After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 417: 417

As soon as she touched Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing felt a blush on her face. Subconsciously, she staggered Rong xijue's eyes and covered her head for a moment.

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To be honest, if Rongxi would never tease Su Jing, Su Jing is no different from a sex girl now.

Without waiting for Su Jing to think about it in the quilt, Rongxi did not know when she went to Su Jing's bed, slowly lifted up Su Jing's quilt and asked softly, "what's the matter? Don't you dare not breathe when you cover the quilt

Hearing rongxijue's soft voice, she thought rongxijue didn't mean to tease at all. But seeing the evil smile in rongxijue's eyes, she suddenly realized.

Rongxi would never miss any chance to make fun of her.


What did Su Jing want to say, but Rong xijue took the lead. Rong xijue looked at Su Jing and asked softly, "what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Su Jing's Blush exploded in an instant. She couldn't help but stagger Rong xijue's eyes. Her pink lips opened and closed, but she couldn't say a word.

At this time, Su Jing can't even say that she can smile.

"What's the matter? Don't speak? Shy? " Rongxi had a look of ridicule. He looked very proud. He was in a good mood. He was obviously very happy.

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Touching Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing was embarrassed to sip her mouth for a moment, but she couldn't say a word.

Knowing that she is like this, Rongxi will still deliberately say so, obviously is teasing her.

Suddenly, Su Jing gave Rong xijue an unhappy look, but with her red cheeks, she didn't look unhappy, but angry.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi couldn't help but raise her hand, gently stroked Su Jing's cheek and said in a soft voice, "when did you learn to pout?"

"It's none of your business." Su Jing's tone of displeasure made her face turn away unconsciously. Rong xijue touched her lips, and the blush on Su Jing's face deepened.

At that moment, Su Jing really felt that she had no confidence. How could she face such a small move of Rong Xi Jue and blush? She was too thin skinned.

"I don't really care?" Rongxi suddenly did not have a funny smile, eyes emerged a trace of evil charm smile, warm fingers gently touched Su Jing's lips, "if I don't care, I'll start."

Looking at Xi Jing, she thinks that Xi Rong is joking.

However, seeing the very serious look on Rong xijue's face, Su Jing knew that he was serious and would really start.

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"Rong Xi Jue..." Su Jing called out in a low voice. She didn't expect things to change like this all of a sudden. She looked at Rong xijue with her mouth open and closed. Just about to speak, she was suddenly stopped by Rong xijue.

"Don't think I can do anything, I really can." As soon as the words fell, Rong Xi decided to approach Su Jing slowly. Her deep eyes were only one finger away from Su Jing.

At that moment, Su Jing saw a touch of tenderness and her own reflection from Rong xijue's eyes. She could see her position in Rongxi's determination.

Su Jing was slightly stunned. Her mouth opened and closed, but she didn't know what to say. She looked a little confused.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi couldn't help laughing. Without saying a word, Rongxi leaned down. Her sexy thin lips were tightly attached to Su Jing's lips. She did not move. There was no other movement, so she pressed firmly.

Suddenly, Su Jing's eyes were full of confusion, and she didn't understand Rong xijue's meaning at all. She blinked at Rong xijue, trying to find something on the other side's face.

At this time, Rong Xi Jue suddenly got up, with a soft smile in her lips. She checked the tip of Su Jing's nose and whispered, "don't be nervous. I won't mess around." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi turned around without saying a word and walked quickly to the sofa.

At that moment, Su Jing looked at Rong xijue suspiciously, blinking her clear eyes for a long time. It was not until Rong xijue began to work that Su Jing regained her mind.

Just now

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At that time, Su Jing really thought Rongxi would kiss her crazily. As a result

I didn't expect Rongxi to control herself. But for some reason, Su Jing felt a little lost, as if she couldn't get anything and felt dissatisfied.

Of course, Rongxi never knew what Su Jing was thinking. Now he was focused on her work and didn't look at her. However, Su Jing began to make a fuss. She pursed her mouth discontentedly and looked at Rong xijue with a pair of eyes.

I feel that Rong xijue was playing with himself just now, and he didn't mean anything at all.

The next moment, aware of her thoughts, Su Jing couldn't help exclaiming. Her head seemed to have been blown open. She could not help but pursed her mouth and bit her lower lip carefully.

"What am I doing?" Su Jing couldn't help murmuring in a low voice. What she thought just now was a bit humiliating. If Rong Xi knew it, then

In order not to let Rongxi find out this, Su Jing immediately closed her eyes and let herself get rid of all her troubles and sleep well.At first, Rong xijue's face still appeared in Su Jing's mind. She couldn't help but frown and looked very depressed. Then she fell asleep unconsciously.

When Su Jing wakes up, Rongxi must have gone to work. The birds outside the window are chirping, which seems to be calling Su Jing to wake up.

Seeing this, Su Jing got up slowly with a soft smile on the corner of her lips. She immediately saw something that Su Jing's light had touched. Her eyebrows wrinkled and she looked at Lin Yali standing not far away.

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Seeing Lin Yali early in the morning, Su Jing's original good mood suddenly disappeared. Her clear face instantly returned to her former coldness. She looked at Lin Yali coldly, looked at her carefully, and whispered, "what's the matter with you?"

It is the so-called "three treasures hall", Lin Yali suddenly appeared, there must be something.

"Su Jing, I beg you to save Su Yan. Only you can save Su Yan." With a pleading look, Lin Yali walked up to Su Jing.

Suddenly, Su Jing frowned and looked at Lin Yali warily. A shred of sharp eyes flashed in her eyes.

Lin Yali suddenly showed such a look, which made Su Jing a little confused, but she had to be on guard. Su Jing knew what Lin Yali had measured in the past. Now she must have some purpose in pretending to look like this.

"Lin Yali, don't act in front of me." Su Jing took a cold look at Lin Yali from top to bottom.

Although she didn't know what medicine Lin Yali bought in the gourd, Su Jing thought it was not a good thing. Su Jing was very clear about Lin Yali's measurement.

"Su Jing, please, help Su Yan. Only you can save Su Yan. She was taken away by the police and said she was the cause of the accident." Lin Yali said, can not help but a snot, tears, can not help kneeling down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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