The house of the ancestors of the Yun family was like a five poisonous cave.

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Sang commanded man-eating flowers from afar, and swallowed those insects.

Tears flowed down.

"Sanguo, how are you?" Seeing Sang far from being wrong, Yun Xuzhou couldn't take a shock, and hurriedly helped her.

"No, it's okay, hiss--"

To ask her what she felt, it was that everything the man-eating flower had eaten had turned into mustard in her mind.

She was so hot in circles.

"Big face flower big face flower!"

Quickly summoned a big face flower, spraying condensation according to his own face.

The cheeks were still red and became a monkey butt.

"Hiss!" Yun Xuzhou suddenly cried out.

Sang looked away, and it turned out that a scorpion had fallen off the roof, stinging on Yun Xuzhou's neck.

"Don't move!" Sang took a deep nervous breath.

This kind of thing can't be touched by ordinary people! Yun Zhizhuo died of this colorful poison, and Han Shaoling's heart was soaked by this power.

Sang took a long inhalation, threw two butterfly flowers, clamped the colorful scorpion, and carefully removed it.

"You lifeless!" Sang shouted far away.

Youmei, who was fighting with the two dragons, flew back lightly.

"Disinfect." Sang pointed at Yun Xuzhou's wound far.

There was a black flame condensed on the fingertips of Yumyo, and the blood beads exuded from the wound were burned in a circle, and immediately a small piece of colorful toxins leaked out and was burned by the black flame.

He skimmed back and continued to deal with the dragon.

Sang threw a man-eating flower on the roof, and the curly brown tail was hooked on the roof beam, rotating his body, swallowing the poisonous insects crawling around.

As the power of the finely fragmented colorful flowers was continuously absorbed by the piranha, Sang far felt that the blue light of the Ganoderma lucidum in the Lingtai began to radiate a colorful light.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." She will change her skin when she looks back!

There are fewer and fewer poisonous insects.

It was soon sparsely eaten by cannibalism.

Several piranhas no longer surrounded Sang Yuan and Yun Xuzhou, but flicked their small tails, arched around, and picked out the net-lost insects one by one to eat.

The battle over Yumingming also ended.

He could have easily burned these two dragons into fly ash, but he didn't do it, but restrained them and refined them with black flames, so that he delayed a little bit of time.

Finally, the house was calm and calm.

"You deliberately." Yun Xuzhou said lightly.

She stood in the middle of the house, her expression showing no anger.

"I'm sorry." Sang apologized sincerely. "I just guessed that there might be a problem here in the ancestral temple. There is no evidence to do so."

"No need to explain, I understand." Yun Xuzhou sighed, "If you are persuaded to bring you over, it's okay to guess right, that is the result at the moment. In case the wrong guess leads me to doubt the ancestors for no reason, my heart I will never feel sorry. You are also thinking for me, I understand."

Sang Yuanyuan: "I'm sorry."

Yun Xuzhou pretended to be calm, but his expression was slightly collapsed: "Where can I see that the ancestors have problems? Just because Yun Xuyang was relegated on that day?"

"It's not all for this reason." Sang sighed far away. "Some words are long. Let's first see if there are any strange things here. Later, I will elaborate one by one."

"Yes." Yun Xuzhou thought for a while. "The question is, why don't you suspect that Yunzhi is the ghost?"

"Because Yunzhizhuo was already dead that day..." Sang said very embarrassedly.

Yun Xuzhou: "...I'm such a fool."

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In the talking, Youmei has turned out a translucent jade box from the dark compartment of the bed.

I saw that in this jade box, there was a red-red soft object that looked like a jellyfish. From time to time, it wriggled a few times and produced a few transparent red eggs.

Yun Xuzhou took a long breath of cold air, held his forehead, and felt dizzy.

Sang hurried forward to support her.

"Is this the Blood Gu? Looks like Gu Gu." Yun Xuzhou murmured.

Is it to keep so many snakes, worms and ants to keep this secret?

You Wuming stretched out his hand lazily and took the box from Yun Xuzhou.

"Lian Lian watch."

He jumped back and jumped to the big couch made of warm jade without taking off his shoes. He squatted on the couch and connected the jade box with the Gu mother.

The black flame rose in the palm of your hand, enclosing the jade box.

The jellyfish-like Gu mother jumped up sharply, making a sharp squeak, frantically twisting the soft body, trying to escape the jade box.

You Wuming smiled coldly, the other hand snapped the lid tightly, and the black flame in his palm skyrocketed.

Seeing that it was fine for a while, Sang took two chairs from afar, motioning Yun Xuzhou to sit down.

"Just before I said, there is no evidence, but many questions are combined, making me want to take a look at the ancestor." Sang Yuan said sincerely.

Her original plan was indeed like this.

As long as she knows the ancestor, she can use the broken mirror to see if he has any problems.

Who would have thought that this ancestor would have exposed himself?

"What questions?" Yun Xuzhou looked extremely tired.

This ancestor's weight in the hearts of the descendants of the Yun family is not trivial, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the faith collapsed.

Sang Yuan broke her finger and analyzed her--

"First of all, I realized that there was something wrong with the Blood Gu. Because the black hand behind the scenes has the strength to make the Yun's Manchu Gu, then it is not difficult to kill the Yun's Manchu-it is also pushed to'Tianyi', like this The generosity is enough to prove that the murderer is simply unscrupulous. So why should the murderer show mercy to Yun's men? There must be an insider here."

"Second, five hundred years ago, Yun's showed no signs of decline, but "accidents" happened one after another, and the talents of the family continued to die. This is unbelievable in itself-imagine that Jiang's now is not a big deal, right? If Dongzhou wants to assassinate Jiang's talents in succession, is it possible? At first, it might be successful, but after killing a few, Jiang's will definitely react and strengthen his defense. At the time, Yun's, however, was slain. ? There's an inside story here."

"Third, why did Yunzhi Zhuo appear in the ancestral temple, and Yun Xuyang was guilty at the clan meeting. Disbelief-will everyone in the Yun family be Gu in this place?"

"Fourth, you mentioned yesterday that the glaciers underground in Yunzhou will shift every 500 years. This time is exactly the same as the time when Yunshi had an accident. All this, although there is no real evidence, but it also pointed at the same time. the same person."

Yun Xuzhou couldn't help but interject: "What does the glacier have to do with this matter?"

Sang Yuanyuan said: "I and You Wuming were sent to the ground by the displacement of the glacier, and a miracle was encountered. And this miracle is closely related to what the Temple of Heaven is doing in the background now. I thought, maybe this is not a coincidence, but Cause and effect? ​​If Emperor Yun discovered the secret of the underground because of the displacement of the glacier, then, he personally dominated the rest?"

Yun Xuzhou swiftly dwarfed his body, supported his forehead, and raised a slightly mad smile on his lips: "So, Yun Zhizhuo is his man, who wants to cleanse Yun's so-called'sin', It was Yundi himself. Ha, hahahaha!"

With a smile, tears flowed down.

"For his own sake!" Youyou raised his eyebrows and jumped from the Nuanyu couch.

The jade box in his hand was empty, and Gu Gu disappeared.

"Have you finished?" Sang asked kindly from afar.

You Wuming's mouth twitched heavily and said with a stretched face: "The Gu Gu and the Blood Gu were not made out of fire, but they used the colorful power related to the luck. The blood Gu took away Yun's children The vitality of the luck will be gathered here to Gu mother, for the old thing to use."

Yun Xuzhou stayed for a while, and finally smiled with fate: "So, he is the head of the Temple of Heaven and the black hand behind the scenes."

Sang nodded gently: "There should be no more suitable candidates for seniority and strength."

"So what abdicated Xian Xian, what a curse of God's will, but it was just a matter of covering up the blood of his sons and grandchildren!" Yun Xuzhou smiled angrily, "What is he trying to be?

"Perhaps." Sang frowned far away. "I'm afraid his strength is stronger than expected now."

Yun Xuzhou narrowed his eyes: "Moreover, he has powerful allies."


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Yun Xuzhou sighed and leaned back in his chair: "The forces in his hands are the Yun clan. It is impossible to manipulate such large-scale self-harming. Therefore, he does internally, and that external force, Then he shot to kill Yun's elite. When there were only controllable people, he went under the guts, generation after generation, sucking blood from his descendants."

She stood up on the back of her chair and paced two steps: "But he can't destroy Yun's foundation. If Yun's completely fell, then he will lose the most important chips. This blood nematode that hurts men and not women, The most appropriate. To leave a woman in a yard, you have to take care of the sick man in the family. You can’t give birth to any ambition, but you will always have the power to protect yourself."

All this makes sense.

Sang nodded and said: "In this way, it must be Jiang's who cooperated with him. The Huangfu's should be kept in the dark and act as their shield."

"Well," Yun Xuzhou sneered. "Over the years, public opinion in Yunzhou has always regarded Dongzhou as a black hand."

"One of them is still missing." Sang groaned far away. "The secret of the underground, I and Youwuming also saw it with my own eyes, but I can't associate it with the things Yundi did."

You Wuming smiled and said lazily and coldly: "The secret of the **** stick must be in the Temple of Heaven."

"Not bad."

"It's just that the plan has to be changed." Sang Yuan said with a deep face, "The matter of visiting the ancestral temple at night must have reached his ears at this moment. When he enters Beijing at this moment, he must be a netizen."

Yun Xuzhou frowned, focusing on his head: "Then... let's go back and discuss for a long time!"

"and many more."

You Wuming walked a few steps in the room, backhanded out the knife, knocked on the entire hall with the back of the knife, and listened to the echo with his ears.

After a while, he paced to the warm jade couch and lifted it to the side.

With a flick of his hand, the black knife pierced the ground straight.


"There is something below!" Yun Xuzhou opened his eyes.

Youwu Ming knocked here, patted there, lifted a few bricks, revealing a dark iron door.

Prying open the door, there is a dark underpass, I don't know where to go.

Sang was far surprised: "It turns out that he deliberately put secrets like Blood Gu on the Nuanyu Couch, in order to cover up a bigger secret-if someone really breaks in and finds Blood Gu, he will definitely be the first Time to leave here to deal with the blood gu."

It's a pity that you are not normal.

The three met for a moment.

"Go!" Sang Yang raised his hand and threw a cannibal flower, and he took the lead to drill down.

"Sanguo is a good flower for you, very practical." Yun Xuzhou sincerely admired.

Sang narrowed his eyes proudly: "Follow me!"

She took the lead into the underpass.

Yun Xuzhou followed.

Youmei held her hand and leaned her head, looking at the petite back for a moment.

Originally, he was a bit disgusted with Yun Xuzhou-with an outsider, Xiao Sanguo wouldn't show the kind of soft dependence on people, which made him very uncomfortable. But at the moment, she found that she was a little proud and proud, but also very pleasant.

Like a confident snow squirrel. Usually it is round and soft, and when necessary, it will also show claws, a little bit fierce.

Just when You Meng looked at Sang far away, the passage in front of him suddenly shook heavily, and there were dense and terrible tremors under his feet.

You Wuming's eyes narrowed, his voice low and urgent: "Little Mulberry!"

He swept down.

Sang Yuan is looking back: "Earthquake?"

You Wuming stepped forward to grab her and leaned her head towards Yun Xuzhou: "You go up and gather people to prepare for the unexpected."

The ground shook again, and the frozen soil dropped to the top of the channel, and the booming hissing echoed to the ear.

"Good!" Yun Xuzhou said, "Be careful!"

She has never been a muddy man. Her voice hasn't dropped, and the man has swept out of the passage and strode away.

Sang looked at You Wumei's hand in his sleeve, and looked up at him: "If she persists, are you going to throw her out?"

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"Little Mulberry! You are a worm in my belly!"

Sang far smiled, squeezing his voice and said: "The regent is not the kind-"I don't follow me, I don't follow, I don't leave, I don't leave, I want to accompany you".

Smart people know how to judge the situation and know whether they are helping or dragging the oil bottle.

You Wuming raised an eyebrow: "There are still leisurely jokes, it seems that Xiao Sanguo has judged the situation in front of him."

"Good." She backhanded his waist. "If I'm not mistaken, it must be a big guy moving below!"

Before the words fell, I saw the dark channel in front of me quickly twisted and deformed!

The ground stepped on by your feet is suddenly raised up!

Sang threw a man-eating flower far upwards, and immediately, the two were pushed upward by a huge force, and hit the thick fleshy petals.

Black flames ignited on You Wuming, and the hard frozen soil hit by the Quartet was burned into fly ash.

At the next moment, the body lifted up on the ground, and the weightlessness suddenly came!

Sang bent his knee slightly unconsciously, resisting the sourness of his chest.

In just a moment, the piranha flower propped above the head broke the roof beam and the roof, and the wood chips and bricks splashed around. At the next moment, the entire courtyard was blooming at the foot of the courtyard, and the courtyard wall cracked towards all sides for a moment. And then collapsed around.

In the blink of an eye, Sang Yuan and You Wu Ming have been taken into the air!

Layers of frozen ground gradually opened like flowers. The white ice and snow are mixed with the black frozen soil, like a black and white ink painting.

A huge ancestral temple is like a sand hut on the mud, and the spring shoots that broke out of the soil collapsed and collapsed.

You Wuming took Sang far away with one hand, and the other arm was steadily spread on the side, and the light wings spread behind him, a little casual in the steady look.

In a breathing effort, two people in the center of the accident have been taken into the air in twenty feet.

The frozen soil layer at the feet slipped away, gradually revealing a huge transparent silhouette.

It's a giant ice turtle covered with spikes!

Its tortoise shell has not been completely unearthed, and the entire ancestral temple has been completely unrecognizable.

Sang Yuan and You Mian were standing on his head.

Countless figures flew among the ruins.

Sang glanced far away, and saw Yun Xuzhou surrounded by a group of guards and hid outside the soil.

Countless arrows shot at this ice turtle, and I saw a burst of colorful streamers on its body, stopping all attacks without any damage.

The giant ice turtle is still crawling out, pulling the entire body out of the ground.

A few tens of feet apart, Sang could hear bursts of gas from afar.

This is really terrifying!

Who could have imagined that there was such a big guy hiding under the ancestral temple.

Amidst the chaos, Yun Xuzhou suddenly received an urgent report that the 50,000 army of Tiandu Beiyingwei, which was originally hoarded on the border between Tiandu and Jizhou, had already set off and went straight to Yunzhou!

"Back to the palace!"

In an instant, the shock and daze on Yun Xuzhou's face swept away, and a pair of black eyes saw nothing but calmness. In the process of striding back to the palace, the military orders followed one by one, sweeping everywhere like wind and thunder.

Tiandu Beiyingwei was transferred to the northern defense line, which was originally intended to protect you from lifelessness-he took Jizhou and could go south to attack Tiandu at any time.

Today, the Youzhou Army has been rushed back to Youzhou by Huangfu Xiong. These 50,000 Beiying Weis have just become vacant, and they are ready to support and support at any time.

So it happened to attack Yunzhou? !

A cold smile floated on Yun Xuzhou's beautiful face.

In addition to the Yuyiwei, the four battalions of the east, west, south, and north are the strongest fighting forces in Tiandu.

And Yunzhou...

Now that the evil is unsettled, most of the main troops in Yunzhou have been sent out. One group went south to help Qizhou recover the lost Great Wall and the monsters in Qing Dynasty; the other branch went east to Tu and Jinzhou, helping the East Great Wall to guard The section of defense that was supposed to be in charge of Huangfu.

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Yunzhou has left the country elaborately, and it has been too late to mobilize troops.

The other party tore his face so anxiously, what is the purpose, needless to say.

"Sanguo, you are lifeless!" Yun Xuzhou, who was moving fast, couldn't help but glance back at the terrifying beast, and said, "Below this, there must be a big secret! I will stop you, you can Don't let me down!"

The strength of the Beiyingwei is not trivial. If a temporary troop dispatch will send an army to intercept, it is not enough to deliver food to others. So Yun Xuzhou simply gave up the front line of defense, and only made the army pour countless obstacles with ice water on the road that Beiyingwei must pass through. At the same time, he adjusted his troops to Yundu and engaged the enemy on the last line of defense!

Yun Xuzhou kept rushing back to the main hall, issued hundreds of commands one after another, and finally took a sigh of relief, throwing his slightly tired body into the huge Taishi chair.

After thinking for a moment, a special jade slip with a special pattern was drawn from the jade box.

A jade jade that communicates with the imperial palace.

As soon as the light flashed, the calm voice of Empress Jiang Yanji came out--

"King of Yunzhou, I know you have a rebellious rebellion in Yunzhou. I have sent Beiyingwei to Yundu to fight the rebellion for you. You are at ease."

Jiang Yanji knew that Yunzhou was the regent Wang Xuzhou, but every time she contacted Yunzhou, she would ‘unconsciously ignore’ the matter and only speak to ‘Yunzhou King’. Even today, knowing that the person opposite is Yun Xuzhou, the'reverse king', Jiang Yanji still has such a virtue.

As in the past, Yun Xuzhou silently crushed the jade jade without saying a word-even a person with such a big nerve, she could always feel the emperor's obvious hostility towards herself. As a woman, she holds heavy power and is inevitably compared by others. Even if Yun Xuzhou is low-key, people with heart can always pass some words that the emperor does not like to hear into her ears.

The emperor was always afraid and unhappy with her. Today, I found such an excuse to send soldiers, and finally torn open the false face, and relieved each other.

After thinking for a while, Yun Xuzhou pulled out another jade slip.

"Yun Xuzhou? What do you want me to do?" Huang Fuxiong's voice came out.

Yun Xuzhou couldn't help but startled.

His sore forehead was sober for a moment-Huang Fuxiong wasn't right, didn't he say he was depressed and was he alive?

Why is the sound so light?

Yun Xuzhou murmured secretly, not knowing what was happening on his side.

Huang Fuxiong didn't hear Yun Xuzhou's voice for a moment, and immediately became impatient: "Something to talk about, Laoyun, you have also become a grudge! It's okay I'm broken jade, busy!"

Yun Xuzhou scolded, "Well, you are a wolf-hearted thing!"

Huang Fuxiong scolded: "What?"

Yun Xuzhou sneered: "I sent the soldiers to guard the Great Wall for you. You're good, pretending to be in the name of the lifeless, is this going to be against me! Ha?"

Huang Fuxiong: "??? You, Lao Yun, make it clear when I started working on you, I just sent a few people to you to find things in Bingwu Valley, how come, could they conflict with your people? See if I don’t peel them!"

Yun Xuzhou shouted: "Then explain to me what Beiyingwei is!"

"What Beiyingwei?" Huang Fuxiong's real embarrassment.

"Pretend, you pretend!" Yun Xuzhou's voice sounded very angry, "Dare you say that the sky hasn't ventilated you?! Ha, you are guarding the northern line for the sky, guarding against the lifeless, here Tiandu could rest assured that Beiyingwei came over and beat me, but you told me that you did not collude!"

"No, really! I want to have a little meaning. I'll give Lei now!" Huang Fuxiong first anxiously denied, and then hissed for a long time, "Yun Xuzhou, Lao Yun, what are you saying? ? You say it again, Tiandu transferred Beiyingwei to hit you? Why hit you?"

Yun Xuzhou's voice was filled with anger and deliberately whispered, and when he heard it, he knew what was absolutely secret: "I found the secret that Jiang's had harmed me Yun's! Jiang Yanji lied and told me to rebel Alright! Now! Already! I have broken my two cities!"

"Slap--" There was a voice across the jade from Huangfu Xiong's leg, "My elder brother is right! He said that your Yun's poison is definitely Jiang's! It's just that Dongzhou and Jiang's too A group, so just stand by and watch."

Yun Xuzhou: "...I thank you for your frankness? How can you tell me now that the attack on Yunzhou has nothing to do with you? Hmm?"

"No, wait." Huang Fuxiong's voice suddenly became strange and meaningful. "Lao Yun, are you sure that Beiyingwei has all entered your Yunzhou territory? You mean, the northern defense line of Tiandu, at this moment No main force?"

"What about that, in addition to You Wuming, which lunatics will do everything to the sky?! Oh, You Wuming, You Wuming can't get around you!" Yun Xuzhou gritted his teeth bitterly, "Huangfu I I didn’t expect you to be a villain who stabbed me with a knife! If he didn’t come out like this, would he dare to transfer Beiyingwei!”

"Eh hey! You're wrong Laoyun!" Huang Fuxiong's voice was excited and fanatical, "Lao Xiong, I'm going to stab today, but I'm not stabbing you! Ha ha ha ha ha! Really help me, I I knew Cangtian opened my eyes and sent me Xiaofuxing hahahaha!"

Listening to the voice is crying with laughter.

"What do you mean?" Yun Xuzhou asked.

"Relax old cloud!" Huangfu Xiong said with a big laugh, "You just hold on, I promise, Jiang Yanji will never be able to withstand you! You just hold on, hold on for a while!"

"Don't think of pitting me." Yun Xuzhou was unmoved.

"His, then I will give you the bottom!" Huang Fuxiong also lowered his voice, "I now, immediately order 200,000 vanguards, and go south into the sky! You can cooperate with my actions and find a way to give me Hold Beiyingwei! Yun Xuzhou, success or failure in one fell swoop!"

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