Youwu Ming glared at the little sparrow on her shoulder.

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I saw that it had a hairy round head, and there was a pinch of dull hair on the head before it flew in a hurry, and was blown into two petals by the wind, as if it had been combed. The feathers are bizarre gold, illuminated by the Xihe lights, and gleaming with golden light. It glanced left and right, and suddenly squatted down shortly, and its long tail feathers turned up...

You Wuming Tongren shrank violently, raising her hand and trying to shoot the fly.

Sang was far away from his eyes, and quickly put the little golden queerium into his hand.

Soft hair, feels good.

She said: "It is to open the screen, not to pull the bird!"

You Wuming: "..." Why did she know what it was going to do and what he was thinking?

Seeing the little gold sparrow select the ‘Enke’, the magnificent and fragrant large painting quickly ran down the river and stopped on the bank of the river closest to Youmei.

Bai Run's mussel fairy sat up, leaning on the inner surface of the colorful clam shell, one arm raised high, stroking the top of the clam shell, and the other hand slowly down the shoulder, onion-like Fingertips crossed the delicate arc and fell to the ankle.

Hanging his head, charming eyes floated out from between his shoulders and arms, swaying towards the lifeless.

"Oh-oh!" the crowd on the shore cried out in excitement and regret.

"Look at our little goldfinch!" the old cloth bustard cried by the clam shell shouted in a fuss, "what a handsome man is chosen for the clam fairy! This is destiny! Hao Lang Jun, you have to be kind, don't lead us to the cuckold fairy to run away from good and desperate, such a boat, but rely on her to live!"

Throughout the ages, there have been prostitutes who used the name "True Love" to deceive men into bankruptcy. This lady in color obviously knows this well. When she came up, she beautified the clearly marked "sale" into "destiny".

Before entering the city, You Wuming and Sang were far away. Because I want to visit such a prosperous and prosperous place, I did not deliberately ugly, but only slightly changed the shape of the five senses, and stood in the crowd, it was very eye-catching.

The clam girl's beautiful eyes glanced over, and she saw Yumei's long body standing tall and handsome, with a handsome appearance and outstanding temperament. Sure enough, she was as outstanding as a distant view.

She has been raising this goldfinch for several years, and she has already communicated with her. At a glance, which one of the crowd is the most outstanding, the bird will stop on the man's shoulder as she wishes.

She is already looking for a way out for herself. Today, it seems that flowers are blooming and the fire is cooking oil. In fact, is fate still controlled by the old bustard? There is no need to learn how, as long as she deliberately arranges for a few more disgusting guests, it will be enough for her to drink a pot.

When I first entered this industry, I was just fascinated by gold and silver. Now that I have made enough money, I look forward to a good Lang Jun with money, appearance and power to take her out of the sea of ​​suffering.

She twisted her soft waist and stood up softly, caressing the clam shell, and exclaimed in a low voice: "Did this gentleman Lang, have you ever seen you in a dream? Why your face? , So familiar?!"

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd on the shore became louder.

The famous tricks are good, but the scene is full of people, full of madness.

"You Wu Ming," Sang glanced at You Wu Ming far away, and handed him the little sparrow to him, "Dream lover! Thousands of miles of marriage is in the lead! Go, see what it looks like. !"

She glanced at the clam fairy.

I saw that the woman put on a sad, lingering look, as if you wanted Youwu to take her out of the sea of ​​bitterness, but it was hampered by the evil wolf around her and dared not speak. With only a weak look, the meaning of ‘I don’t want your gold as long as your body’ is clearly expressed.

After all, it was the woman who fascinated Han Shaoling in the morning and night in the original book, and her face was born very well. Her own condition is enough to confuse the king. The witch's trickery just played the icing on the cake.

Sang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She lowered her head and said seriously: "Go, ask for a "gift". This is a good opportunity. I won't be jealous."

With that, the little gold sparrow was stuffed into the lifeless hands.

She raised her smile and looked at him.

I saw Youming staring at her weirdly, and then raised her eyebrows, her expression full of dissatisfaction with the prostitute's wife: "Little Mulberry, a bucket of gold! Do you know how many cloud beasts you can buy? More than three hundred heads!" "

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

He moved closer and whispered to her, "I'm crazy about me, spend a lot of gold on Huangfu Jun? Is it a waste to throw a penny on him. Xiao Sanguo, do you know that I am taxed for one year in Youzhou How much gold is the talent? I will let someone teach you back, it’s not enough to spend money, you have to learn the housekeeper!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." No, wait, is this the point?

Is this the true face of the iron **** exposed after determining the relationship? Who was drinking tea with ghost mushroom stewed wood crystal as tea? Oh man!

She was also misled by him unconsciously.

Three or two sentences of kung fu, the two were surrounded by haunting guests, seeing Youwuming standing next to a clear water hibiscus-like beauty, could not help but squeeze his eyebrows, his brain made up a drama of love.

"Xiongtai," a young deer with a roe deer head came up, "Bringing a lovely wife on a trip? Certainly not very convenient? Why don't I give you some gold, and give me this queer, how?"

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The crowd immediately booed and laughed at the head of the rat-goat who got into the water—what if he took his wife, and there was a lot of money for the clam girl who sold her wife and children. Xian Yi Ye Liang Xiao, who can hand over such a fairy opportunity? Moreover, today the clam female fairy clearly showed some different meanings, maybe such a romance really hit the head? !

Youyou Lam glanced lazily at this rat-eyed young man, and then slowly took the little sparrow from Sang Yuan's hand, gently stroked her long finger, as if stroking a golden pimple.

Although he was easy to change his face, he was still handsome and handsome, and his temperament crushed all the elegant guests. If the clam fairy really took a fancy to this person, everyone would not be surprised.

It seems that today, I can only watch Jiaohua falling into the arms of others. The people shook their heads, ready to disperse.

But seeing Youyou lifted her eyelids slowly and lifted her thin lips—

"How much do you sell?"

The crowd was suddenly in an uproar.

"How about two fights!" After the stunned youth, the rat-eyed youth showed his ecstasy, fearing that you would resign, and hurriedly reported a surprisingly high price.

You Wuming pondered silently.

"I have three fights!" someone shouted immediately.

A male duck shouted: "A price-ten buckets!"

Ten buckets of gold! More than one hundred pounds!

Sang shook a series of zeros in his mind.

Seven digits!

She looked up dumbly at You Meng, and when he saw his eyes bent and his lips hooked, he looked like a villain, and was almost inscribed with the word "money" on his forehead.

"Eleven fights!" someone shouted again.

"I'm out of fifteen fights!" Only a few words of "swipe", a middle-aged rich businessman shy his belly, holding Jin Cancan's ticket in his hand, squeezed out, "Golden tickets exchanged throughout the territory!"

The dark eyes of You Wu Ming were bright, and the eyes of interest fell on the golden ticket in the hands of middle-aged rich businessmen.

"Sixteen!" Mu Muzi was so angry that his face turned red. "It's clear that I came first! Didn't I just laugh at me one by one, now I'm scrambling again, or not!"

The middle-aged rich businessman smiled and said: "Twenty. Little brother, you are joking, not the same group of people who are bidding at the moment, understand?"

What he laughed at was that he was looking for a leaker who would be able to hold a beautiful woman with a bucket of gold. Not bad for money, already preparing to use money to kill people.

As soon as the high price of Twenty Bucks came out, everyone began to figure it out. According to the gameplay designed by the old bustard, the twenty buckets of gold can also be exchanged for spring breeze once. If the money is given to others, when it comes to the painting, it is necessary to give the clam fairy a gift. Unhappy waiting.

If you do this, you will lose a bit.

The middle-aged rich businessman took a step forward and raised the golden ticket in his hand, saying, "Everyone gives a face, and if no one bids again, then the fifteen buckets of gold tickets in my hand will be distributed to everyone on the spot. Twenty fights for the little brother, I’ll show it up!

So generous! It seems that this middle-aged and wealthy businessman plans is the illusory "good opportunity".

The price is a bit high, this person is also arrogant to loose money, under such circumstances, whoever raises the price is a bit offended.

The room suddenly became quiet, and no one rushed up again.

The middle-aged rich businessman smiled with pride, and walked towards the lifeless.

At this moment, I saw a bamboo pole-like figure moving away from the crowd, shaking the jade fan over: "I am out of the water to fix a box of jade crystals."

Jiang Jinzhen!

As soon as this remark came out, there was silence.

Gu Yujing!

The value of a box of solid jade is comparable to that of fifty buckets of gold, and a box full of solid jade cannot be bought with money. The more scarce things, the harder it is to buy.

He was cut off at the door, and the middle-aged rich businessman's face was dripping with gloom.

As soon as Jiang Jinzhen appeared, Sang Yuan moved his eyes away from Jin Cancan's ticket, calming his mind and paying attention to the movements around the cart.

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There was a lot of planting here, and she soon found the voice of the messenger--

"Although Gu Yujing is not a rare thing, the emperor also gave five boxes. Jiang Shizi threw it out like this. I'm afraid I can't explain it when you and I go back." A slightly younger voice.

The middle-aged voice replied: "Salty eating radish is light and worrying. Where can the Dongzhou King see a box of two boxes of solid jade crystals? As long as the box of Wannian Spirit is sent to the Dongzhou King, you and I will be done. Well, these five boxes of solid jade crystals were actually used by Jiang Shizi. The Dongzhou King knew very well, which accountant is better than this."

"Oh... I see. The emperor wanted to help the Dongzhou King break through the territory. If the Dongzhou King can break through the barriers of the Nine Heavens of Ling Yao in one fell swoop, even if Jiang Shizi is abolished, It can be taken up to four or five days, just right for that solid jade crystal."

Sang was inexplicably thrown a arrow in his knee-okay, waste Jiang Jinzhen can also be taken up for four or five days? Why did she rise only two levels when that lifeless break through?

She, absolutely, does not admit that she is really more wasteful than Jiang Jin! ! !

The young leader asked again: "Why didn't the emperor give him this spirit when he was in the imperial palace of Dongzhou King?"

The middle-aged leader smiled with a low voice and mystery: "Because the pharmacist has just produced the result. With ten thousand years of spirit, only 30% of the chances can break through. If it fails, the cultivation is exhausted! The emperor is trusting Dongzhou King, thinking that Dongzhou King has a greater chance of breaking through the border than herself, she will only send you this treasure."

The young lead suddenly realized: "So it is!"

The two no longer speak.

Sang regained his mind far away, secretly thinking.

Jiang Jinzhen had come near, raised his nostrils, and repeated: "I said, I have a box of Shui Ling Gu Yu Jing!"

Youmei lifted his eyelids lazily and glanced at Jiang Jinzhen.

He said: "Don't take the water spirit, but the wood spirit."

Jiang Jinzhen immediately hung his eyes and looked around: "Who has Mu Ling Gu Yu Jing, quickly take it out and exchange it with me!"

What kind of treasure is Gu Yujing, does it mean that you can take out a box if you take out a box?

The middle-aged rich businessman took a cold look for a while and smiled: "Little brother, no matter how good the goods are, the buyer can't look down on them, and they are worthless. I have sixty buckets of gold!"

Jiang Jin was really anxious: "Who has Mu Ling Gu Yu Jing, I will exchange two boxes of water spirits!"

The crowd was in an uproar. What a fairy sale! Who wants to really bring a box of wooden spirit solid jade crystal, then it is really walking on the road to pick up a mine.

Unfortunately, there is no one.

"Three for one!" Jiang Jinzhen shouted loudly, "Three for one! Who has it, hurry up and take it out!"

At this moment, the atmosphere of scrambling was too fanatical, and Jin Cancan's light was stunned. Jiang Jinzhen thought of the special color in the mussel, and felt that his blood was boiling.

He didn't hold out the spirits of those ten thousand years, but he still had the last trace of reason.

The crowd whispered.

"I have." Sang stepped forward with a smile, and the lion opened his mouth, "But it will change five times."

The young rat-eyed young man who bid first glared his eyes, pointing at Sang Yuan and You Wuming: "Aren't you together?"

Sang Yuanyuan said: "I'm with him, don't I deserve to own Mu Ling Gu Yu Jing? This son of Yushu Linfeng wants to exchange Mu Ling Gu Yu Jing with water Ling Gu Yu Jing, I happen to have what he wants And exchanged with him. What are the problems with the trading you like?

With that said, she also picked Jiang Jinzhen, the prince of Yushu Linfeng, to pick her chin.

It sounds like there is really no problem at all.

Jiang Jinzhen was very eloquent, immediately on his hips, shouting at the rat-eyed youth: "People are willing to change it for me, it's your business! Five for one, five for one!"

He immediately turned back and jumped into the luxury car, took five beautiful boxes and jumped down, handed over to Sang Yuan.

"Muling Guyujing give me!"

Sang opened the box from afar and looked at it, then motioned Yuyou to give Jiang Jinzhen the little sparrow.

Jiang Jin really took the queer, first of all, he frowned, and vaguely felt something was wrong: "Mu Ling Gu Yu Jing?"

Sang Yuanyuan said: "Mu Ling solid jade crystal, didn't you change this gold sparrow? You exchanged the wood spirit with me with the water spirit, and then used the wood spirit to change the gold sparrow from his hand. Now the gold sparrow has reached your hand. What kind of wood do you need?

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Jiang Jinzhen: "..." seems to be fine.

At this moment, the hot Bairun Muzi fairy in the mussel was about to be dried.

The people on the bank of the river were all surrounded by Youmu, and the clam fairy and the old bustard stood in the bow of the boat, holding their arms and blowing the cold wind for a long time. It was desolate and embarrassing.

After the mussel girl scratched her head towards Youmei, what she expected was the appearance of the man who was dizzy with hue. Who knows, he didn't even look at her at all, and actually started selling prices on the spot and selling the sparrow!

Seeing that the atmosphere there was getting more and more heated, it was almost boiling, but there was only a cool wind blowing on the river! But for a short while, the price of coaxing is almost higher than her usual price!

The mussel fairy crushed her silver teeth and secretly hated that she was really blind. Why did she pick such a thing!

The more dry, the more bleak.

All of a sudden, an ominous hunch loomed in the heart of the mussel fairy.

The old bustard's face was even more ugly. Gu Yujing! What baby is Gu Yujing! Actually called such a poor boy to pick it up!

A rage slowly turned to the woman in the clam shell.

There are countless old bustards, naturally seeing the flowery intestines of the mussels. She lifted her eyes and hummed heavily with her nostrils, making the mussel's scalp numb, and her heart was not good.

Bai Run's body has begun to tremble faintly.

Finally, seeing the crowd for a point, Jiang Jin, who was like a bamboo pole, held the gold sparrow and strode towards the painting.

"Heart-hearted! Master is here to hurt you!"

This Jiang Jin is really thin and tall. As a royal family, his appearance is naturally not much worse, and his temperament is better than that of ordinary rich businessmen. For many years, he has been in the bushes, with a greasy and elegant spirit. It is the clam fairy who is waiting for him. That kind of high-quality gracious customer.

The clam female fairy only felt tears in her eyes, looking at Jiang Jinzhen, she saw the taste of a few sows becoming mink cicadas, and her smile was three points sweeter than before--

"Lang Jun~"

Jiang Jinzhen's soul was half-drawn, strode across, and stepped heavily on the bow of the boat, and put the white and boneless woman in her arms, rushing anxiously into the depths of the painting.

"Lang Jun, it's not here!" The clam fairy raised her hand and pointed to a three-story pavilion like a dragon palace across the bank. "Slaves go home!"

The words are sweet to the heart.

Jiang Jinzhen's mind was completely blank, and he no longer remembered anything about Gu Yujing.

Seeing that the painting floated towards the opposite bank, the guards and the messengers could only drive the car and follow the white jade arch bridge to the opposite bank.

You Wuming grabbed Sang Yuan's hand, and the two of them were like slippery fish. They escaped into the crowd and disappeared instantly.


The two hid in a back alley where no one was.

You Wuming wrapped a freshly harvested stack of boxes into a large silk cloth, and behind her back, her black eyes kept turning, apparently calculating how much the huge sum could buy.

"The armor on the Dongzhou Army," he muttered, raising his hand to signal, "The devil's claws clap up, and the power will be dispersed to the whole body, and no one will be hurt. If you put on that, my person can die a lot less. "

Sang Yuan's heart suddenly hurt a little. Youzhou has an inland position, but Qin, Zhang, and Pingzhou in the north, and Han and Sangji in the west, and Fengzhou in Baizhou in the south. When the offensive of the evil spirits is fierce, you will have to send troops to demon.

The lifeless people rolled out of the sea of ​​blood. Although all of them were trained as elites, the casualties were extremely heavy.

"Well," she smiled at him, "so many solid jade crystals, you can change a lot of armor!"

"You have to match some cloud beasts." You Wuming said, "Last loss was too great. Well, if you can assemble the cloud beasts with iron armor..."

He squinted, thoughtful.

Sang raised his face from afar, a pair of smiling black eyes stared at him without blinking.

"Little Sanguo!" he smiled, "you and watch me lay this river for you!"

She was made a little bit crying by the second youth.

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"You're so good, Youmei," she said, "the woman who hooks like that winks at you, you don't even look at it."

Youyou later realized that she was stunned: "Women, what woman?"

"Clam fairy."

He tilted his head and slowly pulled his thoughts out of the Jinshan and Yinhai, and after a while, he sighed, "Oh," he said: "It's really good! Oh, I regret to kill me too!"

Sang Yuan smiled and reached out to twist him.

You Wu Ming was happy for a while, clutching Sang Yuan's hand, leaving the alley and entering a shop with the sign of'white'.

"It's time to get things done."

When buying hibiscus fat last time, Youwu Ming had noticed another hot item in this store-Bai Shi Mi Lu.

This medicine is the tiger's medicine. The effect is against the sky.

Entering the store, it happened to see the buddy presenting to the customer.

I saw that the man was holding a lively long snake, pinched the mouth of the snake, and dripped two drops of peach-colored condensation into the belly of the snake.

After a while, I saw that the snake slowly straightened, leaving a pair of glazed eyes spinning.

The man grabbed the snake's tail and danced the snake around in front of the crowd, dancing like a long stick. At first glance, it was impossible to see that it was originally a snake.

"Come here, fellow guests, take a look at it!" The buddy stretched the snake before everyone.

Bangbang a long wooden stick!

Someone reached out carefully and squeezed the snake.

"Well, as strong as iron!"

"Gee, magical!"

The men suddenly smiled.

"Bring me a bottle!" "I will bring one too!"

The man carried the snake stick on his shoulder and smiled and took the Bai's magical dew out of the cabinet. While collecting money, he urged the buyer not to use it much, at most two drops at a time, otherwise it would be life-threatening. Remember to remember.

You Wuming was expressionless and bought two bottles.

When the man saw that he had brought the woman to buy the medicine, he couldn't help but have a toothache, and he kindly covered his mouth and reminded: "The guest official will buy it alone next time. This, let the woman know that she will damage the prestige after all!"

The blue muscles of the forehead frontal corner jump straight: "Not for me."

The guy carefully understood the tone of the tone and lengthened the tone and said, "Oh... I understand, I bought it for someone else! It is definitely not a guest you use it for yourself. Our customers here are all for others!"

The guy squeezed his eyes to show that he understood.

When handing out the medicine, the man did not forget to confess again: "Guest officer, please remember when you use it. Do not use more than two drops at a time, otherwise it will be life-threatening-ah, please remember to remind others" , Not for you, not for you."

Ye Wuming's face is green.

"Two drops, guaranteed to be able to persist for more than half an hour!" The man patted his chest.

You Wuming didn't know what she thought, her face was even more ugly.

Sang laughed far away, took the vial from the buddy's hand, threw the money, and dragged Yumei to the outside.

His face stretched, his lips drooped, and his eyes rolled from time to time.

After holding back for a long time, he finally couldn't hold back, and said straightly: "Little Mulberry, this kind of thing is only needed by Jiang Jinzhen, understand? What is half an hour, oh, I'm lifeless..."

Sang far used his life-long acting skills and nodded at him seriously and solemnly.

"Well! I understand!"

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