Ch50 - I Like It A Lot

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: lolimelon 

Yan Qiu’s face was terrifyingly hot. He felt too ashamed to even face Ji Xinglan, so he decided to just bury his face in the crook of his arm motionlessly.

If he knew that this bastard could last so long, he would never have agreed to it no matter what.



Ji Xinglan patiently pulled Yan Qiu’s hand back and used a wet towel to attentively wipe his hand. He wiped each of his fingers and the gaps in between them cleanly until not a single trace was left, looking so serious that it seemed like he intended to wipe his hand clean so that he could use it again. 

Yan Qiu could not be bothered as to what he was doing. Once Ji Xinglan finished wiping his hand clean, Ji Xinglan bent down to pick up the clothes Yan Qiu tossed on the floor and helped him wear them. After he was done with these, Ji Xinglan buckled up his belt. 

When he heard the sound of Ji Xinglan buckling his belt, Yan Qiu moved his arm away and glared at him.


This bastard took off all his clothes, but he only removed his belt! What sort of horrible kink was this?!

A few minutes later, Ji Xinglan drove the limp Yan Qiu back to the underground parking lot of their apartment complex.

When he brought Yan Qiu out of the car, Yan Qiu did not seem to want to move. It suited Ji Xinglan’s desires perfectly, so Ji Xinglan brought him out and carried him up.


The elevator stopped for a moment at the ground floor. When the door suddenly opened, Yan Qiu and the woman carrying a grocery basket stared at each other. Yan Qiu was so shocked that he jumped down from Ji Xinglan’s arms. Then, as if nothing happened, he stood still.

His movements were done in one swift move, so much so that the woman rubbed her eyes and thought that she was seeing things.

Once they got up and got the keys to open the door, Lan Lan came out in a friendly manner to welcome them. Yan Qiu reached out to hold it, but it stared at Yan Qiu for a while before it suddenly turned around and ran. Yan Qiu was currently covered in Ji Xinglan’s scent, and in fact, the scent was getting stronger day by day. It did not like it!


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The treatment they did with iodine and gauze in school was too crude, so Ji Xinglan took out the first aid kit at home and helped treat Yan Qiu’s wound again. He even used a barrier agent to completely cut off the scent that was driving him nuts. 

Yan Qiu already had his morals completely shattered so he did not quite want to stay with him. He covered his neck and went to hide in the room. Meanwhile, he sat in front of the table and started bringing out all the things in his bag.

The heat on his cheeks had already faded away, but his ears were still burning a little. 

Ji Xinglan helping him and him helping Ji Xinglan were two completely different matters!

Why he had unexpectedly given the other his hand?! 

Yan Qiu felt incredibly aggrieved. He wanted to do a little homework to calm down, but as he dug around his bag, he suddenly found the two tickets that Xie Yu gave him.

The tickets had expired, so they were useless. Right after Yan Qiu took out the tickets, he heard footsteps approaching from outside.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tjc Hle vlv cba xcbk kts tf ofia vloolvfca. Pa wluta yf yfmjerf tf kjr jogjlv bo Al Wlcuijc olcvlcu bea atja tf kjcafv ab rff jc jveia jga fztlylalbc. Pa wluta jirb yf yfmjerf tf kjr kbgglfv atja Al Wlcuijc tjv pera obecv bea atja Wlf Te kjcafv ab ub jcv rff jc jveia jga fztlylalbc klat tlw.

As Ji Xinglan turned the doorknob, Yan Qiu instinctively stuffed the exhibition tickets into his pocket and pulled out the chair in alarm to sit up straight. He pretended as if nothing had happened.  

There was no need to even mention it, but Ji Xinglan was in a good mood today after he had some intimate time with Yan Qiu today. He placed a glass of warm milk beside Yan Qiu’s left hand. He also took the chance to caress his neck. 

He stroked the side of Yan Qiu’s repeatedly, then went to rub circles near the edge of his collar and his scent gland. This was a highly teasing gesture.


He was going overboard with these actions, but at some point in time, both of them were already used to this, and the only thing that was missing between them was them holding hands. 

No matter how touchy-feely a person was, they should never touch an omega’s neck. If someone else had touched him, Yan Qiu might have already knocked them against a wall so hard that no one could peel them off. 

But he had no choice. He could not win against Ji Xinglan, so he could only let him touch him for a while to make sure he did not bother him further. That was the grand excuse Yan Qiu found for himself. 

The hand on his neck slowly slid down. The tips of his fingers touched the collarbone that was left exposed outside his collar then pinched his shoulder. 

Yan Qiu did not show any expression on his face, but in truth, he had all his attention focused on the hand on his shoulder. 

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The hand he used to hold his pen trembled slightly, and his pen drew an incredibly ugly line on the paper. He could only pretend to be reading a question while he put down the pen.  

Yan Qiu’s mind was currently incredibly messy. He did not want to talk to Ji Xinglan. Even if he was trying to seduce him, he ignored him. But Ji Xinglan retained a great interest in Yan Qiu. When he noticed that he was shy, he went further with his actions. 

He refused to believe that he was less exciting than a mathematics exercise book. 

Suddenly, Yan Qiu felt the grip around his shoulder tighten.

“Take it out.” Ji Xinglan’s expression had darkened a little as he said faintly, “What are you hiding? I can smell it.” 

Yan Qiu’s back was stiff as he reached into his pocket and took out the tickets Xie Yu gave him. 

He could guess what Ji Xinglan wanted to say. Xie Yu’s scent might be on the tickets.

‘I can’t believe he managed to smell it.’ He looked up at Ji Xinglan and made a quip in his heart. ‘Seriously, he has the nose of a dog.’

Yan Qiu brought out the tickets. He did not even need to say anything. Ji Xinglan already knew that Xie Yu was the one who gave those tickets to Yan Qiu.  

He took them over and looked at them faintly. “At least he knows his stuff.”

“I didn’t go with him. The art exhibition ended yesterday,” Yan Qiu shrugged. 

Otherwise, he would have actually liked to go. 

“…If you want to go, it’s not a problem.” Ji Xinglan tossed the tickets in his hand and said in a profound manner, “Joyce might be leaving this weekend, but her pieces are still placed in the art exhibition.” 

“I told you that I don’t want to go with you.” Yan Qiu seemed very averse to the idea, but he still let Ji Xinglan help him fasten his seatbelt. 

The gallery was not open on Mondays, but Ji Xinglan had called someone on the way as he drove his car to the entrance of the art exhibition. 


Joyce’s art display was in a solo exhibition hall. The staff member opened the door for them. There was not a single person inside, and they did not turn on the lights either.

Yan Qiu groped about the wall to turn on the lights. When he saw that the staff member had decided to stand outside to wait, he walked into the hall.  

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As someone who did not have any artistic brain cells, Yan Qiu could not see what was so grand about the paintings. He was just there for the novelty. He looked at them hastily before moving away, and he would only stop and look at the exciting pictures in detail when he saw them.

But it would be strange if he looked at them right in front of Ji Xinglan, and Ji Xinglan just had to stick to him as he looked at some of the erotic pictures seriously, as if he was choosing which posture he should use tonight. 

Yan Qiu was regretting coming with him. He did not even have the courage to admire the paintings properly, so he could only take a few furtive glances. 

After walking about once, he felt that he had seen practically everything, so he turned around and wanted to call Ji Xinglan.  

After all, that person had already come and looked at the paintings once with someone else. There was no need for him to look at them for so long. They could leave once they were done so that they would not bother the staff members for too long. 

Right when Yan Qiu wanted to call out to him, the light above his head suddenly went out. 

His vision turned dark. Yan Qiu thought that there was a power outage, so he fumbled about, wanting to head to the entrance, but right when he took a couple steps forward with his hand on the wall, a few orange lights gradually appeared in the darkness ahead of him. More of those sparks appeared, and slowly, they lit up the entire room. 

Yan Qiu blinked. His eyes could not quite get used to the sudden darkness and sudden brightness. He noticed that those lights came from a lot of lightbulbs shining with a gentle, orange color. The light coming from them was rather dim, and they gave off a different air to those paintings.  

He looked in the direction of the light and saw Ji Xinglan standing in front of a painting. He beckoned him over. 

Yan Qiu walked over and saw that there was a really unique painting in front of him. It was so unique that Yan Qiu could not tell just what sort of painting this was. 

“Do you know what’s the story behind this painting?” Ji Xinglan asked.

Yan Qiu stared at the painting and tried to understand it, but he could not tell. The other paintings in the exhibition hall were very straightforward. He could easily tell the subject of the paintings, but this painting was a little strange.  

The painting was filled with a dark and wild black. It was like a night that was ravaged by a tornado. There was a blurry, golden figure at the center of the painting, and he could see two intertwining balls of color in the darkness. But they were so blurry that he could not even figure the lines that were supposed to make them humans. 

While Yan Qiu was stunned, Ji Xinglan asked slowly, “Then, do you know the theme of the art exhibition this time?”

Yan Qiu recalled the words on the ticket. “…First time.”

When he noticed that Yan Qiu’s expression had changed, Ji Xinglan smiled in a relaxed manner. “It’s not what you think it is. These two people can have a lot of first times. The first time they meet each other, the first time they hold hands, the first time they kiss, and the first time they hug each other…” 

“Joyce is my friend,” he said to Yan Qiu, who was stunned. “Before she drew this, she visited a lot of them so that she could get inspiration from them.”

Yan Qiu looked at the painting but did not fully understand, though he could sense that Ji Xinglan was hinting at something to him.

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“Do you know what the theme of this painting is?” Ji Xinglan asked. 

Of course, Yan Qiu would not know what that blurry painting was. He lowered his head and wanted to see whether there was any tag attached to the painting, but Ji Xinglan pulled his hand.  

“The theme of the painting is First Kiss.”

Yan Qiu stared at him, unable to understand what he meant. He saw a flash of something shine in his eyes. Then, he resolutely grabbed Yan Qiu’s shirt collar. Before Yan Qiu could refuse him, he leaned down and gently sucked at his moist and red bottom lip. 

At some point in time, all the lights in the exhibition hall had been extinguished, and only the light beside them remained lit. 

The blurry golden figures on the painting were beside him. The lightbulb that was fastened to the wall beside them swung lightly. For some reason, Yan Qiu remembered the swaying lightbulb behind the pub in the alley that night.  

First kiss. 

Right now, the person standing in front of him was the same person who stood in front of him at that time.

Time seemed to have stopped in the dark hall. No one knew how much time had passed. When Ji Xinglan finally let him go, Yan Qiu gasped for breath before he immediately turned his head around to look at the painting. 

The light in the painting seemed to be expanding in the darkness, and it was going to devour him… 

In his daze, he seemed to have returned to the alley that night. As dim, golden light shone from the lightbulb, he met the seventeen-year-old Ji Xinglan again. 

Yan Qiu stared at the painting fixedly. Suddenly, he felt someone hug him from the back. 

The alpha’s irresistible scent instantly enveloped him.

In the darkness and the dim light, Ji Xinglan’s black and profound eyes were incredibly bright.  

“Does it look good? That’s my first kiss.” His low and magnetic voice crept into Yan Qiu’s ears like wisps. The hands around his waist tightened. “Joyce painted this for me to celebrate my nineteen-year-old birthday. I like it a lot.”

Mogumoguchan: Are you going to figure it out yet?!

lolimelon: o////o

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