After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 563: 563

Rong Xi decided that he was depressed for not being able to be intimate with Su Jing.

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However, Rong Jing on the other side, Zhao Yujie and Rong Ling sat down and began to talk about the failure of sujiahai Bay.

Of course, Zhao Yujie will definitely receive Rong Ling's scorn and displeasure, which is something that Zhao Yujie can already guess.

At the sight of the anger on Rong Ling's face, Zhao Yujie showed a calm and free look. She did not pay any attention to the matter and unconsciously looked at Xiang Rong Jing.

It was Rong Jing who brought the three of them together this time, so Zhao Yujie wanted to hear what Rong Jing meant.

"Rong Jing, you don't want to be sloppy. Just tell me what's going on." Zhao Yujie could not help frowning, her face was full of depression, and she looked very unhappy.

I don't know why. Seeing the look of honor and respect, Zhao Yujie always felt that something had happened. Otherwise, Rong Jing would not show such eyes.

On hearing the speech, Rong Jing gave a faint smile, a trace of complacency flashed on his face, and his eyes were sharp at Zhao Yujie and rongling.

"I know you will feel that we have lost a good advantage because of the Gulf incident. In fact, you are all wrong." Rong Jing is serious and looks very serious.

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie and rongling frowned, and a trace of depression flashed on their faces. For a moment, they did not understand the meaning of honor and respect.

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Judging from the current situation, they have indeed lost a very good advantage, but Rong Jing said

Zhao Yujie felt a little strange. She even thought that Rong Jing was a little too optimistic and didn't see the truth clearly.

Touching Zhao Yujie's eyes, Rong Jing gave a faint smile, lifted a soft smile from the corner of his lips, and said in a soft voice: "things are not so simple. Even if Rong xijue has got the Bay now, he can't get the Su family company." Rong Jing spoke in a firm tone, and his words were full of confidence.

Zhao Yujie didn't know where Rong Jing's confidence came from. However, it was the first time that she saw Rong Jing's look. Zhao Yujie was curious.

Rong Ling looked at Rong Jing curiously. At this time, Rong Jing made him feel a little different. He was quite different from usual. All along, Rong Ling knew Rong Jing's mind and didn't know that he was not as gentle as on the surface.

He also knew that Rong Jing always wanted to be the president of Rongshi group. He coveted this position a lot. If he had not given the position to Rong Xi, there might not have been so many things.

At the thought of this, Rong Ling could not help lowering his head and sighing behind his back. A trace of depression appeared in his heart.

However, when is it now? Rong Ling is very clear that he can no longer be so emotional. He must solve the problem between Rong Xi Jue and Rong Jing, as well as Su Jing.

At the thought of Su Jing, Rong Lingqi couldn't find a place to fight. I thought Su Jing was a smart man and would know how to leave. I didn't expect

These are all his miscalculations. He never thought that Su Jing was also a stubborn person and would not listen to his advice.

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Touching Rong Ling's eyes, Rong Jing gave a faint smile. He did not put this matter in his eyes. A trace of coldness flashed through his gentle eyes and said in a low voice, "now we just need to capture the Sujia company with our heart."

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie and Rong Ling looked at Rong Jing in a puzzled way. Their faces were full of perplexity and asked in a low voice, "what kind of plan do you have?"

"No Rongjing word by word, do not put this matter in the eyes of the appearance.

All of a sudden, Zhao Yujie could not help frowning. Her face was full of no appointment. Her eyes were straight and waiting for Rong Jing. Her voice was very low. "Rong Jing, what do you mean?"

No plans? However, she dared to call them over, but she was still in a high position. This was the most unbearable thing for Zhao Yujie.

Seeing Zhao Yujie's look, Rong Jing was not surprised. He said in a cold voice, "don't worry, Zhao Yujie. I said that there is no plan, which does not mean we don't act." The tone of honor, with a trace of certainty, seems to have a plan in mind.

Hearing this, Zhao Yujie was puzzled. She unconsciously looked at Rong Jing and Rong Ling, and was puzzled.

Rong Jing's words really made Zhao Yujie's two Zhangs' monk feel their head and completely do not understand Rong Jing's intention. At this time, it is not so simple.

However, her partner did make a promise and had no plans, which made Zhao Yujie not worry.

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"In a word, you can rest assured. I'll take care of it." The tone of Rong Jing's oath.

Seeing this, Zhao Yujie frowned tightly and looked very unhappy. She pressed her lower lip tightly and looked at Rong Jing, hoping to see something from Rong Jing's face.

Not only Zhao Yujie, but even Rong Ling felt that Rong Jing was too reckless. She didn't mean to discuss with them at all. She thought she was better.

Touch their eyes, Rong Jing light smile, eyes full of firm look, soft voice way: "you don't have to worry, this thing I will do well."

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie and rongling said together without an appointment: "even if it is like this, you also need to make it clear to us. If you can't do it like this, it will be fine."Hearing this, Rong Jing couldn't help but smile coldly. He looked at them with sharp eyes and disdain, as if he didn't trust them at all.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's the situation that I can't tell you." Proud of the gorgeous head with a trace of indifference, did not intend to discuss with them at all.

At this moment, they finally saw the meaning of Rong Jing. Rong Jing asked them to come here, not to discuss with them, but to inform them politely. He would take care of the rest by himself.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yujie couldn't find a place to fight. She was waiting for Rong Jing to speak fiercely. As soon as she wanted to speak, she was stopped by Rong Ling.

Rong Ling glared at Zhao Yujie and motioned that she should not act in a disorderly way. The matter was handed over to Rong Jing.

Since Rong Ling has said that, Zhao Yujie is just an outsider. What else can she say? She stares indignantly at Rong Jing and Rong Ling. Without saying a word, Zhao Yujie turns away and does not pay any attention to this matter.

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As soon as Zhao Yujie left, rongling opened her voice. She was puzzled and looked at Rong Jing. She asked in a low voice, "Rong Jing, what do you think?"

Rong Jing light smile, to Rong Ling also did not show his heart true idea.

Seeing Rongjing's eyes, rongling knows that the other party will not tell him anything. He stays to ask Rongjing, but just wants to know what Rongjing has in mind.

"Don't you want to say anything?"

Hearing the speech, Rong Jing couldn't help sneering. He looked at Rong Ling inquisitively and said in a low voice, "Dad, if you can't trust me, you should leave this matter to me to deal with. If you can't believe it, then don't ask."

The attitude of honor and respect is very hard, and there is nothing like this, but a calm and free look.

Seeing Rong Jing's look, Rong Ling knew that if he asked again, he would not get a good result. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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