Ch48 - Did You Really Think That Ji Xinglan Doesn’t Know Who You Are?

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: lolimelon 

Yan Qiu could only watch as the bathroom door was shut in his face with a bang. Xie Yu’s furious shouts came traveling nonstop through the crack of the door. 

He tried pushing the door a few times, but he could not get it open. Something had blocked it. So, he could only knock on the door anxiously. Yan Qiu was anxious for Xie Yu, because if he acted like this, it was impossible for him to not completely anger Ji Xinglan. If that dripping wet toilet brush hit Ji Xinglan, Ji Xinglan was going to neuter him alive.



Just as expected, a few seconds later, Xie Yu’s curses came to a screeching halt. Then, a pained scream from behind the door, and it echoed through the entire corridor.


That scream was incredibly loud and miserable. It was as if someone had simultaneously stepped on hundreds of screaming chickens. Almost immediately, multiple heads popped out of the windows of the classrooms. They wanted to see what was going on in the corridor.


There was only one thin omega standing at the end of the corridor, and he was pounding on the bathroom door anxiously. But the pained scream that came from the bathroom had clearly belonged to a boy, and he screamed as if he was about to give birth.

When he heard this scream, Yan Qiu panicked. He just knew that Xie Yu would not be able to win against Ji Xinglan!

“Open the door! Ji Xinglan, open the door! What are you doing?!” Yan Qiu turned from pounding on the door to slapping it. But Xie Yu’s pained wails just continued.


Since Ji Xinglan refused to bend to tough measures, Yan Qiu could only yield. Ji Xinglan was doing this to Xie Yu because he was jealous, so Yan Qiu could only brace himself and betray his own body to save his best friend.

“Open the door! Hurry up! Stop bullying him! Open the door and I’ll let you do whatever you want with me!”

As expected, it was always effective if someone solved something by targeting the crux of the problem. Right after he finished speaking, Xie Yu’s screeches instantly vanished. 

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But what followed was a long period of silence, and it lasted so long that Yan Qiu began to wonder whether he should look for a teacher, but during that moment, the door was suddenly opened.  

The person who opened the door was Ji Xinglan. There was no expression on his face, but he had his hand on his belt. There was one person dragging his trousers on the floor refusing to let go. It was Xie Yu. 

Yan Qiu saw that Xie Yu did not have any limbs missing but was shivering like a trembling mushroom. He did not know whether the watery tracks on his face were his snot or his tears. The dripping wet toilet brush was on the floor by the side. Xie Yu looked as if he was frightened out of his wits, but he still held Ji Xinglan’s trousers stubbornly, refusing to let go, as if he wanted to pull his pants down. It was as if he was not holding onto trousers, but his pride as a man!

“He pulled my pants down.” Ji Xinglan buckled his belt and explained to Yan Qiu as to why he spent so long to open the door. 

In his panic, Yan Qiu ran over to check on Xie Yu. There were no wounds on his body, and his clothes were still in place on him. Ji Xinglan did not seem to have had any intention to attack him right from the start either. 

“I never fight against others,” Ji Xinglan said. He did not know to whom those words were directed to. Were they for Yan Qiu or Xie Yu?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But Yan Qiu did not believe in him and just thought that he was spewing crap. He never fought? Then did a ghost fight against Yan Qiu that night?

Qtfc tf rjk atja Wlf Te kjr olcf, Tjc Hle rlutfv. Lf kjcafv ab qfgrejvf Wlf Te ab ifjnf rb atja atfs mbeiv qgfnfca rbwfatlcu fnfc kbgrf ogbw tjqqfclcu. Coafg jii, ktfc tf kjr rmgfjwlcu pera cbk, tf rtbmxfv delaf j iba bo qfbqif, jcv atfgf kfgf j iba bo qfbqif ibbxlcu ogbw bearlvf atf yjatgbbw, atbeut Tjc Hle tjv yibmxfv atfw. 

He helped Xie Yu up, but Xie Yu still refused to admit defeat. He said with a choked voice, “Ji Xinglan, if you have the guts, fight me! You’re nothing if you only know how to use your pheromones to suppress others!” 

Yan Qiu squeezed Xie Yu’s shoulder with the hand helping him up to persuade him to speak less. At the same time, he glared at Ji Xinglan. Thank goodness he had not really injured Xie Yu. 

The first time Xie Yu went up against Ji Xinglan head-on, he was defeated fully. 


After he was done persuading Xie Yu to stop, Yan Qiu quietly put away the iodine bottle and put gauze on the wound on his nape again. Then, he picked up his suppression collar from the basin and wore it.

He felt really gloomy as he stayed in a small toilet with two alphas. Hence, he persuaded Ji Xinglan to go back to his classroom first in a good-natured manner. 

Ji Xinglan stood in front of him and hooked a lock of his hair by his ear. Then, with a suggestive look, he said something that seemed rather provocative, “You said it. I can do whatever I want.”

Xie Yu felt agitated when he heard this. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight against Ji Xinglan again, but Yan Qiu stopped him.

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Ji Xinglan gave him an even more provocative look, turned around, and walked out. He also helped them disperse the people who were watching outside the door.

This was the result Yan Qiu obtained after he examined Xie Yu: Xie Yu was not really injured. So, Yan Qiu helped him out the door. 

They did not return to the classroom. Yan Qiu first brought Xie Yu to the roof because he wanted to search for a deserted place and talk to him.

It was now lunch break, and the roof was empty. This was a place they managed to snatch back from Chen Gou a few days ago without using even a single fighting man.

Xie Yu limped after Yan Qiu and moved to the railing behind Yan Qiu. Both of them sat down at a corner.

He seemed to have already sensed that something was off, so he kept biting his bottom lip.  

Yan Qiu observed him quietly and knew that Xie Yu was feeling really uneasy.

“Boss, what’s going on? Did he force you?” Xie Yu’s voice was even more unpleasant than someone crying.

Yan Qiu said nothing. He first sighed in his heart. What was eventually going to happen had happened.

He had never dared to tell Xie Yu about what was going on with him and Ji Xinglan because they were not on friendly terms with Ji Xinglan.  As the boss, Yan Qiu was originally supposed to stand on the same side as his group and fight against Ji Xinglan, but one day, all of a sudden, Yan Qiu became an omega, and he was even pregnant with Ji Xinglan’s child. 

He was blatantly betraying his camp!

But now, Yan Qiu could no longer hide the truth from Xie Yu. Even if he managed to trick him for a period of time, with how smart Xie Yu was, it was only a matter of time before he learned of the truth. If Xie Yu really figured it out on his own, Yan Qiu would not even be confident as to whether they could retain the trust between them

Yan Qiu cleared his throat. Even if Xie Yu could not accept it for the time being, he had to tell him the truth.

Once Xie Yu listened to Yan Qiu finish telling all that happened, silence descended on the roof for a long while.  

It was just as Yan Qiu suspected, Xie Yu could not accept it. Frustrated, he grabbed his wavy hair and squatted down at the corner of the railing. He brought out a cigarette box and lighter from his pocket and lit up a cigarette for himself.

Yan Qiu looked down at him. Even though his group had a lot of bad habits, they would usually not publicly smoke in school. This just showed how terrible Xie Yu’s mood was. He knew it. It was difficult for Xie Yu to accept this.


Xie Yu lit up the cigarette and offered one to Yan Qiu, but Yan Qiu refused.

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Xie Yu seemed to have remembered something and quickly pulled his hand back. 

“Right, you’re pregnant.” His voice suddenly turned hoarse, and he sounded like he was about to cry.

“…Boss, I really can’t accept this for the time being. I’m not blaming you, but it would have been better if you just continued lying to me,” Xie Yu said with a choked voice, “What’s going on? You hate him so much, why do you have to give birth to his child?”

“Honestly, I don’t hate him.” Yan Qiu said this to comfort Xie Yu, but he was also telling the truth.

“Really? Honestly, in this sort of situation, I would rather that you like that bastard. Otherwise, it’ll be too hard to accept this.” Xie Yu only breathed in the smoke once before he held the cigarette in his hand. The strength at his fingers was so great and he nearly crushed the end of the cigarette. 

He stared at Yan Qiu and said hoarsely, “Honestly, whether or not I can accept it is of secondary importance. What’s important is how you feel? Boss, if you’re not willing to, you can abort the child now. Don’t worry, I’ll be with him. Then, you can cut ties with him. Worse comes to worst, you can leave the country and never see him again. You shouldn’t have been permanently marked yet, right?”

Yan Qiu nodded to his final question, but he hesitated when it came to the first suggestion.

When he asked himself the question, he found that he was now reluctant to cut ties with Ji Xinglan, and he was also reluctant to get rid of his child.

…Even if Ji Xinglan was currently good to him because Yan Qiu had taken over someone else’s identity. 

Yan Qiu’s lips trembled. Now, he had to give Xie Yu an explanation. He had to tell him the secret he had been keeping in his heart for two years. “I’ll admit it, I like Ji Xinglan.”

When he heard this, Xie Yu looked up swiftly. His expression was that of disbelief. He looked even more shocked than when he heard that Yan Qiu was pregnant. In fact, he was so shocked that he could not say anything.

“Y-you like Ji Xinglan? Why can’t I tell?”

“Duh, I didn’t even realize myself.” It was as if some sort of self-defense system had been activated. When the matter of him liking Ji Xinglan was mentioned, Yan Qiu became a little agitated. “He doesn’t like me. Would I have dared say it?” 

But once he said these words, he felt much better.

Yan Qiu could not help but think. In the past, he put up a front showing that he really hated Ji Xinglan, but who exactly was he trying to fool? Of course, he knew the answer. The people he wanted to fool were Xie Yu and his friends, Ji Xinglan, and also Yan Qiu himself.

He had to admit it. When humans were in love, they would usually become conflicted entities. If he did not say it, Ji Xinglan might never understand what he was thinking about.

Xie Yu extinguished the cigarette in an ashtray in passing and stood up in the face of the wind. “Forget it. Boss, if you like him, then it’s alright. But if he’s not good to you, I will definitely break his legs.” 

“Don’t even think about fighting him. You can’t win.” When Yan Qiu saw that Xie Yu had still not learned his lesson, he shook his head.

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“I-I’ll bring Da Long and the rest over. I refuse to believe that Ji Xinglan can win against four people in a row,” Xie Yu grumbled. “But what did he mean when he said he never fought against people?”


“Just means that he doesn’t fight against people, I guess.”

Xie Yu narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. He sank into deep thought. “While Ji Xinglan is annoying, he has always kept his promises. If he said that he doesn’t fight, then it should mean that he won’t fight. But Boss, didn’t you form a grudge with him because you fought against him? What’s going on? Is he suffering from Alzheimer’s despite his age?” 

“…” Yan Qiu rubbed his temples and narrowed his eyes. When he heard Xie Yu mention that case, he felt a little puzzled as well. 

At that time, Yan Qiu drank alcohol, and his mind was in a bit of a blur, and he even went through a blackout. Right now, it had been a long time since it happened, and he could not remember the details.

When he thought about it carefully, he knew that he had indeed gone to fight against Ji Xinglan, but when he woke up, he was in Ji Xinglan’s car.

During that time, Yan Qiu was pinned to the backseat. His lips were red, swollen, and numb, and for some reason, his lips were bruised. Ji Xinglan was on top of him, and his dark eyes showed a satiated look. It was the same as every time he finished kiss—wait a second! After he finished kissing him?! 

Yan Qiu shuddered. He reached out to touch his lips, and he looked as if he just saw a ghost.

‘What the heck is going on?’

Could it be that the fight in his memories was fake, and that ridiculous wet dream was real?

But that did not make sense. He went to fight Ji Xinglan, so why did Ji Xinglan kiss him? 

As he watched how Yan Qiu’s face turned from white to green and gradually to red in just a few seconds, he found the color change to be very interesting. Xie Yu watched him silently for a while before he asked sternly, “Boss, don’t you think that Ji Xinglan already knows who you are?”

Author: Ji Xinglan: I’ll kiss whoever it is who kissed me.

Mogumoguchan: Xie Yu’s EQ and IQ are the highest in the series.

lolimelon: this dude is great >__< 

Mogumoguchan: ‘Course he is. He’s best boi.

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