After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 364: 364

"I..." At that moment, Su Jing hesitated unconsciously. For a moment, she did not know what to say. She could not stop biting her lower lip and trying to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

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At that moment, Su Jing did not intend to refuse Rong xijue's intention, but did not know what to do. She seemed to be waiting for Rong xijue to speak.

Seeing Su Jing's awkward appearance, Rongxi couldn't help laughing and explaining, "don't be nervous. I'm just worried about your safety. Although today's affairs are over, it doesn't mean they won't do it. If they do, I'm afraid I won't be able to save you."

Hearing this, Su Jing nodded slightly. She understood what Rong xijue meant and what it was about.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi Jue's sexy thin lips curled up slightly, raised a slight smile, and then said: "in fact, I didn't mean to let you move into Huating villa, just stay in for one night. You can come back safely tomorrow." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi could not help but raise a sweet smile.

Hearing this, Su Jing exclaimed, nodded unconsciously, and agreed with Rong xijue.

Rongxi is absolutely right. If they don't give up and want to fight her again, it's not impossible.

Thinking of this, Su Jing was frightened. She looked at Rong xijue in a daze. She could not help but nod her head and agreed to Rong xijue's proposal.

Seeing this, Rong xijue's lips slightly upturned and raised a faint smile. Without saying a word, he started the car and flew away quickly to the direction of Huating villa.

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When she came to Huating villa, Su Jing had a feeling that she had not seen her for a long time. In addition to her sense of familiarity, she also felt a little sad. But now is not the time to be sad, because Su Jing has already understood the matter and there is no need to worry about it.

But after so long absence, it seems a little different here. What's different is that it becomes a little dirty.

Su Jing unconsciously reached out her hand and touched the things around her. A dark layer of gray adhered to Su Jing's hand for a moment. At that moment, Su Jing frowned tightly and stared at the ash layer, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rong Xijie quickly waved his hands and explained, "I'm usually alone. I don't have time to clean." As soon as the words fell, the smile on Rong Xi Jue's face seemed a little stiff.

"It's not that you don't have time to clean, but you never clean." Su Jingwei narrowed her eyes and stared at Rong xijue for a moment. She looked very angry and wanted to settle accounts with Rongxi.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi could not help but squeeze out a smile and said in a good voice: "it's ok if you know. Why do you need to tear me apart?" As soon as the words fell, Rongxi Jue's face was full of smile.

Seeing the smile on Rong xijue's face, Su Jing didn't know what to say. She sighed helplessly. From entering the living room, Su Jing looked at every corner of the room, especially the location of the kitchen. Su Jing couldn't find any adjectives.

"Rongxi Jue, how can you make the house so dirty." Su Jing ran to Rong xijue in a huff and puffed her breath. She was obviously very angry.

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"Well In fact, you should know Men How can you do housework? Cleaning this kind of thing is for you. " Rongxi was determined to squeeze out a reason.

Hearing this reason, Su Jing didn't know what to say. She sighed helplessly, looked speechless at Rong xijue, and said in a soft voice, "I know that."

"Su Jing, don't get angry. In fact, it's normal. I live here as a big man, and no one cleans it. It's normal."

"Won't you hire a part-time worker?" Su Jing glared at Rong xijue.

"I can't do this. I'm a cleanliness freak. I can't let people in at will." Rongxi uttered a solemn and awe inspiring tone, but it fell into Su Jing's ear and became another meaning.

Suddenly, Su Jing stared at Rong xijue, frowned and said in a low voice, "needless to say, I know what you mean." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing shrugged helplessly and then raised her eyebrows at Rong xijue.

"If you need me to clean up, you can ask, but you have to pay." Su Jing looked complacent and was not afraid to bargain with Rong Xi.

Hearing this, Rong Xi decided to smile gently, nodded heavily, and said softly, "no problem, open a price."

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Su Jing stretched out five fingers, looked at Rong xijue playfully and laughed at Rong xijue.

"50000, deal." Rongxi was determined to speak in a cheerful tone and clapped Su Jing's hands without saying a word.

At that moment, Su Jing couldn't help laughing. She looked at Rong xijue with disdain and said in a low voice, "I only say 5000, you're 50000. It's really generous." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing snickered and accepted Rong xijue's 50000.

Seeing Su Jing's smile, Rong xijue didn't mean anything wrong. On the contrary, he thought that 50000 yuan was the right thing to do. Let her beloved woman clean up. This is something that money can't buy. Do you still need to bargain?

In Rong xijue's opinion, there is no need at all.The next moment, Su Jing felt a little hungry. She couldn't help but go to the kitchen and want to cook some noodles. But there was nothing in the fridge.

"Rongxi Jue, don't you have to eat?" Su Jing couldn't help looking back at Rong xijue. Her face was full of depression. She really didn't know how Rong xijue lived. The room was dirty and the refrigerator was empty. Could she have only one bed?

At this moment, Su Jing really did not understand what was in Rong xijue's head.

On hearing this, Rongxi never stopped laughing, but shrugged his shoulders and explained, "sometimes things are too many and broken. After throwing them away, they don't buy them."

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Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help but blush. She couldn't find any words to describe. She looked at Rong xijue, her face full of depression: "but I'm hungry now. What can I do?"

"Go out shopping." Rong xijue looked calm and comfortable, and obviously she was not embarrassed at all. But now, Su Jing has been left speechless by rongxijue, and there is a fire in her chest.

Suddenly, Su Jing took a deep breath and tried to suppress her anger. She gave Rong xijue a bad look and said, "no more food, better sleep." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing turned around without saying a word and immediately walked in the direction of the guest room.

Seeing that Su Jing was angry, Rongxi frowned in displeasure, and her face was full of depression. She didn't expect that things would change like this. She had a good conversation just now, but now he has made Su Jing angry.

"Su Jing, listen to my explanation. Don't be angry." Rong xijue stood at the door, patted the door and explained that she was afraid that Su Jing would be angry and ignore him later.

Now the relationship between him and Su Jing is not easy to get better. Rongxi never wants to go away like this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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