Sang was a little nervous.

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It's been a long time since she last saw a farewell in Kyoto.

Its appearance is still full of evil spirits.

It's probably because of the preparation to kill. At this moment, it is covered with green and black mist-it is wood, but its wood spirit is significantly different from ordinary people. The wood spirit of ordinary people is full of vitality, showing a transparent blue-green, and its spirit is black in the green, like wood that has died for a long time.

Eerie and weird. Wandering between Yin and Yang.

The puppet uncovered the tiles and got into the house. After a while, a small hand came out and closed the tiles with the backhand.

Sang looked around from far and far, and found no lifeless figure-when this man was deliberately stalking, like a ghost shadow, she could not find his trace with her small strength now.

Perhaps he had escaped to the house to take a puppet.

Sang thought for a moment, and threw a big face into the gap between the side wall of the main house and the courtyard wall.

Ling Yun Xiteng climbed along the wall to the roof, climbing the edge of the tile, and quietly sneaked into the house.

Behind the door stands a well-behaved landscape blocking the screen. A translucent screen loomingly reflects a tall figure, which stands at the entrance of the main house.

Sang looked around in a circle, seeing through the water of the spirit, and did not see the trace of even or faint life.

In front of the bed, there is another slightly smaller lady screen, covering most of the bed behind.

Sang far manipulated the Lingyun vine to fall from the roof, hooked the corner of the screen, and pointed out the tip.

Looking at him, Sang was not surprised, and sighed that this surname is really not a thing!

On the bed, another woman with a disheveled hair was lying. At the moment, she was pouting her red mouth and playing with her nails very unpleasantly.

Just listening to the door squeaking together, the footsteps of the man sounded in the room.

Lu Lecheng, who was deceived and deceived, was back.

He bypassed the screen, and threw the white robe on his body to the ground, strode to the bedside, and flung himself together, and took the woman on the couch in his arms, and cried cautiously.

"Why is she so annoying!" The woman pushed him away disgruntledly, "Come the day before yesterday, come yesterday, and come today! Didn't you promise that Min Banxiang would never haunt you again! She came again, you beat her not It's over!"

"Who makes your man charismatic?" Lu Lecheng caught her, pressed her wrist, and said meaningfully, "Rou Niang, don't you worry about it at all? Is she so unsympathetic? Hmm? If I beat her and scold her, would you still look like a man? If I were that kind of person, wouldn’t you love me anymore?"

"Cut," the woman's eyes pan Qiubo said, "Where is the woman like Min Banxiang comparable to me? Lu Lang, you dumped her and chose me, that's your vision!"

Lu Lecheng smirked: "Yes, my Rou Niang is the best in the world! Rou Niang, in case Min Banxiang can't think of it, what a stupid thing she really did. If her family finds me in trouble, you can do it for you. Good Langjun, I testify—it is her own wishful thinking that has nothing to do with me."

The woman said: "Hum, not overstretched, she doesn't want to think about it, is it a man like Lulang that she deserves! Li Haai wants to eat swan meat and deserves to die!"

Lu Lecheng laughed: "Yes, it deserves to die!"

After all, act mercilessly.

On the roof of the house, an expressionless face slowly came out.

Sang was far away, looking upwards.

I saw a pale white face protruding from the dark room beam, eerie, and the string of amber rosaries hanging on the neck lightly tapped on the wooden beam.

"Tuk, Tuk."

On the bed, the man was struggling to move, the woman squinted her misty eyes, her blank eyes gradually followed the sound to the roof beam...

Even retracted behind the wooden beam.

After a while, a small hand reached out and yanked a small piece of clothing corner down from the edge of the wooden beam.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." How did this action look a bit cute?

The cheating men and women didn't even know that they had been chased by Yan Luo, and the two yelled and rolled into a pile on the bedding.

Sang manipulated the Lingyun vine from afar, and climbed up the beam along the wooden post-her mind could only be concentrated on the tip of the vine.

At the junction of the column and the beam, the snakelike fine vine tail quietly climbed up the beam and slammed upward! Coincidentally, the puppet happened to be hand and foot and climbed over with it. One by one and one vine suddenly looked at each other!

Both were so shocked!

Ling Yunteng suddenly shrank backwards and circled twice. Even with his mouth wide open, his body leaned back, and his **** eyes stared into a bronze bell.

At this moment, he was kneeling on the beam with his knees, and his two small hands were also holding the beam. In this posture, it was like a short life.

The two ‘people’ stared at their small eyes, screaming silently.

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Not far away, a very soft chuckle came suddenly.

Fuji and I slowly turned their heads together.

I saw a black man resembling a bat, crouching on another beam.

You Wuming seems to be a non-smile, squinting at this vine.

Suddenly, for a while, the black silk with his head looking soft and smooth was erected in the back of his head. It used his hands and feet, and he stepped backwards, and ‘tucked’ ran away.

The movement was extremely fast, and the little hands and feet waved desperately, like an escaped spider.

There was a sneer on the corner of Youyouming's lips, followed by a shadow like death, chasing the couple, and swept past the beam. In the blink of an eye, a large and a small figure had passed in front of the door. The landscape screen only left the shadow of chasing and escaping on the translucent screen.

Sang stretched the vines far away, and found that his speed could not keep up with the two of them, so he simply removed the flowers and vines and looked out from among the treetops.

I saw You Wuming stepping out of the main house, easily catching up with Ou, he sneered, and took a clean posture, and held Ou in his hand.

He straightened his body lazily, carrying a small wooden leg of the puppet with one hand, and letting it struggle like a fish in his hands.

The corners of his mouth grin down, his small fangs come out, and his dark eyes are fierce and sad, waving his arms, and his body is dark and hazy.

You Wuming's lips sneered, her hands raised, she lifted the puppet's arm, and flicked it around.

The puppet with his arm broken is like a rattle, and his two arms hit the front chest and back with ‘dongdong’, which looks very pitiful.

Sang slid down the tree trunk, fell into the courtyard, and walked quickly to the lifeless side.

"Don't bully it..."

Before the words fell, I saw that the madly struggling puppet had a small waist, and ‘Aooo’ took her hand.


Both of them froze for a while.

Sang looked down from afar, and saw the puppet's fierce light in his two black eyes, which looked pitiful, wronged, and angry.

He bite it again, but his strength reduced a lot.

Sang immediately flattened his mouth, bulged his cheeks, and his eyes turned red quickly.

More aggrieved, pitiful and angry than it! A hundred times!

You Wuming and Ou were startled.

It let go of her mouth, sticking out her small tongue made of wood, and licked her wound. When she looked up and saw that she was still wronged, she found out the little wood and licked it again.

The dark eyes are unreasonable.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

You Wuming slowly lowered his head, his eyes fell on the tooth marks on Sang's far back of his hand, and his expression suddenly turned into a shadow. His phalanx rang and his fist was raised.

"Don't, don't hurt it!" She held his hand, "You have taken off his arm, and of course it will be angry."

Upon hearing this, the puppet suddenly turned into a completely crying face.

She took it over and placed it on the ground.

The puppet knew that it was impossible for him to escape from Youmei's hands, so he spread out his two small legs obediently and sat down honestly.

Sang carefully turned away the robe like a cassock on his body, and saw that he had broken his arm, leaving only a blue-black tendon connecting the body and the broken arm.

She picked up the little arm and took it back to the wound.

As soon as my hand was loose, my arm fell again.

The doll's mouth was flattened into a curved line, and the corners of his eyes were hanging down, and he didn't look at the lifeless.

"What should I do?" She raised her head and asked You Youming.

Youmei chuckled, "It deserves it."

Sang heard something coming from the house.

I thought that the couple who were cheating heard the voice in the yard and were preparing to look out in their clothes.

"Go first?" she asked.

Youwu waved her hand slowly, pacing towards the main house slowly.

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The puppet glanced secretly at his back.

Sang Yuan felt that this was a good opportunity for childcare, and he grimaced and said to the puppet seriously: "The people of Youzhou are all his people, and if you want to kill, you can only kill him. You found If you have a bad guy, you should tell him to handle it-here he is the boss! Remember?

The puppet looked up at her face blankly and looked at her for a moment, then nodded her head honestly.

She once again raised the doll's small wooden arm and put it back in place.

The arm fell again.

The puppet lowered his big eyes and looked at the broken arm, which looked more wronged and wronged.

Sang looked at the little crying bag far away, only to feel a strange distress in his heart, as if there was something about to move.

After thinking for a moment, she gathered all her spirits, fixedly staring at the interface of the broken arm, and said: "Butterfly!"

The strange impulse in my heart seemed to find the outlet of catharsis.

I saw a purple butterfly-shaped flower suddenly appear on the doll's small shoulder, one side of the wing buckled its arm, and the other side of the wing buckled its shoulder.

The wings of the **** combined, and the doll's arm was nailed back to his body.

Sang's eyes brightened from afar.

For a moment, she continued to recruit the next butterfly flower.

Soon, a small circle of purple butterfly took the doll's left arm back and closed it tightly.

The doll moved his arm in surprise, looking at the beautiful butterfly flowers, his dark eyes gradually shining with joy.

"There is still one side."

She had just lifted the right arm of the puppet, and suddenly heard a "squeak" door sound, Lu Lecheng's low magnetic male voice sounded-

"Who are you! Courage into private houses!"

Sang looked away with Ou Yuan.

I saw You Wuming had come under the eaves and stood face to face with Lu Lecheng.

Lu Lecheng, who was originally tall and handsome, stood there with You Wuming, and immediately exuded a thick and frivolous masculinity.

Sure enough, people are more dead than popular.

"Don't recognize me?" You Wuming tilted her head.

Lu Lecheng really didn't recognize him.

You Mengming has been fighting for many years. Ordinary people have little chance to get a glimpse of the true face. This road is a bit different from ordinary people. Since knowing the personnel, he indulged in the flowers. The family cheated and was indifferent to the things around them.

You can't admit that you are dead and normal.

"Why should I recognize you?" Lu Lecheng narrowed his eyes. "Could it be that you are here for Rou Niang?"

When a man came to his yard, all he could think of was to be jealous.


The woman in the room poked her head out and saw the appearance of lifelessness, then immediately froze.

"Hey, this Lang Jun, I seem to have seen it in my dream... You are here to find me?"

Every time the prince triumphs, there will always be many Huaichun women squeezed into the street, looking at him from a distance, dreaming. The woman had a glimpse of You Wuming's true face. When she saw him at this moment, she felt very familiar, but it was a pity that she borrowed her hundred heads and guts.

Although he does not know his identity, such a face and temperament can be seen as an ordinary person at a glance.

The woman couldn't care about her clothes, and squeezed from Lu Lecheng: "Lang Jun, what's the matter with me, go to my house and talk slowly?"

You Wuming shook her shoulders.

He smiled sullenly and turned his head to look at Lu Lecheng: "I don't know if I don't know. It's just that you are alive soon? Then, be alive to death."

The voice is strange and lingering.

After fluttering a word lightly, Yumie jumped off the steps like avoiding the plague.

The woman named ‘Rou Niang’ couldn’t help but pick up the skirt and wanted to chase you down.

Suddenly, Lu Lecheng grabbed his arm.

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She looked back and saw that Lu Lecheng's appearance seemed to be evil. Two eyes were rotating rapidly in the eye sockets. Some dull starlights flashed crazy in the depths of the pupils. The expression was completely out of control.

"Happy to death... Happy to death..."

His lips twitched, clutching her arm tightly, dragging her towards the house like a dead object.

Rou Niang was taken aback, she didn't know what to do, and began to twist and struggle. However, Lu Lecheng's big palm clamped her like iron tongs. Unless she had the ability to break her wrist, she could never break free.

He was unmoved when she was beaten, scolded, or pinched, and she dragged her straight into the house, and slammed into the door.

Lu Lecheng is a Malay.

After getting tired of those women, he launched the blood power of the Wu people to induce them to commit suicide.

You Wuming has blood to suppress the Wu clan. As soon as the order came out, Lu Lecheng would obey unconditionally until he died.

As for when the woman named Rou Niang is alive or dead at that time, it will be completely beyond the scope of Yuming.

He came back lazily.

Gaze at the doll's broken arm, then lift it slightly.

I saw his fruit and his puppet head together, they are connecting the arm on the right. One person looked at each other one by one, and then looked at the newly planted purple butterfly flower at the broken arm, and then looked at each other, smiled at each other, and there was a faint light on both faces.

The squint squinted for life.

"What are you doing?" He grabbed one by one, even one by one.

"Butterfly!" Sang quickly labelled her new flower species.

You Wuming grabbed the puppet with one hand and took a look in front of him.

Then ‘poo’ chuckled and said, “What? It’s clearly a fluttering moth flower.”

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Intuition tells her that this dog man is lifting a stone and hitting his foot.

"Is it solved?" She glanced at him. "Just the only Min Banxiang who was induced by Lu Lecheng to commit suicide, do you want to save it?"

You Wuming lifted her chin toward the house: "When Lu Lecheng died, control was lifted."

"Will it be too late?" Sang thought from afar, then what would happen to death, I am afraid it will take a while.

You Wuming grabbed her shoulder with one hand, holding the puppet with the other, and strode out: "Min Banxiang yesterday, maybe it is today's Rou Niang. Life and death depends on life."

Sang thought for a moment and nodded gently.

In just half a year, this success has killed three women. Looking at Na Min Banxiang today, who knows that when the last woman died, was she as proud as today's Rou Niang?

As a monarch of a country, Youmei could not find out every case and every doubt in his territory. He could only determine a set of guidelines, and then follow the set of guidelines from top to bottom. Come and act.

In Youzhou, he is the boss, so he is the master.

She quietly reached out her arm and wrapped his waist.

Unexpectedly, a small hand actually reached out quietly, grabbing her a finger.

She slowly turned her head to look, and when she saw this, she slowly took her head off and blinked at her.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Youmei's footsteps fluttered, her eyes drifting behind her.

Sang was far away and even, with a tacit understanding, he brushed back his hand.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Why should I be guilty? !


You Wuming wrapped a piece of cloth with a piece of cloth and hung it under the short-lived belly.

"Little Mulberry." He gritted his teeth. "Stay away from it, it's not a good thing."

Sang Yuanyuan: "...You are lifeless, you are eating its vinegar?"

He smiled dismissively, turned his head, and whispered to the short life: "I? Jealous with a wood? Short life, you talk about, is Xiao Mulberry crazy?! Oh, a man like me, just put it Little Sanguo is so crazy that he still needs to be jealous?"

Short life: "..." I'm just a dog who can't understand people.

The duo and the dog soon returned to Wangcheng.

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You Yingwei has carefully checked, and found nothing unusual in the residence of the two dead Ying Yingwei.

"Seeing there is no small mulberry fruit," You Wuming leaned over her ear, "It, has not cleaned the suspicion, stay away from it, have you heard it?"

"Uh huh." She nodded.

She felt that his expression was a little bit difficult.

In fact, anyone can think of that, as the elite of his side, the Shadow Shadow Guard, even if he really committed any mortal crime, he will never be easily overturned.

But if the two Shadow Guardians have done anything, I must know where the evidence is, so...

You Wuming raised her face arrogantly: "Xiao Sanguo, you go back and wash and wait for me. I will go out and do something irrelevant, and I will come back soon."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." If he didn't take the evidence with him, she would write the word "Sang" upside down!

You Wuming really pretended to be under the short-lived belly for a while, and carried away the idol.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

She is 100% sure that even if he finds the evidence, he will not tell her, but let her be a ‘suspicious person’.

Oh, man, it's been seen through.

After solving the puppet's affairs, my heart seemed to have removed a thick cloud.

She walked around and went to his study.

She had to go over and look at Qin Yuchi's testimony first. Intuition tells her that Qin Yuchi's testimony is likely to hide the truth about the fact that she is wearing a strange world!

On this way, all the guards and waiters they met were kind and respectful to her, and their attitudes were almost the same as when they met the lifeless. No matter where she went, no one would stop her.

Sang Yuan's heart was warm again—this was obviously a lifeless arrangement. He is really a very attentive person, and he is very considerate in all aspects.

Sang came to the study very soon.

Two shadow guards were guarding the door of the study. Seeing her coming, they smiled and helped her open the door of the study, as if the black shop finally looked forward to a guest.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Entering the study, I saw a desk with a gold-edged document on the desk. Looking at the bottom of the right side, the words "Huangfu" were printed on it.

It should be the document that Huangfu Xiong spent money to redeem the thousands of cavalry.

Sang picked it up with great interest.

She remembers that the price that You Wuming opened was one person and one bucket of gold. The elite soldiers of the state were only worth the starting price of the prostitute of the Muxian fairy. You Wuming felt that the price she had opened was very, very low. Some of the Dongzhou soldiers who could not resist the capture, he was still reluctant, and was persuaded by Sang Yuan.

No matter how much, it's over, and business will definitely not be possible.

Sure enough, she was more wise. Make the right price and avoid the bargaining time. Isn't it? In just a few days, the sale is done?

She took a seat in the huge black wooden Taishi chair, and opened the paper leisurely.

Looking at it, his face gradually faded.

For a while, she stunned her hands together, holding her forehead and laughing.

Huang Fuxiong was actually convinced by Youyou!

He didn’t bargain at all, according to the entire army, 8,000 heads, and offered gold, and in the document he asked You Wuming to look down on his Huangfuxiong, and felt that his life was worthless-he had more Added two thousand sets of Qinzhou's finest Lingjia, claiming to be his worth.

Finally, I added a sentence specially, he Huangfu Xiong spent money to buy a life, and You Wuming is two clear, next time if Wu Wuming falls on his hand, he will never spare him a life!

After reading this golden and heavy document, Sang Yuan's mood was even more beautiful by three points.

She looked around.

This **** wooden chair sits just right, and she sits on it, just like a young little emperor sitting on a dragon chair, empty.

He looked lean and turned out to be so much bigger than her!

"Yu Mingming..."

She murmured, smirked, and then picked up the evidence of Qin Yuchi.

A few flickering sheets of paper.

Sang took a deep breath and slowly opened it.

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