After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 532: 532

"Playroom?" Rong Xi decided to frown with disbelief. Looking at Su Jing, she really thought something was wrong with her ears. She even heard three words in the game hall from Su Jing's mouth.

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However, seeing Su Jing so excited, Rongxi knew that what she had heard was true.

"Yes, the game hall. At this time, there should be no people in the game hall. Where can we play?" Su Jing's tone was bright and she looked at Rong xijue with a bright smile.

Suddenly, Rong Xi Jue's brow was tight, and she looked at Su Jing curiously.

"Really going to the playroom?" Rong Xi's attitude of disbelief or disbelief.

It's not that Rongxi is determined to say anything, but that it's really strange that Su Jing, a woman, likes to go to the game hall.

Now the game hall is basically the world of boys. There are some children, or children of 16 or 17 years old. Where can they play in the past.

Seeing Rong xijue's look, Su Jing couldn't help laughing. Looking at Rong xijue, she asked suspiciously, "what's the matter? Are you afraid of being said? "

"No Rongxi shook her head vigorously. She was not afraid to be said, but felt that it was too strange. They two adults went to fight with children for territory.

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Aware of Rong xijue's meaning, Su Jing patted him on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "don't think too much about it. We just played in the past. It won't be so good. There are many games in it, which are very good."

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi decided to frown, looked at Su Jing and asked in a low voice, "Su Jing, do you often go there?"

"Not really. Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I just go back to where to vent. But that was a few years ago." Su Jing answered Rong xijue casually.

Since she married Rong xijue, Su Jing has never played in the game hall. In the past, when she was in the Su family, when she was nearly choked by Su Yan and Lin Yali, she would play there and vent her emotions.

Su Jing seemed very strange. Even though Rongxi was determined to feel strange inside, she still nodded and agreed to Su Jing's request.

Then they drove to the supermarket where Su Jing was familiar. The game hall in the supermarket was bigger than what Rong xijue had seen when he was young, and there were many games in it that Rong xijue had never seen before.

Yu Guang caught sight of Su Jing's excited look on her face. Rongxi couldn't help but smile. The corners of her lips were slightly upturned, and a trace of warmth flashed in her heart. As long as Su Jing was happy, it was much cleaner and quieter than he thought.

As soon as she entered the game hall, Su Jing grabbed Rong xijue's wrist and went to the front desk to buy game coins.

The waiter asked Su Jing how much money she needed to buy, but Rong Xi decided to quickly put a 100 yuan RMB in front of the waiter, and in an ordered tone, "change 100 yuan."

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Hearing this, the people who bought the game currency looked at Xiang Rong xijue curiously, as if they had seen a rare animal. Su Jing was a little embarrassed. She quickly chatted and laughed, and added, "if you change 50, he's wrong." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing subconsciously pulled the corner of La Rong Xi Jue.

Suddenly, Rongxi decided to frown tightly and looked around with strange eyes.

After they changed the game currency, Rong xijue asked, "Su Jing, just now..."

Su Jing didn't like to stare at Rong xijue. She knew that Rong xijue had a lot of money, but it also depends on the occasion. No one would buy 100 game coins as soon as they came up. Not to mention how local tyrants, 100 game coins would be packed in a big basket.

Putting a small basket of game currency in front of Rong xiju, Su Jing explained in a low voice: "you see, 50 yuan is so much here. If you want 100 yuan, you can think about it yourself."

A basket of fifty is full, not to mention a hundred.

Looking at the small basket in front of him, Rongxi suddenly realized, nodded and murmured: "so much, I thought one yuan."

"One yuan for two, 50 yuan for a discount, plus 20." Su Jing didn't want to hate the problem with Rong Xijie and quickly walked to the shooting area.

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Seeing this, Rong xijue immediately followed Su Jing and saw that Su Jing had put in ten game coins. Then the number of 15 was displayed on it. Rong xijue looked at Su Jing suspiciously.

Aware of Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing explained: "15 opportunities, one opportunity, three balls, if all the shots, will lose the game tickets, game tickets can be accumulated for gifts." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing turned and pointed to the toys on the front desk with her eyes.

On hearing this, Rongxi suddenly realized something, nodded heavily, and stood by her side, watching Su Jing play.

As a result, Su Jing's shooting skills are average. She has shot so many times, only eight times.

Seeing Su Jing's bitter gourd face, Rongxi would not stop pursing her mouth, coughing softly and whispering, "let me help you win the game ticket." At the end of the speech, Rong Xi decided to roll up his clothes and look very poised. The posture of holding the basketball looked very casual, but his eyes twinkled with sharp light.

After the bell rang, Rongxi quickly picked up the basketball and shot the ball. It could be said that Su Jing's eyes were wide open.After seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi couldn't help laughing, and said triumphantly, "well, it's very good."

"Not very good, but very good." Su Jing immediately raised her thumb and said, "Rongxi, you are too strong. Have you ever practiced basketball before?"

"It was just a play." Rong Xi made a casual tone, but to Su Jing, she looked down on her meaning.

Then 45 game coins popped out of the game machine. Seeing the full amount of game coins, Su Jing's face showed a brilliant smile, just like seeing a mirror.

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Immediately, Rongxi gave a sharp glance at the front desk, approached Su Jing and said in a soft voice, "Su Jing, which toy do you want? I'll change it for you."

After hearing this, Su Jing was slightly stunned, and then touched Rongxi's determined eyes. Su Jing could not help but chuckle and looked at the toys on the front desk. It seemed that only the bear was more beautiful.

"I think it's good to hold a bear." Su Jing spoke casually, but when she saw the game ticket marked on the bear, she opened her mouth in surprise.

That's too much. Even if Rong xijue can really hit a hundred hits, he can only get 540 game tickets at most. If he wants to get a bear, that's a resolute problem.

At the thought of this, Su Jing couldn't help sighing, waving her hand and whispering, "forget it, I'm still something else."

"No, I think it's good to hold the bear, so I decided to take it."

On hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help but stare at Rong xijue, her pink lips opening and closing, but she couldn't say a word.

How much will it cost? Only then can we hold the bear. What's more, the money rongxijue spent can buy a doll that is more beautiful than holding a bear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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