After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 642: 642

Seeing Rong xijue's look, Bai Nan and sunspot couldn't help frowning. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. They took a curious look at Rong xijue's mobile phone. When they saw Zhao Yujie's number, they took a breath of cold breath.

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At this time, Zhao Yujie called to represent what, in fact, is very simple, that is to challenge Rong Xi.

Today, when Zhao Yujie directly threw the equipment to them, at that moment, Bai Nan and sunspot knew that Zhao Yujie would definitely settle accounts with Rongxi, but they didn't expect that soon.

"Rong Xi Jue (boss)..." White South and sunspot can't help but call a low, full of worry.

I don't know why, they have a bad feeling that if they do, things will not be so simple.

At that moment, rongxijue suddenly became calm. After he knew that the plan had been exposed, rongxijue knew that Zhao Yujie would settle accounts with him, and that Su Jing would be threatened.

At the thought that Su Jing's life was threatened, Rongxi was determined to fight with terror, plopping and jumping, for fear that Zhao Yujie would come up with some tricks.

After that, Rongxi decided to come back to his senses and took a sharp look at Bai Nan and sunspots, indicating that they were not worried and pressed the answer button without saying a word.

"Zhao Yujie..." As soon as Rong xijue's words came out, Zhao Yujie on the phone already spoke impatiently.

"Rongxi, I didn't expect you to plan on me." Zhao Yujie had a calm and free look. She did not feel angry at all, just like she did not feel strange at all.

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Hearing the speech, Rongxi decided to smile lightly, with an indescribable smile on his face and calmly replied, "so?"

So far, Rongxi definitely felt that there was no need to hide anything. Since this was the case, it was better to be straightforward.

"So? Nothing, so. " Zhao Yujie's tone was bright, and then came the sound of knocking on the table from the phone. The voice was very rhythmic, as if she was thinking about something.

Hearing the powerful voice, Rongxi decided to frown tightly. A trace of different look flashed in his deep eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something, but nothing was shown.

After half a ring, Zhao Yujie opened her voice slowly and said in a low voice, "in fact, it's nothing. Let's talk about it."

"I don't think there's anything to talk about." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi uttered an unhappy tone, with a touch of indifference in his eyes, and did not want to entangle with Zhao Yujie.

When she heard this, Zhao Yujie chuckled, with such a sharp smile and a slight cough. She said: "don't be so ruthless, but you should know your present situation, so..."

Zhao Yujie did not say the rest of the words, but the meaning of the words made people think deeply.

After a short pause, Rongxi couldn't help biting her lower lip. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva. In a low voice, "Zhao Yujie, what do you want?"

"I didn't want to do anything about it. I just wanted to talk to you." Zhao Yujie's meaning is very clear, but only Zhao Yujie knows the meaning in the words.

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Angrily biting his lower lip, Rongxi Jue's eyes suddenly become dark, the next moment, Rongxi Jue looks up and becomes sharp.

"Well, let's talk." Rongxi decided to speak in a cheerful tone and hung up without saying a word. He didn't want to entangle with Zhao Yujie at all.

As soon as he saw Rong Xi Hang up the phone, Bai Nan and sunspot immediately asked, "what's the matter? Zhao Yujie, she... "

Rongxi will see their worried eyes, can't help pursing his mouth, gently shaking his head and smiling.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. It's just a conversation." What rongxijue said was very simple, even without any feeling of worry.

However, Bai Nan and Blackie know what's going on and understand the meaning of Rong Xi's decision more clearly. Zhao Yujie is not a good kind of person. If she really does, it will be a long time.

Touching their eyes, Rongxi decided to pat them on the shoulder, coughed gently, and said solemnly, "you must believe me." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi never said a word, turned away and did not give them a chance to speak.

Seeing Rong Xi's firm back, Bai Nan and sunspot couldn't help pursing their lips. A sigh overflowed from the corner of their mouth, and a touch of helplessness flashed through their hearts.

Now they can only stand by and wait for the result of rongxijue. As for the next thing, only rongxijue can solve it himself.

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Rongxi decided to drive a Porsche and quickly came to Zhao Yujie's company. When she saw Zhao Yujie's arrogant appearance, Rongxi decided to look calm and free, and had no feeling at all.

"Zhao Yujie, just say what you want." Rong Xi walked into the office step by step and stood in front of Zhao Yujie, like a mountain.

Zhao Yujie raised her eyes slightly and looked at Rong xijue, and her lips raised a funny smile, as if everything was under Zhao Yujie's control, including Rong xijue standing in front of her at this time.

With a delicate hand on the table, his fingers dragged his chin, he looked at him from top to bottom and said in a soft voice: "what's the matter? Do you feel angry? Very sad? "Rongxi never answered, but looked at Zhao Yujie faintly. There was a look in her eyes that others could not see.

Touching Rong xijue's eyes, Zhao Yujie's lips raised a beautiful range. She looked very happy. She seemed to appreciate Rong xijue's look.

"Show it when you are angry. There is no need to hold it back. It's not good for you." Zhao Yujie's voice was very light and light. It was like a gust of wind passing by Rong xijue's ears, but it was very harsh.

Hearing this, Rongxi could not help biting her lower lip. Even though he tried to suppress the anger in her body, he could not help bursting out at the moment of seeing Zhao Yujie.

"Zhao Yujie, if you have something to say, don't play with me."

Rongxi definitely didn't want to see Zhao Yujie at all. He didn't want to waste his saliva to talk to Zhao Yujie.

At the next moment, Zhao Yujie gently hooked her lips, took out a document on the table and quickly handed it to Rong xijue.

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"Look at this for yourself."

Immediately, Rong Xi Jue frowned and looked sharply at the agreement on the table. It was the agreement signed between him and Zhao Yujie. He remembered the contents clearly.

"Zhao Yujie, what do you mean by taking this out?" Rong xijue's eyebrows flashed sharp and looked straight at Zhao Yujie.

Tell Rong xijue directly that Zhao Yujie will not give up easily this time. She will definitely come up with various methods.

On hearing the speech, Zhao Yujie's lips curled in a different way, and a trace of complacency flashed in her eyes. With her delicate hands and delicate makeup, she was full of lofty pride.

"You should remember this one, right?" Zhao Yujie's rhetorical tone seemed to mention something.

Rongxi looked at Zhao Yujie lightly and did not answer. Instead, he wanted to know what she meant.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just reminding you." Zhao Yujie spoke in a cheerful tone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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