame me for being rude." As soon as the words fell, Bai Nan left angrily and glared at Rong Xi Jue.Seeing Bai Nan's eyes, Rongxi couldn't help laughing. A funny smile flashed across his cold face.

No one dares to say this in front of him. Bai Nan is more daring,

however, Rongxi never cares about this matter at all. He will never be afraid of what means Bai Nan can do to make it happen.


At the same time, Su Jing returned to her apartment and saw Rong Jing in front of her apartment.

Suddenly, Su Jing couldn't help pursing her eyebrows. A trace of depression flashed on her face, and she sighed helplessly in her heart.

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She knew what Rong Jing meant to her, but she was reluctant to be happy. There was no possibility between her and Rong Jing.

However, Rong Jing didn't listen to her all the time and kept pestering her, which made Su Jing feel helpless sometimes.

"Su Jing, you're back." Rong Jing quickly stepped forward, the original look of resentment, suddenly restored to the previous mild.

"Are you tired? Are you hungry? " Respect and gentle care.

Suddenly, Su Jing gave her eyes to Rongjing and pursed her mouth for a moment, but she said, "Rongjing, it's very late. Please go back to have a rest." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing waved and motioned Rong Jing to go back.

However, Rong Jing didn't listen to Su Jing's advice. He still went his own way. He thought that if he was good to Su Jing, she would find him good one day.

"No, I know. You went to visit Rong xijue. If you can, I will go for you later." Rong Jing has a firm tone and looks at Su Jing seriously.

Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help but smile. It was the first time that she heard such a novel word. She went to visit Rong xijue because Rong xijue saved her life.

Su Jing felt that she should be polite to her rescuer. However, Rong Jing said this to her today, which made her feel helpless.

"No, it's better for me to do things like honor and respect myself." Su Jing gave a polite smile, but her eyes flashed. She looked at Rong Jing, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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