Ch45 - Ji Xinglan Was Just Lusting After His Body!

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Lolimelon 

Yan Qiu saved the pitiful and innocent kitten from its misery and cast aside Ji Xinglan before taking it downstairs. 

What did he mean when he said that this was something only adults understood? He was absolutely nuts…



When Ji Xinglan went downstairs, he saw Yan Qiu sitting on the carpet and playing with his kitten from afar. 

The alpaca wool carpet placed in front of the couch in the living room was thick and soft. When stepped on, it would not feel cold. Yan Qiu laid on the carpet, and his loose casual wear was tugged upwards, revealing a strip of his fair waist. The smooth line disappeared into his pajama pants.  

It looked good, and Ji Xinglan wanted to see more of it, but he was also worried that Yan Qiu would get sick because of it, so when he passed by, he helped him tug his shirt down. 


Yan Qiu craned his neck up as he watched him walk over and sit on the couch by the side. He had been frustrated by the fact that he had nothing to lean against just now, so things had been uncomfortable for him. But now, suddenly, a free backrest came over. 

Yan Qiu happily fell backward and leaned against his legs. He turned the unfavored Ji Xinglan into a human backrest while he continued hugging the feline homewrecker. 

In the beginning, Ji Xinglan would still pretend to not be bothered and play with his terminal for a while, but Yan Qiu continued leaning between his legs and moved around subconsciously, and he could no longer bear with it. He looked down at Yan Qiu, who only let him see the back of his head, and suddenly leaned down to push down on his shoulders. 


When Yan Qiu suddenly felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, he instinctively looked up and saw Ji Xinglan’s above him. It was a face that was so beautiful that it would allow him to do whatever he wanted. 

When he was stunned by it, Ji Xinglan had already leaned down to kiss him. His hair hung low on Yan Qiu’s face, and it felt rather itchy. 

As he watched the face getting closer and closer to him, Yan Qiu instinctively leaned backward, wanting to avoid it. But Ji Xinglan refused to give up and lowered his head further. 


Yan Qiu leaned too far back, and his arms could not support his weight, so he fell back and landed on Ji Xinglan’s lap.  

While they were staring into each other’s eyes lovingly, Yan Qiu looked up and suddenly felt something slowly swelling up behind his neck and it started to poke at his spine, burning through the thin cloth. 

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Yan Qiu was stunned for two seconds before he registered what happened to Ji Xinglan. In his moment of surprise, he tried avoiding him and jumped up from the floor wanting to hit him. 

“What the heck?!”

He stared at the larger alpha and Yan Qiu spent a lot of effort before he was finally able to quell his urge to hit him. He grabbed the pillow on the couch and smushed it against his face.  

And he said this guy was a puppy?! This guy was obviously a wolf!

The tips of Yan Qiu’s ears peaked between his black hair and his snow white ears were already flushed red. 

This was the first time he found that Ji Xinglan had impure thoughts towards him. 

This was really bad. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktja cluta, Tjc Hle lcafcalbcjiis oliifv eq atf yjataey klat kjafg yfmjerf tf kjcafv ab kjrt tlwrfio atbgbeutis ab ufa glv bo atf qtfgbwbcfr bc tlw. 

Gef ab atf wjaafg atlr wbgclcu, tf kjr rb fwyjggjrrfv atja tf vlv cba rqfjx ab Al Wlcuijc atf fcalgf vjs.


Lf atbeuta atja Al Wlcuijc kjr rbwfbcf ktb jyrajlcfv ogbw rfz jcv vlv cba tjnf atbrf cffvr, yea abvjs, tf jmaejiis gfjmafv atja kjs ab Tjc Hle.

When he thought of this, Yan Qiu felt suffocated. Ji Xinglan thirsted for his body. He wanted to sleep with him! 

Yan Qiu bathed with a dejected and angry look. Why was everything different from what he imagined? Even if he once fancied Ji Xinglan, when he had his fantasies, Ji Xinglan was the one at the bottom.

While Yan Qiu bathed, he thought about this. This resulted in him having bathed for an extraordinarily long time. 

When he was halfway through his bath, the bathroom door, which was locked from the inside, suddenly opened with a click, and someone opened it from outside using a key.

Yan Qiu sensed the fresh, cold air that came in through the door, and when he looked up, he saw Ji Xinglan walking into the bathroom as if he owned the place.  

Yan Qiu said in a dumbfounded manner, “But I locked the door.”

“You didn’t take the key, silly.” Ji Xinglan held up a bunch of keys and swung them a little, making them rattle. He placed them on the counter and started smoothing out his hair in front of the mirror. 

It was only then that Yan Qiu remembered the bathroom key was outside. He might have locked the door from the inside, but the keys remained outside. 

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He just brought about his own doom, didn’t he? 

“Could you go out?” Yan Qiu felt that Ji Xinglan had ill intentions and his temples twitched.

“Why are you taking so long to bathe? I thought you fainted,” Ji Xinglan said.

“I didn’t. I’ll be done soon. Go out and wait for a while.” Yan Qiu was in a hurry to chase him away.

But Ji Xinglan was even more shameless than Yan Qiu thought he was. He shut the bathroom door and locked it in passing.  

“It’s too late. I’ll help you.”

Ji Xinglan looked calm and his face was incredibly deceptive. No one would be able to imagine those words coming out of his mouth. Dressed in loose casual wear, he started stripping. 

Yan Qiu watched him as he removed his shirt. Seeing the other’s slim waist, clear abs, the V-line that disappeared into his pants, and the bulges of his muscles, he could not help but sigh. It would be great if he had that figure.

Ji Xinglan casually tossed his shirt on the counter and looked over, scaring Yan Qiu so much that he quickly shrank back, trying to sink to the bottom of the tub and hide his face. 

He did not want a repeat of events and humiliate himself, so, with trembling hands, he grabbed a towel and covered the crucial parts of his body somewhat.

In the past, he would not be afraid of showing off his naked body. They were men and would only know what each other packed when they compared that particular part with each other.


But now, if he compared his figure with Ji Xinglan, it would be too embarrassing. He was fair and tender, just like a woman, and he did not have a single bit of muscle. He could not compare himself with him. 

At that moment, Yan Qiu did not realize that while he was sitting in the tub hugging his knees, his eyes looked bright, his lips were red, and a small lock of black hair hung down right beside his lips. If he pursed his lips, he would look like the beauty in a picture depicting a beautiful person bathing, tempting anyone who saw him. 

“AHHHHH! What are you doing—?!”

The corners of Yan Qiu’s eyes were red as he watched Ji Xinglan remove his pants in front of him. Then, with one stride, he joined him in the tub.

The water level in the bathtub went up instantly and ripples stirred. The water that splashed against Yan Qiu’s face slid down and fell off his rather sharp chin. His eyes were black and innocent, and he looked pitifully adorable. 

The narrow bathtub could not fit the two men. For a period of time, their bodies pressed against each other–including the parts that were not supposed to touch.  

The light above their heads was dazzling as the water in the tub surged. Vapor gradually spread out in the bathroom, causing Yan Qiu’s skin to turn red. 

“Things are difficult for you right now so I’ll help you wash up.”

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Ji Xinglan stared at him with vapor wafting between them and smirked. 

“Who… Who said that things are difficult for me now? I’m perfectly fine!” 

But Yan Qiu could not win against Ji Xinglan stating grandly that he could not have his wound touch water, insisting on washing his back. Ji Xinglan appeared very calm and did not have his eyes wander about, so Yan Qiu eased up a bit. 

Ji Xinglan was also very responsible. When he said that he was just washing his back, he kept his word and did not touch any other part. 

“…If you’re just washing my back, you could have just done it. Why did you climb into the tub with me?” Yan Qiu was very angry. 

He did not want to engage in bathtub play. That was just poor taste.  

Yan Qiu endured the feeling of humiliation. He bit his bottom lip and waited for Ji Xinglan to finish washing his back. 

But he did not expect that once Ji Xinglan finished smearing shower gel all over his back, he would reach out and yank away the towel around his waist, using the towel Yan Qiu used to cover his private parts to wash his back. 

Yan Qiu had his back turned to him. He put his elbows on the edge of the bathtub and covered his forehead while he bit his lip. 

They stayed in the same bathtub for ten minutes. It was very clear that both of them did not read the 57th clause of the second volume on the Omega Physiology and Health Guide.  

Compared to the pheromones that wafted in the air, after pheromones melted into water, the density of pheromones and effect would increase by several-fold. 

Right now, alpha pheromones had fused into the water and enveloped Yan Qiu firmly. The water was basically just a thinned pheromone solution and occasionally splashed against his scent gland, which remained uncovered by a collar. He felt as if there were dozens of Ji Xinglans releasing their pheromones at him at the same time. 


The indescribable stimulation stirred up his nerves, which were incredibly sensitive due to his estrus period. His mouth was dry, his body burned, and at first glance, he looked like he had a fever. 

Yan Qiu felt that the air in the bathroom was gradually becoming hotter and the frequency of his heartbeat and breathing increased. He thought that it was because the bathroom was too stuffy. The feeling of suffocation grew stronger in his chest, and in his panic, he leaped out of the bathtub.  

When he saw that his face was so red that he looked like a ripe tomato, Ji Xinglan decided to stop bullying him, and he let him go so that he could wipe his body dry. 

The reflection of the person in the mirror had a light flush of pink on his skin. The color made him look like a freshly blossomed peach blossom. Behind him, Ji Xinglan placed his elbows on the edge of the bathtub, eyes sweeping up and down Yan Qiu’s body. 

Yan Qiu toweled himself dry. The wound on his scent gland had already scabbed over and he no longer needed to bandage it. 

When he wore the collar again, the heat that was flowing through his body was finally suppressed for the time being.  

But Yan Qiu found out later that an estrus period was something that he could only ease up a little and could not stop. 

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Perhaps it was because he had been holding back a lot while he was in the bathroom because when night arrived, his usually pure dreams heated up again. 

The location of the dream was still set in the dark alley, and Ji Xinglan was still there, but this time, Ji Xinglan seemed to have grown up a little whilst he did not grow at all. 

There might not be another man in the world who would have their own dreams censored. Since the government had been increasing their efforts in shutting down lewd content, Yan Qiu had never seen any lewd content that was uncensored and was in high definition since he was born.  

The man in front of him had a lot of mosaics covering his body. The mosaics covered a total of 72 square centimeters, and this caused Yan Qiu to find that the situation was really bad. When he turned around and wanted to run, he was pushed against the wall in the black alley by the beautiful young master, and after they things that were not to be described, things just descended into chaos and panic. 

Yan Qiu opened his eyes while his body burned, and he gasped rapidly. 

He had not completely woken up from his dream yet. Turning his head to the side blearily, he could see Ji Xinglan sleeping peacefully next to him. He did not do unspeakable things to him. 

‘Thank goodness it was just a dream. That big ball of mosaics is really scary.’ 

Yan Qiu gasped and still felt that his body was so hot that it was uncomfortable. Even if he drew closer to Ji Xinglan sneakily, he did not manage to cool down. 

He used his hand to touch his burning neck and bit his lip before he turned around slightly. With his dark, sparkling eyes, he stared at Ji Xinglan in the dark. 

When he saw how deep in sleep Ji Xinglan was, he drew even closer to him and nuzzled against him so that he was completely surrounded by pheromones. 

He hugged him tightly for a while before the soothing effect of Ji Xinglan’s pheromones finally came into effect. Yan Qiu sighed in comfort. 

With the help of the moonlight, he looked up to watch the man sleeping by his side. The urge to prank him gradually rose. 

Yan Qiu nudged him a little. Ji Xinglan did not react. Then, he went further and turned his head to the side before bringing his own head closer to Ji Xinglan. 


He buried his face in the crook of Ji Xinglan’s neck and Yan Qiu’s nostrils were filled with the fragrance of his pheromones. 

He stared at Ji Xinglan while he slept defenselessly and smiled evilly. Then, he lowered his head and bit down on his neck.  

‘It’s your fault for biting me! If I don’t bite you back, I’m not an alpha!’

Author: Reverse mating bite is the way to go!

Mogumoguchan: I mean, technically, Yan Qiu isn’t an alpha anymore…

lolimelon: mosaics :0  

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