Su Enran swallowed the cake in his mouth, shook his head and said, “Pretty is for girls, boys should be handsome.”

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Jian Yi covered her mouth and said in surprise, “It turns out that Su Enran is so narcissistic, he actually said that he is handsome.”

Su Enran was so angry that he couldn’t speak. Seeing that, Jian Yi quickly said flatteringly, “Okay, eat quickly, Mom is teasing you.”

When he was about to finish the cake on the plate, Su Enran suddenly stopped eating. Jian Yi hurriedly asked, “What’s the matter? Isn’t the cake delicious?”

“I’m thinking of eating it later. Mom, didn’t dad say that he will come back in a while? Why hasn’t he come back yet?” Su Enran looked around, but he didn’t find Su Zixuan.

Jian Yi also looked around curiously, but she really didn’t see Su Zixuan’s figure. He should be talking to his friends. After all, there were many people there.

“He’ll be back in a while. You finish the cake first, and when you finish, Dad will be back,” Jian Yi comforted.

Su Enran looked at the cake feeling conflicted. His dad would come back after eating it, but he would not have to eat it later.

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“If you behave well, when the cake is cut later, mom will give you a piece, okay?” Jian Yi tempted him.

Su Enran happily held up the plate, “Thank you, mom.”

In the hall, there were staggered chats. Jian Yi and Su Enran patiently waited in their seats for Su Zixuan, but he never showed up. 

Jian Yi had a bad premonition.

An Ran also felt a little uneasy, he squeezed Jian Yi’s hand, “Mom, why hasn’t dad come over yet? Did he go back by himself?”

The unease in her heart was getting bigger, but Jian Yi calmed down, “No, the banquet is not over yet.”

Suddenly, she thought about the photos, and she got up, “An Ran, you stay here and wait for Mom. Mom will go to dad, okay? Mom will be back soon.”

“Don’t go out to play by yourself, okay? If you have to go to the toilet, let those brothers take you there, okay?” Jian Yi said, pointing to the waiter walking back and forth in the hall.

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After that, Jian Yi squeezed into the crowd to find Su Zixuan.

Li Zheya greeted the guests. He went out to take a breath, followed by a girl in a bright yellow short skirt, chatting beside him.

“I recently saw a newcomer whose style was very similar to An Xiaojian. It is serialized in ‘comic’, and her name seemed to be…” Luo Yingqing said excitedly, and suddenly found that Li Zheya’s expression was a bit wrong, and followed her gaze. Sure enough, it was Jian Yi again. She had to say that Jian Yi was quite similar to An Xiaojian that got viral on the Internet. Maybe she was the high-end version of An Xiaojian.

No wonder Li Zheya liked her so much. Who wouldn’t like their idol? Luo Yingqing thought sourly. She couldn’t compare herself to a dead person, and she couldn’t compare herself to someone who looked like the idol.

“Hey, don’t look at her. She has a family, and won’t belong to you if you look at her again,” Luo Yingqing poked his arm and whispered.

Li Zheya looked back at her pouting appearance. She was indeed a cute girl as others said, but he was not interested.

He said coldly, “If you follow me again, I would not belong to you.” 

It was better to give up early. If he was so easily moved, he would not have been single for so long.

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Luo Yingqing was so shocked that she was angry at him, “You!”

“I’m saying that for your own good,” he said lightly, his eyes on Jian Yi again.

Looking at her anxious appearance, he wondered if she was looking for Su Zixuan. After thinking about it, he sorted out his tie and clothes, and walked toward her. He was tall and stood out from the crowd, especially in the crowd.

As soon as the people who came to the banquet saw him, they intercepted him immediately, chatted with him, laughed, and exchanged all kinds of courtesy.

They were all guests, and Li Zheya didn’t dare to slack off. After he had dealt with several waves of guests, he didn’t see her when he looked back.

After searching for a few minutes, he saw her in the corner. Luo Yingqing ran up to talk to her at some point, and seemed to be having a good time chatting.

Jian Yi didn’t find Su Zixuan. She wanted to go back to find An Ran, but she didn’t expect to be approached by a cute and beautiful girl. 

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She asked suspiciously, “Are you looking for me?”

Luo Yingqing nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been watching the show you are in, you’re so pretty.”

Jian Yi nodded politely, “You are also very beautiful.” She was about to say she was leaving, but the girl said to her, “Then… Can I ask you about Li Zheya?”

Jian Yi looked at her. Could it be that she was the girl Li Zheya had a blind date with recently? She looked good. Su Enran should be fine alone for a few minutes, right?

After thinking about it, she still chatted with her curiously.

The two chatted, and suddenly, a familiar person walked by. She had red lips and looked arrogant, like a princess.

“Aren’t you looking for Su Zixuan? I know where he is.”

Luo Yingqing looked at her curiously, the person seemed to be…

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