After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 541: 541

Thinking of this, Su Yuan stamped his foot angrily and glared at Su Jing and Gu Yan's back.

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"No, I can't give up like this. I must see Rong xijue so that I can have hope. Besides, I am the only one who can help Rong xiju who hopes to get news Su Yuan's complacent tone flashed on his face. It seemed that only he could help Rong Xi decide.

Then, Su Yuan glared at Su Jing with disdain and walked towards the apartment without saying a word.

After being far away from Su Yuan, Su Jing regained her mind and felt that her mood returned to normal.

After taking a few deep breaths, Su Jing didn't know what to say. Her chest was still burning with anger.

"Jinger, don't be angry. It's not worth it for such people." Gu Yan gently stroked Su Jing's back with a worried look on her face.

Touching Gu Yan's eyes, Su Jing smiles and whispers, "Mom, don't worry. I'm fine. I'm just a little depressed."

Yes, at this time, Su Yuan still can't reflect on himself. He doesn't know what he did wrong. Now she still hopes that she can help him, which is the funniest place for Su Jing.

At the thought of this, Su Jing couldn't get out of her breath. She breathed a heavy breath between her breath and wanted to beat Su Yuan violently.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Gu Yan couldn't help laughing and whispering, "jing'er, look at what you're like now. If you're seen by Xi'an, you'll think you've been dating a boy."

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"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm clearly a woman, but I was so angry just now. You also saw Su Yuan..."

"I know, and I can see, that he is not repentant at all, so you should not be angry, such people are not worth it." Gu Yan has a serious tone, which is rare in Gu Yan.

Then Gu Yan patted Su Jing on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "OK, let's go out to relax. Don't mention such unhappy things. We haven't been around for a long time."

On hearing this, Su Jing nodded her head and immediately squeezed out a sweet smile. She looked very happy and left with Gu Yan.


At the same time, Rongxi was furious in the office alone, nearly scaring the Secretary away.

"President, calm down. What's going on now..." Secretary's words have not finished, Rongxi Jue a cold and sharp eyes, scared the Secretary immediately shut his mouth, dare not speak.

The sunspot standing on one side looked at Rong xijue with a gloomy face, and said in a good voice: "yes, boss, calm down. Don't be so impulsive. Things are not clear yet."

Smell speech, Rong Xi decided not to hit a place, between the breath of a heavy breath, would like to go straight to Rong Jing's office to get back a justice.

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It was not easy to solve the problem on the construction site, and then someone went to make trouble every now and then. He really thought he didn't dare to call the police.

If the police really call the police, then Rongjia can be called the headlines, which will surely affect the company's image and the stock market.

At the thought of this, Rongxi decided to suppress a puff in his chest and could not spit it out or swallow it. It was very uncomfortable.

Unable to get the answer of Rong xijue, the sunspot motioned to the Secretary to go out immediately. The Secretary quickly slipped away with oil on the soles of his shoes. After they were left in the office, the sunspot dared to speak.

"The boss..."

Rong Xi decided to raise his hand to interrupt the sunspot, and said solemnly: "this matter is not as simple as you think. Since Rong Jing will send someone to do something about it, it will certainly not leave any evidence. If we call the police and find out what we really find out, it will only affect the company. If we let others catch any trivia news, then the spearhead will only point to Su Jing."

Rongxi has no idea whether it will burn to Su Jing. However, with Zhao Yujie's means, she will not miss such an opportunity.

Hearing this, the sunspot was slightly stunned. She didn't expect this. Su Jing and Rong Xi decided to be together. If these things happened, they would be gossiping again.

At the thought of this, the sunspot could not help frowning, but stopped talking. He didn't know what to say.

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"Well, I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it." Rong Xi Jue a light tone, words with a trace of fatigue.

For this matter how to deal with, Rongxi has never thought of a way, but now Rongxi never want sunspots into it, sunspots have a more important thing to do.

"Sunspot, don't forget your main task." Rong xijue reminded him that he entrusted Su Jing's safety to the sunspot.

Sunspot nodded heavily, and his face was serious. The Obsidian eyes twinkled with firm light. Of course, sunspot knew this matter and knew rongxijue's mood.

Suddenly, Rongxi decided to wave his hand to signal the sunspot to go out, he wanted to be alone.

Seeing this, the sunspot couldn't help pursing his mouth for a moment, and a trace of depression flashed on his face, and he took a worried look at Rong xijue when he left.The next moment, Rongxi must be a little tired to lean on the back of the chair, lip corner overflow bursts of sigh, as if lost vitality.

The palm covers the forehead, slightly sinks the face, looks very depressed, can't help but nibble a lower lip, in Rong Xi Jue depressed time, white South calls.

"What's up? You are very upset now Bai Nan's tone of schadenfreude.

Smell speech, Rong Xi Jue eyebrows tight, cold voice way: "white South, you still really have nothing to do, then good accompany Xiao Feifei, don't move to call over."

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"Rong Xi Jue, you said that is not beautiful, but I was kind enough to call you to talk about things." Bai Nan has a casual tone and looks very happy.

On hearing this, Rongxi's cold face flashed a touch of black gas and said in a low voice: "listen to your tone, where it seems to talk about things, but to gloat."

Bai Nan laughed and said frankly: "you are right. I really want to laugh at you. Apart from such a big thing, why don't you come to me?"

Suddenly, Rongxi decided to frown tightly and picked his eyebrows suspiciously. Suddenly, he felt that there was something in Bai Nan dialect.

Without waiting for Rong Xi to open his voice, Bai Nan took a playful tone and then said, "what's the matter? Think it's impossible? Or don't believe me? "

Rong xijue's brow was about to wrinkle into a chuanzi. He swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice, "what do you mean?"

"Rongxijue, your brain is so funny. What I said is so obvious, you don't understand it!" White South can't help but a white eye, but also by Rong Xi Jue gas halo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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