You Wuming and Jiang Thirteen have struck a hundred feet away.

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He deliberately did not use the spiritual essence, only relying on his own strength and outburst, one sword and one sword were severely cut on the bow of Jiang Shisan.

Jiang Shixiu's archery is not good at fighting personally.

He had always wanted to distance himself, but the other side was helpless, like a bone gangrene and a ghostly figure.

"Who the **** are you! But you know what the consequences of sneaking into the sky are forbidden troops!" Jiang Shisan angered.

Fire spirit flashes on the back and bow string.

This is a good bow.

You Wuming lowered her voice, as if inadvertently said: "This bow is very suitable for generals."

General Zhenxiong Huangxiong is the strongest in fire.

Jiang Shisan gasped. Only then did he faintly hear the words ‘Sneak Attack of Dongzhou King’s Guard’ below, but he didn’t believe it.

At this moment, I only felt a chill in my heart-the other party did not clearly say who the "General" is, but such a well-equipped heavy army with a fire attribute, there is only one Huangfuxiong in the world. .

"Are you going to fight against Dongzhou!" Jiang Shisan was very angry.

You Wuming sneered and replied: "Who said I am from Dongzhou."

The epee in his hand swung more neatly, and Lei Li contained it, shocking Jiang Xing almost repeatedly throwing his bow off his hand.

Finally, a heavy hack made Jiang Shisan step back several times and overturned the city wall.

Jiang Shisan was actually intentional.

I saw him thrusting the bow angle into the wall. A piercing blaring sound sparkled across the high wall, leaving a deep impression.

He held the bow with one hand, and withdrew the arrow with the other hand, putting it on the bowstring.

If the other party dares to jump over the wall to chase, he will even eat him in a row and shoot arrows!

For a moment, Yumie held the wall in contemplation and chose to pursue from the stone ladder.

Jiang Shisan fell to the ground and took a steady breath. When he saw the other party swept towards the city ladder, he quickly found Yu Jian and hurriedly contacted Shangfeng, saying that he had been attacked by the Dongzhou Guards. After he took the live mouth, he asked in detail. Jiang Shisan has confirmed that the other party is only a master of physical training, and his cultivation base is not high.

Jiang Shisan believes that as long as the distance is widened, the other party will not be able to escape the arrows of the Spiritual Realm!

You Wuming stepped down the stone staircase and saw the jade jade broken in the opponent's hand. She couldn't help squinting, and the corner of her lips slowly raised under the mask.

On the school ground, the battle is fierce.

After the soldiers jumped off the battle horse, Youzhou formed a simple infantry formation, fighting with the Tiandu army. With Sang Yuanrun's silent support, this seemingly crumbling little force is always fighting tough.

Then in the momentless, distracting moment, a cloud-piercing arrow with a raging firework rushed towards us!

This man's arrow, he had a hard time.

That night, dive in the emperor's palace and hit Jiang Yanji with a poisoned palm. He was about to leave, but the puppet unexpectedly discovered that Sang was far into the evil formation. In order to save her by turning around, he accidentally suffered another arrow.

Now that I think about it, the arrow is worth eating.

Change back to a fruity daughter-in-law who is hot and fragrant.

In the black eyes, a smile flickered by. He raised his hand and grabbed the sharp arrow in front of him that could pierce the golden broken stone.

The tail of the arrow was buzzing and shaking, as if there was life, struggling in his palm.

The tip of the arrow was only an inch away from his eye.

The second arrow is here again!

You Wuming slipped one step backwards, throwing the arrow in his palm straight out.

The arrows collided and both fell.

His figure clung to the flying arrows thrown, and crossed dozens of feet, straight to Jiang Xian.

Jiang Shisan continued with arrows, but was easily flashed by Youyou.

When Jiang Shisan finally realized that something was wrong, the ghostly man had approached, and a big hand with a sharp bone suddenly caught the fire bow.

The other party didn't produce a sword, but Jiang Shisan's feeling at the moment was even more terrifying than when the sword tip wiped his throat across.

Above the giant bow, the spirit fire poured back, with a hint of numbness, pouring into Jiang Xian's body, there was no room for resistance at all!

Jiang Shisan realized that he seemed to have made a mistake-the other party was waiting, it was he who used Yujian to contact Tiandu!

and so……

The other party is really not from Dongzhou!

It is a pity that it is too late to wake up at this moment. Fang Cai suffered a drastic change, and there was no room for meditation at all. According to the practice, he found a gap and reported the situation first, so that Tiandu could react in a timely manner. And the other party is catching this loophole.

Jiang Shisan Lingtai was so clear that it seemed as if it was thwarted by thunder.

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In the next moment, the cold and heavy blade crossed his numb throat.

Jiang Shisanyuan opened a pair of eyes still flashing with thunder flames, and slowly fell to the rear. When he fell to the ground, his head separated.

Youmei glanced at the fire bow in his hand, fluttering lightly, and swept to the high platform beside the school ground, bent one leg, sitting lazily on the edge of the high platform, holding the back of the bow with his left hand, and the index finger of his right hand casually raised Bowed the string, squinted and slammed.

I saw a ray of fire shining straight into the field, and the most courageous deputy of the capital was instantly a fireman.

"Huh," Youyou muttered, "I'm really a genius."

He crawled up slowly, his posture was extremely lazy, but his hand was very neat,'嗖嗖嗖' Ming flame repeatedly, just like Jiang Thirteen shot the devil, shooting those tricky sky masters one by one Fire column.

The battlefield was in chaos, and no one knew where these flames came from.

The Tiandujun had been fighting for a long time, and when they saw the team of 500 people in this area, there was not much downsizing, and they had a bad hunch in their hearts.

Someone started to escape.

Tiandu’s military has high respect, high status, low risk, and first-class cultivation resources. They rarely leave Kyoto, and usually only need to be responsible for the defense of Tiandu. The promotion space is huge, which is a good job of first class. After a long time, many officials and rich and wealthy children will naturally be stuffed into the team, which is also human nature.

These children have high talents, good resources, fast cultivation, and high status in the army, but they have very little actual combat experience, and their mentality is to say that they will collapse. It is not at all possible for the soldiers who rolled out of the blood sea like Youzhou. On the same day.

They began to run away.

On the chaotic battlefield, Youmei had to squint and aim at the enemy for a while, and they escaped the crowd like this, but they became scattered living targets, and were shot into a pile by leisurely. Piles of fly ash, leaving only the black forearm that was slightly calcined by the fire.

Sang far out on the arrow tower, also used his full strength.

After the battle became fierce, she no longer kept her hands. A sunflower plant emerged from the wounded soldier's feet, crossing the thick spirit mist into their bodies accurately.

The whole battle lasted about half an hour.

The 5,000 people brought by Jiang XIII were wiped out.

Youzhou five hundred soldiers survived more than four hundred people. Looking at the enemy corpses everywhere, everyone felt a trance.

Such things as one enemy and ten have always existed only in legend. It's incredible.

A soldier first responded: "If there is no timely treatment from my wife, I will be dead seven or eight times!"

Someone nodded immediately: "Yes, I was almost stabbed in the eye, but fortunately my wife tripped him."

"Yes, yes, there have been quite a few pressures. Fortunately, my wife supported me!"

Everyone joined together, very excited.

Didn't notice that You Wuming was like a shadow, and touched the side quietly.

"I said," he said sullenly, "It was me who shot these people with arrows."


Everyone was startled, with an awkward and polite smile on their faces.

This battle is very rewarding.

Both sides of the battle are strong players in the Lingming Realm, and Xuanjia can't help but ruin it, and many of them have been destroyed. The crowd picked up and picked up nearly two thousand sets of intact Xuanjia. Between the beasts, they pressed their "Ou Ou" to call.

Then he took all the brothers who died in the war and pulled them back to the camp.

With less than a hundred casualties, it wiped out a force of 5,000 people, which is already a miracle in the history of war. The grief of losing a comrade was greatly diminished by this victory. Everyone is eager to have another such a hearty battle, although there is no regrets.

The short-lived ride took the lead and ran to a place where the soldiers could not see.

"You're all done," Sang leaned far from the lifeless chest, turned his head, and said to him weakly, "So I brought five hundred people."

You Wuming raised her chin and looked at it, and asked, "How does it feel?"

Sang Yuan silently estimated for a moment: "Some were fatally hit by one blow, there is really no way. Except for those soldiers who died unexpectedly, under this level of battle, my limit is to keep 450 people for half an hour. No downsizing within."

"Little Sanguo," You Wuming smirked, "You really are not long enough!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Suddenly he bowed his head and kissed her.

The very fine and lingering kind made her trembling heart tremble slightly.

"Go back to our cave." His voice was hoarse, his eyes dark.

When Wu Baiqi returned to the Baizhou camp, the East was faintly pale, and the bonfire feast had not yet dispersed.

The responding soldier hurried up, helped the pedestrian to replace the blood-stained armor, put away the spoils, and transported the dead soldier's body.

You Wuming wrapped the fire bow in green cloth, and together with the finale of "Xiao Zhong's Revenge", let people quickly whip and send it to Qinzhou.

"Huangfu Xiong really recognizes this injustice?" Sang blinked his eyes in curiosity.

She found that Wuming was acting like a tightrope on a cliff. Many times, as long as the other party asked one more question and thought more about one step, her own plan would be fully exposed, but he just pinched the heart to the extreme, the other side Partial students just don't ask that sentence, think about that step.

You Wuming smiled and said: "This kind of bow, although strange, is not unique. Huang Fuxiong won "Xiao Zhong's Revenge", and he will only treat me as a good person and a confidant. Jiang Yanji Ruoxi's attitude of inquisition is to force the fire. From the source of the bow, Emperor Huangfu’s short protection is bound to be furious, and he must be tit-for-tat against her. He will never mention the half-word related to me."

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Sang far sighed: "You're lifeless, so lucky you are not the enemy of Sangzhou."

The two returned to the simple cave room.

You Wuming said nothing, so she pushed her onto the bed. The long and dark eyes glowed with green light, like a hungry wolf. The outright presumptuousness before leaving set off, so that he could really eat the flesh, and his head was full of fire.

"Wait..." Smelling the light fragrance of hibiscus, Sang could not help but soften her legs, and she still had palpitations. She hurriedly, "Dream worries about the broken mirror, take a look first!"

You Wuming seemed to laugh, but stopped.

He pointed to the wooden table in the corner of the room: "You are far away."

Sang sat far away in the corner, looking a little disappointed: "I now think that this broken mirror has no ability to throw me to a different time and space. The one that sent me away was the one that caused the Tianyan mirror to break into One hundred and eight pieces of "reverse Qiankun" technique."

You Wuming ignored her and walked on the couch.

The broken mirror lay quietly in his palm.

Others are thin, but have very large hands and long fingers. This broken mirror looked quite large when held in Mengwuyou's hands, but in Yuwuming's hands, it was pitiful, like a tiny scallop.

It still exudes a touch of colorful light.

You Wuming's full blow, weakened the power from the "Tao of Heaven" to the extreme. Looking at the weak, it seems that it will be extinguished at any time.

You Wuming narrowed her eyes, and suddenly a pale thunder flame burned in her palm.


Sang opened his eyes far away.

Her original intention was just to see if there would be more secrets about the "future" in this special broken mirror. I never thought that You Wuming was not a step-by-step conservative character. Thing.

The colorful light on the broken mirror began to resist the death.

Sang couldn't help but move the wooden stool under the seat and moved closer towards the lifeless direction.

This colorful light will resist, but it is beyond her expectation.

Seen in this way, ‘Tian Dao’ is quite humane.

She already had a hunch in her heart that the enemy was not a natural and natural nature, but a person or group of people who had mastered more magical powers.

The true heaven and earth should be the law of the running of everything and the ultimate law that can explain all phenomena.

Rather than inexplicably recognize a mentally handicapped child with a son or daughter.

Sang was a little worried.

Although Youwu Ming has successfully refined the thunder in his body by not extinguishing the fire, but the thunder that struck him is clearly just a derivative of that colorful power, and the colorful light in front of him is the source power of the thing behind the scenes. .

You Wuming's lips gradually raised a grin.

Tears of blood burst into the corners of his eyes.

Sang was still indifferent, hanging a row of small flowers on the red tent, like a fan, covering him with even and fine spiritual mist layer by layer.

The colorful light on the broken mirror struggled and twisted in the lifeless palm, but could not escape the imprisonment of the blue and white thunder flame.

After bleeding and tears, the corners of your lifeless lips also began to burst out of a blood spring. His eyes were empty and fierce, and he would briefly glance over Sang Yuan's face from time to time.

Sang fared away from worrying and only stared at him calmly.

It seems that the refining process is still a while away.

Someone knocked gently.

Sang got up from a distance and opened a thin door gap.

It is King of Sangzhou.

"Dad?" Sang looked back at Youyou for a long time, then opened the door lightly and squeezed it out.

Sang Chengyin handed her a jade slip to her: "Sang is not near to tell you something."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Sang far sees a sense of sorrow and sorrow on the serious old face of Sang Chengyin.

She took Yu Jian.

The blue light rose, and the sound of Sang Not Near came from the jade slip: "Little girl, Yun Xuzhou exploded the glacier opposite the ice fog valley with a blasting fire, the valley bottom was filled, and all the people in Jinlanlan were blocked. Outside, no trace will be found."

Sang Yuanyuan: "...regent is really a thunder!"

"Yu Xuzhou's medicine, Yun Xuzhou, has been given to Yun Xuyang. He said that within two days, he had spit out a liter of blood gu, and it was estimated that within half a month, he could completely clear the blood gu of the body. "Sang Buhe said cheerfully.

"That's really great," Sang said far away. "So, my brother doesn't have to worry about future children."

Sang was not ashamed: "Who is worried about this!"

On the side, Sang Chengyin rounded the tiger's eyes: "What child?! Sang is not close to you, a cub, what's he doing secretly while carrying Laozi!"

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"Ahhhhh!" Sang wasn't so anxious, "Dad is next to you, why don't you tell me!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "...Okay, you and your son quarreled for a while, brother, listen to me first, you immediately contact Yun Xuzhou, what Ling Gu can cure, don't tell anyone , Including everyone in Yun's, only she knows."

Sang Bujin was stunned obviously: "Sister, did you find something?"

"No," Sang said far away, "I just feel that something is wrong. Brother, the performance of Huangfu's is really a bit different from the behind-the-scenes man who made this spirit gu. I can't say any specific questions. Anyway, the news It is blocked first, and there is no need for an outside story. It is not too late to discuss everything after the scourge is settled."

"Okay, I will tell her."

After breaking the jade jade, Sang turned back, seeing a wave of light lingering in Sang Chengyin's eyes.

"Dad, why are you crying?"

"Who, who cried!" Sang Chengyin blew his beard.

She stepped forward and held each other's arms: "Dad doesn't think that the girl has grown up, will use her brains, do not need to worry about worrying anymore?"

"I think I'm old." Sangzhou Wang said sullenly.

"Daddy's sword is not old!" Sang said far away, "When you are desperate to reach your age, there will be no prestige for you today!"



Sang Chengyin went contentedly.

Sang returned to the shabby new house far away, and saw Youyou squatting on the bed, holding a small face flower in his hand, and was tearing the face plate of others to play.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Seeing Sang coming in from afar, Youwu Ming happily waved at her.

She walked over to the bed and sat down, turning her gaze to see the broken mirror.

"How about refining?"

You Wuming carelessly raised a hand in front of her.

Seeing above the palm and five fingers, thunder flame slowly ignited. The color is no longer bluish white, but pure black.

Sang Yuanyuan: "?"

Didn’t he refine the colorful ‘divine power’? Why is it dark? !

"Poisoned?!" She grabbed his arm nervously.

The Yumie shook his hand and closed the flame.

"I don't like that color," he said lightly.

"Can it still change color?" Sang was shocked by the truth.

"Well," You Wuming groaned, "That strength surpassed the five elements."

He put his slender fingers under his eyes for a while.

"It's mine."

Sang was a little bit brain-filled, and imagined that as soon as he shot, it was a black flame.

It was so handsome to foul.

Look at my own flowers...

Sang can't help but hang his head.

"Sanguo!" He raised his hand and rubbed her cheek. "I saw something."


I saw You Wuming lowered his head and lifted the futon and pillow beside him casually.

"...Where is it."

Moving his body, he found that the broken mirror was pressed under his ass.

Youming: "..."

He grabbed the broken mirror in his hand and handed it to her.

Sang smiled and sat far away: "I consciously stay away from it."

Youming: "..."

He leaned towards her and murmured, "Isn't it just me sitting for a while? You didn't touch me, didn't you still love to die at that time, why did you feel abandon."

Sang Yuanyuan: "!!"

When she was out of control, she did grab around and scramble.

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He is such a good figure, who can not love.

The issue is……

You Wuming saw her face flushed and couldn't help but feel good. She plucked her long arm and led her straight to her, and motioned her to look at the broken mirror.

This broken mirror is very different from Qin Yuchi's one. Behind the mirror is a diamond-shaped mirror holder. The material is the same as the mirror.

She held out her hand, and Youyou put the broken mirror in her palm.

The beautiful eyebrows squinted slightly proudly, a chest-shaped look, said softly: "Play casually."

When he wanted to come to refine his ‘divine power’, he had already penetrated the mirror.

When you start cold, this broken mirror is heavier than you think.

Sang turned over and over and looked at it carefully, saying: "There is a small broken gap under the mirror holder. It seems that it should have been connected to another thing."

"Try it!" You Wuming encouraged.

Sang nodded from afar, gently holding the broken mirror.

At this moment, her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

"You're lifeless."

She naturally exhibited exactly the same movements and expressions as You Wuming's first use of the broken mirror.

There was silence in front of me.

"I." she said again.


No need to try the original "dead man" anymore.

"Dream without worry."

There was a flash of water in front of me.

Immediately, the angle of view spread downwards from mid-air, she saw the flying eaves wide hall, the golden red drum banged, the red giant carpet was spread from the gate of the Wangcheng to the jade steps of the main hall, two people dressed in expensive and heavy Xuanyi, joined hands Came on the drum, on both sides of the carpet path, all the hundred officials Qiqi.

The perspective is closer.

Under the well-dressed package, this counterfeit looks very much like yourself. Between the manners, there have been some manners.

Looking closely, I saw that Han and Meng were all surrounded by colorful halos, but the others didn't seem to see it at all.

Sang thought from afar that this broken mirror really needed to be more advanced. The last time I used Qin Yuchi's piece, you could only see Han Shaoling breaking the secluded capital. Today, we can see Han and Mengda getting married.

She stared at the colorful halo and mocked her all.

I was about to frown, and suddenly heard a very low and light sneer near my ears.

Immediately, I saw the colorful halo that surrounded the two men turned into black flames, and they also filled a malicious king on the foreheads of each of them.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Opening her eyes, she saw You Wuming point a finger at the broken mirror in her hand, her lips full of malicious smiles.

"They thought that two colorful kings and eight would save the world." His tone was mocking.

Sang Yuan's heart jumped: "You already see the secret of'them'? Who are they?"

You Wuming smirked: "Want to know, I'll exchange it with you."

With a gloomy look, she ran down her collar, her long fingers inadvertently gently tapping the hibiscus fat beside the pillow.

Tuk, Tuk.

Sang Yuanyuan: "...I see it myself!"

She stepped back two steps and held the broken mirror tightly.

"Head of Temple of Heaven."

There was silence.

"Deputy Altar of Temple of Heaven!"

Still silent.

You Wuming smiled and patted his legs: "Little Sanguo, only recognized people can see."

Sang slowly opened his eyes slowly: "So you saw a recognized person, and then discovered the secret of'them'!"

She anxiously calmed down and said: "Jiang Yanji, Huangfu Jun!"

The picture floated slowly in front of my eyes.

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