For Su Yuan, Su Jing has no relationship with her father and daughter at all. She just wants everyone to know who is the eldest lady of the Su family.

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Her grandfather once told her that she was the eldest daughter of the Su family, and she wanted to have the so-called "big miss" standard, because the Su family would look at her in the future.

Su Jing has always remembered this sentence, so it doesn't matter how many people look at her with different eyes today.

"Happy birthday, Dad. This is a gift for you."

With a sweet smile on her face, Su Jing handed the gift to Su Yuan, who was standing in the living room talking to the guests.

When Yu Guang glimpses Su Jing, Su Yuan's face darkens slightly. She is obviously a little upset. Especially when she sees Su Jing dressed up, Su Yuan can't help frowning.

Just now I heard a exclamation. I thought Rong xijue was coming. Unexpectedly, it was Su Jing, an unfilial daughter. Su Yuan had no good feelings for Su Jing and never treated her as a daughter.

She looked at Su Jing subconsciously. When she saw how she was dressed, her eyebrows were wrinkled and she looked ugly.

Su Jing looks like Gu Yan in those days. That's why he got drunk Only then did Su Jing exist.

So now seeing Su Jing wearing this dress, Su Yuan feels a little disgusted.

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Aware of Su Yuan's reaction, Su Jing still has a sweet smile on her face. She knows why Su Yuan has such a reaction. Although her evening dress is different from that of her mother, her seven point face and black evening dress just remind Su Yuan of her memory.

If she did it on purpose, Su Jing can frankly admit that she did. I dressed up to remind Su Yuan that her mother had left him and that Su Jing was no longer his daughter.

However, Su Jing would never allow the Su family to hand over to Lin Yali's mother and daughter. This is the Su family left by her grandfather. She needs to cherish and preserve it.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

The next moment, Su Jing smiles sweetly at Su Yuan. It seems that she doesn't notice Su Yuan's eyes at all.

On hearing this, Su Yuan's face was slightly heavy, and he immediately turned away. Obviously, he didn't want to see Su Jing. He whispered, "what are you doing here?"

Seeing Su Yuan's look, Su Jing smiles and calmly replies, "Dad, I'm coming for your birthday today. If I don't come as a daughter, I will be considered unfilial." As soon as the words fell, Su Jingyu Guang unconsciously swept to the distance, and saw that some reporters were ready to record something.

Hearing this, Su Yuan could not help but snort, did not want to see Su Jing, scolded: "you still have the face to say this, you have no face to go back to Su's house." As soon as the words fell, Su Yuan turned back his hands and was very reluctant to see Su Jing.

Seeing Su Yuan's attitude, the guests present cast strange eyes to Su Jing one after another, and some people showed a look of disgust.

Seeing this, Su Jing couldn't help pursing her mouth. A sneer rose from the corner of her mouth. The rest of the light glared at Su Yuan.

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Why didn't she have the face to go back to Su's? This is her home. As the eldest lady of the Su family, she has the right to return here.

This is what Su Jing said in her heart, but now she can't say it. For today's task, Su Jing is very clear that she is not here to find fault or quarrel with Su Yuan. She is here to give gifts.

"Dad, how can you say that? As your daughter, I should be back on your birthday As soon as Su Jing changed her cool face, she lowered her head wrongly, as if to express her dissatisfaction in her heart.

After hearing Su Jing say this, we can't help being curious. We feel that Su Jing is quite different from the news report, as if she were two people.

When she touched everyone's eyes, Su Jing's mouth flicked slightly, and her clear eyes flashed a little proud. Although she didn't care about people's eyes, it might not be a good thing for her if people changed their outlook on her.

A rich world is like a battlefield. It is better to have more friends than to have fewer enemies.

On hearing this, Su Yuan glanced angrily at Su Jing, and said in a rage, "you are not a filial daughter. What qualifications do you have to stand in front of me?"

Suddenly, Su Jing couldn't help sneering and hid her anger. She felt that she had heard a big joke.

She's unfilial? Is it because she didn't decide to take divorce compensation with Rongxi to be unfilial?

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At that moment, Su Jing's clear and beautiful eyes returned to their former coldness. She was not afraid of shangsu yuan's angry eyes. She put a sweet smile on her face and said, "Dad, where am I unfilial? I really want to ask you about it. "

She has never used the Su family's money for self-reliance. Even when she was in University, she still worked part-time to make money to subsidize her living expenses.

She has never contradicted Su Yuan and Lin Yali, and is always submissive to their difficulties.

Where is she unfilial? Su Jing really wants to ask Su Yuan.

touches the sharp eyes of Su Jing's eyes, and Su Yuan's body does not tremble for a moment. He realizes that he is afraid. He can't keep his old face red. He adds anger and indignation, "Su Jing, you know what you have done yourself. Do you still want me to mention your grandfather?"

After hearing this, Su Jing felt cold. Until now, her father still attributed her grandfather's illness to her. She was a five-year-old girl. What did such a small child know.In contrast, Su Yuan and Lin Yali, as sons of man and daughter-in-law, leave a sick old man at home and ignore it. Those who can go out for fun put their responsibility on a five-year-old girl.

Isn't it shameful? Not hateful?

Su Jing couldn't help sneering. She kept staring at Su Yuan. If she had made a mistake, then Su Yuan and Lin Yali were wrong. She thought her grandfather would understand her.

"Dad, I don't think you are the last person to mention my grandfather." Su Jing said word by word. Her cold face was fearless, and she looked at Su Yuan.

Hearing this, Su Yuan was furious and quickly raised his arm and quickly waved it to Su Jing's face.

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At once, Su Jing closed her eyes and gladly accepted, waiting for Su Yuan's slap. She thought that after this slap, she and Su Yuan broke off the relationship between father and daughter.

She thought that the angry slap would fall on her face, but after waiting for half a sound, there was no movement. Su Jing couldn't help but slowly opened her eyes. Su Yuan's arm was firmly grasped by Rong Xijie and could not move.

Rong Xi Jue? How could he be here?

Su Jing couldn't help blinking. She was a little surprised at the arrival of Rong Xijie. Didn't Rongxi never attend a party? Why are you here today?

Without waiting for Su Jing to come back to her senses, Rong Xi gave Su Jing a quick glance, looked at Su Yuan with no expression, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Su, there's no need to see her in the same way."

Hearing this, Su Jing suddenly woke up with a start, glared at Rong xijue and frowned.

What does Rongxi mean? the same level as sb? This is her family affair. When will it be Rongxi's turn to intervene.

"Rong..." Su Jing's words had not yet been said, but Rong Xijie quickly stopped.

"Uncle Su, I wish you a long life." As soon as the words fell, Rong Xi decided to offer a gift. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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