After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 645: 645

"Su Jing..." Rongxi could not help but call a low voice, the words are full of depression, deep eyes are full of sadness.

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Su Jing's eyes tell rongxijue one thing, that is, she stands there like a wooden man with no feelings at all. Even if rongxijue holds her tightly, Su Jing is indifferent.

In fact, at that moment, Rongxi's determination was very painful, as if countless arrows pierced his heart. Countless small holes were allowed to be poured in by the cold wind, but he could not say anything.

Staring at Su Jing stupidly, her deep eyes are full of melancholy, with a kind of unspeakable sadness. Her thin lips tightly pursed, looking very painful.

Touching Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing couldn't help pursing her mouth, gently pursed her mouth for a while, but she didn't make a sound.

It can be said that Su Jing forced herself to keep quiet and didn't want to be determined by Rongxi to know her deep thoughts.

"Rongxi Jue, what do you want to say?" Su Jing a light tone, look at the eyes of rongxijue without any color, as if facing a stranger.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi could not help biting her lower lip. Her eyes were full of sadness, and her tired face became more tired.

At that moment, Rongxi never knew how to answer Su Jing, or even was afraid to answer her, because he was afraid that when he opened his voice, Su Jing would say cold words, which rongxijue could not say.

"I..." Rongxi decided to be hesitant for a moment. It was totally different from the vigorous and calm Rongxi, as if he had changed a person.

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Looking directly at Su Jing, Rong Xi decided to become timid, just like a child who was afraid of being hurt. He wanted to get close to Su Jing, but he was afraid that Su Jing would push him away.

Touched by Rong xijue's look, Su Jing's heart is filled with an indescribable feeling, as if she was stunned by something, and suddenly became dull.

Su Jing was a little surprised by Rong xijue's look. Su Jing met Rong xijue for the first time after such a long time. For a moment, Su Jing didn't know what to say or what to do.

"You..." Su Jing couldn't help swallowing. All she wanted to say was stuck in her throat, but she couldn't say it.

Rong xijue's eyes, so that Su Jing suddenly lost the language ability, like a confused child, did not know what to say.

"Su Jing, I'm sorry for you." Rongxi never stopped biting her lower lip. Her eyes were full of sadness. She suddenly lowered her head, looking as if she was repenting to Su Jing.

Hearing this, Su Jing suddenly came back to her senses. She couldn't help but sneer. Her eyes looked coldly at Rong xijue, and her pink and tender lips were slightly raised.

"If you had known today, why have you had it in the first place?"

As soon as the words fall, Su Jing quickly turns around and takes a cold look at Rong xijue and signals the other party to leave quickly.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes at that moment, Rongxi decided to be stunned for a moment. A touch of doubt flashed in his heart, as well as a strong sadness.

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Su Jing doesn't believe him at all, even

In the moment Su Jing turned around, Rongxi decided to see clearly. Su Jing's eyes were full of coldness and a little disgust. He wanted to leave quickly.

"Su Jing, do you really hate me so much?" Rongxi couldn't help but step back. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She asked in a low voice.

In any case, Rongxi wants to ask clearly and to hear the real answer from Su Jing.

Suddenly, Su Jing couldn't help but be stunned and stood in the same place. Her feet seemed to be fixed by something and couldn't move.

Does she hate rongxijue? Su Jing couldn't help asking herself.

To be honest, Su Jing was really angry when she saw Rong xijue and Zhao Yujie together at first. She didn't even want to see Rong xijue, but

Su Jing knows one thing very well. She doesn't hate Rong xijue.

Maybe I've hated it, so now I'm very calm. I don't know what to say. Seriously, the situation is not as simple as Su Jing himself.

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Su Jing shook her head gently, and a soft smile rose from the corner of her mouth. She looked very calm and comfortable. She said in a soft voice: "no, but it doesn't mean I forgive you. Rongxi is determined that you are just treating me now. In fact..." The rest of the words, Su Jing did not say, just a calm look at Rong xijue.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, Rongxi couldn't help pursing her mouth. The corners of her mouth were full of bitterness, and she didn't even know what to say.

What does Su Jing mean? Needless to say, Rongxi definitely knows what it means.

Rongxi could not help but smile bitterly and looked at Su Jing with sad eyes. Her sexy thin lips opened and closed, and she couldn't say a word.

Su Jing's eyes have already explained everything. Does he still need to say this?

Rongxi couldn't help shaking his head slightly. The bitterness of the corners of his lips had spread to his whole face. He looked at Su Jing sadly, his eyes drooped, and he opened his voice in a low voice: "I know. I understand what you mean."

As soon as the words fell, Rongxi turned away without saying a word. He looked very sad and walked out step by step.Seeing Rong xijue's back, Su Jing's clear and beautiful eyes suddenly became gloomy and confused. Her pink lips opened and closed, and she didn't know what to say.

In this way, rongxijue leaves step by step. Su JINGDING stands at the door and looks at Rong xijue. It seems that there is a wall between them, and they can't cross it.

At that moment, Su Jing looked at Rong xijue in a dazed way. Her heart seemed to be oppressed by something. She could not see through the past. Her eyes were full of sadness.

"Rong Xi Jue..." Suddenly, Su Jing couldn't help but call out in a low voice. A trace of depression flashed in her heart. She looked at Rong xijue, and immediately came back to her mind, and faintly raised the corners of her mouth.

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As soon as he heard Su Jing's call, Rong xijue immediately turned around, with a trace of excitement and hope in his eyes. However, seeing the calm on Su Jing's face, the excitement on Rong xijue's face disappeared in an instant.

"Su Jing, what are you calling me for?" Rongxi couldn't help pursing his mouth for a moment, looking at Su Jing deeply and biting his lower lip tightly.

Su Jing raised her head slightly and looked at Rong xijue faintly. Her eyes were indescribable. Suddenly she took a deep breath and said, "I hope you don't come to me again." When Su Jing said this, her face was full of firmness and coldness.

Hearing this, Rongxi was stunned for a moment. His deep eyes widened and looked at Su Jing. His eyes were full of amazement.

To tell you the truth, what Su Jing said was that Rong Xijie had never thought about it.

The meaning of Su Jing's words is that she doesn't want him to appear in front of her. This is not

Isn't this about breaking up with him? No contact in the future!

A pair of sad eyes will certainly look at Su Jing, eyes contain a trace of pleading, Rong Xi decided to tightly close the lower lip, but not a word.

Su Jing's words are so obvious. What else can he say. No way! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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