Ch36 - Do You Want Me To Carry You?

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Neirith 

Yan Qiu had been a little weak over the past few days. So after walking for a while, he said that he was tired. He searched for a bench by the road and sat down.

He felt the breeze blowing against his skin while he sat on the bench by the lake. He swung his legs, and he didn’t feel like walking anymore. 



It was a bench for two people. Ji Xinglan sat beside him to play with the terminal, while the kitten remained beside his feet as it sniffed about the bush. It also started chasing a locust. 

It was dark now, and the number of people in the garden grew fewer. The middle-aged ladies participating in square dancing across the lake had finished, and they had already left. Ji Xinglan suggested by saying, “Do you want me to carry you?” 

Yan Qiu made no comment about it, so Ji Xinglan stood up and slowly knelt down on one knee in front of Yan Qiu. 


When Yan Qiu saw that Ji Xinglan had actually knelt down in front of him, he became so excited that he quirked an eyebrow.

“Are you serious?”

Then, he wouldn’t hold back. 


Yan Qiu lunged forward and jumped on Ji Xinglan’s back so that he could carry him. 

Military school students often had to participate in cross-country running while carrying massive loads on their backs. Hence, to Ji Xinglan, carrying Yan Qiu back home wasn’t an issue. But Ji Xinglan did his best to walk slowly, and the journey of a short ten minutes turned into a trip that lasted nearly half an hour. 

Yan Qiu stared at Ji Xinglan’s face while he leaned on his back. All the while, he enjoyed the feeling of treating Ji Xinglan as his steed. 


As Yan Qiu watched Ji Xinglan, he felt that he had grown yet a little taller over the past half a year.  

Since he trained often, his shoulders were wide and powerful. The lines of his muscles were smooth and beautiful, and he could even sense the outlines of his body through Ji Xinglan’s clothes. 

This was the figure and height that Yan Qiu dreamed of having. 

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At the same time, Yan Qiu could clearly sense that Ji Xinglan was a little different from how he was when they first met. 

In the past, Ji Xinglan was a noble young master who constantly held an aloof expression. He was tall, but he was still rather lean and youthful. He was considered pretty. But a short two years had passed. Now, his body frame had fully developed, and he could be considered a man. The adult alpha pheromones coming out of him was strong, and anyone who smelled it would have their knees turn to jelly.  

Yan Qiu tightened his arms around Ji Xinglan’s neck, and suddenly, he sighed. 

Who would have thought that they would end up like this now?

Fate seemed to have played a colossal joke on them. It tied two people who were supposed to be at two opposite ends of the world together. 

While they walked down the slope, Yan Qiu felt his body jerk, and he nearly slid down from Ji Xinglan’s back. He quickly kept a tight grip over Ji Xinglan’s shoulder and hung onto Ji Xinglan’s neck. “Slow down, I’m about to slide down!” 

Ji Xinglan also felt that his body was sliding down. Worried that he would slide down, he instinctively used his hand to prop him up. But the moment he put his hand under Yan Qiu, Yan Qiu yelped even louder. 

“Take your hand away!”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The sensation was off. Ji Xinglan immediately noticed what was off. He chuckled before he pulled his hands away, and he switched to hold Yan Qiu under his knees.  

“Ktfc, tbiv bc alutafg.” 

Cr tf kjixfv, Tjc Hle’r yfii bc tlr mbiijg rajgafv glculcu gtsatwlmjiis. 

Lf kjr jigfjvs jc jveia, yea tf ralii tjv rbwfbcf mjggs tlw. Tjc Hle obecv tlwrfio j ilaaif fwyjggjrrfv, yea tf kjr gfiemajca ab milwy vbkc jcv kjix bc tlr bkc. Lf mbeiv bcis yegs tlr ojmf lcab Al Wlcuijc’r rtbeivfg rb atja batfg qfbqif kbeivc’a rff tlw jcv ijeut ja tlw. 

Fortunately, it was dark outside, and there were not many people walking around the streets. 

Under the diagonal light from the streetlights, Ji Xinglan carried Yan Qiu back home.  

The kitten was by their feet. It worked hard to move its legs to follow them. 

On the last day of the sports day, with Ji Xinglan’s permission, Yan Qiu brought the kitten to school.

He already admitted that he would bring the kitten to Xie Yu. Today was the perfect time for it. 

On the way to school, Yan Qiu put on his earphones when he got into the car. He turned the volume up, and he turned to the window. He looked at the trees on the sidewalk and did not say anything.  

If anyone took a closure look, they would find that his lips were a little swollen. Red marks were scattered at the area underneath his collarbones, though they were covered by the collar of his shirt. 

Even when he woke up in the morning, Yan Qiu’s anger toward Ji Xinglan had yet to fade away. 

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He really shouldn’t have believed in this person’s nonsense. 

Last time, Ji Xinglan acted shamelessly. After they returned home, he refused to remove the bell from his collar regardless.  

Yan Qiu didn’t dare dare to go to school like this, so he was forced to beg for mercy from him. 

But it was impossible for Ji Xinglan not to take the chance to bully him. Last time, he was forced to say certain things, and when he thought about it, he still felt embarrassed. 

After he got out of the car, Yan Qiu put the kitten in his bag and walked through the school gate. He parted ways with Ji Xinglan and went on the audience seat by himself. 

The competitions had not started yet, and there weren’t many people on the audience seat.  

While Yan Qiu rested, he ate some snacks and brought the kitten onto his lap to play with it. 

When Xie Yu and the rest finished eating and came to the audience seat, the competitions in the morning were about to start. 


Once Xie Yu saw Yan Qiu, he immediately went to him and quietly brought out a book from his bag to hand to him. 

Yan Qiu took it and read it. It was The Omega Physiology and Health Guide. It was the same book Ji Xinglan bought.  

Even though he already had that book, Yan Qiu knew that Xie Yu was concerned about him, so he still took it with a word of thanks and stuffed the book into his bag.

As he expected, Xie Yu was a cat lover. When he saw that Yan Qiu had really brought the kitten over, he became incredibly excited, and he played with the kitten for the remainder of the morning. 

After being acquainted with him for an entire morning, Lan Lan was willing to let Xie Yu touch its toy ball. 

But when Xie Yu asked him what the name of Yan Qiu’s kitten was, Yan Qiu’s lips twitched, even though it was rather hard to notice it.  

“Its name… is Lan Lan.” Yan Qiu braced himself and told him.

“How do you spell it?” Xie Yu asked.    

“L-A-N, just like how you would spell Ji Xinglan’s Lan.”

Xie Yu let out a huff and flipped the kitten in his hands around. “It’s a good kitten, why did you give it such a name?” 

Once the competitions in the morning ended, the award ceremony was held in the afternoon, just as planned. 

The inverted T-shaped podium was placed at the center of the field. The principal stood on the rostrum and announced the list of winners. 

The winners whose names were listed went up one after another, and they were personally handed their medals by Mr. Yang, the third school leader. Then, they took a picture with him to remember the event. 

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Yan Qiu ate some chips from below the podium. Before he finished eating the chips, he saw Ji Xinglan go up the podium three times.  

Bai Yuanyuan’s duties as a cheerleader had finally ended as well. She changed her clothes and went to the audience seat. 

“Hey, Ji Xinglan won first place for another two events today. He’s just too good. My love rivals have just increased again.”

She took half of the chips from Yan Qiu and stuffed them in her mouth. 

“You suddenly fainted the day before yesterday, and he was so anxious that he gave up on his competition to take you away. Even so, he still showed up for the preliminary rounds. How amazing.” 

Yan Qiu nodded and said nothing. He watched Ji Xinglan as he stood on the podium in the distance. A slight pang of jealousy rose in his heart. 

‘Why are his legs so long? He can get up the podium with just one step.’


By his side, Bai Yuanyuan ate her chips while she smiled like an idiot in love. Clearly, she was still immersed in her teenage dreams. 

“He even read my love letter today! I feel so happy! I should have listened to you and made sure my handwriting was nicer.” 

Bai Yuanyuan was originally here to share good news, but this “good news” was like a disaster to Yan Qiu. 

“What? Didn’t you give him your love letter two days ago?” Yan Qiu frowned. 

“Yeah. But he didn’t respond to it.” Bai Yuanyuan wiped her hands and threw the trash away. “So, I wrote it again and personally handed it to him this time.”

This was what happened. Bai Yuanyuan refused to have her love letter sink into obscurity after she stuffed it into Ji Xinglan’s drawer. In the morning, she ran into Ji Xinglan by the edge of the field while he waited for the competition to start. Then, she summoned her courage and handed the love letter to him.  

Ji Xinglan was still quite the gentleman toward all the people aside from Yan Qiu. He wouldn’t cause her any embarrassment in front of others. Not only had he received Bai Yuanyuan’s love letter, he even read it as a polite gesture.

Of course, the further he read it, the more he found it odd. Why did the contents give him such a feeling of deja vu? When he asked Bai Yuanyuan about it, the girl had actually admitted that Yan Qiu had helped her mend it. 

“Did he say anything?” Yan Qiu was very nervous. 

“No. He just smiled and said that you’re quite good with words.” Bai Yuanyuan would tell that Yan Qiu was nervous, but she didn’t know why he was nervous. She instinctively wanted to comfort him.  

Yan Qiu was forced to smile, and he even let out a dry laugh before he turned his head around and covered his face in despair. 

During the afternoon, Yan Qiu carried his back and held the kitten in his arms while he followed Ji Xinglan to the parking lot. 

While they walked, they practically said nothing. Nonetheless, Yan Qiu felt that this was the calm before the storm. 

Just as he expected, when they reached the parking lot, Ji Xinglan unlocked his car with his car key, but he didn’t open the passenger’s seat for Yan Qiu. Instead, he opened the door to the backseat and pushed him inside.  

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Once Yan Qiu sat inside, he saw Ji Xinglan putting the keys into his pocket before he entered the backseat as well. He felt that something really bad was about to happen. 

He put the kitten by his feet and immediately tugged at the door, only to discover that the door was already locked. 

When he tried to unlock it, Ji Xinglan had already leaned in at some point of time. He pressed down on Yan Qiu’s elbow and pushed him against the car door while he asked darkly, “I heard that you sold me out.”

Yan Qiu felt guilty, so he lowered his head and didn’t dare to say anything. He knew that there was a witness and proof to his crime this time, and even if he tried to explain things, it wouldn’t help at all. He could only pray that Ji Xinglan wouldn’t be too angry or make things too hard for him.  

“I really thought that you wrote a love letter to me, but it turns out that you helped someone else write it. Do you really not like me at all? Are you that willing to push me to someone else?”

Yan Qiu knew that he was in the wrong here, so he didn’t retort. However, Ji Xinglan was already seething in anger right now, and when he saw that Yan Qiu was silent, he felt that he was being ignored. He yanked Yan Qiu to his lap and smacked him a little while he was at it. 


The moment he was smacked, Yan Qiu struggled a bit, like a fish about to die. Then, he glared at Ji Xinglan in embarrassment. 

H-H-How dare he?! 

Yan Qiu had lived for nineteen years, but no one had ever dared to hit his butt before. Now, someone actually did this to him! He was going to fight Ji Xinglan to death!

For a period of time, Yan Qiu’s face turned so red that even his neck changed color. Without hesitation, he jabbed Ji Xinglan with his elbow. He looked like he was about to fight desperately against Ji Xinglan, but Ji Xinglan easily grabbed his elbow and neutralized the attack. Yan Qiu struggled, but he didn’t manage to get up. While he tried to fight back, Ji Xinglan smacked him again without hesitation. 

Despite draining his energy, Yan Qiu could not break free. In the end, he slumped down, and the aggressive might he had when he wanted to fight against Ji Xinglan was instantly gone. There was only humiliation on his face right now. 

Ji Xinglan saw this. As he observed his current expression, he gradually grew more excited.  

He seemed to have found Yan Qiu’s weakness!

Right now, Yan Qiu lay motionless in his lap. His gaze was resentful and panicked. He looked as if he had been greatly wronged.

When he saw how pitiful he looked, Ji Xinglan felt his heart go out to him. He reached out and held him so that he could comfort him. He kissed his eyes and also caressed his hair. 

“You were the one who was first to be bad. You can’t blame me for tyrannizing you. Do you still dare to do this again?” 

Yan Qiu pursed his lips tightly, worried that Ji Xinglan would “punish” him again if he had his interests stir. He quickly shook his head to show that he wouldn’t do it again. In a cowardly fashion, he buried his head in Ji Xinglan’s shoulder, feeling incredibly ashamed. 

“I won’t let you off so easily. I’ll settle things with you when we go home.” Ji Xinglan released the limp Yan Qiu and sat in the driver’s seat.

Author: This person is a baddie! QAQ

Mogumoguchan: You wrote him, what does that make you? 

Neirith: I hate this ML x 2

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