After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 436: 436

Suddenly, the sunspot could not help but sigh, thinking where his momentum had gone, how could he suddenly become like this.

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But this is not the time to say these things. The sunspot came here today, but there is something important to tell Rong xiju.

Standing in front of the bathroom, sunspot thought a lot. Su Jing stayed in it for so long. Needless to say, sunspot understood what it meant.

Su Jing must be sad. Otherwise, she would not have stayed here for so long. The people who can solve this problem need not think about it and don't know who it is.

To this end, he just momentum rushed to come over, but the sunspot did not expect that he could not keep his momentum so quickly.

Rongxi never stopped frowning. He looked unhappy, glared at the sunspot, snorted coldly, and said in a low voice: "if you have anything, just say it directly. Isn't it a momentum appearance just now? Why don't you talk now

Hearing the anger in Rongxi's breach, the sunspot couldn't help laughing and chatting. He took a careful look at Rong xijue and said in a soft voice, "in fact, the boss is like this. Don't you really go to see the beautiful sister-in-law?"

After the sunspot said this, Rongxi could not help but be stunned, staring at the sunspot, and could not help sighing, with a helpless tone, "it's not that I don't go, but that Su Jing doesn't want to see me."

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If it hadn't been for this, Rongxi would never have been so worried, nor would he have to let the sunspot take care of Su Jing instead of him. Every time he thought of this, Rongxi was determined to be full of depression, his fist clenched and his chest burning with anger.

"Sunspot, do you think I don't want to see Su Jing? Don't you want to know about her? Because of what happened yesterday, we had a fight, and as a result Speaking of this, Rongxi never stopped, a look of depression, can not help but sigh, deep eyes flashed a trace of helplessness.

What Rongxi said is the truth. If it wasn't for what happened last night, Rongxi would never have been so depressed and sad. He would not be sulking here alone.

Hearing this, the sunspot's mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't say a word. He didn't know what to say. Originally, he intended to persuade Rong Xijie not to confront Su Jing.

Well, the fact is, he didn't figure out what was going on. The problem was not Rong xijue, but Su Jing. But the sunspot thought about it carefully. It was not only Su Jing's problem, but also Rongxi Jue's problem.

"Boss, actually..." Sunspot can't help but stammer up, do not know what to say, heart is full of depression.

Touching the sunspot's eyes, Rongxi could not help frowning. Obviously, he looked a little unhappy. He could not help but ask in a low voice: "what's the matter? What do you want to say

"Boss, I think it's better for you to see beautiful sister-in-law in the past. Now, the situation of beautiful sister-in-law is very unstable."

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Smell speech, Rongxi will slightly a Leng, a face of doubt to see the sunspot, the face is full of anxiety, quickly walked to the sunspot, a grasp of sunspot wrist, hard voice: "sunspot, what do you say?"

"I said..."

Without waiting for the sunspot to finish speaking, Rongxi said anxiously, "is something wrong with Su Jing? Or is there a physical problem? "

Hearing this, sunspot's face is chatting and smiling. Rong Xijie misunderstands his meaning. Suddenly, sunspot taps Rong xijue on the shoulder and says, "no, boss, you should calm down first. Beautiful sister-in-law is in good health. As for the bad things, she is in a bad mood."

"Mood problems?" Rongxi never frowned, and looked suspiciously at the sunspot.

Seeing this, the sunspot began to smile and slowly opened his voice to explain: "in fact, it's nothing. It's just that beautiful sister-in-law is in a low mood and listless." As soon as the words fell, the sunspot unconsciously took a peek at Rong xijue and wanted to see something from Rong xijue's face.

On hearing this, Rongxi decided to frown, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her deep eyes. Obviously, she didn't believe sunspot's words. Last night, Su Jing looked very calm. How could she care about this.

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Seeing Rong xijue's look, needless to say, the sunspot also understood what he meant. Suddenly, the sunspot immediately explained, with a serious tone: "boss, sometimes some things can't be seen on the surface, and beautiful sister-in-law can hide her feelings. If you don't carefully observe, how can you know?"

As soon as the words fell, the sunspot took a meaningful tone and looked sincerely at Rong xijue.

Touching the sunspot's eyes, Rong xijue's eyebrows unconsciously wrinkled into a chuanzi, looking very serious, as if thinking about something important.

"Sunspot, what you said is true?" Rongxi determined a tone of dubious doubt, obviously a little do not believe what the sunspot said.

Hearing this, the sunspot gave Rong xijue a helpless look behind his back. He was a bit impulsive and wanted to take Rong xijue down to Su Jing and have a good look at Su Jing's current situation.

However, the sunspot did not dare to do so. After all, Rong xijue is the boss. In this situation, even if he takes Rong Xijie to the past, he may not be able to see Su Jing's look.

However, we are not talking about these things now. There is a very important thing that Rongxi must do."Boss, if you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself how beautiful sister-in-law is now." The tone of sunspot's vow and promise did not seem to mean to lie at all.

As soon as the words fell, the sunspot couldn't help looking at Rong xijue secretly, and wanted to know what Rong xijue thought now. If Rong xijue didn't want to pass now, then

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The sunspot didn't know what to do next.

Touching the sunspot's eyes, Rongxi could not help nodding. Believing the sunspot's words, he could not help biting his lower lip. A trace of depression flashed across his cold face, and he did not know what to do.

Seeing Rongxi's indecisive appearance, the sunspot sighed and whispered: "boss, do you really want to be like this? There is such a good opportunity, if you don't grasp it, it will be too late to regret. "

What the sunspot said is the truth. Now is the best time for Rong xijue and Su Jing to express their feelings to each other. If Rong Xijie and Su Jing were not always in a state of discord, they would like to help.

Smell speech, Rongxi decided to gently pick eyebrows, was obviously excited by the sunspot's words, but the deep eyes still emerged a little hesitation, thinking about what to do.

"Boss, you are still hesitating. What time is it now?" With a helpless tone, sunspot couldn't help but push Rong xijue to Su Jing.

Immediately, Rongxi decided to frown slightly, and could not help but droop his face. After thinking about it, he still felt that the sunspot's words were very reasonable. He should seize the opportunity now. He should not be silly and do nothing, waiting for the opportunity to come. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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