Yun Xuzhou stood above the city wall, his back straight, his cloak hunting in the cold wind.

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Sang was standing by her side, breathing unconsciously became more rapid.

She was accustomed to standing behind him with a sense of security, such a large and secure backer. At this moment he was not there. She only felt that the side and the back were empty, and there was a cold wind blowing constantly.

Ling Yaojing's body is not afraid of cold and heat, but she still feels a little chill.

Someone once said that there is no fear in the heart, that is not true courage. Real courage is a clear feeling of fear, the whole body is shaking, the hands and feet are soft, but still forced himself to straighten his spine and throw his fist.

She turned her eyes and gave Yun Xuzhou a glance.

I saw the queen's lips slightly stretched, her cheeks covered with tiny chicken skin, her fingertips were trembling slightly, but her eyes did not shake for a moment.

"I'm here to accompany you." Sang felt his voice stiff.

When such an army came in, her flowers could not be stopped at all, and they would only fall into mud under the pressure of the iron hoof. If You Wuming didn't have a backhand and didn't come to save people, she could only fight with Yun Xuzhou to the end here-or to escape now, it's too late.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Can the sentence just said apply for retraction?

The blood-red army approached quickly.

A full-bodied voice traversed the ice field and echoed beneath the wall--

"Regent Wang Yun Xu Zhou, I will wait for the emperor's order to come and beg you to be a rebel!"

"Beiyingwei is here, and he will catch if he is not obedient!"

The iron hooves thundered, and the crossbow tips in the hands of the city wall gentlemen trembled gently.

Seeing that this team of blood-red troops will enter the range!

The formation began to change, and the vanguards of the Fifty Riding Parallels carried the Spirit Iron Shield and took the lead towards the city gate.

The rear archer quickly fell into position, and the powerful feather arrows flickered sharply like a locust, hitting the city wall!

The opponent's crossbow and shooter are better than Yunzhou by more than one grade.

The crossbowmen in the city of Yunzhou are now able to shoot at the vanguard of the Beiyingwei head row.

But the flying crossbow in the back row of the opponent had already flew up to the city wall like a locust, and instantly, hundreds of soldiers were shot dead in the battlements.

The attack speed of the shield-holding vanguard was not much slower than that of the flying arrows. The first wave of arrow rain fell on the city wall. Before it was time to reset, there was a loud bang under the damaged city gate. The spirit iron giant shield of the charging force struck the temporarily sealed simple city gate.

The city gate fell, and Dunqi rushed under the city gate and collided with the shield formation under Yunzhou's gate.

A group of people turned back.

Sang Yuan and Yun Xuzhou were above the city wall, and could not see the scene under the gate, but listening to the sound, they could imagine the twisted and damaged appearance of countless large shields.

There were loud shouts.

After the collision, the masters of Beiyingwei riding on the beasts stood up and fell into the Yunzhou shield formation to kill.

"Very strong." Yun Xuzhou clenched his fists secretly.

"How long can it last?" Sang asked from afar.

Captain Yun Xu took a breath: "At most half an hour, the city gate will be lost! It shouldn't have been so fast!"

She could prevent the old Yundi people from shooting at her, but she did not expect that these people even ignored their homeland, and actually exploded the city gate.

As long as Tiandu Beiyingwei rushed into the city gate, Yunzhou's defensive advantage would be gone!

The defenders stationed in the Wangcheng are only 20,000 or 30,000, and they are not the most elite soldiers-except for the capital, no one will leave the most elite troops in the Wangcheng to retire, and the sword is to kill the enemy. Purpose.

The sharpness of Yunzi's head, the Great Wall is still in the east and south, and there is no time to return to Yunzhou to rescue.

"When will the reinforcements arrive?" Sang asked from afar.

Yun Xuzhou said: "There are 70,000 people in each of the North and South City, and it takes three hours to march urgently. The 30,000 people in the East City can arrive in half an hour."

She narrowed her eyes: "But these are not my elite Yun's elite, but just use the human head to drag time. It will take two days for Master Yunzi to return. Mulberry, you don't need to accompany me here, go to the ancestral temple. , Took the secret that made them so dreadful, and left Youyou from the east gate-I will do my best to **** you out of the city."

There were soldiers falling all the time.

"Abandon the city wall and prepare for street fighting!" Yun Xuzhou ordered coldly.

The gap between the crossbows and arrows between the two sides is too big, the archers have suffered heavy casualties, and the death rate of the two sides is nearly twenty to one. It is too much loss to keep here. If you turn around in street fighting, it should not be difficult to change the life of the other one with four or five lives.

"Sang is far, you go."

Sang nodded far away: "Regent, take care!"

She stays here and it doesn't help.

Under the gate, the heavy cavalry continued to charge, people stepped on people, and beasts stepped on the beast. Since the first person broke through the defense line and rushed into Yundu, successive riders broke into the city, although they were quickly hacked. Dead, but the line in the heart of the Yunzhou Army has already been broken.

Soon, the shield formation under the gate completely collapsed, and the cavalry rushed into the city one by one, slashing and killing.

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Sang, who had just walked down the city wall, turned around and returned quickly.

"...It's a bit hard to go under."

A team of Beiyingwei chased her and climbed up the city wall.

"Reverse Wang Yun Xu Zhou is here!" a soldier shouted excitedly.

Sang Yuan knocked him down the city wall with a flower.

She was a bit worried.

‘Missing a normal attacking skill...’

It has been missing all the time, and there is no such thing as an epiphany.


She threw flowers to block the passageway, and turned to Yun Xuzhou: "Get down the wall from somewhere else!"

The two of them hurried to the south, surrounded by Yunzhou guards.

The crimson Beiyingwei had poured into the city like a tide, killing the Yunzhou Army with no power to fight back.

Yun Xuzhou succumbed endlessly: "They can dare to be upright and fight my elite cloud master in the ice field!"

Unfortunately, the enemy had no intention of telling her what was fair.

In an instant, blood stained frost and snow.

The civilians had already been evacuated. Beiying Wei Tieqi did not plan to fight with Yunzhou Lane. Wherever they passed, those ice houses were flatly ground by them with shields. I saw the red tide flowing through, and the red ice was dense The densely spread out, ice mist rose a few feet high.

Yun Xuzhou's nails were deeply pinched into the palm.

At this moment, there was no fear in my heart, only anger.

Seeing this iron wave approaching the palace quickly, Yun Xuzhou could only watch it, his eyes were red with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: "My army is demonizing, my army is demonizing..."

In Sang Yuan's heart, endless sorrow also raged: "Regent, do you hate me?"

"Why hate you?"

"If it weren't for me and You Wuming to trick you into the ancestral temple and found those secrets, today will not..."

Yun Xuzhou raised her palm and interrupted her.

"The people who made the mistakes are them. Why should we find the reason for ourselves? We lost today and just sighed unfairly! How can I blame you?"

Heaven is unfair.

It is up to people to disturb anyway.

But today, who else can solve the danger of Yundu?

You lifeless?

Sang shook his head gently. You can't do it with one enemy.

The only way to live is to survive three hours.

When the support troops arrived in Yunnan, South, North and East, they arrived in Huangfu, and the Beiyingwei had to return...

But according to the current situation, Mo said three hours, only half an hour, Beiyingwei can demolish the entire cloud to the ground!

"Quick, it's about to be dumplings." Yun Xuzhou said bitterly.

The wave of Tieqi has spread to the south of the city, and if it is later, it will be difficult to get off the wall.

Yun Xuzhou pursed his lips tightly and led Sang far into the passage stairs.

Her movements suddenly stopped.

Sang was far away from his eyes, and summoned a huge face to stop him.

A horrific shock wave hit the big-faced flower's face plate, and the spirit was like a wave, trembling in front of the eyes.

The bodyguard walking in front was torn apart, and the blood in the chamber was like a pouring rain, which was scattered on the shaking face of the big face.

A fine sound of "ding ding" sounded.

A small white metal needle like ox hair, like rain, fell down the face.

"Ling Yaojing, metallic, above the five heavens." Yun Xuzhou gasped.

"The defender of Beiying, Wang Zhengqing, came to take the lead of the king."

A sound came out from under the passage, drifting through the passage filled with crumbled flesh and blood, stained with a thick **** smell.

Sang was far from thinking about it, and with his backhand he collected his big face, and along the passage, Gu Lulu threw countless piranhas.

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Withdraw to the east.

Lingyao could not fly, and when he wiped out the pile of piranhas and rushed to the wall, they had escaped from another passage.

From time to time, Liu Ya flew up the city wall, and Sang Yuan and Yun Xuzhou dodged their heads to avoid, quickly retreating to the east.

"Wangcheng can still stand for a while." Yun Xuzhou said, "I hope You Wuming has solved the king and found the secret hidden below!"

Sang nodded silently.

The footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Have you heard anything?"

Yun Xuzhou frowned: "No. Go away, don't go again..."

Sang raised his palm from afar, and looked out of the battlement.

She gasped and sighed, "Run!"

Wang Zhengqing, the metallic strong man above the five heavens of Lingyao Realm, has turned his hands into metal. Like a spider man, he crawled up the city wall and climbed up, seeing the wall stack!

"You Wuming, don't hurry up, your daughter-in-law is gone!" Sang muttered far away.

The guards next to Yun Xuzhou flew to the rear one after another to stop the person.

This time, there is no return.

"Too strong." Yun Xuzhou bit his teeth fiercely.

The two held hands and continued to flee to the other side of the city wall.

Wang Zhengqing obviously stared at Yun Xuzhou.

He was not war-fighting, he just grabbed the guards blocking the front into a pool of blood, and his footsteps never stopped, chasing down the wall ‘booming’.

Seeing that the two sides are getting closer and closer, Sang Yuan only felt that the cold hairs on his spine had all stood up.

She didn't want to be blown into blood at all.

The cannibal flowers were thrown back one by one by her, and the big-faced flowers waved green leaves, and a bunch of Lingyun vines bound to Wang Zhengqing.

It's a pity that the gap in strength is too great to stop the man with the small bazi. A gleaming white light of golden spirits exploded, and Wang Zhengqing jumped up and down like a flexible monkey, avoiding the block of big-faced flowers and piranhas, and his forward speed was not greatly affected.

The distance is getting closer!

Sang far dared not look back at all. While running hand in hand with Yun Xuzhou, he threw flowers randomly behind him.

Without strong single-body killing skills, the most feared thing is to compete with the best players.

Wang Zhengqing's laughter crossed the sea of ​​flowers: "What a little girl playing with flowers, when I catch you alive, I will prison you on the couch and tell you to see what a man playing with needles looks like! The taste of digging in, hey! And the two red cherry..."

Sang Yuan cursed a dirty word in his heart and replied loudly: "Ah, it turns out that the master of the north camp guard is an embroidery needle! Disrespect and disrespect!"

"court death!"

The thin needles of Jin Lingyun fell down like a cow.

Sang hurried away with flowers.

"Sanguo you go! I will stop him for a while!"

Yun Xuzhou pushed her hard.

Sang looked at it from a distance, and ruthlessly said: "Ready to jump over the wall! I threw the flowers below and then, 80% would not die!"

There is no other way!

The two were preparing to leap out of the wall stack, and suddenly, they only heard a trembling loud noise from the king city north of Yundu.

Even Wang Zhengqing was startled, unconsciously stopped and looked away.

Has the royal city been broken so quickly? It was beyond his expectations.

"Yunzhou, too weak." He swore his teeth disdainfully.

Another loud bang came.

The ice and mist was filled, and at the sight of the rising ice and mist, it was known that there must be a wall broken.

Yun Xuzhou took a deep breath of breath: "How is it possible! The Wangcheng city walls are made of ice cores! How can they be broken!"

Under the ice mist, a hill was vaguely seen and bombarded from inside the king city.

"It's the king!" Yun Xuzhou stunned.

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I saw a giant tortoise burning with black flames all around, arrogantly tilted his head, raised his left forefoot with a wave.

The hill-like tortoise-foot swept across, and a nearly 100-member Beiyingwei cavalry squad was swept straight into the sky, shooting into the blood.

Pieces of Xuanjia splashed around like tiny iron filings.

Beiyingwei responded extremely quickly, and the arrow array was immediately placed in the rubble. Countless arrow feathers were like locusts, rushing straight at the black flame giant turtle up to thirty feet.

It did not retreat and went forward, opening a huge mouth in response to the arrow rain. Although the roar was silent, the brutality was under the hood, making the archer below feel a very deep and primitive instinct fear, like The predator grabbed his throat, and his brain was blank for a moment.

Flame turtle stepped on his giant foot and swept his foot again.

A small array of arrows disappeared into the ruins instantly.

Look at the flame turtle again, there are hundreds of arrows on his body, but it's irrelevant. It tilted its head arrogantly, and a huge inorganic eye looked down coldly and indifferently.

"Strange... monster!"

"What is this!"

"Quick! Quickly report to the guard!"

Tiandu Beiyingwei was so frightened that he broke his ground completely.

The black flame giant turtle narrowed his eyes slightly and crawled towards the wall.

Its tail is almost the same length as its body, and it is covered with giant barbs, and the sharp black flames can sway a piece of Beiyingwei with every wave.

After several face-to-face kung fu, the killing army of Beiyingwei has lost nearly two thousand people!

"He really will surprise people!" Seeing that the tortoise was approaching the city wall, Sang grinned his lips far away happily, grabbed Yun Xuzhou, and jumped heavily under the city wall.

Wang Zhengqing realized afterwards that he threw a large golden sword and stuck it where Sang Yuan and Yun Xuzhou only stood.

The two had already jumped down the city wall.

Wang Zhengqing pounced on the battlement and looked at the probe.

But he met a huge, lazy eye.

The black pupil is surrounded by yellow-green glazed markings, alienated, indifferent and primitive.

It was closing its mouth slowly, and a skirt licked away from the edge of the giant tortoise.

Wang Zhengqing: "...was eaten?!"

Suddenly, Kung Fu saw the giant turtle's eyes slowly squinting, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Wang Zhengqing only felt a terrifying sense of crisis coming from the sky. He didn't dare to cross his head. He hugged his head and a lazy donkey rolled away.

As you can see, a tortoise covered with barbs hacked straight down, and "boomed" to split the wall in front of it into two halves, and the impact force exploded to the left and right. The wind pulled out dozens of feet.

Stopping the body is already trembling.

The giant black flame glanced lazily at him, then turned around and crawled towards the vast battlefield.

Wang Zhengqing understood the meaning of it strangely-"Go back and pick you up."


Sang took Yun Xuzhou with ‘kelp’ and slid straight onto the giant turtle’s heart.

Yun Xuzhou has long been completely ignorant.

When the creature is swallowed by the predator, it often triggers protective mechanisms, loses the ability to think and fear, and dies unknowingly like a soul out of consciousness.

Yun Xuzhou is in such a wandering state at the moment.

Sang shook his hand in front of her for a long time before she realized her consciousness.

She murmured: "Sanguo, here is where people arrived after death?"

Continue mumbling: "Eh? The original lifeless is also dead, no wonder not to save you."

After a moment of silence, he sighed again: "It's better to be so dead than to fall on that Wang Zhengqing's hand, only then what he said to you is really shameless."

Sang looked far away from Yun Xuzhou's dull sight and saw You Youming.

He closed his eyes tightly, still holding the knife that plunged into the heart of the turtle with one hand. Heiyan connected him to this giant ice turtle. The whole person looked like he was not at home.

He is trying his best to manipulate this huge king!

She suddenly wanted to kiss his cheek.

I want to tell him that he is too powerful.

What a treasure man!


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The giant ice turtle with black flames immersed in the world as if the legendary basalt turtle came to the world.

Although Beiyingwei is extremely rich in combat experience, he is not rich enough to fight across species.

Wang Zhengqing tried his best to maintain his formation and fought back.

When I rushed into the city, I was thinking of catching turtles in the urn, but I didn't expect that I would be pecked by the turtles? !

"Strike **** it's neck and elbow!"

Tens of thousands of troops, after all, are not vegetarian. At the beginning, it was indeed a chaotic battle. He was killed and jumped. He lost thousands of hands in a short period of time, but they quickly recovered and quickly formed a steady battle during the retreat.

The arrow rain like a locust pounced on the giant tortoise of black flames. The arrow was dense, and the head of the locust was like a hail. It quickly smashed its head and face.

The colorful power is not truly invincible. After being refined by Youmei, the attack is more severe, but the defensive ability is much weaker than before. Youwuming is such a style that you don’t need to defend, so this The flame turtle is very fierce, but the defense is only average.

A lot of feather arrows were quickly pierced in those fragile parts.

The arrow also had an iron chain with a thick thumb, and the army dragged the chain, which greatly restricted the ability of the flame turtle to stop fighting unscrupulously.

The long war of attrition began.

"Torture it!" Wang Zhengqing spit out a **** sputum.

Fang Cai's Gumi shock shocked him with a little internal injury.

Flame Turtle counterattacked several times and took nearly a thousand lives.

The battle with the giant turtle turned into a long consumption. It is stuck in front of the king city, if you want to bypass it and attack the king city, you will be traumatized by the barbed glacier-like turtle tail, and the rebellion in the king city has been leveled, and the Yunzhou army is waiting for their sporadic death.

The 30,000 reinforcements in Dongcheng of Yunzhou also arrived, and successfully met with Wang Chengjun.

Yun Xuzhou recovered very much.

"Yu Wuming controls this king, are we in its belly?"

"Yes." Sang far smiled ‘you finally got rid of it’.

Yun Xuzhou nodded his head straightly, figured out the jade jade, and began to issue orders.

Soon, the Yunzhou Army rushed out of the broken wall of the Wangcheng. Relying on this flame turtle, it officially started a war with Beiyingwei!

Flame Tortoise is no longer isolated and helpless. It quickly breaks free from its shackles, and leads a group of Yunzhou troops to continuously attack Beiyingwei's fine iron formation.

The battle situation gradually tilted.

The dark and dark fighting didn't know how long it lasted. Suddenly, the rumbling tremor kept coming, and even Sang, who was in the belly of the flame turtle, felt it far away.

"The reinforcements of the two cities from north and south are here!" Yun Xuzhou's face smiled coldly, "Fengcheng! Fight against Beiyingwei!"

At this moment, Wang Zhengqing, the defender of Beiying, has received news that Huang Fuxiong has sent 200,000 troops from the south of Jizhou to take the capital!

"Withdraw troops!"

At this moment, the two gates of the north and south opened in unison, two torrents rushed to converge in this crushed capital city, and the whole world was shaking.

Beiying Weiche was completely captured by the urn.

They used the thorn shield to push down the avenue, which made it convenient for two Yunzhou heavy cavalry to charge.

Youyou opened his eyes.

Black flames flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Sanguo, I kill Wang Zhengqing, and I will go back." His voice was completely hoarse, more like coarse sand, rolling over her soft heart and rolling over, making her unconsciously tremble. The ear tips gradually become hot.

She looked up and saw that the smile on the corner of his lips was cold and cold, and at a glance, she knew that someone was going to die badly.

Ok? Who offended him?

This terrifying expression made Yun Xuzhou tremble.

When Yu Wuming's wings disappeared, Yun Xuzhou finally breathed a few breaths freely and said, "He is afraid to hear what we have just said."

Fang Caiyun Xu Zhou murmured that Wang Zhengqing said shameless words to Sang Yuan.

Sang far ‘oh’, spread his hands: “He is dead for the embroidery needle.”

After Yumyo was released from control, the ice turtle seemed to be extinguished, and it lay flat on the ground.

At the moment, the outside was very chaotic, and the three Yunzhou troops had already been in a battle with Beiyingwei.

Wang Zhengqing has ridden the dust and escaped from the blasted west gate of Yundu.

It doesn't matter...Huangfu bravely attacked the capital, and it must be another terrifying battle. As long as he gains more war power, he can make up for the power and make up for the loss of Yunzhou...

Wang Zhengqing continued to comfort himself, but found that the endless darkness was covered in the air, like a shadow, no way to escape.

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