After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 788: 788

"Don't be born in bliss without knowing it!" Su Yan took a helpless tone and couldn't help looking back at Su Jing.

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"Rongxi decided that this is concerned about you, where bad you, only you this fart big mind, will think he is not good to you." Su Yan couldn't help saying good things to Rong xijue.

On hearing that Su Jing's eyebrows frowned slightly, a touch of confusion flashed on her face, and she asked, "what's the matter? Don't you fear Rong Jing's anger if you help Rong Xi to say good words

"He won't be angry. He's not like Rong Xi Jue. He's always knocked over with an old vinegar jar!"

Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help but chuckle and agreed with Su Yan's words. Rongxi was definitely an old vinegar pot.

As long as she said a word, he thought it had other meanings, and the vinegar jar would be overturned.

Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help pursing her mouth. A faint smile flashed on her face and said in a soft voice, "you're right. Rongxi is definitely an old vinegar jar."

After leaving the dangerous area, Su Yan finally felt relieved and released Su Jing's hand.

"Well, let's go on."

Su Jing was very happy to hear this. She ate with Su Yan from the street to the end of the street. When she was full of food, she was willing to stop.

After half a ring, the two men came to the square to have a rest and covered their slightly bulging stomachs. Su Jing and Su Yan showed a trace of satisfaction on their faces.

"Su Yan, I didn't expect that you could eat so much."

"I didn't expect that your fighting power is not small."

As soon as the words fell, they couldn't help laughing.

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After a short pause, the square suddenly remembered bursts of music. Su Jing looked back and saw that the people who had been walking on the square danced in an instant, and their movements were so natural that they didn't look like passers-by.

Suddenly, Su Jing is suspicious and frowns. When she wants to talk to Su Yan about it, Su Yan beside her is gone.

Instead, honor is at her side.

At that moment, Su Jing was so surprised that she couldn't spit out a word.

"This thing?"

"Don't ask. Follow me." With a gentle smile, Rong Jing reached out and motioned Su Jing to go with her.

Seeing this, Su Jing frowned suspiciously, but she still took Rong Jing's hand and walked to the center of the square step by step.

Those who were dancing were scattered in a moment. They looked at Su Jing with a smile on their faces. They did not know when they had a pink rose on their hands and handed them to her one after another.

Along the way, Su Jing had too many pink roses in her hand. When she was so confused that she wanted to ask questions, Rong Jing suddenly gave up her hand and disappeared in her sight.

Before Su Jing regained her consciousness, a pair of warm and familiar palms seized her hand, and a soft voice floated into her ear.

"Do you like it, Su Jing?"

Hearing this, Su Jing was slightly stunned and looked back at Rong xijue, who was holding a huge pink rose in her hand.

However, this is not an ordinary pink rose, but a hand-made dessert, the materials used above are imported, and it takes a few days to make such a beautiful flower.

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At that moment, Su Jingqing raised her eyes and looked at Rong xijue. Her face was full of disbelief.

"This Did you do it yourself? " Su Jing was too excited to speak.

Smell speech, Rong Xi Jue lips slightly up, brimming with a charming range, looks very happy look.

"Do you like it? It took me three days to finish

Hearing this, Su Jing could not find any adjectives to describe her feelings except for her excitement and joy.

Seriously, Su Jing didn't expect Rong Xi would spend so much time making a dessert for her.

Because he knew that Rongxi would never like sweets. Once he met something sweet, he would frown and look disgusted.

But now

"Yes, very much." Su Jing nodded, her pink lips clenched, and her excited voice became choked.

On hearing this, Rong Xi decided to smile gently. He approached Su Jing unconsciously and handed her pink rose to Su Jing.

"Then try it and see how it tastes?"

Just as Su Jing stretched out her hand to pick off a petal, a crystal clear thing fell out of it and landed on her palm.

When she saw a diamond ring the size of a bean lying in her palm, Su Jing was so surprised that she didn't know what to say.

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Is this a proposal to her?

Without waiting for Su Jing to come back to her senses, Rongxi definitely knelt down on one knee. Her deep eyes were full of gentle eyes and looked at Su Jing tenderly.

"Su Jing, marry me!"

A few simple words overflow from rongxijue's mouth, with a strong sincerity and love.

Su Jing's tears, like pearls falling off the line, began to nod.Su Jing didn't know how long she had been waiting.

When she liked Rong xijue, she fantasized about the scene of rongxijue proposing to her for countless times. However, she never thought that rongxijue did not say anything. She just came to the Su family and said that she would marry her.

At that time, even though she felt a little regretful and unhappy in her heart, Su Jing still chose Rong xijue.

But now it is not the same, at that time the regret has no longer been replaced by strong joy and excitement.

From the moment Su Jing nodded, rongxijue's face was full of childlike innocence.

She quickly got up, opened her arms and held Su Jing's body, hoping to integrate her into her own body.

"Su Jing, I love you. I will make you happy every day." Rongxijue a vowed tone, every word seems to jump out of the heart, contains rongxijue strong friendship.

Su Jing nodded heavily, and her pink lips clenched. Her eyes were blurred by tears. She looked at Rong xijue a little confused.

But she can feel the heartbeat and warmth of rongxijue. She knows that what rongxijue said is true, and every word is a promise to her.

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"I know you will do it." Su Jing said in a soft voice, looking up at Rong xijue.

Immediately, Rongxi reached out to wipe Su Jing's tears and said in a soft voice, "don't cry. You're so happy. What are you crying about?"

Su Jing turned her mouth and whispered, "this is called crying with joy. Do you understand that?" As soon as the words fell, Su Jing could not help but stand on tiptoe and kiss Rong xijue's forehead.

"You said something, is that it?"

"What do you say?" Rong Xi decided to smile, and a soft smile flashed on her face. Her slender fingers swam on Su Jing's face. Her eyes were so focused that she wished every expression on her heart.

On hearing this, Su Jing's lips curled slightly, and she raised a sweet smile. She looked at Rong xijue gently.

"I love this proposal."

In fact, for Su Jing, she doesn't care what the proposal ceremony is like. As long as Rong xijue really takes this matter to heart, it's enough to keep her in mind.

From this time, Su Jing felt Rongxi's deep love.

Seeing this, Rongxi quickly and firmly kisses Su Jing's pink lips and hugs Su Jing's body with warmth and tenderness.

At this time, the square again sounded music, sweet music and moving dance, as if in celebration of the two of them, to give them warm blessing.

At that moment, the square filled with warm colors and happiness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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