After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 680: 680

Since she appeared, Rong xijue's eyes did not move away from her. Su Jing thought what was wrong? And Rong xijue's eyes are so firm and serious.

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Hearing this, Rongxi decided to return to his senses in an instant and couldn't help laughing. He said softly, "it's OK. I just want to get absorbed in things. Don't think about it too much." When he said this, Rong Xi Jue had a soft smile on his face.

Seeing this, Su Jing frowned incredulously. She always felt that Rongxi had something to hide from her and refused to tell the truth.

After half a ring, Su Jing put the things down, and then turned back and smile at Rong xiju.

"Wash your hands and the food will be ready soon." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing quickly turned around and walked to the kitchen. The smile on her face made Rong xijue feel a burst of joy in her heart.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, Rong xiju's face was full of happy smile. Without saying a word, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and then quickly sat down and waited for dinner.

After smelling the delicious food and seeing the look on Su Jing's face, Rongxi decided to be warm inside.

It's so nice to have someone waiting for you to come home for dinner.

This kind of beautiful feeling can only be understood but can't be expressed. Moreover, in Rong xijue's heart, it represents a kind of happiness.

Touching Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing frowned suspiciously and looked at Rong xijue in a puzzled way and asked softly, "what's the matter? You'll be good as soon as you get back? "

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To be honest, Su Jing doesn't know whether she thinks too much or her own illusion. She always thinks that Rongxi is a little strange today.

Rong Xi decided to shake his head and smile, "it's OK. I'm fine."

Suddenly, Su Jing frowned displeasantly, looked at Rong Xijie from top to bottom, and said in a low voice, "are you really OK?" To tell you the truth, seeing Rong xijue's face, Su Jing didn't believe her at all. She always felt that Rong xijue had something to hide from her.

Rong Xi knew the meaning of Su Jing's eyes at a glance. She gave Su Jing a look and coughed, "Su Jing, can you stop thinking like this?"

On hearing this, Su Jing was discontented. She squeezed her nose at Rong xijue and whispered, "I don't think I'm crazy. It's me that's strange. I don't think you're Xiaolang." As soon as her words fell, Su Jing ignored Rong xijue and did not say a word.

Seeing Su Jing's unhappy appearance, Rongxi couldn't help pursing her mouth and secretly laughing, "you, you, always like to be a child."

When he said this, Rong Xi decided to pretend to be helpless and didn't know what to do.

"Don't pretend in front of me. There must be something wrong." Su Jing spoke in a firm tone and looked at Rong xijue with her eyes.

Touching Su Jing's eyes, Rong Xi decided to purr her mouth gently and said in a soft voice, "it's nothing. I just thought of something just now."

Yes, think of the past things, but feel that they have been relieved, do not have to think about these things in the heart.

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Seeing this, Su Jing frowned curiously and blinked at Rong Xijie, looking like a curious baby.

"What's the matter? What is it? "

From just now on, Su Jing felt that Rong xiju seemed to be thinking about something, but she was not sure. But now it seems that her guess is right.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, it goes without saying that Rongxi will understand.

The next moment, Rongxi suddenly became serious and looked serious. Her deep eyes were staring at Su Jing.

"Actually Speaking of this, Rong Xi decided to snicker suddenly, grabbed Su Jing's wrist and looked at her affectionately.

"I think it's nice to have you here." This sentence from Rong xijue sexy thin lips spit out, gently, soft, full of thick love.

Hearing this, seeing Rong xijue's eyes, at that moment, Su Jing's head was blank, as if she was attracted by something, and could not say a word.

Su Jing had never thought that it would be like a joyful violin playing in her ears to hear such moving words from Rong xijue's mouth.

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After that, Su Jing's delicate lips opened and closed, but she couldn't spit out a word. Her eyes were full of happy smile.

"Su Jing, I never thought that you could have a complete home. It was you who gave me hope and opportunity to make me feel warm at home." Rong Xi decided to apply incessantly. Her eyes were always on Su Jing's body and never moved away.

Hearing this, Su Jing was stunned and looked at Rong xijue, not knowing what to say.

To tell you the truth, Su Jing was very excited when she heard these words. For a long time, in her eyes, Rongxi was definitely a kind of person who was not good at expressing emotions. Even if there was something or feeling, he would bury it in her heart, but he would not say anything.

However, I didn't expect that Rong xijue said so many affectionate words to her today. What a surprise.

"Rong Xi Jue..." At that moment, she didn't know what she could say. She just felt like she had fallen into a whirlpool and couldn't get out."Su Jing..." Rongxi also called softly, holding Su Jing's hand tightly, as if trying to grasp something from Su Jing's hand.

Seeing Rong xijue's look, Su Jing smiles softly. Her eyes are full of love, and the charming range of her mouth can completely conquer a person.

After half a ring, Rongxi will be conquered, can not help immersing in it, completely do not know what to say.

In this way, Rong xijue and Su Jing are determined to look at each other, and they can't hold anything else.

I don't know how long they watched until the sound of the clock on the wall appeared.

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"It's so late. Let's eat quickly, or the food will be cold." Rong xijue immediately picked up the chopsticks and motioned Su Jing to eat quickly.

Seeing this, Su Jing smiles tenderly. She doesn't say anything. She moves her chopsticks. The smile in her eyes seems to tell Rongxi what to do.

Rong xijue also understood Su Jing's meaning. Her deep eyes lost their coldness in the past and became warm and moist. Looking at Su Jing's eyes, Rong Xijie wanted to hold the whole world in front of Su Jing.

So, they ate happily in a pleasant atmosphere.

After dinner, Rong xijue and Su Jing brush dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen. They look happy. They are talking and laughing, just like a newly married couple.

After washing the dishes and chopsticks, they sat down to watch TV together. However, there was a small dispute at this juncture. The reason was very simple. Rongxi said his plan carelessly.

Hearing this plan, Su Jing immediately lowered her face and looked very unhappy.

Although she said that she proposed it, Su Jing only said that Rong Xi would make sure Xiao Lang was safe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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