"Your husband, but have brothers?"

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Sang almost laughed out loud. She calmed down and calmly said: "He has no brothers, but I have a brother. He looks similar to me. He has good character, good abilities, and understands the heart of her daughter. She has not yet married."

Yun Xuzhou laughed with haha: "Wow wow wow! The phoenix is ​​hiding all the time, don't mention to me that you still have a good brother! Is she afraid of me coveting others! A young bird, I take her as my best friend, she is actually against me like a thief!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." seems to have done something bad.

She quickly coughed and said, "It's not like that, he is reluctant to you, yes, reluctant to you. If you are married, how lonely he should be."

Yun Xuzhou hummed: "In this case, Feng Guo, you have to take a line to build a bridge with me, let me have a look with your brother! If it's appropriate, I'll be your sister-in-law, and I'm so angry of!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "...I think so."

At this moment, Youwu Ming has reached the front of the channel.

Sang was far away from the snake corpse, looking at him with a smile.

I saw him with a cold look, slowly closed the knife, no one turned around in his eyes, and went straight to the depths of the ice cave.

‘Dressing, cold, cool. She said to her heart, ‘The tail is almost up to heaven! ’

"Come, let's go." Yun Xuzhou held Sang far away.

Just two steps out, I saw another transparent ice snake emerged in the cracks of the ice. The snake's mouth was a point, and the volley rushed out, and two fangs were straight towards Yun Xuzhou's neck.

At this moment, Yun Xuzhou was turning the snow whip back to his waist, and was killed by surprise. Sang Yuan was only too late to make a low cry.

Suddenly a red light glanced over, Ling Luo flew, Sang was not like slow motion, his body swept upside down, across the sky, raised his head, raised his hand, and held the ice snake.

He stood still, raised his eyebrows, and smiled proudly at Xu Zhou.

Jin Feng seemed to fly into the temples along the end of his eyes.

Yun Xuzhou was fainted by her beauty. She suddenly felt that she did not necessarily have to get married to a man. In fact, a woman like Feng Chu looks...

She stopped the scary thought in time.

"Be careful! Sigh--" Sang stared at the elder brother who was far away from the key, and opened his eyes.

Sangzhou does not have any creatures like snakes. Sang is not close to common sense. He actually squeezed the middle part of the snake, turned it around, and slammed it on the back of his hand.

His reaction was quick, the fire spirit exploded, grabbed the snake's head, took it off the back of his hand, and crushed his head.

I saw two small tooth marks left on the back of his hand, blood beads poured out, purple and black.

Yun Xuzhou grabbed Sang's not close hand and opened his mouth to **** out snake venom for him.

Sang Bu smiled, opened her head, hooked her head, sucked the back of her hand, sucked the purple and black blood out, and spit it aside.

The lips were stained with blood, and when I looked up at the people, I added a lot of beauty.

"Small things." Sang Buzi leaned his head, "Go!"

Yun Xuzhou was startled again.

She thought she might be crazy, how could this **** woman be so charming?

"Phoenix cub," Yun Xuzhou said, "You don't want to go any further, just stay here and meditate on it. This ice snake is very poisonous and cannot be underestimated."

Sang Buxi raised his red sleeves and smiled indiscriminately: "Yun Xuzhou, the flame in my body is the most wicked and charming!"

Yun Xuzhou did not persuade him.

The most important thing at this moment is the poison of the golden snow moth. Although snake venom is also troublesome, it can **** up the poisonous blood in time, but it can also be postponed for a while.

The three walked a few steps tightly, catching up with the lifelessness ahead.

He stood quietly around the corner, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Why don't you go?" Sang Bu asked.

You Wuming turned his head back, his eyes were a bit hard to say: "...the road is invisible."

Yun Xuzhou wanted to laugh a little, stretched his lips, and threw Bing Ling's heart to him: "Lao Fen Zun drove away in front! Existing Ice Snake Explosive Nest, in front of you will also encounter ice scorpions, codling ants, Please be sure to step carefully."

You Wuming took the heart of Bing Ling, threw it twice with great interest, and then held it with his hands, carrying a knife, and cleaned the way forward, even the thorns on the ice surface were not let go .

Going forward, I saw countless ice caves criss-crossed, ice edges fell, and nowhere seemed alive. The light of Bingling's heart shone forward, and I saw the eyes full of weirdness, the ice wind bursts, circling in the ice cave, as if all the ghosts were crying.

When I arrived here, it was like stepping into a frost kaleidoscope.

Fortunately, Yun Xuzhou showed the way. You Wuming opened the road ahead, and easily crushed the dangerous ice cave into a smooth road.

Sang was far more alarmed.

Her heart jumped straight through, and the colorful ice in front of her started to appear golden. A faint line of gold moths slowly fluttered from the depths of the ice cave and fluttered her wings. They came to Youyou, they looked like Like the God of Avoidance, far away.

"The moth is here. Be careful!" she hurriedly reminded.

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I saw the column of golden moths floated to the front, as if burned by Yun Xuzhou, and drifted sideways.

Yun Xuzhou said: "Why, the golden moth is actually a toxin associated with the cold crystals of the ice, only because the glacier is pure to the spirit, it spawns many spirits, which helps the toxin to evoke the image of the gold moth, only the body Very weak people will be taken advantage of by them. I have been collecting ice crystals for Yun Xuyang all the year round. This golden ghost snow moth is afraid of me when I see it, and will detour consciously."

Although she was very determined, Sang Bujin still couldn't help waving two wide red sleeves to drive out these invisible poison elves.

Fear once!

Although he wears women's clothing, he does not imitate women's femininity. Dancing, it was the appearance of Yingzi Sashuang, a red dress reflected on Yun Xuzhou's face, she couldn't help but sigh: "Feng Chu, if your brother is like you, then I'm married!"

Sang Bujin: "..." Damn, what did the little girl say to this woman? !

"After another bend, you can see the ice pond." Yun Xuzhou said, "There are no traces of other people's footsteps here, and the two non-frozen grasses must be still there."

Sang Bujin was relieved, his lips slightly tickled, and his eyes were red.

"Retreat." Youyou's voice suddenly came coldly from the front.

The three were startled and looked intently.

I saw a strange animal lying in the middle of the ice channel directly in front of him, completely blocking the way.

"Dragon!" Yun Xuzhou took a breath and gently pressed his voice, "Can't fight, retreat!"

The always calm voice shuddered faintly.

Sang looked away from a distance.

The strange animal in front of him is extremely unusual. Like the Nether Ice Snake, it is transparent throughout. Its bones and internal organs are also slightly paler in frost color. It blends with the icy spines around it.

It has a triangular snake head, the size of a grinding disc, a red crown on the top of the head, two rows of sharp corners next to the ear, a red letter protruding out hissingly, four rows of serrated fangs are clearly visible in the mouth tooth.

Even more creepy is that it is not entrenched in the middle of the road. Its body is sinking under the ice, and its coiled body and tail are slowly walking among the hard ice on the walls of the cave.

Just like cruising in the water, this dragon will move freely under the ice!

There is no way to fight.

Once it hits, it will cause the ice body to collapse by a random action!

"Don't disturb it." Yun Xuzhou said, "I'll find a way to detour."

As soon as he stepped back, Sang felt a whirl of the sky, and coughed up. She hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands and forcibly swallowed her cough, only to feel that her nasal cavity was hot, and a string of blood foam splashed out of her nose and spilled three feet away!

The **** smell disturbed the dragon.

It jumped forward violently, suddenly shaking the mountain!

This glacier really touched the whole body.

Yun Xuzhou raised his eyebrows and said sharply, "There's no way, the one in front of you, do your best to drag the Nether Dragon in place! Feng Chu, open the way for me and protect Feng Guoqiang from breaking in!"

The words are clear and the voice is extremely cold and calm.

Had already disturbed the Nether Dragon, this ice cave would definitely not be able to survive. Once the ice cave is destroyed, the unfrozen grass inside will naturally be destroyed.

Time waits for no one, so he can only venture into it and forcefully take the unfrozen grass to save mulberry's long life.

You Youmei's figure swept up and pushed up.

Yun Xuzhou wrapped Sang far away from the ribs, whip out the snow in his hand, curled up a huge ice edge in the distance, floated up, leaned against the sharp corner of the forehead of the dragon, and slipped dangerously. !

The Nether Dragon shook his head and drove towards Yun Xuzhou with a sharp angle beside his ear.

Sang rushed closer, raised his red sleeves, lit a flame in his hand, and slapped it on the dragon's horn.

It wanted to go back and attack, but the thinner jaw was suddenly pierced by a long knife. The slightly thin man in a white robe lifted the knife lightly and forcibly turned his head back.

Yun Xuzhou carried Sang Yuan far, and fell lightly behind the head of the Nether Dragon.

As soon as my toes stepped on the ground, I saw the solid ice flying in front of me, and a dragon tail covered with barbs jumped out from under my feet!

Yun Xuzhou whip whip, curled up the dragon's tail, took advantage of the flick, tossed their bodies into the air.

This place has not been cleaned up by Youmei. There are countless ice edges shining on the top of the cave. Yun Xuzhou takes Sang far away in his arms and uses her spine to block the tip of the ice edge for her to avoid. .

Only a few soft sounds of "chirping" sounded, a fresh **** smell filled the ice cave, and blood stains were smeared on Yun Xuzhou's back.

Nether Dragon Tail continues to roll and strike.

Yun Xuzhou kicked with his foot and took advantage of it to fly backwards.

Sang felt her body trembling from afar.

It must have been that Dragon Tail pierced her boots and hurt her sole.

Sang is not near.

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He lit the flames in his palms, grabbed the dragon tail, and shouted back: "Go!"

Yun Xuzhou's breath did not delay, she grasped Sang Yuan and flew forward.

After passing the corner, there was a wave of ice that didn't know whether it was cold or hot, and it was like a Wang Xuequan after the hazy mist.

Sang saw two sharp shoots emerging from the bottom of the spring at a glance. The whole body was white and glowing with a glimmer of light.

A golden ray of air emerged from the tip of the bamboo shoot, following the bubbles at the bottom of the snow spring, Guru Guru floated upwards, and as soon as he left the snow spring, he turned into a little golden moth and flew away.

"This is Bingpo Hanjing? It's amazing!" Sang praised from afar.

Yun Xuzhou smiled: "Feng Guo, you really live and die outside the world! When you arrive here, you shouldn't ask where the unfrozen grass is!"

Sang smiled from afar: "Because you are worrying, I naturally don't worry."

Yun Xuzhou shook her head and took her a few steps to the edge of Xuequan, beckoning her to look at her feet.

Sang looked down and saw two slender green grasses growing on the snow spring. The material of the glaze can clearly see the blue juice flowing slowly among the grass stems.

"Unfrozen grass can't be taken outside, so you have to bring you in." Yun Xuzhou rolled up his roll sleeves and squatted to the edge of the unfrozen grass, indicating that Mulberry had bitten the grass tip far and sucked the juice from the grass into his abdomen .

Sang was far from thinking about it.

After biting through the tip of the grass, I only felt a breath of freshness rushing to my head, like a rejuvenation.

With a slight suck, there will be extremely cool juice flowing into the mouth, which tastes like mint, and the texture is like jelly with ice residue, which is very delicious.

"Drink both, don't waste!" Yun Xuzhou explained.

The juice of the unfrozen grass rushed into the forehead, and Sang felt the changes in the body immediately. The strange tiredness accumulating in the eyebrows was expelled from the body, the eyes brightened at once, and in several breaths, the heat in the lungs was called out, the chest and abdomen were refreshed, and the wooden spirit in the body was quiet for a long time. stand up.

Successfully detoxified!

After losing the green juice, the unfrozen grass turned into a transparent straw.

"Okay, leave quickly." Yun Xuzhou had taken the two ice crystals at the bottom of the pool at the moment and put them in a large leather bag around his waist.

Shake around all the more.

Ice edges keep falling down from the top of the cave. They are like hanging knives. If they fall on the body, they must pierce a transparent hole at both ends.

Yun Xuzhou pursed his lips tightly and ran far away with Sang.

After removing the toxins from the Golden Haze Snow Moth, Sang had only one feeling-cold.

Although it was cold, she decisively took off the obstructive snow animal fur coat, staring at her eyebrows, staring at Yun Xuzhou for the icicles that would fall.




The ground began to collapse.

Yun Xuzhou's snow whip curled up those ice edges that were still solid for a while, and flew across the broken ice.

Full of ice and fog.

There was a boom in the ice channel ahead, and Yun Xuzhou shouted, "We are out, cover us, and prepare to retreat!"

She flew obliquely, turning around the corner.

I saw You Wu Ming hanging in the air, her hair draped behind her, she was flying, her hand was pressed on the top of the dragon, and the blue spirit was pouring out of his body, slamming into the body of the dragon. The ice-like dragon body oscillated back and forth.

The faucet has become a wood-like material, and the struggle between the dragon body and the dragon's tail is more intense. Sang is not close to the dragon's tail, straightening it.

The middle part of the Nether Dragon twisted in the ice, and the sound of frightened glaciers broke from all directions.

"Lingyaojing is more than five heavens and belongs to wood. It is young and pretty." Yun Xuzhou's eyes were straight and his tone was calm, "Yuzhou King, you are lifeless. Long admiring his name."

"Go." You Wuming said concisely.

Yun Xuzhou shook his head, threw away his heart and shocked, protecting Sang Yuan, passing over the side of the half-wooden dragon, and hurriedly flew outside the cave.

Sang hurled down the dragon tail and chased after him.

The ice cave was shaken more fiercely, and the rumbling sound kept coming, and the whole giant river seemed to have collapsed.

Where the toes were pointed, big and small pieces of crushed ice fell down the endless abyss.

Sang looked back from afar, and there was only a mist of ice in his field of vision, and occasionally the cold flash of ice falling down.

"Yu Wuming--" she shouted anxiously.

Yun Xuzhou waved the snow in front of him calmly: "Oh, it's really lifeless."

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I don't know how long I walked in the ice fog. Finally, I took a breath and saw the sky.

Suspension rope swayed in mid-air, Yun Xuzhou grasped Sang Yuan, flew out of the collapsed hole, swept down nearly a foot, and then suddenly caught the suspension rope.

She kicked the trembling glacial wall and climbed up quickly.

Sang was so distracted, his eyes fixed on the broken ice cave.

Sang Bujin has come out, but Youming has never been seen.

"Yu Wuming--Yu Wuming--"

Seeing that Yun Xuzhou had taken her to the top of the cliff, rolling into the snowdrift and gasping for breath, You Wuming was still missing.

Sang rushed to the edge of the cliff.

"Little girl, beware!"

The glacier earthquake had not stopped at this moment. She fell to the edge of the cliff, her hands clenched tightly on the suspension cable, and she burst into tears.

The rumbling sound became stronger, and I saw a white mist roll out of the broken ice cave, and it has completely collapsed!

Sang far felt only that her heart had stopped, she grabbed the suspension cable and looked down below incredulously.

Suddenly a white shadow flew out.

The black hair flew up against the wind, and the man grabbed the suspension cable with one hand, and started to fly upwards with a light touch. However, between three or two breaths, he came to the front lightly, and simply stood up and stood firmly on the top of the cliff.

Sang did not respond for a while, still lying on the ground, only to have time to turn his head slowly to see.

He saw You Wuming's expression in the face of ghosts, stared at her, and accused loudly: "Little Mulberry! It's so cold, why are you lying on the ground!"

He took two quick steps, crouched in front of her, and tilted his head to look at her with interest.

"Little Sanguo, what are you crying for?" A wide smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Sang raised her hand in awkwardness and wiped her eyes, and then she grabbed her hands full of ice and snow in a hurry.

You Wuming fell into the snow with a smile.

He laughed enough before grabbing her by the shoulder, trying to help her up.

But it didn't help.

"Release." He laughed and lifted her cuff with two fingers, shaking a few times.

Sang Yuan realized that he was still holding the rope tightly.


"Little Sanguo!" He bowed slightly, and put a **** handsome face in front of her, "You are worried about me, you are afraid that I'm dead, let you be a widow, right?"

She turned her face to the other side.

"What do you want!" You Wuming said, "I said, when I die, I will take you with you!"

She continued to turn to the other side and wiped her eyes again with a smile.

The figure of You Wuming flashed, blocking her.

He put away his hippie smile, stretched out a long finger, and stroked her forehead.

She palpitated and looked up.

I saw his eyes focused, a pair of dark eyes staring fixedly at her forehead, and was checking it very carefully.

Thin, red lips pursed slightly, as if holding his breath. Her fingers slipped from her forehead, and she accidentally provoked her chin, scrutinizing left and right.

Suddenly her heart jumped twice.

She felt that at this moment he made her feel embarrassed to kiss the past.

Obviously a person who is used to it. Is there any difference?

You Wuming felt something, staring at her blushing face, and frowned: "Huh?"

He was about to speak, and suddenly heard the voice of Yun Xuzhou coming from behind: "No, the snake venom attacked!"

Sang hurriedly looked back, looking back.

I saw Sangbu leaning on the sled, panting heavily, and his face was as white as snow.

Youyou grabbed Sang far away and skimmed into the sled.

Yun Xuzhou didn't dare to delay for a moment, raised the snow whip, and urged six big white dogs to spread their feet.

"It's okay," Sang Bufei leaned back lazily, his lips still stained with blood, and his smile was gorgeous, "I can't die, slow down, don't fall, be careful."

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Yun Xuzhou glanced at him sideways, his eyes almost sticking to his face.

She found that the phoenix cub at this moment was really fascinating, and it was far more irritating than when it was only when you killed the snake.

‘It’s over,’ Yun Xuzhou said, ‘I’m afraid I like women. ’

She took a deep breath and turned to the beginning to concentrate on driving. At this moment, she did not pay attention to the matter that Youyou lost her vest, only worrying about the poison of Feng Chu.

The sled flew against the ice and snow, and in an instant, he returned to Yundu.

At this time late at night, no one was on the street.

The pale blue light spreads all over the city of ice and snow, but it is a pity that no one wants to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Yun Xuzhou drove into the palace, gliding in the snow and ice city for a while, and finally stopped in front of a beautiful palace with a "brush".

"Put Feng Chu into my bedroom, and I will immediately take the snake medicine to cure her."

You Wuming stepped forward and caught Sang Bubu close, dragging him to the ice and snow steps.

Sang suffocated all the way until Sang Bu was thrown into a pile of silver silk bedding by Yumei, and finally ‘popped’ and threw a sunflower.

The sun flower shook its roots, crawled to Sang Bujin's face, hung down the lingering flower tray, and began to spit at the colorful face of Sang Bujin.

Sang was struggling to open his eyes.

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw such a ghost thing covering the field of vision, and the very suspicious mucus oozed out, dragging out the thick silk, and dripping down his mouth...


It was dripping.

Sang Bujin wanted to thrive, and Yumie grabbed his neck.

Yin Yun's voice sounded: "Open your mouth."

Sang Bujin wanted to die rather unyielding, but was gripped by his lifeless jaw and opened his mouth, aiming at the flower face with a big face, and took a potful.

When Yun Xuzhou took the snake venom and ran back, he saw that Sang Bu was already up, sitting on the edge of the bed, his face green, and hiccups, and a small green bubble appeared from the corner of his lips.

Yun Xuzhou gasped: "This..."

Sang didn't raise her eyelids, looked at her weakly, and flattened her mouth: "Does it take you so long to get an antidote!"

Yun Xuzhou: "..."

Carefully handed the antidote, Sang was shot close by.

"No need! I'm ready!"

The look of anger is really aggrieved by Tianda.

Yun Xuzhou could only turn his help to Sang Yuan: "Feng Chu, she is..."

Sang smiled proudly from afar: "I'm cured!"

Yun Xuzhou breathed a sigh of relief: "So Feng Guo just said, see my brother for a doctor..."

Sang nodded far away: "I'll take a look first, but it may not cure."

She had always felt that the extinction of the Yun's male was very wrong and seemed strange.

Yun Xuzhou stayed for a long time, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Hundreds of years, if it can be cured, Yun's will not come today. Please follow me."

Sang Bujin ignored the initial recovery of the snake venom, green face, dragging heavy steps behind.

Sang far felt that he wanted to look at others and tortured with a big face, so as to seek psychological balance.

The guards in the Cloud Palace are men and women, and several high-level guards with gold embroidered collars are women. Sang thought from afar that, logically speaking, Jiang Yanji should have been a little bit of a woman's rise for ten years, but she did not.

Yun Xuzhou soon took Sang Bu and his entourage to an unpretentious hall.

She stopped, staring at Youyou with some tangle.

After all, the one in Yunzhou is the only one in Miao, after all, if you are desperately as crazy as rumor, it is impossible to guarantee...

"Nothing," Sang Bufei said with a green face. "The little girl is the lifeless sheath."

As soon as he spoke, he found that something was wrong, and he wished to slap himself in the face.

You Wumei raised her eyebrows and corners of her lips, unable to hide her smirk.

"Sheath." He squinted at Sang and smiled far away.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." I pretended not to understand what you are saying.

Fortunately, Yun Xuzhou couldn't understand the extra meaning. She only used Feng Hu as a guarantor for You Wuming, a lunatic. After a moment of hesitation, she let people into Yunzhou's palace.

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