After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 620: 620

"Well, Rongxi will come if you have the ability." Zhao Yujie, with a cheerful tone, lifted her chin slightly, and did not put Rongxi in her eyes.

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At this time, Zhao Yujie would not be afraid of Rongxi deciding anything, everything was doomed.

Seeing Zhao Yujie's look, Rong Xijie was unable to strike a place, and glared at zhaoyujie, and clenched her lower lip.

Zhao Yujie is so proud, but because she has succeeded, and the noise just now, Su Jing must be very disappointed with him.


"What am I? Am I right? Rongxijun now you have no way to go, you still follow me obediently. " Zhao Yujie, who is not interested in opening her voice, is full of laughter.

Wen Yan, Rongxi never stopped laughing, cold eyes straight at Zhao Yujie, both sides of the face tight, revealed a wipe of killing.

"Then it's up to you or me." Rong Xi decided to have a firm tone, and looked at zhaoyujie with sharp eyes.


Meanwhile, Su Jing ran out angrily, her face full of angry looks, clenched her lower lip, and her red eyes seemed to cry.

Standing at the door of the hotel, Su Jing looked at the sky, and her heart was full of melancholy. She didn't know what to say for a while, and her eyes were empty enough to be said.

"Why is this the case!" Su Jing couldn't help but roar, and there was a strong sadness and anger in her voice.

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For a long time, she felt that Rongxi would never cheat her, and what she said was true, but now

Well, it's not true. It turns out that rongxijun has been cheating on her feelings.

"Rongxijun, why are you cheating me?" Su Jing roared and clenched her lower lip.

Hearing this, the black man behind him immediately went up to explain, and he looked anxious.

"No, sister-in-law, you don't misunderstand it. It's not like this. You should believe in the boss." The black man does not have to sip his mouth, a moment lower head, do not know what to explain.

To be honest, now this situation is not a black man can explain clearly.

In addition, after seeing this scene, Sujing felt that all the words could not jump out.

"No?" Su Jing couldn't help but laugh. She was very sharp with a touch of anger. Really, is it necessary for Su Jing to say too much about this situation? Isn't it all proven?

"Black boy, you see it, do you need me to say anything else? You should know Speaking of this, Su Jing could not help but pause and clenched her lower lip.

Wen Yan, the black man a little Leng, mouth a one in one, a word also can not say, even if the black man wants to help Rong Xizhi say good words, it is impossible.

Seeing the black man's look, Su Jing could not help frowning, her face full of anger, and she looked very unhappy.

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"Now, do you want to say something else?" Su Jing couldn't help laughing. She had a sharp look in her eyes, and her face was full of bitter smile.

The black man looked at Su Jing, and could not say a word, but he could only sigh a few times.

At the next moment, Su Jing immediately turned and walked along the road not far away, and her heart was full of melancholy and depression.

The black man wanted to follow up, but his feet seemed to be stumbling over a stone, and could not move at all.

Now, the most important thing for the black man is to let rongxijie explain to Su Jing that everything needs to be made clear between them.

Su Jing walked and went to the company of Bainan. When she realized it, she immediately turned and left. When she turned around, she suddenly heard a suspicious call.

"Su Jing..." Bai Nan looked at Su Jing suspiciously, frowning, as if very strange.

However, when Bai Nan saw the look on Su Jing's face, at that moment, Bai Nan was not so surprised, frowned and asked in a low voice, "what is the matter?"

Su Jing's eyes were red, as if she had cried, and her face was sad and heartache.

Hearing Bai Nan say so, the tears in her eyes are like falling pearls, and clusters of tears fall down without listening to his orders.

Seeing Su Jing's tears, Bai Nan was stunned and looked at her stupidly. She was a little panicked and didn't know what to say.

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Seeing this, Su Jing wiped away tears and choked: "Bai Nan, rongxijie He With Zhao Yujie. " Once the words fell, Su Jing's tears, which were hard to stop, began to drop again.

At this point, Bai Nan was stunned, as if hearing a terrible news, eyes full of amazement, face full of incredible.

Rongxijie and zhaoyujie together?

To be honest, Bai Nan didn't believe the news at all, but seeing Su Jing so sad, he had to swallow back what he said in his heart and comfort her.

Then Bai Nan found a quiet coffee shop. Su Jing and Bai Nan sat down and had a good talk.When Su Jing's mood calmed down, Bai Nan began to speak.

"Su Jing, what's going on?" Bai Nan's tone of anxiety.

To tell you the truth, from Su Jing's mouth, Rong xijue and Zhao Yujie are together. Bai Nan really doesn't believe it at all. She thinks it's impossible.

Bai Nan can clearly see Rong xijue's affection for Su Jing, and also knows what Rong xijue has been paying for Su Jing.

Besides, Rongxi definitely didn't mean anything to Zhao Yujie. How could he be with Zhao Yujie?

There must be some misunderstanding, otherwise it would not be like this.

Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help biting her lower lip. Her heart was full of depression and her clear eyes were full of sadness.

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"What I saw with my own eyes, is there a fake?" Su Jing spoke fiercely and looked at Bai Nan with sharp eyes. She seemed to want to tell Bai Nan that she had seen it with her own eyes.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Bai Nan couldn't help swallowing her saliva, frowning, and looking at Bai Nan, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Su Jing's eyes at this time are very serious, as if to say that everything is true, she did not mean to cheat him.

"I..." Bai Nan hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Seriously, under the current situation, Bai Nan doesn't know what to say or what to say.

Su Jing's eyes have told Bai Nan that no matter what he says, Su Jing has decided that Rong Xi will be sorry for her and that she is with Zhao Yujie.

Bai Nan didn't make it clear, and he didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

With a helpless sigh, Bai Nan patted Su Jing on the shoulder and said: "Su Jing, seriously, you can see what Rongxi will do to you. So you have to be calm and don't mess around. In short, you should think twice before you act. "

Bai Nan looks at Su Jing seriously and takes a deep breath. Her playful eyes are full of firmness.

Seeing this, Su Jing nodded her head, and a bitter smile rose from the corner of her lips. She was still very glad that Bai Nan could listen to her complaint at this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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