After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 523: 523

"Don't worry, we'll be there." Rongxi made a vow, with a faint smile in his mouth. His eyes were straight at Bai Nan and Xiao Feifei. His face was full of blessings.

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Seeing that Bai Nan and Xiao Feifei can achieve a positive result, Rongxi will be happy for them and sincerely bless them.

Su Jingnan is walking in front of her, and Su Jingnan is smiling.

"We'll be treated well then." Rongxi has a casual tone, with a faint smile in the corner of his lips. The always cold Rongxi will be able to smile at others, but it is rare.

"Good, good, no problem." Bai Nan made a gesture of OK, his face was full of bright smile.

Suddenly, the white South to the Rong Xi Jue pick eyebrows, Mou son seems to be saying something. Su Jing didn't understand, but Rongxi definitely understood Bai Nan's meaning.

Then Rong xijue and Bai Nan looked at each other with a smile. Su Jing and Xiao Feifei stood on one side, staring at them. They could not help pursing their lips. Their faces were full of helplessness.

Although I don't know what Bai Nan and Rong xiju are talking about, Su Jing thinks it's not a good thing.

After Bai Nan and Xiao Feifei left, Su Jing couldn't help her curiosity. She went to Rong xiju and asked in a low voice, "what did you mean by your winking with Bai Nan just now?"

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"Well..." Rongxi decided to have a funny tone. Looking at Su Jing, her deep eyes flashed a trace of different eyes.

At that moment, Su Jing couldn't help frowning, and her confusion flashed between her eyebrows. She could not help but snort, feeling as if she had met a robber.

"Rongxijue, what do you want? Don't you think about anything Su Jing looked at Rong xijue with a wary tone and frowned.

Su Jing looks very strange in her eyes.

Hearing this, Rongxi never stopped to sigh, shook his head with a strong force, and said in a low voice: "it's really not interesting." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi never consciously let go of Su Jing's waist and turned away without saying a word.

On hearing this, Su Jing frowned and couldn't get out of her anger. She glared at Rong xiju and said in a low voice, "rongxiju, stop for me. What do you mean by that? You are hating me for having no interest At this point, Su Jing's face flashed with anger and gasped for breath.

Rong xijue's words really hurt Su Jing's self-esteem. If Rong xijue really doesn't feel interesting to be with her, then don't be together.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi decided to look helpless. She shook her head and explained in a low voice, "I'm just kidding you." As soon as the words fall, Rong Xi decides to look helpless.

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Seeing Rong xijue's helplessness, Su Jing couldn't get rid of her anger. Instead, she was burning more vigorously. Her clear eyes glared at Rong xijue and whispered, "you're joking there. You're obviously hating me, and you think I'm not good."

Speaking of this, Su Jing turned angrily and didn't want to pay attention to Rong xijue. She breathed a heavy breath and wanted to throw Rong xijue out.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi never stopped frowning. Her face was full of depression. She couldn't help but sigh and explained in a low voice, "no, I didn't mean that."

"What do you mean? Say it Su Jing looked very angry.

On hearing this, Rongxi decided to purr her mouth helplessly. She immediately thought of something. She unconsciously approached Su Jing, wrapped her slender arm around her body, and said in a soft voice, "I just want to know whether we need to create people, too."

Hearing this, Su Jing was stunned for a moment. She didn't know what to say. Her clear eyes were staring at her boss and her face was full of disbelief.

Did Rongxi say that in the beginning? But

Then she thought of something. Su Jing could not help touching her stomach. She could not help drooping her face and biting her lower lip.

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Yu Guang glimpses Su Jing's actions. Rongxi never stops biting her lower lip. A little depression flashed through her heart.

As a matter of fact, Rong xijue and Su Jing are worried about this problem, although the doctor said that Su Jing's body is now back to normal, and there is no problem in her future pregnancy.

It was only when Rongxi was determined that she was worried and hoped that Su Jing was in good health.

However, the appearance of Bai Nan and Xiao Feifei made Rong Xi decide to change his mind all of a sudden. He saw that they were so happy, talking and laughing, and had a future baby.

To be honest, Rong xijue was envious at that moment and hoped to have her own children. She and Su Jing were looking forward to the arrival of the children.

Suddenly, Su Jing came to her senses and looked at Rong xijue suspiciously. Her mouth opened and closed, and she didn't know what to say.

At that time, Su Jing's head was blank. She really didn't know what to say. Her confused eyes wanted to see something from Rong xijue's face.

Touching Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi couldn't help laughing and explained, "I know Su Jing, you will have worries in your heart, but don't worry. You are in good health. The doctor has said that if you don't want to now, I won't force you. I will wait until you are willing."Rongxi looked at Su Jing affectionately. Her mouth was slightly hooked. She raised a gentle smile. Her deep eyes were full of tenderness. Her warm palm held Su Jing's cheek.

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"Su Jing, I will wait for you until you promise me." Rongxi decided to say in a soft voice, every word seemed to jump out of his heart, including a strong love.

On hearing this, Su Jing looked directly into Rong xijue's eyes. In his eyes, she only saw her own reflection. In the world of rongxijue, she was the only one who existed.

At that moment, Su Jing couldn't help nodding her head. Her face was full of happy and wanted to smile. She had a soft smile on her face, and her eyes were straight at Rong xijue.

"Thank you, Rongxi Jue." Su Jing's lips overflowed with tenderness, and her delicate hands touched Rong xijue's cheek unconsciously.

Su Jing was very clear about Rong Xi's love for her. She never forced her to do anything. Even when it was about going abroad, she respected her opinion.

"Really, why thank you? It's not necessary." Rongxi uttered an unhappy tone, and could not help but tap the tip of Su Jing's nose. Her arms tightened and they hugged each other tightly.

To be honest, Su Jing really thanks Rong xijue for his love and understanding. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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