Sang smiled and smiled.

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She tilted her head sideways, as if thousands of acacia flowers were blooming quietly.

You Wumei moved her eyebrows, feeling quite difficult to parry.

She exhaled softly: "Make the wood spirit into the jinbei."

You Wuming stunned, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the bamboo trough in front of Qin Wu.

Kim Bean lay there quietly.

Between him and it, a small half of the venue. To refine, you must manipulate the spirit and not extinguish the fire, cross under the canal, and then refine the golden shell through the bamboo trough. At the center of the ring canal is a gourd-shaped textured desk made of roots. The flame walks from underneath, but it is not a problem.

It's just that if he doesn't extinguish the fire, he has just refined it into his own things. The control is really not perfect, and the spiritual essence has been refined into objects, and he has not tried it once.

He is well versed and always has those killing skills.

Such delicate work...

What is the situation of Youmingming, Sang Yuan naturally knows.

She gently grabbed his clothes corner and said to him with a seven-point smile and three-point shame: "You are the best, you can do it. Right?"

You Wu Ming breathed for a long time: "Oh, of course. Is it difficult for me to get such a small thing?"

Ah, these wings nowhere!

Sang smiled far away, nodded gently, then turned his head back, looking at Jinbei in front of Qin Wufang.

As soon as Jinbei came out, even Yingyingyue, who was nobody in the eye, rounded her eyes.

Even the ladies who do not care about the war and the military situation on weekdays know that this thing is of great value. Obtaining this golden shell is tantamount to turning Qinzhou's spiritual mine into its own logistic arsenal. What a horrible thing!

After throwing the trump card, Qin Wushuang smiled slightly, lowered his head, and inadvertently took Yuzhan out of the canal, taking a sip from time to time.

The relaxed and happy atmosphere suddenly became dignified. The state queens did not care about Han Shaoling, but set their sights on their elder brothers or brothers, secretly calculating that they could be competitive.

In terms of cultivation practice, when Han Shaoling and You Wuming were at Yumenguan in the first battle, they were already the powerful players in the two heavens of Lingyao Realm.

In terms of strength, Hanzhou’s comprehensive strength is only under Dongzhou, Yunzhou, and Youzhou, and when the old Han King died, there was an extremely serious turmoil. Han Shaoling settled the territory with one hand and led Hanzhou to the next ten years. This step is enough to prove that he is brave and scheming, but he is a hero.

In terms of wealth, compared with Youzhou King, who is next to him, Han Shaoling is rich.

In terms of status, Han Shaoling was already the master of a state at the age of thirty, and the other royal men present here were only princes, and he did not know when his father would abdicate.

Counting around, everyone feels hopeless.

Moreover, Qinzhou has made it clear that the horse and horse are coming to the position of Mrs. Han, so how can they fall away?

Thinking like this, a group of young talents could not help shaking their heads slowly, sighing hopelessly.

Now, what does it mean to see King Hanju? As long as he clapped, Qin Wushuang and Jin Bei, both of them were in his pocket.

Han Shaoling did not expect that the "surprise" mentioned by Qinzhou King was such a surprise. He thought that the old thing was willing to come out, at most it was only a 40% silver shell, but he didn't expect it to be a golden shell.

At this moment, the balance in his heart immediately inclined to Qin Wushuang.

This woman must get it in her hand.

Compared with Hongtu Baye, love and love can only be reared after all.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but glance at Sang far away with complicated eyes.

It happened to see her reaching out with a smile, and went to get a pair of ice blue flowers in the ditch.

Han Shaoling's heart burst into pain-Yesterday, she said that she already had a sweetheart, and it was clearly a **** of arrogance. If not, why did she take the flowers in the canal? Isn't it just deliberately giving each other a step down? If she didn’t have this kind of jinbei, she would pick up her flowers later, and she would have to push herself halfway through...

It is a pity that for Jinbei, she can only live up to her temporarily! In fact, if you feel pain in your heart, I am afraid that she will be twice as painful! Women, how do they understand how many things men have to carry in the world, how can they be as full of love as they are?

Unexpectedly, under the circumstance of yin and yang, the two actually missed this last step.

Han Shaoling's chest was dulled by his touching brain, and his eyes were fixed on Hehuan in Sang Yuan's hands. His eyes were full of affection that others could not understand.

I saw that Sang picked up the pair of blue-blue acacia from afar, held it in his hand for a moment, and inserted one of them diagonally on the temple side.

Countless eyes fixed on another ice blue acacia in her hand, just tossing it into the ditch.

But she saw her turn around and handed the acacia in her hand to the'guard' behind him.

The two touched their fingers, and a sweet smile ran through their eyes.

Everyone: "?????"

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Han Shaoling: "!!!"

After showing a loving mulberry, she didn't feel the abuse of the dog. After giving You Wuming another chicken blood, she picked up a blue wine, and paid tribute to Yun Xuzhou, who was diagonally opposite, Then pointed to the acacia in his hair.

Yun Xuzhou smiled, shook his head, and picked up an orange acacia from the canal and put it on his head, throwing the other half back.

Sang Bujin immediately tightened his body, his long and narrow eyes widened.

"Why did she throw flowers!" He leaned over and complained to Sang far and low, "Shouldn't it be left to me!"

Only then did he see that Sang had handed the flowers to You Wuming, and he was thinking about it in his heart. After a while, he took Yun Xuzhou's flowers, and then how. Who knows she actually threw the flowers back into the canal!

Sang saw him indifferently from afar, and sighed: "My dear brother, look, there are ordinary papers over there, put a full five sheets of silk as a gift, well, Zhou Shizi over there, piled up seats Gold Leaf Hill, you look at Zhang Shizi again... which of them did not stare at the Regent? Do you think that the Regent will not be able to do it with you?"

Sang didn't get close and immediately exploded his hair, like a cockfight, staring at the orange acacia that was drifting down the water.

At this time, several king ladies took half of the acacia flowers and put them on their heads. There were a lot of single flowers floating in the ditch. After a series of dark eyebrows and swords, two pairs of acacias successfully found their masters and formed Double.

Sang is not close but is disadvantaged. He picked up Yun Xuzhou's flower, but Yun Xuzhou picked off the flower on his head and threw it back into the canal. He had no choice but to return the flower on his hand.

Outside, the gifts from various states arrived at the Han Palace one by one, and the running water was generally sent to the hall. Han Shaoling was asked to look around. After he expressed his gratitude, he returned to the warehouse.

At the moment, Han Shaoling was full of ambition and suffering, and he had not settled down with Qin Wushuang. He Li gave them one by one, but gave him some time to relieve his gasps. He supported the canal case in front of his hands and stared at the servant of the singing ceremony.

"Master," Nei Bai leaned down respectfully, and said, "The next gift comes from the'Xiaoxiang Pavilion Master.'"

Han Shaoling's expression was uncomfortable for a moment, and he said loudly, "Take it up."

The owner of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion said something long. At the time of the civil strife in Hanzhou, an old minister was framed to death, and all the young female family members were found in official kilns. After Han Shaoling made troubles anyway, he found that the old woman's daughter had been mixed up in the kiln, but she did not want to come out. In the past few years, she has collected a lot of news for Han Shaoling and established a solid underground intelligence network for him.

This strange woman who doesn’t remember his family hatred but works for Han Shaoling is the ‘Xiaoxiang Pavilion’.

Han Shaolin was ashamed of her, and she also missed her loyalty to the country, so she would not lose her face anywhere.

Sang felt a sudden feeling from far away, and looked at You Mengyu quietly. He has now begun to try to cross the fire from under the canal, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Meichuan wrinkled a small word "chuan", his concentrated appearance, which added a bit more grace to this easy-to-be-tolerant face.

Such extreme concentration, she has only seen on the battlefield and her cloud couch.

Suddenly the heartbeat missed several beats.

Although close at hand, she still missed him.

She nodded slightly and smelled the faint floral fragrance on him.

Soon, a large, colorful clam shell was moved into the temple.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Sure enough.

The owner of Xiaoxiang is a lifeless person.

Sure enough, there are not so many Virgins in the world. Han Shaoling killed the whole family of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, but she was willing to get stuck in the quagmire and act faithfully for him, which is really very anti-human. It is more reasonable to cast a lifeless life.

Youmei said at the beginning that he had a close friend who was nearing his birthday, so he sent the mussel to him as a congratulatory gift. Unexpectedly, this "to make good friend" was Han Shaoling.

Since You Wuming can send the mussel fairy through the owner of Xiaoxiang, it must have been'educated', and she will never let her talk nonsense.

Everyone's eyes fell on the giant clam.

Zhao, Zhou, Qi and Sanzhou bordered Dongzhou. Several kings and grandchildren had already hidden their identity and went to Xifu to have a clam fairy. When they saw that the clam was brought up, they stomped secretly under the canal. .

No, the clam fairy turned into Han Shaoling alone!

After waiting for a long time, the clam shell finally slowly opened a line.

Countless pairs of eyes gathered in the past.

Sang far recalled the white, soft and boneless body of the mussel, and immediately felt better in appetite, and wanted to eat grilled squid, oysters and scallops.

"Cough-creak -" The clam shell stretched out the palm of his hand for a long time, and then closed again.

Sang Yuanyuan: "?"

Is this something you want to do? It looks as if the clam shell is very inferior.

Just as everyone was far away from Sang, and secretly hissed, the clam shell suddenly "banged" with a loud noise, suddenly opened and split into two halves.

Everyone was caught off guard and were shocked.

Looking intently, I saw a woman in white squatting among the mussels, bowing her head and breathing heavily.

Dare to love is really unable to push away.

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But she was exhausted.

Han Shaoling's brow furrowed, and he looked rather unhappy.

The host of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion has always been thoughtful and appropriate. I don’t want to come out in front of the Zhuzhou royal family today. If there is really a good girl in this mussel, then it’s okay, but you can see that the white girl is thin and small, and her gestures are not elegant and feminine. Even if she is beautiful, she can’t get on a table.

When it was dissatisfaction, I saw the woman in white suddenly looked up at him, looking angry.

Dream worry-free!

Han Shaoling covered his forehead, only to feel the qi and blood backflow, rushing to the crown in anger.

Needless to guess, it must have been that the dream worries ran out of the palace, and I did not know what method was used to replace the original people in this mussel-this kind of thing can be done by the dream worries!

This is her, shining debut, is Teacher Xing guilty? !

After seeing Meng Wuyou's appearance, all the royal families looked at Sang Yuan with complicated eyes. Looking at her face alone, the two women were born very similar.

The same royal family, the girls unconsciously took their place into themselves-if Huo Lang found such a fake and came back to spoil it under his own eyelids, then it was really uncomfortable!

Han Shaoling gritted his teeth: "What are you doing, what are you doing!"

"What am I doing?" Meng Wuyou shook her head incredulously, and came out of the mussel, shouting sadly: "Han Shaoling! Last time, I brought back the spirit of Wannian, and saved you who was dying. ! What did you say at the time? You said to me that you will treat me as the most precious baby in your life. From now on, you will never let me cry!"

Hearing the words ‘Wannian Spirit Essence’, Sang Yuan was shocked in his heart, lowering his eyes to hide the different colors.

There is no such plot in the book, it seems that his "resurrection" triggered a series of chain reactions.

There is no Yumenguan Battle in the original book. Han Shaoling and Youwuming do not actually have much intersection. After the Great Wall defends the war, they will do their own thing-Youwuming is committed to kill Jiang Yanji, and he has not put Han Shaoling as a person in his eyes. And Han Shaoling was entangled in love, busy dealing with men who coveted dreams, and women who coveted himself.

Because Sang Yuan's'resurrection from the dead', Han Shaoling and You Wuming, who should have no intersection, fought a battle at Yumenguan. Han Shaoling was seriously injured by You Wuming and nearly lost his life. Meng Wuyou had originally found a Ning clan Ning Hong before he wanted to change his life for Han Shaoling, but was unexpectedly cut off by Sang.

Sang Yuan thought that Han Shaoling was so fierce, but he didn't expect this meeting. Not only was he in good health, but Xiu Wei had been promoted to five heavy days in a row, and he ascended to Lingyao Seventh Heaven!

What I didn't expect was that Han Shaoling's encounter was due to the fact that Meng Wuyou found him the spirit of life for thousands of years.

Eternal Spirit! The female emperor Jiang Yanji also got such a box, she did not dare to use it herself. Such a thing, Mengwuyou, such a waste material that has been repaired to nothing, can actually find a copy for Han Shaoling to cure and promote?

Sang Yuan's heart was pounding straight, and his back was chilling.

She dare not imagine how terrible a person like Mengwuyou would have been if she wasn't in love, and her brain was only to die or live for Han Shaoling.

This is the so-called son of luck!

Sang narrowed her eyes far away-she knew that Meng Wuyou had such luck against the sky. The question was, would anyone else believe this after saying it? When things of today reach Jiang Yanji's ears, she must think that it is Huang Fujun who gave Wannian Spirit to Mengwuyou, the righteous girl.

This matter was completely tied to death.

Sang was so calm that he continued to taste wine and watch the show.

"So?" Han Shaolin asked wearily, "So what are you doing now?"

"What are you doing?" Mengwuyou didn't seem to believe what she heard. She leaned slightly and stared at his eyes. "What am I doing? Why don't you ask yourself what are you doing? You're not saying, You love me, don't you treat me as a substitute for someone else! Then why do you want to hold this wife seeking feast, and ask this mulberry far away!"

She suddenly raised her head and pointed her finger at the woman next to Han Shaolin.

Meng Wuyou and Qin Wushuang looked at each other. Meng Wuyou was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect that the woman next to Han Shaolin was not Sang Yuan at all-he actually found another woman.

Han Shaoling closed his eyes, took a long breath, and exhaled from his teeth.

Qin Wushuang also froze for a while. She knew that there was a woman beside Han Shaoling who looked very similar to Sang, but she didn't expect it to be such a glorious product. In fact, there is no slight threat.

"King of Hanzhou..." Qin Wushuang looked at him embarrassedly, "This is too much nonsense."

Han Shaoling had been entangled with Mengwuyou for so long, and the broken jar fell again and again.

He was even more tired: "Dream is worry-free, you go back first, OK. I and the Sangzhou Queeness really have nothing."

Meng Wuyou cried: "No? You don't want this wife seeking banquet just for her! Han Shaolin, don't think I don't know your thoughts!"

All the royal families were panicked for Han Shaoling.

As a royal family, every move is an example for thousands of people, even if the family is no longer cluttered, they have never seen it in a large crowd.

Meng Wuyou looked around, and soon found Sang Yuan, who was immersed in wine tasting.

"Dare you say you will never marry her!" She pointed to Sang Yuan, "Dare you swear!"

Han Shaoling's chest was undulating and he gasped for a moment, only to feel the blood on his head for a moment, so he was speechless. Somehow, at this moment he felt that his surroundings seemed to be particularly hot, and waves of heat were coming straight from the bottom up.

Sang Yuan kept watching the movement there. At this moment, the lifeless refining has reached a critical moment, and the bamboo trough holding Jinbei has faintly flamed. If it weren’t for Dream Wuyou to just break in and make a big noise, I’m afraid to sit in Qin Wushuang Han Shaoling around him has seen the abnormality coming!

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At this moment, that enthusiasm is gradually drawing Han Shaoling's mind down the channel...

Sang took a long breath and threw the jade cup in his hand back to Zhuqu, raised his eyes, and looked at the dream like a cockfight.

"Have anyone told you not to use a finger to a royal family?" she said coldly.

Meng Wuyou's arrogance was short, and she unconsciously curled her fingers, and immediately, her pretty face rose red, her fingers stretched straighter, and she complained with tears: "Since you were going now, why have you come back to disturb our peace? Life! Sang far away I hate you!"

If you say that Yingyingyue’s IQ tree is bright when it is not bright, then the woman who dreams of worry may naturally not have such a thing as a long IQ tree. After going through the Tiandu lore, she still didn't react. Her righteous father was Huangfu Jun, and the male and female assassins were lifeless and Sang Yuan.

Sure enough, it's the oldest mistress of dog blood...

It is difficult for people with normal IQ to communicate with them.

Today is really thanks to this intellectual disability!

Sang was far from speaking and threw a cannibalism to Mengwuyou.

No one responded to what happened. Just listened to ‘huh’, under the hood of a bright red flower bud, swallowing the whole dream into the brown flower stem.

Meng Wuyou's screams came out halfway, even the sound of gurgling water.

"Awesome hidden weapon!" Someone exclaimed, and slowly applauded with two slaps.

Sang Yuan looked coldly and watched Meng Wuyou struggling in cannibalism.

Judging from past experience, when all the'gold fingers' of Dream Worry appear, it is at least logical, and there will be no such thing as a heavenly justice to destroy her enemies.

There are many people who can save dreams and worry-free, so Sang is far from worrying about being backed by something strange.

Han Shaoling is connected with Meng Wuyou's life. No matter how unusual she is or how embarrassed he is, he is absolutely impossible to make her accident.

Just as Sang Yuan expected, Han Shaoling, the overlord, sighed, jumped lightly, and leaped over the banquet of flowing water. The white gold spiritual essence appeared in his palm, and his hand was used as a knife to save the dream from worrying about flowers. come out.

Just as Han Shaolin left, a flame exhaust burrowed under the canal and dissipated in his original place.

This wave of coordination is perfect.

Sang glanced at him from afar, and saw that Youmei's frowned frown had been released, and a trace of pride appeared in his black eyes, and he knew that the matter was completely done. He had refined the wood spirit into the golden shell. .

He got it over, and it was her turn!

Breathing her breath, she planted a big-faced flower under the giant wood table, and the flower tray was gathered, and it was aimed at the golden shell in Qin Wushuang's bamboo trough.

‘Big face flower brand vacuum cleaner. Big face flower brand blower. She thought proudly.

After the arrangements were made, Sang Yuan held a bottle of wine and gave Qin Wushuang a distant tribute: "Wang Qin is really well-preserved, can you hold your breath by pointing your finger at your nose. I am not good, I am this person Grumpy."

Qin Wushuang looked pale.

Sang smiled far away: "Drink! You don't think I'm angry with you because of your talents? Oh, how can you. You said that You Wu Ming is good to me, this is the truth, he treated me really That’s great, why should I be angry? Rest assured, I’m a very sensible and reasonable person."

Qin Wushuang's face was whiter by three points, fearing that Sang would throw out that terrible hidden weapon to her if she didn't agree with her.

On that side, Meng Wuyou was covered in dirty brown sticky flower juice, and was wrapped in Han Shaoling's arms, shaking like a quail.

"She, she, she's too much oooo..."

"Shut up!" Han Shaoling was so exhausted that he threw her to the guard in the temple. "Let her take another step out of the Qingliang Temple, and none of you need to come back."

Meng Wuyou couldn't break the guard's restraint, screaming and dragged on.

Han Shaoling once again threw his face on the ground, asking the royal families of the states to trample on.

It was at this time that an inner attendant came to inform and said that the original woman in Clam Chung had been found. She was tricked into a partial palace by Meng Wuyou and locked in it. At this moment, she cried very pitifully and asked to see the lord. .

Han Shaoling, who broke the jar, broke his eyelids: "Bring it on."

Soon, Bai Run's mussel girl was brought up.

When she came to the temple, she no longer cried. This woman is good at holding people's hearts, every move, just right, not only pitiful, but also with a strong sense of ignition.

That face, that figure, that charm, makes your throat dry at a glance.

Arriving at the hall, she flicked her gauze sleeves, and sent blessings to Han Shaoling, and then retreated without any trouble.

Han Shaoling raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes chased away with the soft, boneless body of the mussel.

He did not notice that Qin Wushuang beside him was already full of anger.

Qin Wushuang originally thought that after the sacrifice of Jinbei, it should be a scene sought by thousands of people. I never thought that Han Shaoling was cold and indifferent. The world's sons of Zhuzhou looked at the princes, and the imaginary scene was simply heaven. underground.

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Couldn't anyone take this Kimbe seriously?

This is what she thought. Everyone knows that she came to Han Shaoling and threw out such a heavy weight, and others will naturally not join in to boast.

While Qin Wushuang felt discouraged, Han Shaoling suddenly lifted up his sleeves and fell into the canal, holding the half of the red acacia in front of her.

He has no patience to consume. After finalizing this matter, we have to go to the Fengtian High Platform to pray, so that we can go through the whole process.

Anxiety rose in his heart-if he had decided to ask Qin Wushuang, then he didn't have to grind anymore to show people the joke!

He cut the scarlet flower in front of Qin Wushuang. This is not a hint, but a covenant.

However, Qin Wushuang picked up Qiao.

Today, her mood is very unhappy, very unhappy. Intuition tells her that the existence of Sang Yuan is a permanent and indelible threat to her. Han Shaoling got the help of Qinzhou, if it was as mysterious as the father said, Han Shaoling would be able to dominate the whole territory. If he is at the top, is this far away from Sang? Isn't it something in his pocket?

She couldn't help but go to Sang Sang far away, and the more she looked, the more she felt that she was caught in the dust.

Moreover, Han Shaoling still has a mussel girl next to her, and her dream is worry-free, plus a quiet moon... really don’t be too bad!

Thinking in this way, although I didn't mean to give up Han Shaoling in my heart, Qin Wushuang couldn't help but gamble, and some were reluctant to pick up the flowers he handed over.

I don't know who you are breathing with.

Han Shaoling cut off his sleeves and waited for a moment. Seeing that Qin Wushuang was bulging and looked sullen, he became more impatient.

Seeing that the water flow intercepted by him was getting higher and higher, Han Shaoling's heart burst into flames, he swept his sleeve heavily and withdrew his arm.

The big red acacia twirled in the water and rushed forward.

Qin Wushuang exclaimed and hurriedly reached out to fish.

It was too late.

There was a sigh in her heart, and she looked up at Han Shaoling, only to see his handsome face frosted, and even Yu Guang did not reward her.

Qin Wushuang didn't care about taking Joe anymore, he hurriedly got out of his seat, chased downstream, and grabbed the big red acacia into his hands.

This time, it attracted a lot of chuckles, especially for the Baizhou sisters, a pair of white sisters laughed forward and backward.

"Is there such a hurry!"

"Are you afraid of losing someone?"

Anyway, today Han Shaoling and Qin Wushuang were ugly, how can others be rude, that is also the fireflies are difficult to compete with Sun and Moon, will not be reduced to talk.

Qin Wushuang snatched Han Shaoling's scarlet acacia, and he couldn't care about his face, put it on his head anxiously, and sat back beside him.

Sang laughed softly from afar.

In the original book, when Qin Wushuang and Meng Wuyou were fighting each other, they brag about the ghosts and gods, saying that it was her ancestor's intention to marry Hanzhou King. As a result, he was seized by Meng Wuyou and caught the loopholes. After a series of 18 "big culprits", he finally returned to Qinzhou with Jinbei.

Today, everything has changed. Because there is Sang Yuan, the'righteous master', Han Shaoling simply cannot take fakes with him. Meng Wuyou can only find another way to break into the fixed wife banquet.

This kind of trouble, it touched Han Shaoling's counter scale greatly, and there was no chance to disturb his good deeds.

Only Sang Yuan said aloud: "Congratulations to King Hanzhou and King Qin! I heard that Qinzhou’s Jinbei was worshipped in the ancestral temple for many years. It is very spiritual. Could it be that the birth of Jinbei was the guidance of the ancestors? ?"

Sang far said this, everyone was stunned.

Han Shaoling looked up and saw that Sang had a small face in the distance, the smile was extremely sincere, and he couldn't help but secretly: Sang Er is really a very irony person, she is a disagreement, and she is helping me out.

My heart is sore, warm and painful.

Qin Wushuang froze for a moment, thinking for a moment, that Sang was far from being ridiculous, but sincerely blessed, and then replied: "It is indeed like this!"

This time, her father, God, the god, nagging, took out Jinbei, saying that Han Shaolin was the son of destiny, and would become a great cause. He must take the place of Mrs. Han before he takes off, at all costs.

Qin Wushuang felt that her father might not have a normal brain, but she was very satisfied with Han Shaoling and she responded.

Of course, this must not be said to the outside world, it is called the ancestor showing spirits, helping Qin Wushuang to find her true son.

With the help of the ancestors' ghosts and gods, it is possible to avoid the blame of the major forces.

Qin Wushuang felt very embarrassed, and suddenly saw that Sang was far away from his suspicions. He actually gave himself a face, so he quickly climbed up the pole and replied very friendly: "This is very magical. Before I traveled, Jin Bei I was uneasy until I brought it out, and it was not peaceful. The elders of the clan said that this is the guidance of the ancestors."

Sang was far surprised: "It's magical! Now that you have a marriage with the King of Hanzhou, it's really a match made in heaven. The ancestors are under Jiuquan.

The words did not fall, I saw the golden shell lying in the bamboo trough endlessly, suddenly jumped the old high, clanged, and fell on the giant wooden desk in the middle of the ring channel!

For a moment, the raven was silent.

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