Ch39 - He Almost Deceived Himself

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Neirith 

Yan Qiu observed the half slip of paper in his hands carefully. 

Even though the date written was two years ago, it was preserved pretty well. The tear was very neat, making clear that it was deliberately cut with a pair of scissors.



The two people with the poem will have half each. How romantic. 

Yet, although it was romantic, it was impossible that Ji Xinglan would be romantic to himself. As Yan Qiu looked at the date written on the poem, he tightened his grip over the paper, and the bewilderment in his eyes grew greater.  

This letter was written two years ago, but why did Ji Xinglan give it to him now?


Two years ago…? At that time, Ji Xinglan clearly liked Lin Wei. As his rival in love, it was more likely that Ji Xinglan would want to hit Yan Qiu. 

Even though Yan Qiu didn’t think all the sweet nothings Ji Xinglan told him were real, he was still pretty curious as to why Ji Xinglan had written this. 

He was a man, and there were plenty of poems that were suitable for him, but he just had to choose the poem, Phoenix Seeks Its Mate. It made it pretty clear that it was because he had someone he liked. 


The kitten crouched down beside Yan Qiu’s feet. It didn’t know why Yan Qiu was sneaking around, so it started stuffing its head into the closet. Yan Qiu was shocked by its actions, and when he shut the closet door, he nearly squashed the kitten.

He had been crouching in front of the closet for half a day, and his legs were numb. Using the bed as his support, he stood up. 

He put the letter back and hugged the kitten while he sat on the bed. He put a cushion behind his back and found a relatively comfortable position to lean against the bed. 


Yan Qiu used his terminal to scratch the kitten’s chin while he started daydreaming with an absent mind.  

The thought he had in his mind grew stronger. He was beginning to wonder whether he had revealed his true identity at some point, and if Ji Xinglan was toying with him. 

In the beginning, Ji Xinglan acted really arrogantly and looked as if he was asking for a beating. Yan Qiu was unable to tell if Ji Xinglan liked the original owner of the body at all. This was his fiancé his mother forced him to take, and to Ji Xinglan, he was just a stranger. 

However, being reborn was just too far-fetched, and this matter sounded a little too unbelievable. If he hadn’t experienced it himself, Yan Qiu wouldn’t even believe it, much less Ji Xinglan. 

For alphas and omegas, their pheromones were about the same as their fingerprints. It was impossible for them to be the same. This was the only thing they could use to state their identities.  

Xie Yu had managed to recognize him through his pheromones. Could Ji Xinglan do the same?

Xie Yu accepted his identity easily. One of the reasons was because he was thick-headed, and the other reason was because his wish for Yan Qiu to come back was too strong, to the point that he started crying before he was surprised, because of how worked up he was. 

Additionally, Ji Xinglan might not actually be hoping for his return. He might be shocked if he learned of the truth. 

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Yan Qiu believed that he should have revealed himself to Ji Xinglan.  

So, where exactly did he go wrong?

It was Friday. That night, Ji Xinglan brought Yan Qiu out so that they could eat with Mrs. Ji, with whom they had not met for a few days. 


It had been a week since they last met. Mrs. Ji hugged and kissed Yan Qiu while calling him with all sorts of terms of endearments. She asked him how his week had been. 

He wondered whether it was because Mrs. Ji had learned of it from the servant that Ji Xinglan had asked to go over to take care of Yan Qiu, but Mrs. Ji learned of Yan Qiu fainting in the sports event, and she felt her heart ache for him greatly. She scolded Ji Xinglan on the spot and asked him to take good care of his omega.  

Ji Xinglan quietly ate his food and said nothing. Nevertheless, Yan Qiu knew that he was just as anxious as Mrs. Ji was that day. 

After dinner, Ji Xinglan didn’t bring Yan Qiu back to the apartment. Instead, they went back to the mansion. 

Lan Lan had someone specifically tasked with its care at home. It now had a yarn ball that it never got tired of, and when it ate, it had two pretty servants bringing its bowl to it. It mewled happily and didn’t even think about Yan Qiu anymore. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf yeaifg tjv jrxfv rbwfbcf ab gfqjlg atf tfjafg. Tjc Hle afrafv atf kjafg jcv kjr rb abemtfv atja afjgr qbbifv lc tlr fsfr.  

Lf tjv yffc obgmfv ab rtjgf j yfvgbbw klat Al Wlcuijc obg j kffx. Rbk, tf mbeiv olcjiis yjatf lc tlr bkc gbbw. 

Coafg tf olclrtfv yjatlcu, Tjc Hle ijlv vbkc bc tlr yfv lc j nfgs lcfifujca wjccfg. 

Now, he hardly thought that the pink bed sheets were childish. He just thought that the feeling of having one bed to himself was great. He didn’t need to be held by someone else as a bolster, and he could stretch his limbs freely.

Yan Qiu occupied a 1.8m bed on his own and rolled around on the soft mattress. He grabbed a long plushie bolster and played with his terminal.  

Ji Xinglan had yet to come up stairs. Yan Qiu waited for him to come over.

When Yan Qiu plugged in the charger, he saw the calendar on the bedside cabinet, and he discovered something surprising. 

There were a few days each month that were circled in red on the calendar. 

Seven days were circled each month, and they were circled back to back, making those days last a week. Yan Qiu thought about it, and he thought that those should be his estrus period.  

‘Twenty-seventh? That’s two days from now.’

It was now eleven, but Ji Xinglan never came to look for him. Yan Qiu felt tired, and so he reached out to turn off the lights. 

He had no idea what that guy was so busy with. While he was on his way back, he kept receiving his calls, and after he finished eating, he never came out of the study. Yan Qiu didn’t know what he was doing. 

Yan Qiu put down his terminal and stared at the ceiling.  

The moonlight shone through the curtains, which had flowers embroidered in them and crystals embedded in them. It scattered and shone on the flat ceiling to form silver-white and dazzling spots. It looked like the starry sky. 

When he slept together with Ji Xinglan, Yan Qiu would show great disdain to it and move to the corner to avoid him, but now that he had no one keeping him company, he found himself staying awake, unable to sleep. 

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Yan Qiu knew that Ji Xinglan would definitely look for him after he was done with work, but it was already midnight, and Ji Xinglan was still not here. Yan Qiu couldn’t quite stay awake anymore. 

Just when Yan Qiu was so tired that he shut his eyes and was about to sleep, he suddenly heard the sound of the door knob turning.  

The door was pushed open gently. The light in the corridor instantly spilled in, and it was dazzling that Yan Qiu subconsciously shut his eyes. 

Soon after, Ji Xinglan shut the door gently behind him, and the room was immersed in darkness again. 

Yan Qiu sensed him coming to the bed. He didn’t want to let Ji Xinglan know that he had been staying awake until this hour just because he was waiting for him, so he shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. 

With his eyes shut, he quietly listened to Ji Xinglan’s movements. He waited for Ji Xinglan to lift the covers and hug him, just like he usually did.  

Yet, after waiting for a while, Ji Xinglan didn’t get on the bed. Instead, he stood by the bed and just watched him. 

If it were not because the room was dark, Yan Qiu would start feeling embarrassed because of how much he was staring at him. 

The room was quiet. Just when Yan Qiu was about to open his eyes, unable to hold back anymore, he felt a soft sensation pressing against his lips. 

Ji Xinglan was very gentle, as if he didn’t want to wake him up, but Yan Qiu could feel his heart racing. It thundered against his chest, as if all his blood had gathered in his heart. He could hear it clearly in the quiet room.  

Ji Xinglan leaned over him beside the bed and had his hands placed beside Yan Qiu’s body. His hair drooped down, and Yan Qiu could feel it brush against his cheeks. It felt a little ticklish. 

Even though it was just a brush against his lips, Ji Xinglan somehow managed to make it linger for a long time. It was as if he wanted his breath to meld together with Yan Qiu’s. 

There was a thick blanket between them, but when Ji Xinglan leaned over, Yan Qiu could still feel his heart race.

He was about to be unable to pretend sleeping anymore. His eyelashes fluttered. The autumn wind blowing from the window was cold, but he felt hot. He broke into a thin sheen of sweat, even though he was covered under the blankets.  

If he didn’t turn on the lights in the room, that person would definitely be able to see just how beautiful his red skin was. 

Ji Xinglan didn’t seem to have noticed that Yan Qiu was pretending to be asleep. While he was asleep, Ji Xinglan had his fill of kisses before he finally let him go. 

“Good night.” Yan Qiu heard him mumble into his ears. Ji Xinglan’s voice was very light, as if he was worried that he would wake him up. 

Then, Ji Xinglan covered Yan Qiu under the blanket and turned the temperature in the room higher. He shut the door behind him.  

Yan Qiu didn’t expect that he would leave just like that. That didn’t fit into his shameless behavior at all. 

He should have something to do that required him to work overnight. Yan Qiu turned over and removed the blanket, hoping to get rid of some of the heat. 


After Ji Xinglan left, Yan Qiu tossed and turned, still unable to sleep. 

He felt that something was off. The heat on his cheeks had yet to be reduced. Instead, it was getting hotter, and his entire body turned hot as well.  

Was he sick?

Yan Qiu brought his hand up to his forehead, and he found that it was burning. 

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However, he knew that this wasn’t a normal fever, because a normal fever wouldn’t bring along… such unspeakable complications. 

Yan Qiu cursed in his heart.  

‘What the heck? No way. I was just kissed a few times by Ji Xinglan. Am I really that horny?’

At that moment, Yaan Qiu suddenly remembered something. This must be the signs of the legendary estrus period. 

He rolled around a few times on the bed, but the heat just refused to leave. His instincts made him long madly for Ji Xinglan’s pheromones. In fact, he even pulled the blanket to him and moved the part Ji Xinglan touched just now to cover his face as an attempt to use that pitifully low amount of alpha pheromones to alleviate his thirst. 

It was far from enough.  

Yan Qiu’s eyes turned red. He pushed himself to his feet, even though his legs felt like jelly, and he stumbled to Ji Xinglan’s room. 

However, Ji Xinglan wasn’t in his room. He might still be working in his study. Yan Qiu sucked in large gulps of air, and while his mind was blurry, he fell on Ji Xinglan’s bed and started breathing in deeply. 

He tugged at the bothersome clothes on his body and crawled under the covers. Immediately, he was enveloped by Ji Xinglan’s pheromones. 

When he smelled the refreshing fragrance, Yan Qiu could no longer control himself. He squeezed his eyes shut and surrendered to fate by extending one hand under the blanket.  

Ji Xinglan only finished with his work when it was two in the morning. 

He quietly went up stairs and opened the door to Yan Qiu’s room, but he didn’t find him. 

Yet when he stood in front of his own room, before he even pushed open the door, he smelled a familiar, sweet fragrance. It caused his pupils to shrink, and he quickly placed his hand on the doorknob. 

Once he pushed the door open, the boiling heat in the room was filled with an omega’s sweet pheromones. When he took a careful sniff of the air, he even detected a faint scent of musk.  

Ji Xinglan felt his throat tighten. With a sharp gaze, he looked toward the bed. The light from the corridor helped him immediately see Yan Qiu laying on his bed. 

He hesitated for a moment and moved over the clothes on the floor lightly. Once he lifted the blanket, he took just one look, and his pupils shrank a little. His Adam’s apple bopped fiercely. 


Yan Qiu was already so tired that he fell asleep. His cheeks were still red, and his face was buried in the clothes Ji Xinglan wore before.

How could he deal with it on his own? If he had known, he would have come up sooner. Now, he was filled with regret.  

Ji Xinglan reached out to caress the omega’s fair neck but held himself back. Lord knew just how much he held back to prevent himself from doing anything dangerous.

He used some time to calm down, not even considering the mess on Yan Qiu’s body to be dirty either. He just carried him into the bathroom to help him wash up before he stuffed him back under the blanket. Then, he went into the bathroom and took a cold shower for nearly an hour before he calmed down. 

When Yan Qiu woke up in that person’s arms the next morning, he was shocked. 

Yan Qiu noticed that his body was out of strength, and he felt refreshed, which meant that someone cleaned him up. He looked down and found that his pyjamas were gone. His face turned pale, and he immediately shook Ji Xinglan awake. With an aggressive presence, he grabbed his collar and demanded an answer from him, “Y-y-y-you… What the hell did you do?!” 

“What did I do?” Ji Xinglan opened his eyes and looked at him. His voice was a little hoarse. “If I did something, are you sure you’d be able to sit up right now?”

Yan Qiu was rendered speechless by his words. He lowered his head in embarrassment and rubbed his aching temples. He thought about last night carefully. Ji Xinglan had indeed done nothing to him. But instead, Yan Qiu had…

Yan Qiu gulped guiltily. 

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Judging by Ji Xinglan’s expression, it was clear that he knew what Yan Qiu had done.  

He saw that Yan Qiu seemed to have remembered something, because his face varied between shades of red and white. He found it really amusing, and Ji Xinglan couldn’t help but laugh. 

Yan Qiu was so angry that he pushed him a bit. 

Yesterday, he had been bored during math class, so he read through The Omega Physiology and Health Guide that Xie Yu gave him, and he knew that what happened last night was the signs of his estrus period arriving. 

Before an omega’s estrus period arrived, that omega might turn incredibly sensitive, and they would easily have their desires stirred because of an alpha’s pheromones. Even though Yan Qiu had managed to deal with the problem yesterday, when his estrus period truly arrived, it would no longer be that simple.  

It was going to happen over the next few days. Feeling guilty, Yan Qiu cast a glance at his human-shaped suppressant. 

Just now, he even pushed Ji Xinglan. 

When Ji Xinglan saw how awkward he felt, he raised a hand and brushed Yan Qiu’s hair. He said, “Why are you feeling shy? It’s nothing. Is your estrus period around the corner?”

“Yeah.” Yan Qiu’s voice was as faint as the wind. Even though Yan Qiu felt rather shy about talking about this with Ji Xinglan, he just felt really unconfident, and instinctively, he sought for help.  

“Do you want me to help you?” Ji Xinglan seemed to have a few screws loose. He smiled at Yan Qiu and put his hand under the blanket. 

Yan Qiu was shocked. In his panic, he pushed down on his clothes firmly. When a rabbit was pushed to a corner, it would also bite down on someone. He couldn’t free a hand, so he just used his mouth to bite down on Ji Xinglan’s arm. He didn’t bite down too hard, it was just an empty show of his strength. 


When he saw this, Ji Xinglan pulled his arm back and looked at the faint teeth marks on his skin. He found himself not knowing whether he should laugh or cry. “Are you a dog?”

Having been freed, Yan Qiu quickly turned around and pulled the blanket over his body so that he could wrap himself up like a cocoon and defend himself. “Why should you care? Could you stop getting stirred up so early in the morning?” 

Ji Xinglan watched him quietly for a while before he ruffled Yan Qiu’s hair. Then, he actually left. “Sleep for a little longer.”

When Yan Qiu saw that he left, he sighed in relief, and he slowly teared up. 

In truth, he remembered every detail from last night. 

He also remembered that when he first had that sort of dream, his partner was Ji Xinglan.  

When he first saw that beautiful young master, Yan Qiu had many dark thoughts of harassing him bloom in his mind. 

In the past, he didn’t understand what those feelings were. He just knew that he wanted to harass Ji Xinglan. 

But no one would have that sort of dream toward a person they hated, so he knew that he didn’t hate the young master. It was clear that he liked him. 

When he was young, Yan Qiu had no concept of love, and he didn’t know how to be good to a person he loved. He didn’t know what sort of relationship an alpha and another alpha could have. Every time he saw the alpha that caused him to feel flustered, he just wanted to continue harassing him even more unreasonably.  

And even when the young master had his clothes ruffled up because of him, he never hid from Yan Qiu. He just stared at Yan Qiu with those profound and beautiful eyes, causing his heart to be even more flustered. 

Since he grew up in an orphanage, Yan Qiu was already used to it. He was used to pretending not to want the things he couldn’t have. Thus, as he continued pretending, he managed to deceive even himself. 

Mogumoguchan: So Yan Qiu is about to face the truth. That’s good…?

Neirith: For once, Ji Xinglan managed to show some restraint. It’s a miracle \o/ 

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