After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 702: 702

On hearing this, Zhao Yujie sneered and ignored rongxijue completely. Instead, she motioned to her men to take the woman away. As for the meaning of the eyes, it goes without saying that rongxijie knew what it meant.

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He wanted to stop him, but Zhao Yujie's men stopped him. If he tried his best, he would reveal his identity.

At the next moment, Zhao Yujie gave an unprovoked and charming smile and ordered her subordinates to seize Rong Xi and not let go.

Just at this time, Zhao Yujie went to Rong xijue's side. With a smile on her lips, she said in a low voice, "rongxijue, do you think I don't know it's you?"

On hearing this, Rongxi will stare big eyes, sexy thin lips slightly shaking, head a blank, suddenly lost the ability to speak.

Zhao Yujie knew when she knew it and what she wanted.

At the thought of it, Rongxi's determination began to get confused and didn't know what to do.

At this time, there was a scream outside the bar, which forced Rongxi to shift her eyes to the outside.

But when he saw the people on the bar, Rongxi was stunned, staring at the people on the bar, and couldn't say a word.

Su Jing? Why is Su Jing here? She

"What's up? Are you surprised and worried? " Zhao Yujie's charming smile, with a trace of cold, let Rongxi never from the heart of the cold.

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At this time, Rongxi couldn't care so much, just wanted to rush out to rescue Su Jing.

What's more, he can't do anything now. It's so-called "double fists are difficult to defeat four hands". Even if Rong Xi's decisive ability is high, he can't cope with the four big men around him.

At that moment, Rongxi was determined to be very anxious. A little sweat appeared on his forehead.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yujie did not have a funny smile. Her eyes were full of expectation.

At the same time, tied to Su Jing's eyebrows, she slowly opened her eyes. There was a noisy voice in her ears, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Why is it so noisy?" Su Jing couldn't help murmuring, but when she opened her eyes and saw the scene in front of her, she was stunned and couldn't say a word.

Why is she in the bar? Or being helped? What the hell is going on here.

Without waiting for Su Jing to come back to her senses, she suddenly saw the man in black beside her. Su Jing's eyes widened sharply, and her eyes flashed with amazement.

If she remembers correctly, at that time she was alone in the living room, clearly thinking about things, and as a result

As a result, when she smelled the fragrance, Su Jing didn't doubt about it at that time. She just smelled it, but somehow she fainted. When she woke up, she found herself in the bar.

Seeing the familiar man in black, Su Jing couldn't help frowning. A little depression flashed in her heart. Now she finally understood what was going on.

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This must be Zhao Yujie's means. Didn't Zhao Yujie say she would give her a big gift?

This is not a big gift, but Su Jing obviously did not have the opportunity to enjoy it.

At the thought of the eyes around her, Su Jing couldn't help frowning and biting her lower lip. A little depression flashed through her heart.

"You..." Su Jing roared, bit her lower lip, frowned, and began to think about a serious matter.

"Miss Su Jing, you don't have to be nervous. They are all good people and will definitely give you a good gift."

The familiar voice fell from the sky. Su Jing was shocked. She looked at the sound source with astonishment on her face. Secretary Liang stood aside and looked at herself as if she were watching a play.

At that moment, pink lips clenched, eyes sharp stare at Liang secretary, cruel voice way: "bastard, let me go quickly."

Even if Su Jing wanted to escape, she was powerless. Now she was tied up, and people in black around her were staring at her. If she had any movement, she would step forward to stop her.

"Let go of you? No way. " Liang secretary a light tone, looks very happy look, waiting for a good play.

Seeing this, Su Jing couldn't help frowning. She looked at each other with sharp eyes. Her heart was full of depression. She only felt disgusted and wanted to leave quickly. She didn't want to stay in this place.

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When a pair of thick meat hands were put on her body, Su Jing gave a thrill, suppressed her body's instinctive impulse, and roared at the other party: "asshole, go away, don't touch me."

When she heard Su Jing's voice, Rong Xi was so angry that she couldn't get anywhere. She glared at Zhao Yujie with hatred in her eyes.

"Zhao Yujie, you should let go of Su Jing, or..."

"Or what? Rongxi, you must not forget that you are now on the sticky board. You can't help yourself, and you still have time to look after others. Isn't that funny? " As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yujie's charming smile and the red wine in the glass swayed for a while, which gave people the illusion of enchantment, but it had a trace of sharpness in this kind of charm.

Suddenly, Rongxi decided to bite her lower lip tightly and stare at Zhao Yujie with a sneer."Is it? Then look at it. " Rong Xizhi whispered, and did not know where to come, and then he threw the big man beside him down and headed for Su Jing.

"Su Jing..."

Rong Xi decided to make a soft voice from the sky and entered Su Jing's ear.

When she heard rongxizhi's voice, Su Jing's tears were like a pearl falling off the line. She did not listen to his orders and fell down. She could not help but rush to rongxijun's side.

"Rongxijie, I'm here. Come and help me quickly."

Su Jing, who was always tough with tears, ran out of her tears when she heard the call of rongxizhi.

Rongxi seized Su Jing and stared at the black man who wanted to go to the front. No matter whether the three, seven or twenty-one, he kicked and punched him once, and even Secretary Liang could not help but survive.

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And some of the people who started to do something about Su Jing were also taught a lesson by Rongxi.

When Rongxi decided to return to God, everyone had climbed down.

Seeing rongxizhi for the first time, Su Jing was a bit frightened and felt the terrible murderous spirit on rongxiju. She swallowed her saliva and whispered, "rongxiju..."

Seriously, Su Jing felt a little scared about such rongxiju, and didn't know if she should come up.

It seems that Su Jing was afraid. Rongxi never said anything and turned around. She squeezed out a sweet smile on her face and said softly, "don't be afraid." When the words fell, rongxiju took Su Jing and immediately walked towards the door of the bar.

Just they want to go out, not so simple, first of all, they need to pass zhaoyujie this pass.

At this time, Zhao Yujie stood at the door with her men, and did not know when to circle together, surrounded rongxijie and Sujing, and did not give them the opportunity to leave.

"It's not so easy to go. Since you come in, don't expect it. It's easy to leave." Zhao Yujie said softly, a high-profile, a light hook at the corner of the mouth, raising a little bit of a different smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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