Ch105 - We Have To Prepare For Our Wedding Next Month

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Sarcasm 

After the final examination, Yan Qiu behaved like he wanted to catch up on everything that he had missed. He became a total shut-in and just played games at home. 

It wasn’t until Ji Xinglan reminded him that he was not supposed to play so much while being pregnant that Yan Qiu finally reluctantly put down his games. 



After the New Year, the butler and the cook came back. Yan Qiu had nothing else to do, so he decided to learn how to cook. The cook trembled and stared at him; terrified and worried that a careless mistake would cause an explosion in the kitchen. 

Fortunately, Ji Xinglan’s cook was pretty good. But then again, he would not have been hired if he did not impress Mrs. Ji with his skills.  

Within a week, Yan Qiu’s cooking skills showed a marked improvement. Now, he could make more than sandwiches for breakfast – even though even the cat scoffed at the stuff he made!




Over the past few days, Lan Lan seemed to go missing for a period of time.


On careful observation, Yan Qiu found that it would run outside the moment it found an opportunity. It would jump over the fence and go to the neighbor’s house; only coming back when it was dark outside. 

Apparently, a delicate cat with a nice butt had recently become part of the neighbor’s family. 

Yan Qiu had seen that cat before, it was a blue-eyed ragdoll. Every time Lan Lan came back dirty, Yan Qiu could only sigh and bring it to the bathroom for a bath. 


While he washed it, he would scold it, “You’re a eunuch. Why are you always fooling around with the girl next door?” 

Leaning against the door and watching them, when Ji Xinglan heard this, he laughed. “The cat next door is a tomcat.”


Yan Qiu stared at his cat innocently licking its mouth and smacked its butt, ‘Aren’t you “outstanding” now?’


Ji Xinglan had finished all the induction procedures for the military and would be reporting to duty after six months. His best friend Li Chengyan had also earned a spot in the military due to his high marks. 

While they waited for their results, Yan Qiu would frequently meet up with Xie Yu and his gang. Whenever he came back late, Ji Xinglan would resentfully stare at him like an abandoned wife. And whenever he brought him along, except Xie Yu, no one was understanding. His other friends didn’t like Ji Xinglan, so he could not bring Ji Xinglan with him that often either. 

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When this happened a few times, Yan Qiu decided to simply reduce the times he went out, opting to stay home instead. 

Occasionally, Ji Xinglan would take him to meet his friends. Yan Qiu found Ji Xinglan’s social circle of a group of alphas boring.  

They just played golf and drank wine all the time. These friendly activities were not as effective as eating barbecue and playing basketball together. 



Just like that, almost a week passed and the day the results of the final examination would be announced, finally arrived. 

The night before the results were to be announced, Yan Qiu could not sleep. His eyes were practically open the entire night. When he woke up the next morning and looked into the mirror, he found that his eyes were all swollen and bloodshot.  

He felt dizzy but still picked up his terminal after putting in some eye drops.

Right at eight, the website where the results were to be announced started lagging because of heavy traffic, because of which Yan Qiu could not log in. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It took another half an hour before he could successfully log in. One moment he was staring at an empty screen when his results popped up suddenly the very next second. 

Qlat j gjmlcu jcv agfwyilcu tfjga, Tjc Hle ibbxfv ja atf rmgffc.  

Lf rjk obeg C+ kglaafc bc tlr rmgffc. Ktfgf kjr fnfc j oeii rmbgf lc bcf reypfma obg ktlmt tf uba j V. 

Tjc Hle kjr rb fzmlafv atja tf rajgafv pewqlcu, cfjgis tlaalcu Al Wlcuijc’r tfjv klat tlr afgwlcji. 


Yan Qiu received an interview letter from the military. It mentioned the time and location for the interview 15 days later.  

Xie Yu had done pretty well too. After he checked his results, he called Yan Qiu to happily cry to him, saying that he no longer needed to be beaten by his mother. 

“What are you going to do next?”, Yan Qiu asked him. 

“I want to join the army”, Xie Yu said. 

His answer surprised Yan Qiu. He remembered Xie Yu mentioning before that he did not want to become a soldier. He was used to living freely and he found the military rules really troublesome.  

“Why did you suddenly change your mind?” Yan Qiu asked with a smile. 

Xie Yu hesitated for a moment before he explained, “I’m a sports student, anyway. I just feel like… it suits me.”

Yan Qiu had heard from Ji Xinglan about where Li Chengyan was headed after graduation and he himself had been observing Li Chengyan and Xie Yu for some time now. 

Since at present Xie Yu found it embarrassing to talk to him about this and he would tell him sooner or later, he said nothing.  


At the graduation ceremony two days later, Yan Qiu saw a Xie Yu who had exchanged his curls for short hair, making him look really energetic. 

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It seemed like he really wanted to join the army. 

And as expected, the person who dropped him was Li Chengyan. 

While going upstairs Yan Qiu asked him, “Why are you always with him?”

Xie Yu remained silent for a while before he revealed the truth. “We’re dating.”

Yan Qiu was almost unable to wrap his head around Xie Yu’s sudden and straightforward confession and quickly asked for confirmation, “You’re…?”

Xie Yu seemed to be in a hurry to prove something. Before Yan Qiu could question him, he slapped his chest and said, “Of course I’m the top.” 

Once they were seated, Xie Yu told Yan Qiu about what Da Long and their other friends were going to do after graduation. 

Yan Qiu also learned that Bai Yuanyuan was going to continue studying music, Lin Wei had decided to further her studies abroad, and Chen Gou was hired as a sports teacher by another school in the region. 

“Why isn’t Ji Xinglan here?” Lin Wei came over with a wine glass and clinked it against Yan Qiu’s. 

“He had something to do,” Yan Qiu said while looking down.  

Lin Wei smiled faintly before she suddenly drew close and whispered, “I saw it. He dropped you here. I might have been wrong. Both of you really love each other and I hope that you’ll be together forever.”


The results for the final exam were announced. So on Sunday Yan Qiu went to school to receive his certificate and get his graduation photo clicked. 

Since Yan Qiu had been in this class for only one semester, he hardly remembered any of the students. He only had an impression of those who loved to stare at him and Ji Xinglan.  

But seeing Mr. Yang standing at the entrance waving at the graduates while holding a flask and an empty school, Yan Qiu stopped. 

He finally realized that he no longer needed to come to school any more and inexplicably he felt a little sad. 

“It’s still early, do you want to take a stroll?” Ji Xinglan could see the nostalgia in Yan Qiu’s eyes and took him on a stroll around the school campus. 

They walked past the green field where Ji Xinglan had spent his time playing soccer, the field which Yan Qiu spent three months cleaning, and the dorm where he once stayed. They even walked past the spots that were filled with their exclusive memories; the toilet they kissed in, the bathroom where they did the deed, and the forest where Mr. Yang chased after them.  

After taking a stroll around the school they returned to where they had started. 

“It’s fine. You can come back often to visit the place.” Ji Xinglan held his hand and gently  kissed Yan Qiu’s forehead. 


“Let’s go.”

Yan Qiu looked at their linked index fingers and curled his finger tighter around Ji Xinglan’s hand before following him.  


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Even though military selection was based on 70% final exam results and only 30% on the interview, it was equally important. 

Boasting had always been Yan Qiu’s forte. But to leave a good impression on the interviewers, he learned interview giving skills from Ji Xinglan as well as some common interview questions. While teaching, Ji Xinglan seemingly unintentionally touched and caressed his hand. 

Yan Qiu felt that he was not being serious during the lesson so he grabbed his ear and admonished him with a hiss, “Stop touching me. You’re not serious at all. What if I don’t pass?” 

“Impossible. If you don’t, I’ll compensate you.”

“How are you going to compensate?”

“With me,” Ji Xinglan answered righteously.

But fortunately, while Ji Xinglan was a little shameless, he was actually quite reliable.  

Yan Qiu went for the interview at the specified time. He was brought into the interview room according to his number. 

His interviewer was a young and beautiful female beta. She was really friendly and asked him a few questions regarding the work of a civil servant. Yan Qiu was asked to answer freely. 

People older than him made Yan Qiu anxious but he did not panic when he saw beautiful ladies. 

He wore a sweater and a light-colored jacket today, and his hair fell gently around his face. He smiled at the interviewer and looked like a pleasant, pretty boy.  

Incidentally, the questions the interviewer asked were questions Ji Xinglan had taught him before. 

The interview only lasted for a short ten minutes. Yan Qiu felt that before he could even finish speaking, it was already time to go, and that made him a little worried about the results. 

‘Will I pass?’ He was not confident. 

After he came out Ji Xinglan asked, “How did it go?” 

Yan Qiu originally wanted to boast about it but he decided to answer in a reserved manner, “Should be fine.”



Yan Qiu received the results of the interview quickly in just a short week. 

That afternoon Yan Qiu had been playing on his terminal on the couch when he suddenly heard Ji Xinglan say, “The interview results are out.” 

He jumped to his feet. 

Ji Xinglan was worried that he would twist his foot, so he quickly supported him and asked him to be careful. 

The twins were already four months old. He could not fool around like that. 

The time had come where he would know whether he succeeded or failed. Yan Qiu was so nervous that he felt like he was going for a draw for a SSR character.  

He shut his eyes and extended a slightly trembling finger to key in his password before swiftly thrusting his terminal to Ji Xinglan and asking, “…Help me check.”

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Ji Xinglan moved a little forward to take a look at the screen. 

He looked but said nothing. 

The entire room sank into a sudden dead silence.  

Yan Qiu felt his heart sink. His blood slowly turned cold and he felt like he was about to suffocate. 

‘No way… I didn’t pass?’

But the moment he opened his eyes and wanted to check the results on his own, he felt a warm heat on his lips and his vision was blocked. 

Ji Xinglan suddenly drew near and started kissing him passionately. He even pinned him down on the couch.  

Yan Qiu did not know what he was trying to do. Was he trying to comfort him or what?!

A long time had passed before they broke away from the kiss. 

Ji Xinglan looked like he had his fill kissing him and said while panting, “Congrats, babe.”

Yan Qiu’s expression immediately changed. He stared at Ji Xinglan in shock and did not know whether he should laugh or cry because of his antics.  

“You can look at the result yourself.”

Yan Qiug grabbed the terminal and checked the interview results on the screen. 


Written on the screen in big font was the word: Passed. 

He passed his interview! 

Now they could really work together!

In his excitement, Yan Qiu jumped up and pounced on Ji Xinglan and began kissing him fiercely. 

The cat did not understand human joy and just watched in confusion as the two people rolled around on the couch. 

They were kissing just now. Why are they fighting now?! 

Yan Qiu messed up Ji Xinglan’s collar yet he still looked like a fashion model. 

Yan Qiu sat on him excitedly. Ji Xinglan grabbed his chin and dragged him down to kiss him again. He said, “Then, we can start preparing for the wedding next month.”

Author: Don’t panic. I intend to talk about the side characters in the side stories, so the side stories are going to be long. 

Mogumoguchan: Congrats, Yan Qiu! And Xie Yu, my curls! I’m going to miss your curls, and you’re the same as your best friend! QAQ 

Sarcasm: Aiyeee….I want to read Xie Yu’s and Li Chengyan love story.


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