After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 601: 601

Hearing Su Jing's reply, rongxijue's face is full of happy smile, looking very happy, without the slightest depression before.

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Seeing rongxijue like this, Su Jing squeezed out a sweet smile on her face. Her eyes were full of smiles. As long as rongxijue was happy, she didn't have to think too much about the rest.

"Where shall we go next?" Su Jing looks expectant and has a sweet smile on her face. In her heart, she thinks that she will go with Rong Xi to have a free time.

However, when they wanted to get up, a familiar voice suddenly fell from the sky, breaking the beautiful atmosphere in a moment.

Rong xijue and Su Jing looked at the sound source one after another. When they saw Zhao Yujie standing in front of them, Su Jing couldn't stop biting her lower lip, and her eyebrows were filled with displeasure. She wanted Zhao Yujie to leave and not appear in front of them.

As for Su Jing's eyes, Zhao Yujie did not look strange. She put out a bright smile on her face and walked to them in three steps and two steps.

"You are so carefree." Zhao Yujie's tone was casual, but the disdain in her words could be heard by anyone.

On hearing the speech, Su Jing's face showed a fierce look. She looked very upset. She bit her lower lip tightly and stopped Zhao Yujie without saying a word.

"Zhao Yue..." Su Jing said in a harsh voice.

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To Zhao Yujie, Su Jing's gentle roar was a piece of cake, which she did not pay any attention to.

Zhao Yujie walked up to Rong xijue. She didn't want to look at him. With a smile in her mouth, she said in a soft voice, "I really don't know what you think. Rong xijue, should you give me a reply at this time?"

Hearing this, Su Jing was slightly stunned. She looked at Rong xijue and Zhao Yujie. She lowered her eyes and was full of confusion.

Did Rong xijue and Zhao Yujie meet again? What did they talk about this time?

Touching Su Jing's worried and frightened eyes, Rong xijue's mouth slightly upturned and raised a funny smile. He looked very happy. At the same time, it gives Su Jing a look that you can rest assured. Even if he meets Zhao Yujie, it doesn't mean anything.

Maybe it was Rong xijue's eyes, which were too dazzling, so Su Jing calmed down. There was no uneasiness before. Instead, she looked at them with a calm and free look.

Seeing Rong xijue and Su Jing looking at each other, Zhao Yujie felt as if she hadn't seen her eyes. Her mouth was slightly hooked and her smile was different.

"What's the matter? Don't you think it over? " As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yujie gently raised her eyebrows at Rong Xi Jue.

On hearing the speech, Rongxi gave a faint smile and did not take Zhao Yujie's words in his eyes. He coughed softly and said in a low voice: "Zhao Yujie, OK, you know what I think. Don't waste time here for such a long time."

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This time, Rong xijue's attitude was very firm. He didn't want Zhao Yujie's appearance to affect his and Su Jing's good mood.

Without waiting for Zhao Yujie to open her voice, Rongxi decided to say in a solemn and cruel voice: "I will not agree to what you said to me before." Rong Xi made a resolute tone and looked straight at Zhao Yujie with deep eyes.

From the other party's eyes, Zhao Yujie had already seen the idea of rongxijue. Since he was like this, he didn't need to waste time on the look of rongxijue.

"Well, I'll talk to you later." As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yujie immediately turned around and left. It seemed that the matter had come to an end, but in fact there was nothing.

Because of Zhao Yujie's appearance, Rong xijue and Su Jing's original good mood suddenly became depressed. They agreed to go to the playground and have to go home to have a rest.

Su Jing made a sumptuous dinner according to Rong xijue's preference. After eating, they watched the TV series for a while and then went to bed.

In this process, the two people looked at each other and agreed. No one mentioned Zhao Yujie.

Just not mentioning Zhao Yujie doesn't mean that the two people don't care about this matter.

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Su Jing thought in his heart what rongxijue had said to Zhao Yujie, but Rongxi decided to think about how to negotiate with Zhao Yujie.

The two men in each mind held each other and fell asleep.

Rongxi was determined to take a day off. The next day, as usual, she came to work in the company. She just opened the office and saw Zhao Yujie. Rongxi was definitely a little depressed and frowned.

"What are you doing here?" Rongxi uttered a cold tone and quickly returned to her desk without looking at Zhao Yujie.

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie gave a funny smile and squeezed out a different smile. Step by step, she walked to rongxijue. Her charming face twinkled with a trace of arrogance.

"Do you need to ask? Don't you know, Rongxi As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yujie lifted her lips and laughed, which contained a strong light of victory.

On hearing this, Rongxi never stopped sneering. Her deep eyes looked straight at Zhao Yujie without any feelings and said in a low voice, "I really don't know, and I think you've found the wrong place." As soon as the words fell, Rong Xi decided to point to the direction of the door and motioned Zhao Yujie to leave quickly.However, Zhao Yujie didn't see Rong xijue's gesture. She sat down without saying a word and went to Rong xijue's side and said in a soft voice, "rongxijue, you know what I've been asking for. As long as you agree, I will naturally return the sujiahaiwan to the Sujia." When she said this, Zhao Yujie was full of confidence, as if she was very sure that Rongxi would definitely agree to her request.

Suddenly, Rongxi Jue brows tight, cold face emerged a group of black gas, looks very fierce look, give people a bit of frightening.

A cold laugh overflowed from Rong xijue's mouth. Then he looked at Zhao Yujie scornfully and said, "Zhao Yujie, do you really think I don't know your trick?" As soon as the words fell, Rongxi decided to push away the other party, and there was no feeling of pity.

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To tell you the truth, Rongxi definitely understood Zhao Yujie's meaning, but the conditions offered by the other party were really infuriating.

If Rongxi really agrees, then What about Su Jing? Su Jing will hate him for the rest of his life.

This is something that Rong Xi absolutely does not allow. He has a hard time coming to this stage with Su Jing. He doesn't want this kind of thing to happen.

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie laughed wildly and stood up gracefully without any anger. It seemed that this was a normal thing. The more angry Rong Xijie was, the more hopeful it was for Zhao Yujie. No matter what Rong Xijie was doing now, he would agree to his request.

Zhao Yujie is so sure and confident that Rongxi will come to her when the time comes.

"Rongxi, it's ok if you don't promise now. I'm sure you'll figure it out in a few days." As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yujie left with a haughty laugh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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