After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 512: 512

Seeing Rong xijue's gloomy look on her face, Su Jing frowned. Her face was full of depression, and she could not help biting her lower lip.

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Now Su Jing knows that she can't do anything, even if she wants to give Rongxi a consolation.

If Rong xijue saw her standing here eavesdropping, he would feel uncomfortable and even feel uneasy.

Thinking of this, Su Jingan resisted her impulse and sighed. Even though she had such an impulse in her heart, it was impossible for her to rush to speak with Rong xijue.


Su Jing was still uncomfortable. She felt that she could not help Rong Xijie. She was very depressed.

Seeing Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing's face was full of depression. She couldn't stop biting her lower lip. Her pink lips were opening and closing, but she couldn't say a word.

Just when Su Jing didn't know what to do, Rong xijue just came out of the balcony. When she saw Su Jing, her face was full of surprise. Her sexy thin lips were closed, but she didn't know what to say.

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"Su Jing..." Rongxi could not help but call out in a low voice. Her face was full of surprise, and she unconsciously staggered Su Jing's eyes.

At this moment, Rong xijue is afraid to see Su Jing's eyes. If Su Jing's eyes are filled with a trace of blame and sadness, Rong xijue will feel that all his efforts have been in vain.

After hearing Rong xijue's call, Su Jing came back to her senses. She looked at Rong xijue, and a little depression flashed on her face. In a soft voice, she said, "I..."

At that moment, Su Jing didn't know what to say, and her heart was full of depression. It was not that Su Jing didn't believe in Rong xijue, but that Su Jing thought she wouldn't disturb Rong xijue. But now that she's like this, she feels very depressed.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi never stopped frowning. A trace of helplessness flashed on her cold face and said in a low voice, "I know what you think in your heart. I must think I cheated you."

On hearing this, Su Jing shook her head and could not help looking up at Rong xijue. She said in a low voice, "no, I don't think so. I know you feel bad in your heart. Although we said we should confess, now you haven't decided how to tell me."

As soon as the words fell, Su Jing looked at Rong xijue with understanding on her face. Her lips were slightly upturned, and she raised a sweet range.

Touching Su Jing's eyes, Rong xijue's worry on her face was half gone. She could not help holding Su Jing's body with her chin on her head, stroking Su Jing's hair with her slender fingers, and said in a soft voice, "Su Jing, thank you for understanding me. I can't tell you about this for the time being. Can I talk to you when I have a clear idea?"

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Rong xijue sighed. Although he knew that it was too much to say, Rong did not really know what to say at the moment. He did not want Su Jing to worry or let Su Jing misunderstand him because of this.

Hearing this, Su Jing nodded her head gently, raised her head gently, held Rong xijue's cheek in her hands, and said in a soft voice, "rongxiju, I believe you, I will stare at your explanation, so you don't have to worry." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing gave Rong xijue a bright smile and looked very beautiful.

Seeing the smile on Su Jing's face, Rong Xi decided that she was finally relieved. The first big stone in her heart finally fell steadily. There was no need to worry that Su Jing would get angry because of this.

"Thank you very much, Su Jing." Rongxi was so excited that she didn't know what to say. Her heart was full of joy. She could not help kissing Su Jing's hair and hugging her tightly, hoping to integrate her into her body.

Only now did Rong xijue know that there was such a quiet distance between herself and Su Jing. How much Su Jing loved him and how much she loved him.

On hearing this, Su Jing gave Rong xijue a bad look, patted Rong xijue on the cheek, and whispered, "didn't I say that? We don't need to say thank you. It's normal

Rongxi never stops nodding. In a word, he is very happy now. He doesn't know what to say. Su Jing is the only one in his eyes.

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Seeing Rong xijue's look, Su Jing smiles. Her eyes are full of tenderness, and her lips are full of warm trade.

In this way, Rong xiju and Su Jing look at me and I look at you. They only have each other in their eyes.


At the same time, Rong Jing and Zhao Yujie sat face to face on the sofa. Rong Jing had a gloomy look on her face, while Zhao Yujie had a cheerful expression with a cheerful tone in her lips.

Rong Jing and Zhao Yujie held a glass of red wine in their hands. This was Zhao Yujie's first victory to celebrate their victory. However, seeing Rong Jing's face, Zhao Yujie was not happy.

Now, Zhao Jieyu won't be happy to see you As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yujie couldn't help laughing. She sipped the red wine gracefully without saying a word. Her sharp eyes still looked at Rong Jing.

On hearing the speech, Rong Jing looked up at Zhao Yujie coldly. He didn't feel happy at all. He quickly put down the red wine in his hand and didn't want to talk to Zhao Yujie at all.It was not Rong Jing's indifference, nor his arrogance, but the victory he felt in Zhao Yujie's mouth was nothing.

Rong Jing knows very well that he will not be threatened so simply. Moreover, his ability to fight against Xi will soon be recovered. At that time, their happiness will only turn into a white joy.

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"Miss Zhao, don't be too early to be happy. The one who laughs to the last is the winner." Rong Jing's tone of indifference gave her a casual look at Zhao Yujie, and did not take Zhao Yujie seriously.

Touching Rong Jing's eyes, Zhao Yujie's smile froze for a moment. She glared at Rong Jing with displeasure and said in a low voice, "young master Rong doesn't seem to have any interest." At the end of her speech, Zhao Yujie gave her lips a frown.

Hearing this, Rong Jing is a cold smile, eyes full of cold, always gentle eyes have disappeared.

Seeing the red wine not far away, Rong Jing took it up without saying a word and drank it down in one gulp, without the slightest intention of clinking glasses with Zhao Yujie.

"Young master Rong seems to be a little impatient. How can he become a man and drink a lot?" Zhao Yujie couldn't help laughing and liking, with a trace of teasing in her smile. She seemed to be looking at Rong Jing in a funny way.

Touching Zhao Yujie's eyes, Rong Jing took a casual look at her. He didn't pay attention to her at all. He only thought about other things in his head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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