After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 484: 484

Without Su Jing's reply, Rongxi decided that Su Jing was asleep and could not help frowning. Her heart was full of depression and did not know what to say.

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How to say about today's affairs, Rongxi is definitely wrong. If he hadn't made a fuss and didn't listen to Su Jing's words completely, maybe things would not have been like this.

I don't know if Su Jing is asleep. Rongxi stands at the door a little hesitantly and doesn't know what to do.

"Su Jing, are you asleep?" Rongxi decided to ask again.

After a short pause, there was no response from Su Jing. Rongxi decided that Su Jing was asleep, but when Rong xijue turned around, there was an unpleasant voice in the room.

"How can I sleep when it's so noisy outside." At this time, Su Jing was standing behind the door, with a black face and a breath of breath.

If Rongxi never comes back, Su Jing will really go to bed.

Su Jing gave rongxijue a deadline. If rongxijue could come back at the time she had set, Su Jing would not be able to discuss it with him.

Hearing Su Jing's voice, Rongxi was overjoyed for no reason. Her heart was full of joy. She said excitedly, "so you haven't slept. I'm..." Speaking of this, Rongxi suddenly stopped and didn't know what to say for a while.

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Rongxi definitely knew that he was coming to admit his mistake, but how to admit his mistake, or what to say, he suddenly became helpless and didn't know what to say.

It was not that Rongxi would never speak, but that he didn't know what to say at all, and he never knew what to miss. All of a sudden, Rongxi felt that all his words could not be found.

After waiting for a while, she still didn't wait for Rong xijue's voice. Su Jing frowned, gasped angrily, and whispered, "if you have anything to say, don't say it." After saying that, Su Jing immediately turned around and didn't want to get entangled with Rong Xi. If she was like this, she might not have to sleep because of the weather.

Realizing Su Jing's anger, Rongxi was shocked and said, "Su Jing, don't be angry. I don't know what to say." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi decided to put on an embarrassed appearance, frowning tightly, tightly pursing thin lips, a pair of very embarrassed appearance.

Although she could not see Rong xijue's expression, Su Jing could roughly guess the face of Rong xijue at this time.

After sipping her mouth for a while, Su Jing sighed and opened her voice slightly: "I'll talk about it after you think about it." The implication is that Rongxi will tell her when she thinks it over.

But Rong Xi definitely is worried. She can't wait until tomorrow. If Su Jing really has a rest, she flashes a little worry on her face and whispers, "no, listen to me. Su Jing, I know I'm a little bit too much today. Don't put it in your heart. I'll be angry before you finish your words. This is my fault." Rong xijue said, and his voice became smaller.

"Su Jing, I'm sorry. Don't be angry." Rong Xi decided to speak in a low voice. She was full of melancholy in her heart. After saying so much, she didn't hear Su Jing respond. Should Su Jing be so angry that she didn't care about him at all.

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However, Su Jing could hear the apology in Rong xijue's words. It was rare for Rong xijue to say so. Even if Su Jing wanted to get angry, she had to give Rong Xi Jue a face.

Besides, Rongxi will be able to save face and apologize to her, which shows that she has enough weight and position in Rongxi's heart.

Without an answer from Su Jing, Rongxi couldn't help calling out, "Su Jing..."

After hearing this, Su Jing coughed and took a deep breath. She discharged all the anger in her chest. After Rong Xijie apologized to her, Su Jing was no longer angry.

How to say this, she also had a fault. Knowing that rongxijie cared very much, she directly said her idea of going abroad. She was also sad that rongxijie would be sad and uncomfortable in her heart.

"Well, I'm not angry." Su Jing opened her voice with a smile on her lips. She felt there was no need to be angry with Rongxi.

Hearing this, Rongxi Jue's face was full of joy, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He struck while the iron was hot and asked, "can we talk about going abroad?"

As soon as the words fell, Rongxi decided to tightly close his lips, and a little anxious flashed in his deep eyes. He clenched his fist a little nervously. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

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Now Rong Xi will wait for Su Jing's reply. If Su Jing doesn't want to talk about this matter, Rong Xi will have to wait until Su Jing is in a good mood to discuss it. However, the matter will not be so simple at that time.

Tianyi gave her three days to think about it. The day after tomorrow, the result will be given. If Su Jing is angry all the time and doesn't intend to discuss it with him, then

Thinking of this, Rongxi was full of melancholy and sighed in his back. His heart was full of depression. He didn't know what to do. He had to wait for Su Jing's reply.

Unable to get an answer from Su Jing, Rong Xi couldn't help but ask, "can we talk about it?" Rong xijue was full of pleading tone. It can be said that he repeatedly asked to discuss with Su Jing.

Standing behind the door, Su Jing didn't know what Rong xijue was thinking. When she heard Rong xijue's voice, Su Jing already knew what was going on, but she didn't say it.But now is not the time to say that. Su Jing sighed and looked at the door. She seemed to see Rong xiju standing in front of the door and the expression on his face.

After half a ring, Su Jing opened the door slowly, raised her chin slightly, and looked at Rong xijue with a trace of anger on her face.

Touching Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi never stopped to sip her mouth and subconsciously lowered her head. She was like a child who did something wrong. She did not dare to face the teacher, but waited for the teacher's punishment.

"What do you want to talk about?" Su Jing opened her voice lightly, and her face returned to her former coldness, as if she had been determined by Rong Xi.

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But Su Jing knew what she was thinking, and she knew more about it.

This time, Su Jing decided to give rongxijue a strong hand and let rongxijue know her strength.

"I In fact I hope You can Stay. " Rong Xi hesitated and managed to finish a sentence, and then looked at Su Jing beseechingly.

After hearing the speech, Su Jing nodded her head slightly. There was no other meaning, but she was calm and free.

Touched by Su Jing's look, Rong Xi decided to take a deep breath and take a serious look, and decided to make it clear to Su Jing.

"Su Jing, I really don't want you to go abroad. It's hard for us to get together. I don't want to be separated from you like this. I really don't want to." Rongxijue every word in a low voice, every word is like jumping out of the heart, are rongxijue's words from the heart.

Hearing this, Su Jing suddenly lowered her head, as if she was thinking about the problem. Seeing this, Rongxi got nervous for no reason. She looked straight at Rong xijue, swallowed her mouth and rubbed her fingers nervously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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