Ch117 - Pinning Him Against the Wall and Kissing Him

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Sarcasm 

Ji Xinglan put the terminal down. Standing under the tree, he looked through the moving crowd and saw the alpha dorms, not that far away. 

From here, he could see Yan Qiu standing on his balcony, basking in the sun. 



After he sent the message, Yan Qiu turned around and went back into the room. Once Yan Qiu was out of sight, Ji Xinglan looked away and withdrew from his position. 

‘He came back.’ Ji Xinglan was certain.  

Even though he had come back to the time three years ago, Ji Xinglan remembered Yan Qiu mentioning before that he had already liked him at this time. 


Ji Xinglan walked with his hands in his pockets. In any case, this was not the first time he had had this dream. In his dream, three years ago, he would ask Yan Qiu out to meet at the place where they first kissed. Then, they would stumble into his car. 

When he remembered that scene, his eyes darkened a little. If he had already caught Yan Qiu at that time, they would not have missed out on so much time with each other. 

Ji Xinglan knew that he was dreaming because aside from Yan Qiu, he could not make-out other people’s faces. He could only discern their general outline. 


It might be because he regretted not getting together with Yan Qiu that day, that he constantly had this dream. 

‘It’s going to be the same this time too’, thought Ji Xinglan, ‘But I want to try for real this time.’

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Yan Qiu twisted his ankle while playing soccer, but luckily, he did not hurt his muscles or bones. He rested for a while and once the pain subsided, he got up and went to the common bathroom to take a bath.  

As he stood under the warm spray surrounded by the refreshing scent of the bath gel, thoughts that could not be told to others, rose in his heart.

After getting dressed, he wore a baseball cap and a mask, picked up his keys, and just as he was about to leave, Xie Yu returned with a thermos flask. 

“Oh, where are you going Boss?” Xie Yu asked when he saw Yan Qiu getting ready to play truant. He asked curiously, “We have a self-study session later tonight and Mr. Yang is going to be out patrolling as well.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But Yan Qiu did not seem to be paying attention. He said casually, “Help me apply for leave. Tell them that I twisted my ankle.” 

Snfgsbcf tjv rffc Tjc Hle aklralcu tlr jcxif bc atf rbmmfg olfiv abvjs, rb atfgf kbeiv yf qifcas bo raevfcar ktb mbeiv yf tlr klacfrr. Wlf Te kjcafv ab rjs rbwfatlcu wbgf, yea ktfc tf rjk Tjc Hle ifjnlcu, tf xfqa tlr wbeat rtea. 

Llr ybrr kjr yftjnlcu gjatfg ragjcufis abvjs. 


Last time, Yan Qiu got drunk and went to bother Ji Xinglan. When he became sober, he fled in panic.  

This time, he did not drink and went straight to the pub, swearing to himself that he would definitely catch Ji Xinglan. 

The pure and noble Ji Xinglan had never even held a girl’s hand before. He was clean and spotless.


Ji Xinglan had just become an adult and had yet to fully grow into his grown-up body. But his skeletal frame and height was already that of an adult man. Even so, he still had the cold and prideful air of a teenager, making him just like an unripened tangerine that was going to be sweetly refreshing, but still a little sour. 

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Just the thought of bullying such a Ji Xinglan almost made Yan Qiu have a nose bleed. He was nearly on cloud nine with excitement.  

There was no way he would not like Lan Lan when he was like this. 

But along with the excitement, there was also curiosity as to why Ji Xinglan had called him here.

Logically speaking, the current Ji Xinglan should not know what had happened here in the past. 

Could it be that he had caused a butterfly effect because he initiated contact with Ji Xinglan and teased him? 

Perhaps Ji Xinglan already harbored those thoughts, and when he teased him, Ji Xinglan decided to speak to him. 

Yan Qiu could not be bothered thinking of the reason. The only thing he wanted to do was to pin Ji Xinglan against the wall and kiss him. 

It had been just a day since they met and he already missed him so much. 

It was dark now. Yan Qiu avoided the patrolling teacher and crawled under the fence to sneak out of school.  

The cab stopped in front of the pub. The driver saw Yan Qiu’s uniform and hesitated for a moment before he gave him a reminder, “You’re a student, it’s best if you don’t drink.”

Yan Qiu stepped out of the cab and gave a perfunctory, “Okay”.

Night was the busiest time for pubs, but he did not come here to drink. 

Drinking was no fun. Lan Lan was the fun one.  

Agreeing to come here made Yan Qiu feel like he was doing something bad. So he tugged his cap lower and crossed the road to reach the backside of the pub. He looked into the dark alley, but could not see anyone inside. 

So, he brought out his terminal to send a message to Ji Xinglan. 

[Yan Qiu: I am at the back door of the pub.

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[Yan Qiu: Where are you? Are you toying with me?] 

The moment he finished sending his message, Yan Qiu looked up and became aware of a car parked on the opposite side of the road. 

He was familiar with that car’s number plate. It was Ji Xinglan’s car. 


Just when he squinted and wanted to see whether there was anyone in the car, a hand reached out from behind him and covered his eyes. 

Initially stunned, Yan Qiu soon calmed down.  

He smelled the refreshing fragrance from the person behind him. It was Ji Xinglan’s scent. He kept Yan Qiu’s eyes covered and stuck close to his back without moving. 

Even through their clothes, Yan Qiu could clearly feel his uneven heartbeat. 

Yan Qiu snickered and pulled his hand down, then turned his head around and said, “Young Master Ji, aren’t you acting childish?”

On turning his head around, Yan Qiu indeed saw the face he yearned for, and his smile grew.  

In any case, this was a dream. So Yan Qiu did not have to worry about anything else. He decided to simply grab Ji Xinglan and uncaring about any passerby, he just pinned him against the wall and kissed him. 

The current Yan Qiu was not that much shorter than Ji Xinglan. He could easily draw his face closer, and when he put his hands on the wall, he looked domineering. He meticulously tasted Ji Xinglan’s soft and slightly cool lips. 

Yan Qiu knew that Ji Xinglan had a crush on him and thought that he should let him have some fun. 

He was not satisfied even after he stole Ji Xinglan’s first kiss. Yan Qiu started stripping him. He missed the days where he could hug Ji Xinglan to sleep.  

While he was tugging at his clothes, someone did pass by. Yan Qiu realized that even though this was a dream, it was still not appropriate for them to start acting wildly on the street. So he dragged Ji Xinglan back into the car. 

The moment he shut the door, the noise from the outside world shut off as well. Only their breathing and heartbeats remained in the cramped car, along with the increasing heat. 

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In the backseat, Yan Qiu and Ji Xinglan were already a mess of limbs. Their clothes were in no better condition either. The current Ji Xinglan might not have any experience, but he was still as fierce as a wolf cub. He yanked Yan Qiu’s shirt, sucked his neck, and left behind marks. 

In a daze, Yan Qiu felt that the dream was progressing towards R-18 content. He then began wondering if he was having a wet dream.  

When he saw Yan Qiu holding him of his own accord, Ji Xinglan was a little puzzled. 

Why was Yan Qiu so passionate?

He still remembered that Yan Qiu was quite unskilled when he kissed him that day. He did not have his current skills!

…Who did he learn from?! 


When Yan Qiu was pinned down, he grunted and felt that something was wrong. 


He could not overturn Ji Xinglan at all. When he kissed him just now, it was to let him have a taste, but this guy suddenly became as unstoppable as a flood. It looked like he wanted to swallow him whole. 

It was completely different from the shocked reaction he thought he would get! 

In his daze, he realized that he no longer had control over the situation, and he felt a little frustrated with his passive position. He heard Ji Xinglan ask, “Babe, you didn’t drink?”

When he heard that, Yan Qiu suddenly felt that there was something strange about Ji Xinglan, especially when he called him “babe”. The wolf cub in front of him suddenly overlapped with the experienced ruffian he knew. 

Yan Qiu’s gaze changed, and he immediately became alert. “What the heck! Ji Xinglan?!”

Mogumoguchan: So my guess is that 19-year-old Ji Xinglan frequently dreams of the time when he’s 18, and he thinks the dead Yan Qiu transmigrated to the past.  

Sarcasm: YQ has learned nothing! His IQ & self-awareness is really in the negatives… – –

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