He thought that the girl wanted to find an excuse to get out of the car to fool himself, but he didn't expect that this man could do anything

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"Well, where are you going to get off?" Thinking of the scene when the BMW was knocked off just now, the driver Shifu swallowed his mouth and looked at Su Jing.

"Come on, you can get out of the car after you get out of the car."

Outside the window, Rong xijue's voice kept calling her name. Su Jing didn't care what Rong xijue said, just told the driver what to do.

Rong Xi in the car is determined to crush the steering wheel. This damned woman dares to ignore him!

No matter how Rong Xijie yelled, Su Jing just didn't look at him.

Rong Xi was angry and angry, but she had no choice. Su Jing was still on the bus. He couldn't have hit her by car.

"Stop the car! Otherwise, when I catch you, you don't want to hang out in a city! " It was no use calling Su Jing, and Rong xijue began to threaten the driver.

The driver was so scared that he stepped on the gas pedal and immediately went through the gap in the vehicle and immediately opened the distance from Rong xijue's car.

Rongxi never expected that the driver would dare to fall on him. He wanted to squeeze through, but it was impossible to catch up with the traffic jam. If there were too many cars, it would not be a wise choice.

After a long distance, Su Jing quickly got off the bus and took a taxi to take a long way to the company.

After sitting in the taxi, Su Jing's heart in her chest began to beat. Her heart beat faster and faster. She patted her chest in fear.

She couldn't believe what would have happened if roncy had just hit that BMW.

How can this man suddenly change so much? He doesn't usually like to talk. No matter who he is in front of, his behavior today is incredible. This is not something that Rongxi can do. Does he hate her to such an extent?

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After a long journey, she finally arrived at Weilong company, the company where Su Jing works. Su Jing is the head of the planning department.

All the way, Su Jing was greeted by people, but after that, a group of people got together and talked.

Ignoring this, Su Jing calmly got on the elevator and went to her own floor.

At this time, the planning department is in chaos:

"Hey, have you heard about it? Group leader Su and her husband are divorced

"Nonsense! Who doesn't know such a big news? "

"Yesterday, group leader Su asked for leave for a day and didn't come to work. When Xiaotian called to ask for information, he asked casually that group leader Su was at home with her husband yesterday, but Why did the news of the divorce come out early this morning? "

"Yes, Rong's group is really the leading leader in the industry in recent years. Rong xijue has taken up the post of president again. Now, no matter how much property is divided, he is losing money."

"The general news of Rongzong dare not be reported by the media. How can such a big news about divorce come out?"

"This May be the reason of group leader Su? "

"Anyway, the news of Su Jingrong's divorce is not so important, or it's not possible for me to make such a low profile news."

“…… I think so... "

A group of people got together to gossip, but they didn't notice Su Jing, who was already standing at the door.

In the crowd, a woman in plain clothes looked at the door, and immediately her face turned pale, "Jing, sister Jing..."

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The whole face of a group of people from green to white to green, a group of people together dare not move, staring at each other, but no one dares to say a word.

Su Jing leaned against the glass door with her hands around her chest. The corner of her lips held a high arc. It was a long time before she stepped in.

"What do you do when you don't do something?"

"Yes, chief su."

"Yes, chief su."


After listening to Su Jing's words, a group of people immediately scattered the animals and birds.

Su Jing strode into the office area, stood in the middle of the sidewalk, looked at the person at the door, and said, "Xiaotian."

The person who first said hello to Su Jing just now stood up and said, "yes, sister Jing."

"In your 23 years, has no one taught you how to be a man?" Su Jing's face was cold and her words made her feel cold.

A group of people lowered their heads and no one dared to speak. ODA helped his eyes on the bridge of his nose and anxiously explained, "sister Jing, it's not what you think. Listen to me, I'll..."

"Send the report written yesterday to my office." Su Jing interrupts ODA coldly and turns into her office.

Xiaotian looks at Su Jing's back and looks sad. She lowers her head and sighs sadly, but she doesn't know what to do.

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"Oh, Xiaotian is dead..." Someone said in a low voice.

"Not necessarily Group leader Su is not that kind of person. He never revenges himself or herself. ""But it's not necessarily this time. This time it's more serious. After all, it's a big event like divorce..."


In the murmuring discussion of a group of people, Koda took the report and went to Su Jing's office. She had just reached the door of Su Jing's office. Before she could knock on the door, Su Jing opened the door and quickly walked out.

"Sister Jing..." OTA raised the information in his hand.

"Put it in my office." Without looking at her, Su Jing quickly walked out.


"Su Jing, I already know about you." In the president's office of Weilong, a man sitting in a luxurious swivel chair is staring at Su Jing.

Su Jing nodded and waited for the following.

"I hope you don't affect your work because of your personal affairs. Although divorce is not a trivial matter, I hope you don't bring bad feelings to your work."

Su Jing nodded with sincere eyes, "I understand. I will do my job well. "

Her face was expressionless, without any trace of tears in the rumor.

The president couldn't say anything. She had to let Su Jing go back to work.

After returning to her office, Su Jing was relieved.

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She relaxed, leaned back into her chair and looked out of the glass window at the tall buildings.

Su Jing, who was nestled in the soft chair, did not seem to be alone with Su Jing in front of outsiders. Her eyebrows were locked and her whole face was covered with fatigue.

She is very tired, very confused, more do not know what to do next.

I don't know how long I have been lying in the soft chair when the phone on the desk suddenly rings.

Su Jing took a glance at the phone and her eyebrows were even tighter.

It was a long time before she had to get through the phone.


Only after Su Jing made her voice did she notice how weak her voice was.

"Jinger, where are you now?" Mother's voice of worry came from the microphone.

Su Jing stood up, went to the glass window, looked at her face on the window, and said, "I'm ok. Don't worry."

She knew that her mother was calling after she saw the news of her divorce from Rongxi.

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and then he said, "Jinger, if you have any discomfort in your heart, you can tell your mother and tell her about it. Don't hold it in your heart alone. It will only make you feel worse." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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