Ch78 - Go To Hell, Ji Xinglan!

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Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: lolimelon 

When he heard someone approach the door, Yan Qiu instantly panicked. He did his best to minimize the space he occupied, and in his panic, cast a glance at Ji Xinglan to ask for help. 

It was all because this guy was tempting him!



This was too embarrassing. If he was discovered, he would never be able to clear his name!

But Ji Xinglan was completely unbothered by this. Not only did he not see any panic in his eyes, he saw that Ji Xinglan found this amusing.  

Under Yan Qiu’s threatening gaze, Ji Xinglan finally spoke up before that person arrived in front of their door. 


Ji Xinglan reached out with one hand to hold Yan Qiu’s nape and pressed him close to his body. Meanwhile, he answered calmly, “I’m here.”

“…Ah. You’re here? We were looking for you.” When he heard Ji Xinglan’s answer, the person outside stopped approaching. He stood one door away from where they were. “Why did you run off so fast? Aren’t you going to care about your wife?”

Li Chengyan’s voice was a little muffled due to the noisy sound of flowing water in the room. 


But once he heard him say this, Yan Qiu felt at ease. It seemed like they did not notice that he was together with Ji Xinglan. 

The single cubicles in the public bathroom weren’t big—just one square meter, so he felt a bit uncomfortable squeezing in with Ji Xinglan. Moreover, the steam in the bathroom felt suffocating. Only a bit of time had passed but Yan Qiu was already red from head to toe. 

Li Chengyan didn’t seem to have noticed Yan Qiu in the stall. He just started chatting with Ji Xinglan. There was a gap that was neither wide nor narrow under the door of the stall. Yan Qiu was worried that he would be discovered so he stood on tiptoes and stepped on Ji Xinglan’s feet. 


The water from the showerhead flowed down his neck and slid along his spine before dripping on the tiles.  

Ji Xinglan hummed and hugged Yan Qiu tighter. His voice was calm and cool as ice. 

“You don’t have to train in the afternoon,” he notified the others. 

The others cheered when they heard this. 

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None of them knew that there was something heated going on behind one single door, and they started chatting with each other.  

Before the others finished bathing and left, Yan Qiu hid in the cubicle with Ji Xinglan, shivering. 

He felt a little embarrassed, but also found it a little exciting. It was slightly more exciting than when they had their date in the forest. 

Once the people outside finished bathing and were about to leave, Ji Xinglan’s cubicle still had water running. 

So Li Chengyan asked, “Xinglan, aren’t you going to leave yet?” 

Ji Xinglan had Yan Qiu pinned against the door. When he saw Yan Qiu’s thin and lean backside, he couldn’t help but nip at the spot connecting his neck and spine. 

Yan Qiu frowned in discomfort and nearly whined. 


“Leave first.” With sparkling eyes, Ji Xinglan stared at Yan Qiu’s teary eyes. “I’m taking it slow.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Once the alphas left together, Yan Qiu released a slow sigh.  

Aera cbk, Al Wlcuijc xfqa abemtlcu tlw, jcv Tjc Hle kjr kbgglfv jybea wjxlcu j mbwwbalbc, rb tf cfnfg gfrlrafv, yea atlr rbga bo rlifca jugffwfca mjerfv Al Wlcuijc ab ub obg j wlif joafg ajxlcu jc lcmt. 

Eluta cbk, atfs kfgf atf bcis bcfr ifoa lc atf yjatgbbw. Al Wlcuijc mbcalcefv ylalcu jcv ilmxlcu tlr cfmx jcv Tjc Hle ufcais rwjmxfv tlr tfjv. 

“Stop biting, will you! We have class in half an hour, hurry up and finish showering!”

Yan Qiu wasn’t very intimidating with his face completely red. Being naked didn’t help either.  

Ji Xinglan ignored his warning and calmly squeezed a bit of soap on his palm. He smeared it all over and told Yan Qiu, “Turn around.”

Yan Qiu originally wanted to glare at him, but when he saw his profound, beautiful eyes and his dripping hair, he found him really sexy. 

He remembered someone saying that they wanted to give birth to Ji Xinglan’s children while they were on the soccer field. In the end, Yan Qiu relented like some spineless idiot. 

He should be the one doing that task.  

Yan Qiu lowered his wet eyes and bit down on his lip while he turned around obediently. He pressed his hands on the wall and said after giving up, “…Th-Then, hurry up.”

‘I’ll let him do whatever he wants one last time.’ Yan Qiu thought. ‘If the test comes out and Ji Xinglan really lied to me, then he can forget about having so much fun in the future.’

Ji Xinglan had some fun in the bathroom with Yan Qiu for a while he helped him wash away the bubbles in satisfaction. 

Even though he faced the predicament of being discovered, when Yan Qiu remembered it, he still found it a little exciting.  

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Where did Ji Xinglan learn so many tricks?

When they returned to the locker room, the other teammates had already left. 

Yan Qiu sat on a chair with a towel around himself. He raised his weak legs and kicked Ji Xinglan’s calves, but there was no strength behind it. 

“You said you’d spend only twenty minutes! The first class is going to end soon! Sun Mang is going to kill me if I skip her class!” 

Ji Xinglan was wiping his hair. When he heard this, he looked over, and a barely noticeable hint of amusement flashed through his eyes. He said calmly, “Don’t worry, the teacher won’t do anything to you.”

Yan Qiu still wanted to argue with him when Ji Xinglan sent a sharp look at him, and he changed his tone. “You seemed to have enjoyed it a lot.”


“…I didn’t! Stop with the nonsense!”

Yan Qiu seemed to be warning him fiercely, but when he turned his head to the side, his ears were red.  

Without another sound, Yan Qiu put on his clothes and tossed his towel on that shameless person before he walked outside. 

If they continued delaying, Yan Qiu could forget about going to class.

Yan Qiu felt a little frustrated, though he didn’t know whether the frustration was directed at himself or Ji Xinglan. 

He felt that he was just stupid. Why was he so… obsessed with Ji Xinglan? 

Xie Yu had already sent him a message telling him that he bought the pregnancy test strips. 

Yan Qiu did not want Ji Xinglan to know that he was suspecting him, so he told Xie Yu to set it by the side and that he would grab it from him when he had the chance. 

When school almost ended in the afternoon, Xie Yu acted like a secret contact and went to hand Yan Qiu the strips in the utility room beside the toilet. 

Yan Qiu took out some tissues from his drawer and pretended to stuff a few pieces into his pocket so that he could lie and say that he wanted to go to the toilet.  

Ji Xinglan didn’t suspect him. Yan Qiu smoothly went out and even ran into Chen Gou in the corridor. He was the student on duty today. 

Chen Gou walked over with a dripping mop. When he saw Yan Qiu, he immediately bypassed him and started mopping the floor expressionlessly. 

After Ji Xinglan taught him a lesson last time, this idiot became much more obedient. After all, he might be a pervert, but he did not have the courage. Over the past few days, when he ran into Yan Qiu, he did the sensible thing and bypassed him. 

Xie Yu was indeed waiting for him in the dark and smelly utility room. The environment in this place was not good. Yan Qiu did not want to do the test here, so he held the strip in his hands, gave the instructions a cursory glance, then put it in his pocket. He wanted to do the test when he was at home.  

When Xie Yu saw him put away the strip, he placed a hand on the wall and refused to let him go. 

“Aren’t you going to do the test?” Xie Yu asked. 

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Yan Qiu clenched the box in his pocket. “I’ll do it when I’m at home.”

“Why don’t you do it here? It’s just the matter of peeing a little.” 

Yan Qiu had no idea why Xie Yu thought that peeing everywhere in broad daylight was a small matter. He still found it embarrassing. 

But Xie Yu grabbed Yan Qiu’s elbow and brought the strip out from his pocket once more. He started reasoning with him. 


“Just test it here. I’ll be on the lookout for you outside. The instructions in the instruction manual are very detailed. Take off your pants first. After all, if you do the test at home, you have to avoid Ji Xinglan as well…”

Xie Yu started nagging at him with great concern, just like a mom. But when he raised his head, he found that Yan Qiu was not just not listening to him seriously, his face was also a little pale. His facial muscles were a little stiff as he stared at the person standing behind Xie Yu.  

When he sensed someone behind him, Xie Yu felt shocked. He turned his head around, and he saw a pair of aggressive eyes. 

He was faced with a pair of fierce eyes that could only belong to an alpha. 

“What are you doing? What is it that I can’t discover?” Ji Xinglan put on a mocking smile. “Why do you need to take off your pants?”

Ji Xinglan leaned against the door and tilted his head. He spoke languidly, but the ferocity contained in his words was enough to almost pierce through a person’s eardrums.  

When he saw that Yan Qiu had not returned after a long time, Ji Xinglan decided to come and show his concern to his baby. He did not expect that he would run into these two acting sneakily in the utility room. Not only did he have no clue as to what they were doing, but they even said that he couldn’t know about it. 

What exactly was it that Yan Qiu couldn’t let him know?!

What sort of secret did Yan Qiu have that he could only tell Xie Yu and not his husband?

Only a few mops could fit into the narrow cubicle. Now, both Yan Qiu and Xie Yu squished in it while Ji Xinglan blocked them from outside. They practically didn’t have space to turn.  

Yan Qiu used Xie Yu’s body as a shield and quickly stuffed the test strips into his pocket before he placed his hands behind his back, pretending that nothing happened. 

As for Xie Yu, he decided to sacrifice himself for the sake of his friend and be the scapegoat. In his mind, he could even hear himself bleat like a goat.

“W-We were exchanging knowledge. Sparring to know our weaknesses.”

Ji Xinglan smiled when he heard this.  

There was no need to know why he smiled. 

An omega sparring with an alpha was just as funny as watching someone throw an egg at a rock. 

Yan Qiu felt a little frustrated because of his laughter, but his glory days were over, and he had to admit that he could not compare to alphas. He could only push the two of them away and leave in anger. 

After the bell rang, Yan Qiu saw Li Chengyan waiting at the entrance of the classroom.  

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What happened in the bathroom made him feel a little guilty, so he immediately lowered his head and gave him a perfunctory greeting. 

At that moment, Xie Yu walked out of the classroom with his bag over his shoulders. 


It was clear that he was already acquainted with Li Chengyan, but Xie Yu ignored him and readily walked away. He didn’t even spare Li Chengyan a glance and ran off like he was avoiding the plague. Since he left too hastily, he didn’t even have time to say goodbye to Yan Qiu. 

Li Chengyan said nothing and just watched Xie Yu run off with his hands in his pockets. He quietly pulled his mask over his face then strolled after him.  

When he saw Li Chengyan disappear behind the corner, Yan Qiu realized that Li Chengyan might not have come for Ji Xinglan. 

Ji Xinglan could sense the strange atmosphere behind the duo while he stood behind Yan Qiu. He asked, “When did they get to know each other?”

Yan Qiu felt too embarrassed to tell him that Xie Yu had hit Li Chengyan before, so he could only rub his nose and say, “I think they’re going off to fight.”

The moment they got back, Ji Xinglan pinned Yan Qiu against the doorway eagerly and kissed him for a while before he bit his rosy-red lips. Then, in great satisfaction, he rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen.  

Lan Lan stayed close to Yan Qiu’s feet, just like usual, and started acting shamelessly, wanting him to pet its tummy, but Yan Qiu wasn’t in the mood to play with it. 

While Ji Xinglan was not paying attention, Yan Qiu tossed his bag on the couch and snuck quietly into the bathroom with the test strips. Then, he locked the door behind him. 

The airtight bathroom had dim lighting. Yan Qiu groped around to turn on the switch on the wall. Then, he stood in front of the basin and took out the test strips Xie Yu bought for him. 

Yan Qiu quickly read the instructions and opened the package. He carefully did as the instruction manual said and took out a long strip from the box to soak it in the sample.  

Five seconds later, he carefully took the strip out and stared at the strip, worried that he would miss something. 

He waited quietly for a while, and a line as red as blood quietly appeared on the strip. 

Five minutes later, there was still only one line on the strip. 

Ten minutes later, there was still only one line.  

Yan Qiu quietly clenched the thin and long strip in his hands and stared at the singlular line for a while before he gritted his teeth so hard that he heard grinding noises. In his rage, he tossed the strip into the toilet. 

‘Damn you, Ji Xinglan!

‘I’m not pregnant at all!’

Mogumoguchan: Yes, bring in the drama! (But knowing these two, it’s not going to be drama)  

lolimelon: yq be discovering things lol >__>

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