After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 456: 456

"If that's the case, then we don't have to talk about it." Rongxi decided to speak coldly and stopped at once, never giving Zhao Yujie a dominant position.

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This time the negotiation was very obvious. Rongxi never settled with Zhao Yujie for her entrapment and actions. It was already very good.

This time Zhao Yujie delivered the door herself, so don't blame Rongxi for being rude.

At the end of the speech, Rongxi decided to turn around without saying a word and move towards the direction of Porsche step by step. He did not want to negotiate with Zhao Yujie at all.

Seeing this, Zhao Yujie couldn't stop biting her lower lip, and her chest was burning with anger. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down and not fight with Rong Xi Jue.

Today, she made an appointment with Rongxi. However, if she has a very important opinion, she can't be impulsive, because a little emotional problems will destroy the plan.

"Rongxi, if you leave, we won't have to negotiate." Zhao Yujie's cheerful tone seemed not to be moved by Rong Xi's decision.

Hearing this, Rongxi couldn't help but sneer. The eyes of obsidian flashed a trace of coldness, and stopped without saying a word.

Fortunately, Zhao Yujie opened her voice, otherwise Rongxi would be angry and leave directly.

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But now Rongxi definitely remembered one thing. Today he came here to inquire about Zhao Yujie's information. He couldn't be impulsive.

Thinking of this, Rong Xi decided to take a deep breath and repress all the anger in his heart into his body. In an instant, he became calm and calm in the past and took Zhao Yujie as the object of negotiation.

"Since you mean to negotiate, we'll write off all that we've just done." Rong xijue looked at Zhao Yujie coldly with a faint smile on her face.

Seeing Rong xijue's look, Zhao Yujie disdainfully pursed her mouth. It was obvious that rongxijue was in a state, and only regarded her as a businessman.

Zhao Yujie knew this very well that she had been with Rong xijue for so long. It was because of this that she was so angry.

It seems that Rongxi definitely does not feel at all for her, thinking about how to let her leave.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhao Yujie became calm. She looked at Rong xijue with pride and confidence and said in a low voice, "nothing. I just want to talk to you about our marriage."

On hearing this, Rongxi Jue frowned tightly, and a trace of anger flashed between his eyebrows. His cold face suddenly darkened and seemed to be about to explode.

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Zhao Yujie is really not mentioning which pot! Rong Xi did not settle the matter with her, but Zhao Yujie mentioned it.

"Marriage? When did we get married? " Rongxi never stopped sneering. Her eyes were full of coldness, and her eyes were staring at Zhao Yujie. A trace of murderous spirit flashed across her face.

If Zhao Yujie is so ignorant and continues to make mischief, then don't blame him for his impoliteness and disrespect for his feelings in those days.

Seeing Rong xijue's look, needless to say, Zhao Yujie also understood what she meant. She could not help smiling and leaned on the car. Her slender fingers touched the car.

"Don't be so angry. Let me finish first. For you and me, this marriage may not be a bad thing, or a good thing."

On hearing the speech, Rong xijue snorted coldly and glared at Zhao Yujie with sharp eyes. He didn't believe what Zhao Yujie said. However, Rong xijue could see clearly that he could not get anything except Zhao Yujie and rongling, and also made Su Jing lose confidence in him.

He and Su Jing had a hard time together, and Rongxi would never allow this kind of thing to happen.

"Good? What I didn't see was just a bad thing for me Rong Xi gave a cold smile and a sharp glance at Zhao Yujie. She was full of terrible breath.

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It is not Rong xijue who is joking or deliberately saying offensive words. This is the same thing for Rong xijue.

Hearing this, Zhao Yujie looked calm and free. She did not feel angry or depressed because of Rong xijue's refusal. She looked very happy with a strange smile on her lips.

"Is it? But what was the purpose of Rongxi's decision to purchase Su's company? Have you forgotten? " When Zhao Yujie said this, she threw a bright smile to Rong xijue, just like an expert in planning.

On hearing this, Rongxi never stopped biting his lower lip. This is the place where rongxijue has been depressed. Although the Su family's company has been acquired, it has not been well organized in terms of operation, especially the internal problems, which make rongxijue one of the first two big ones, and the problem has not been solved yet.

However, Zhao Yujie must have investigated the matter and knew the problems.

"Zhao Yujie, what do you want?" Rong xijue uttered a cold tone and looked straight at Zhao Yujie, biting her lower lip tightly. She looked very depressed.

On hearing the speech, Zhao Yujie beamed, with a smile of March spring breeze on her face and a complacent look on her face. She said softly, "in fact, my requirements are very simple. You can see that now you need external forces to help you reorganize the Su family company, and I am the best candidate.""You mean this marriage is inevitable." Rongxi decided to say a word in a cold voice. His deep eyes were full of anger and were about to spray out.

"Rong xijue, since you know it, why ask me again?" Zhao Yujie gave a bright smile, with a haughty smile in the corner of her lips. She did not pay any attention to it.

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All of a sudden, Rongxi never stopped sneering, one hand covered half of his face, did not know whether it was because of anger or depression, in short, it looked a little scary.

"Zhao Yujie, your wishful thinking is very loud. However, you have overlooked one point, that is, whether I am willing to be Rong Xi!" Rongxi said in a harsh voice, with a terrible light shining in his eyes. He looked straight at Zhao Yujie without giving her a right to speak.

"Don't forget, as long as I don't want to, everything is in vain. You know my ability, my temper, you know, the consequences of angering me are very serious."

As soon as the words fell, Rongxi looked at Zhao Yujie coldly, raised his chin slightly, and looked condescending. He did not pay any attention to Zhao Yujie at all.

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie was a little stunned. She didn't expect that this forced Rongxi to be angry. However, it also shows that Rongxi definitely cares about this matter. If she works harder, maybe

Aware of Zhao Yujie's meaning, Rongxi couldn't help but sneer. He looked at Zhao Yujie sharply and said in a low voice, "Zhao Yujie, don't think you can use this to restrain me. As long as I don't allow it, it's useless to say anything." As soon as the words fell, Rong Xi resolutely glared at Zhao Yujie.

Without waiting for Zhao Yujie to return to her senses, Rongxi immediately turned around, waved to Zhao Yujie, and said in a cold voice, "Zhao Yujie, our negotiation is over, there is nothing to talk about." After that, Rongxi decided to get on the bus quickly and start the car to leave at one go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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