When Ji Ran received the message, it was right after a stage variety show. Ji Ran after taking off his makeup sat expressionlessly with his two teammates sitting next to him and there was feeling of them wanting to isolate him.

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When Ji Ran opened the WeChat and saw the message, he then only remembered that he added a small fan a few days ago. When he saw the words jelly beans, Ji Ran pondered. Generally speaking, celebrities cannot accept gifts from fans. Yes, whether it be valuables or food it is not accepted generally, because valuables are expensive and it may be begging to fans while food could be poisoned and so on. After all, it is necessary to guard against others. Ji Ran’s company has received a lot of gifts apart from dolls, but food had never been imported.

But thinking of the little girl whose eyes what somewhat similar to his own, Ji Ran always felt like the other party would not lie to him. So, after thinking about it, he sent his assistant’s address.

[ Ji Ran: Just send it to this address, I will try it.]

After sending the message, there was no reply from the other side, guess she didn’t look at her phone. Only then did Ji Ran remember that it was already past one in the morning and the girl should be asleep.

After browsing through his phone for a while, Ji Ran glanced at his two teammates. The fans outside were enthusiastic, but who would have thought that even if there were only three people in the group, they all were completely torn apart. (T/N: they were not in peace)

Thinking of what Sister Wang said, Ji Ran was a little irritated. He got up and walked out of the dressing room to go outside.

When Sister Wang returned inside the dressing room after communicating with the director, she only saw An Mingquan and Cheng Muyang, which made her brows furrow.

“Where’s Ji Ran?”

An Mingquan replied in the voice, which was described as a little milk dog by his female fans nowadays.

“I don’t know, he seems to have gone out.”

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Cheng Muyang sat there without speaking, as if he was not concerned where Ji Ran would have gone.

Sister Wang sighed in her heart and turned to look for Ji Ran. Sure enough, she found Ji Ran in an alley near the venue. He was wearing a black hat, wrapped up tightly, leaning against the wall smoking.

Fortunately, all the crew members were off work as the programme ended. Even if they saw Ji Ran smoking, they would not have taken a photo secretly. Otherwise, Ji Ran’s smoking will probably become a hot search tonight.

He was wearing a black T-shirt and black pants, leaning against the wall with his head bowed slightly, and it could be seen that he was not in a good mood.

In the entertainment industry, many idols are under a lot of pressure so smoking and drinking to relieve it was very common. In fact, the truth is, they only show what the fans like.

“Come on, don’t smoke. You still have to sing in this voice.” Sister Wang snatched the cigarette from Ji Ran’s hand and only Sister Wang dared to do such a thing. If it was someone else, Ji Ran’s violent temper would have exploded.

After the cigarette was snatched, Ji Ran’s dark blue eyes fell on Sister Wang’s face, cold and mocking.

“Singing? Didn’t the company already arrange for me to act? It’s not even certain whether I can release an album next year.”

Recently the company has been transforming the members of Scorching Sun group. Not to mention that idol stars are getting older and unable to retain fans, but the latest variety of small fresh meat are enough to slap these old idols to death.

In the beginning, Ji Ran made the whole Scorching Sun group popular, but now the group has finally stabilized. Both the commercial value and the personal value have improved progressively, but the company has become greedier and wants the group to disband to increase the commercial and personal value individually. Compared to Cheng Muyang, whose father was the boss of a company and An Mingquan, who came from a scholarly family, Ji Ran is the only one who has no background and is an orphan. He also signed a 20-year contract and could only follow the company’s arrangement. If he wants to break the contract, he has to pay 50 million dollars as penalty.

Ji Ran has been working in the company for six years now and is now the hottest super fresh meat. Reasonably speaking, Ji Ran would not be able to pay 50 million. The company gave Ji Ran the harshest contract in the very beginning and dividing the salary by three and then the company’s training fee and so on, Ji Ran does not actually have that much money in hand. Also, he bought a house two years ago and he is still paying off the loan, so 50 million is absolutely not possible.

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“Ji Ran, I know you don’t understand the company’s arrangement. As the manager of Scorching Sun, do you think I want this? Do I not want you guys to perform on a worldwide stage? But reality does not allow it, domestic entertainment circle is very unfriendly to male groups, and the current music market is not profitable at all and most companies are best at not losing money. The company builds you, provides you with resources and finally makes money and don’t you also want to make money? For the TV series, the crew paid you 80 million yuan for filming which is more than what you were paid for when you performed on stage before.”

“Ji Ran, in the group, I like you the most and am also most worried about you. Have you seen the hot search recently? Someone exposed the fact that you are an orphan. Do you think this was exposed by the paparazzi outside? Why didn’t the company respond? It was because you refused to accept a big IP and the director approached you because of your fame but you outright rejected it. The company released the news about you to warn you that your life is in their hands, if you want to live a long life in entertainment industry, you have to be obedient, understand?”

Sister Wang didn’t understand Ji Ran’s dream. Ji Ran loved to sing and wanted to become the greatest singer in the world, but in the entertainment circle nowadays, everyone wants to make money and releasing albums is a loss of money. If you want to live, you can only bow your head to the reality.

Ji Ran withdrew his gaze from looking at Sister Wang. In his heart he knew what Sister Wang said was right, but he still wanted to stick to his dream. When he thought about this, it irritated him.

“I’ll be obedient.”

When she heard Ji Ran’s distressed and troubled voice, Sister Wang was also uncomfortable. She reached out and patted Ji Ran’s shoulder. The first time she met Ji Ran was when he was fourteen years old and he became famous at the age of sixteen and now he is twenty-two years old. And she has watched this child grow up and she does not want the capital to ruin this child.

“Ji Ran, listen to me well, the C position of group, you must earn it, whether it be the C position on stage or the drama, the company’s resources have been gradually tilting towards An Mingquan and Cheng Muyang, only you have nothing. So, you must be ruthless to yourself than others, so you can stay in the entertainment industry, understand?”

She was like a young mother giving good advice to her child. Ji Ran’s blue eyes flickered knowing that Sister Wang was saying for his own good.

“I know Sister Wang. I will try my best.”

The next day, the company received news that Ji Ran had agreed to star in the large-scale fantasy IP drama they had invited and of course the salary was also sky high. So, the company was very satisfied.

In the villa, Gu Yingying got up early and after washing up, she saw Ji Ran’s message. Then, she hurriedly took her own Beauty Pill and directly prepared a hundred of them for Ji Ran and put it in small porcelain bottles which she intended to send out on her way to school.

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She had no intention of finding a maid for the time being, let alone using the Gu Family’s maid. So, after getting up in the morning, she drank milk and ate bread and walked out of the villa.

The villa area here is called the Purple Thorn Dragon Court, naturally the environment around here was magnificent and worth a lot of money. It is to be said that Gu Yingying’s villa had a small garden and a small fountain. There were also an indoor gym and an outdoor swimming pool and so on which were very excellent.

It’s a pity that the more excellent the villa area was, the more remote and bigger the location was. Since she came to this villa, she has only gone out once. When she walked out on the main road of the villa area, there was no one around, not even a single car!

Gu Yingying really regretted in now, could it be that she would be late on a special day like Monday?

As Gu Yingying was walking forward, a low-profile black car followed behind her. The driver in the car also found that Gu Yingying seemed to be alone.

“Sir, the lady behind seems to be alone.”

The man sitting in the back seat was in a straight suit, with a cold, hard and handsome face and gave off a do-not-enter feeling. Only after hearing this did he look up slightly and saw Gu Yingying in the rear-view mirror.


The man’s voice was like a low cello and this one word from him made the driver reveal a smile. He knew although his boss was somewhat unapproachable on the surface, he was the most kind hearted of all. Over the years, he had done a lot of charity. This time, news came from the police station that his boss’s relative was found. The boss must be very happy, right?

The car in the front stopped, Gu Yingying herself did not expect it but a driver in a suit came down in front of her and waved to Gu Yingying.

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For a moment, Gu Yingying thought of a possibility and she became excited and ran over quickly. At the same time, the magic mirror in her arms actually emitted heat, which made Gu Yingying’s skin scalded and she was stunned.

Could it be she was going to meet her relative again?

She quickly ran over to the driver. The driver was almost forty years old and his daughter was around the same age of Gu Yingying, so he was moved with compassion.

“Seeing that you are wearing the uniform of the First Experimental High, are you going to school?” The driver asked Gu Yingying gently and she nodded her head quickly.

“Well, uncle, is there a taxi here?”

It was the first day of the week and Gu Yingying didn’t want to be late.

“There are no taxis here and the bus only crosses here every half an hour. So, get in, my boss has agreed to take you there.” The driver explained to Gu Yingying, thinking of his kind-hearted boss and hoping that this time his boss would find his relative.

“Really? Thank you, uncle.”

Gu Yingying was not afraid that the other party would be a liar. After all, to be able live in this side of the Purple Thorn Dragon Court, the person can’t be a liar, right? And…was there any relative of her inside the car?

Under the driver’s arrangement, Gu Yingying sat on the passenger side and also saw the handsome man sitting behind in the rear-view mirror. The man did not smile and was difficult to approach.

Quickly taking out her magic mirror, Gu Yingying saw the man’s face in the mirror, which was exactly the same as the man sitting in the back seat. Could it be, the person sitting in the back seat was also her brother? How many brothers does she have?

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