After leaving Baizhou, we have to pass through Fengzhou and Zhaozhou to Yunzhou.

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Along the way, Sang was sorting out the clues in his mind.

There are several things that can be determined now.

First, six years ago, the thing that caused her to wear on another world really came from the handwriting of the Temple of Heaven, which was operated by Yun Zhizhuo, and she knew about the matter at that time, but unfortunately she has completely forgotten that memory.

Secondly, it can be proved that Mengwuyou, the soul of Mary Su, was also obtained by the Temple of Heaven. The purpose is to replace her Sang Yuan and assist Han Shaoling.

Third, the Temple of Heaven can manipulate the so-called'power of destiny' to a certain extent through some unknown means. The three powers of thunder and the colorful power on the broken realm are all from the hand of the Temple of Heaven and use this power of destiny. ', will lead to agitated demons and restlessness.

"There is another problem." Sang pondered for a moment. "How do they know when Han Shaolin and Mengwuyou will have an accident?"

Such real-time protection is really incredible.

You Wuming narrowed her eyes.

There are so many secrets in the Temple of Heaven.

"It doesn't matter," he grinded the tip of his teeth. "Catch it back, and try it slowly."

This line wiped the border, quietly crossed the Fengzhou, and reached the Yunzhou via Zhao and Jiang.

The people sent by Yun Xuzhou have been neatly arranged on both sides of the official road, waiting for Sang Buzi to wait for the arrival of others.

As we approached, I saw a high-ranking female officer jump off the cloud beast and hurriedly walked in front of you to salute, saying: "The regent king has something important to do today, so his subordinates come to help and help, Sang Shizi has Just tell me anything. Oh, my name is Zhang Yiqiao."

Without seeing Yun Xuzhou, Sang's appearance was obviously a little lost, and he said, "Then trouble General Zhang."

Zhang Yiqiao's men brought all the ice-digging equipment because of the air with Yun Xuzhou in advance.

"Dongzhou Wang bought a large number of equipment in the territory a few days ago, and the regent king took care of it and sold it to the Dongzhou king. They are all'very good' things! There are large sections of gold and jade on the handle." Zhang Yiqiao said modestly. "We used it for civilian ice-cutting. It's not worth the money. The only benefit is its durability. It's okay to dig it casually!"

Upon hearing this, Sang Yuan knew that General Zhang Yiqiao was also a wonderful person.

She stepped forward to walk side by side with the female general.

"Can General Zhang reveal to me one or two, does the regent king deliberately avoid her brother?" She glanced in the direction of Sang not close and asked in a lower voice.

"Neither is it." Zhang Yiqiao did not hide her. "Actually, it is an annual clan meeting. You also know that although the ancestor has been paralyzed for so many years, his bones have been tough. This year every year, Zan Yun All the juniors of the royal family will go to the Zu Temple to see the old ancestors, which is already a tradition! But you also know that the ancestors have a special status after all, so we have always acted in a low-key manner in Yunzhou, and never hyped up."

"Oh..." Sang was far away.

The ancestor referred to the last Yundi 500 years ago.

Before the paralysis, he was the first person in the world most likely to break through the world, the peerless strongman of the nine heavens of Lingyao Realm. Frustrated by the so-called ‘curse’, he was paralyzed and ill, and his descendants withered, and he had to give up the throne.

Because the cultivation is too high, and has been an emperor for many years, the background is rich, so he has been kept with spirit medicine, and he has not passed away until now.

"His ancestor, he must have been thinking about it, looking forward to the Yun's revival!" Sang was greatly moved with emotion.

"Naturally it is." Zhang Yiqiao sighed, "Every royal family adds a person, the old ancestors have to be happy for many days. Every year, the old ancestors will make a lot of money and prepare spirits for the juniors-you don't know, this ancestor usually But the door is tight!"

Sang Yuan said: "The ancestors will definitely see Yun's revival!"


A native of Yunzhou led the way, and this line quickly reached the other side of the Ice Mist Valley.

This place is Ice Mist Valley?

Sang was far from daring to admit it.

Yun Xuzhou somehow exploded, and actually collapsed a glacier, not to mention the bottom of the valley, even the only mountain road was buried without a shadow.

Now standing between the two snow peaks and looking forward, you can only see large pieces of broken ice and snow, filling the original cliffs and valleys into a new ice and snow ridge. Huang Fujun's people moved the mountain on the other side of Xueling.

Sang's not close face was secretly red. I thought, don't look at Yun Xuzhou's silence, but when I asked her, she did her best to help. What a love!

Zhang Yiqiao spread his hands and said, "I don't know how this happened! The amount of fire I set was only enough to blow up a mile of land, but no more! But who can think of it, this glacier looks at the pier, why? Not fried!"

Self-made passionate Sang is not close: "..."

"What happened to Dongzhou King?" Sang asked from afar.

Zhang Yiqiao raised his thumbs and said: "Sang Wang Nu is clever, even I sent someone to stare and guessed it! The 800 people dug carefully, about every piece of ice to turn up and look at it. We cleared the way."

Youminglessly rode the cloud beast obliquely, dragging across the map with his hand, and black marks with his fingertips: "Put in a hole."

The king commanded the soldiers immediately, like pangolins, carrying ice-digging equipment and rushed towards the giant snowy ridge in front of them, and the heat dried up.

You Wuming dragged another map and clicked on the original mountain road: "Dig out here."

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The other team warriors went away.

Youwu stared at the two maps for a while, and her lips smiled indifferently.

"Father and son died in one place, very kind."

The collusion between Huang Fujun and Jiang Yanji killed Mr. Ming's life, and his father's hatred was not shared by Dai Tian. You Wuming was never tender to him.

Coupled with the fact that Huang Fujun exposed the lie detection ability, he could not save his life.

It should be broken.

It took five days to dig the channel to the bottom of the ice fog valley to kill the Huangfu crossing that day. The mountain road was cleaned very quickly. At night the next day, the cave where the false chair was ambushed was cleared out-after the cave was used up, it was pushed into the earth to fill it.

"Don't you need to make some fake clues here?" Sang looked around the clean cave far away.

After killing Huangfudu at the beginning, the scene of the crime has been carefully cleaned, and no traces have been left.

"No," You glanced desperately, "Huang Fujun saw this hole and guessed it."

He tickled the corner of his lower lip: "Don't tell him first!"


Five days later, the channel under the ridge reached the crime scene.

On Huangfujun's side, because he had no clues and was afraid of missing clues, he was still slowly shoveling the snowy ridge and nibbling inward little by little.

During these five days, You Wuming didn't talk much, often looking at the passage under the Xueling dazed, for a moment, you can stun for an hour or two.

She knew what he was thinking.

He was thinking about the canyon where he and his father attacked.

The day when the enemy is on hand is near, he can finally recall the man freely and freely. He will use his memory to find the man back, and here, with him, revenge against Huangfujun.

Every time I met Huang Fujun before, it was accidental and unexpected. Without any thinking time, I had to deal with the unexpected situation in a hurry.

This time, anyone can feel that everything has changed. Huangfu Jun, the general trend is gone.

The physical and mental trauma destroyed Huang Fujun's strong momentum, the success of the dilemma, and the dismantling of his strong alliance with Jiang Yanji.

Huangfu Jun is no longer the impeccable Huangfu Jun.

Sang was silently guarding the lifeless, not disturbing him, but staying by his side silently. He was in a daze, she would be in a daze with him. He glanced at her, and she raised her small face and gave him a sweet smile.

She found a mysterious feeling of not being able to tell the truth.

No matter a person, a force, or a state, there are always some obvious signs before it perishes.

When Kyoto assassinated Huangfu Jun, if he could really kill him, it was accidental and a fluke. For Huangfu Jun, it was a death.

At that time, Huang Fujun was strong and he didn’t deserve his life. Therefore, as long as he had a little life, he couldn’t really be put to death. In fact, many times the world is like this. Luck, but'it must be so'.

Now, the general trend has been reversed. Huangfu Jun is gone, even if he fails to die at the bottom of the Ice Mist Valley this time, he will die outside the valley. As of today, Yunzhou has been pulled into the water. If the assassination of Bingwugu fails, Yun Xuzhou has no other choice but to lead the army to squat and suppress, and never let Huangfu Jun leave alive.

This is a foregone conclusion, and there is no possibility of reversal.

‘I wonder if Huang Fujun realizes that he is unable to return to heaven, will he think that this is destiny? 'Sang thought from afar.

"Report-Lord, the tunnel has been dug, and there is no discovery." A soldier with ice and snow on his eyebrows came to reply.

In fact, under the ice fog valley, there is really no evidence left.

The ice sculptures like Lifeless slowly breathed out a long breath.

"Digging around, ambushing." He clicked on the sheepskin map. "Here, here, and here, hollow out."


Yun Xuzhou has quietly arrived at Bingwu Valley.

She and Sang could see that the state of life was different from usual, so she didn't step forward to disturb him, and only let Sang stay there alone in a far and quiet place.

Another night passed.

When the sky was full of snow, a soldier came to the passage to report: "Master, the ambush is in place!"

You Wumei moved her eyebrows, turned around, and walked slowly to Yun Xuzhou.

"Troubled Regent King arranged for manpower to pass the news of the cave found on the mountain road to the King of Dongzhou." His voice was cold and calm, and the whole portrait was like a deep pool of water, without any fluctuations.

Yun Xuzhou said seriously: "I will do it without any trace."

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You Wuming said: "Thank you. Regent please come back and try to make evidence of absence."

The calm and quiet appearance, but Yun Xuzhou, who was like a hard-hearted iron, couldn't help but shudder. She turned sideways and rushed to the three of Youmei, Sang Bujin and Sang Yuanyuan: "Take care ."

Watching Yun Xuzhou leave, You Wuming took Sang Yuan's hand.

"Wife-in-law. Join me in taking revenge for your father."

Her nose was sour, and her lips nodded: "Well!"

You Wuming took a deep breath.

Under the thin white shirt, the sturdy chest line swelled up, and immediately exhaled slowly, raising an eyebrow and smiling, and led her into the ice and snow passage!

The place where Huangfudu was killed was cut into an empty cave under the ice. The soldiers of You and Sang Erzhou lie in the ear canal cut on the left and right sides, and only after the 800 people of Huang Fujun enter the urn, they can break the back road and catch the turtle in the urn.

This time, the generals wore the armor of the Tiandu army.

Under the snow ridge, it was dark and silent.

The pure ice and snow smell has been smelling for a long time, and there is a hint of rosin.

After standing still for a long time, the crisp sound of ding ding finally came from the north, and the speed was extremely fast. It was like a fish swimming through the bottom of this silent and dark ridge.

Huangfu Jun, here.

When he found the suspicious cave on the mountain road, Huangfu Jun would no longer clean the snow one inch by one inch. Instead, he pierced the tunnel like a lifeless life and went straight to the place where the incident occurred.

If he was Huangfujun in the past, he would definitely think about it and take a look. But now, he is no better than in the past.

People who feel that their general trend is gone are often only able to break the jar, throw desperately, and eventually lose all-the gambler mentality is also the state of beings.

In the darkness, Sang could not hear the breath of the soldiers, but he could hear the lifeless.

He could even hear his heart beating and his blood running.

"Will he feel there is an ambush here?" Sang asked softly.

Now I only know that Huang Fujun can feel the liquid fluctuations around him, but I don't know how large his perception range is and how sensitive he is.

"Across the ice and snow, there is no harm." There was an uncontrollable hoarse excitement in the voice of Youming's life.

The chiseling sound is getting closer!

Finally, a sharp icebreaker sounded!

Huang Fujun's man dug the big ice cave prepared for You Wuming!

"Master! Found a big cave!" Across the ice wall, the excitement of Dongzhou soldiers was slightly distorted.

You Wuming took Sang Yuan and walked to a place across the ice.

Huang Fujun's person was holding a cold fire, the white light was faint, and the pedestrians were like ghost shadows. The light penetrated the ice wall, and Sang got a gloomy vision from afar.

Huang Fujun is still wearing a purple dress today, hurriedly plunging into the Great Ice Cave, waiting to speak, and suddenly there is a jade Jane lit up.

Huang Fuxiong's extremely angry voice came from the jade jade--

"Brother! Lao Tzu can no longer bear Jiang Yanji's **** skin! She said that Lao Tzu's bow was Jiang Thirteen, and asked me if I brought 500 people and killed her 5,000 people in Jiangzhou! Brother! This The **** skin is insane and crazy, is it clear that he is going to turn his face!"

Huang Fujun seemed to be in a trance for a while, and said softly: "Little brother, please don't be impatient. I have found a strange place. Someone deliberately did it. I am afraid that it was the place where Du Er accident happened..."

"Then I get it!" The male lion of Huangfu roared, "Jiang Yanji's **** skin, knowing that the elder brother is about to catch her horse's feet, so panic, buckle a pot on the head of Lao Tzu! Damn! Lao Tzu can get five One hundred people killed her 5,000, and his grandmother lifted her 18th generation ancestral graves!"

Huang Fujun was shouted and rubbed his forehead, and he could be seen very tired across the ice.

A generation of heroes, the general trend is gone. Sang far away recalled Huang Fujun who had seen him in a trance. At that time, he was strong, powerful, and cunning. He would never make some confused and fatal mistakes like an old man.

With only one glance, Sang Yuan knew very well in his heart that today, Huang Fujun will definitely die.

Huang Fujun's voice sounded very weak: "Little brother, I will look at it first, and I will contact you later."

"Okay! Brother be careful!"

The jade jade shattered.

"This is... a very new trace." Huang Fujun stroked the ice wall with a soft voice, "Is it specifically chiseled for me? If so, then it must be the murderer who killed Du'er..."

Across the wall, Youyou twisted her body slowly, slowly raised a burning finger, and pointed her finger straight at Huangfujun's eyes.

There was an evil smile on the corner of his lips.

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Sang looked at him far away.

She didn't worry about him falling back into the dark abyss at all.

She knew that the darkest shadows in his heart had to be released somewhere. Let him vent those evil thoughts to his heart's content. When Huangfujun and Jiang Yanji are resolved, there will be fresh vitality in the dark and barren.

Huangfu Jun felt that he was standing still in front of the ice wall.

You Wuming slowly pinched a jade jade, spilled the crumbs, and then paced towards the other end of the channel, while walking, tapping the ice wall gently with her fingertips.

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk...

Ziying flickered, Huangfu Jun chased after everything!

Most of his guards are still in the halfway, and a few have rushed into the ice cave with him. Seeing him skimming to the other side, he didn't respond.

Just listen to "bang" a loud noise.

A pre-arranged collapse occurred.

The eight hundred guards of Dongzhou were blocked in the passages and ice caves. Before they recovered, they saw that the ice walls on the left and right sides shattered, and countless soldiers wearing the Xuanjia of the Tiandu Army flew like tigers. Splash it out and cut it when you see someone!

"There is an ambush! It is the Heavenly Capital!"

"Protect the Lord!!"

"Quick news report! Tiandujun sneak attack on the lord! The lord is in distress!"

The subsequent disturbances can no longer interfere with Huang Fujun and You Yuming.

The fateful enemies have stood at the ends of the channel, staring at each other in the darkness.

You Wuming raised her arm and pushed Sang far behind.

She knew that he did not want anyone to intervene in this matter.

In the darkness, the wind suddenly moved!

Huangfu Junben is an old traitor, and in the face of such a situation, his heart has already been as magnificent as the mirror-the person who set up this game is the murderer who killed Huangfudu!

The lion's lion, although old and hungry, is also bursting with unparalleled strength.

Although there was no life in front of him, Sang Yuan still felt a cold wind filled with water rushing face to face, shaving his cheeks with pain.

You Wuming also moved.

He didn't keep his hand. When the figure flew out, Black Flame ignited against his body, drawing a neat outline with a breath of destruction and death.

In the darkness, such a black flame is enough to illuminate.

The darkness deeper than the darkness is glowing, illuminating the cold white face, more like Yan Luoshaxing.

Huang Fujun was obviously taken aback.

"Yu Wuming?! How could it be you!"

The voice hasn't fallen, and the two powerful figures have crashed into one place!

Huangfu Jun spurted blood and flew immediately.

Seeing it, he was about to be wrapped in this powerful wave and smashed back into the big ice cave.

The corners of the lips are also overflowing with blood.

Huang Fujun is a strong player in Lingyao's Nine Heavens. At this moment, he confronts the enemy of Shizi and explodes far more than usual.

You Wuming could easily avoid this all-out blow by virtue of ghost body, but he chose to confront Huangfu Jun hard, at the expense of a thousand enemies, and a loss of 800! In this way, Huang Fujun also had no room to turn around, and could only eat the lifeless blow of the dead.

Under a single blow, Huangfu Jun flew backwards, but You Meng was against the impact of the giant force, not retreating!

Just when Huang Fujun was about to hit the landslide zone, I saw You Wuming's body burning with revenge and black flames, which had already crossed a few feet and grabbed his shirt!

Hei Yan lit up Huang Fujun's face.

After vomiting blood, it became more old.

You Wuming fell backhand.

Empress Huangfu touched the ground and was swept heavily on the ice. In an instant, the cracks spread like spider silk, spreading towards the left and right ice walls!

Huang Fujun vomited blood again, and the ring shone with the light of Xuan Shui landed on the floor.

You Wuming straightened him up like a broken sack, bending his knees.

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The broken sound of broken spine, I heard Sang far from some toothache.

At the moment, you are lifeless, with a grin hung on your lips, and you start to do it again, as if the Shura evil spirits came to the world.

When he closed his hand, Huang Fujun's face could not see the original look.

You Wuming gently shoved him against the cracked ice wall.

A faint light flashed in Huangfu Jun's eyes, hematemesis intermittently, and asked unwillingly: "Yu...Fateless...I and you, after all...He Qiu, blame..."

Huang Fujun is a person of great affection, and he can be seen from his treatment of Huangfu Xiong, Huangfudu, and the tears on the dead body in the original plot.

You Wuming is after all his pro-nephew. If You Wuming didn't kill the You family, or if you left Huangfu Li's life when Yu Wuming's father came to power, Huangfu Jun wouldn't mind supporting him, sitting firmly in the first place in the west of Yunjing .

He couldn't understand it at all.

Just now, he was so determined that this thing was done by Jiang Yanji's wolf-hearted woman, how could it be lifeless? ! He always thought that You Wu Ming was nothing more than an ambitionist. Why is there such a deep and vicious hatred?

Huang Fujun was shocked by the sentimental sentiment when he saw the quiet and lifeless moment.

The confusion in my heart has exceeded the unwillingness and fear of death.

You Wuming slowly leaned over and approached him.

The extremely beautiful lips suddenly gently curled up.

"Huangfudu, I killed it myself."

Huang Fujun moved his lips hard: "You and I have no complaints... why is this?"

"No resentment and no hatred." You Wuming posted closer, "What was the taste of being beaten and kneeling, can you remember?"

Huangfu Jun stared blankly at him.

The eyes swollen with only the gap between the eyes, suddenly widened and rounded in panic.

At this moment, the lifeless face, in front of his eyes, and a clear face deep in memory gradually overlapped. They look different, but there are some things that can be seen through the bones and blood.

Huang Fujun only lost once in his life, and was beaten to the ground, that was...

"Really without hatred?" You Wuming's smile was fierce, and his voice was gentle, "The hatred of killing the father is not common."

"No, it's impossible... how could you be that Ming kid... how could it be!" He earned heavily and his eyes widened.

You Wuming smiled down his head, kicked his foot, and broke Huangfujun's shin.

Huang Fujun clenched his teeth, but he didn't make a snorting noise.

"Thank you for giving." You Wuming slowly lowered her waist, and dark stars slowly swirled in her eyes. "I took up this body, and I still have the blood of the Wu people and the Nether people-now, I need your last Do one thing, do it well, and I will let you die without pain. Take out the jade jade and contact Huangfuxiong."

"Xiu Xiang." Huang Fujun grinned miserably. "Want to torture me, follow you. Xiu Want to use me again, provoking Dongzhou and Tiandu! Oh, the power of the Wu people's bloodline can't control those who are determined!"

"Oh?" You Wuming smirked, and Hei Yan crawled towards Huangfu Jun along his long fingers.

What he thought of the action.

"Sanguo!" He suddenly turned his head, shouting away from Chongsang, "turn around, don't look."

He wants to do cruel things to Huang Fujun.

Sang was far from retreating. Instead, he walked forward a few steps, approached him, and gently put a small hand on his shoulder: "I'm not afraid. I said, no matter what you do, I support you ."

He noticed that her voice was trembling slightly and couldn't help but sigh gently.

He withdrew Heiyan and gave up his original plan. He only raised his fist and hit the heart with a heavy blow, knocking Huangfu Jun to near death.

He pinched Huangfujun's chin, and his dark star swirled again in his eyes, his voice soft as a whisper: "I say it again, pick up the jade jade, contact Huangfuxiong, and say to him..."

In this way, his other hand had taken a jade jade from Huang Fujun's belt and broke it.

Huang Fujun's eyes were gone, he vomited blood, and replied: "Hum! Stop thinking, use the blood of the Wu clan, let me deceive the younger brother..."

You Wuming clung to his ears, and only his voice could hear him: "Tell him, the person who killed you is not Jiang Yanji."

Huang Fujun's completely distracted eyes briefly froze for a moment, as if a little puzzled, but the dull and dying brain had not responded, and there was anxiety in his heart. ——

"The person who killed me is not Jiang Yanji!"

Having said that, Huang Fujun seemed to have wished, but earned, and closed his eyes forever.

He was unable to think anymore, the two truths combined, and he heard what became in Huangfuxiong's ears—

"Huh! Quit thinking, using the power of Wu clan blood, let me deceive the younger brother, the person who killed me is not Jiang Yanji."

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