In the past few days, Jian Yi felt restless, but nothing happened. She slowly calmed down, and after processing the drawings, she logged in to her account that she hadn’t used for a long time, and found Linglong’s account. After writing it down, she logged in to her penguin trumpet and added Linglong’s account.

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But after a long time, the other party did not add it. After thinking about it, Jian Yi thought that Linglong had become the editor-in-chief, and she should not add strangers easily, and finally sent an email.

The content of the email was one-third of the outline of the comic, as well as the sketch of the first chapter. Confidently waiting for the reply, as expected, at about 4:00 pm, Jian Yi received a reply, and Linglong added her as a friend.

Like a fledgling girl, when Jian Yi saw the response, she almost jumped up with joy. The beginning of everything was difficult, as long as the first step was successful, the road ahead would be easier.

“Is this what you did? Is this your own drawing?”

Jian Yi sorted out her excitement, and the other party quickly sent her a message, which seemed a bit strange, but Jian Yi didn’t think much about it. She just thought it was the routine question. She didn’t think much. She was happy and typed, “Yes, I have thought about it for a long time, what do you think?”

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“The content and style of drawing are very good, but I hope that the sketch you submit to me is your own style.”

Jian Yi looked at the screen of her phone. What did Linglong mean? Not her own strength? It was obviously drawn by her? But after being in society for so many years, no matter how slow she was, Jian Yi still had some thoughts. She asked, “I don’t quite understand what you mean, can I trouble you to clarify?”

The reason why she was the first to submit a manuscript to Linglong was because she really liked her style and it was easier to pass the manuscript; the second was because she did not pay much attention to whether the submission was a novice or an experienced person. As long as one had the strength, she would not refuse .

Although the two didn’t have much contact in reality, Jian Yi knew her character. She was upright, and her hatred was clear. So she was the best choice for her to enter the circle again.

Without letting Jian Yi wait for a few minutes, the other party quickly sent her a link, followed by another sentence, “Look at it for yourself, don’t be too impetuous if you don’t have strength.”

Jian Yi’s eyes darkened, and she had a bad premonition in her heart. She clicked on the link, and it was the title page of an online serial comic called “Spiritual World”.

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Jian Yi flipped through the pages. Not only was the drawing method similar to hers, but the most important thing was that the content inside was exactly the same as what she thought. While the style of drawing was similar to her own, it also felt vaguely familiar.

Jian Yi’s pupils shrank, and her fingers trembled slightly. What’s going on? Wrong–

She remembered that before her death, she was chasing out old manga manuscripts. Before that, she had prepared the outline of “Spiritual World”. Not only that, she had already drawn the chapters.

She also discussed the plot with Xia Jingjing, and she still remembered that the two of them had a great time discussing. The manuscript was placed in the villa. She believed that Xiao Li would definitely not do that. If there was anyone else, it was probably Xia Jingjing.

A burst of anger erupted from Jian Yi’s chest. Xia Jingjing wanted to use Dada and Bailian to defraud money before. She thought that she didn’t know the person well, but she didn’t expect…she would actually do that.

The friendship of many years was really fake. Jian Yi looked at the drawing on the screen, a fire was burning in her heart, and she was so angry that her head almost emitted smoke.

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The woman looked at An Xiaojian “Spiritual World”. Her style of the work was similar to that of An Xiaojian, but the meaning it represented was not what An Xiaojian could achieve. Every frame of drawing could make a person feel that the world was hugging them warmly.

It was the latest masterpiece that surpassed An Xiaojian.

Oh, she was really thick-skinned. She took her outline and submitted her drawings, and even stepped on to the top. How could there be such a disgusting person in the world?

No wonder Linglong said that to her just now, co-authoring Xia Jingjing was waiting for her there.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Yi calmed down. She did not rely on the warm drawing style to achieve that kind of achievement, but she felt that the world wanted warmth, so she would tend to the kind of drawing method. People knew that even she was about to forget that she had another identity in the horror genre which was NLTAJ, that was, the alphabets she typed on the keyboard casually during the darkest days of her life.

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At that time, the online serialized comics had not yet come out, and most of the comics were paper versions. She was in high school at that time, and her life was dark, boring and hopeless. She vented all her dark emotions in painting, and revealed them in realism. It was eerie and gloomy, but according to netizens at that time, there was still a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

Reborn in the dark, that was everyone’s understanding of her at that time. In her three years of high school, she serialized it for two years. Later, after she slowly found her life goal, she did not post it again.

Sometimes people still missed her on Weibo or somewhere, and hoped she would come back. Her style was really too difficult for someone to surpass, or maybe she was too mysterious and indifferent to fame and fortune, so her reputation had been raised. It could be said that all the rivers and lakes (the circle) had her legends.

In particular, there was one painting that someone offered to buy at a high price, but received no response. It was a painting with no sun and moon, and the whole painting rendered a gloomy, heavy and desperate atmosphere. Under the dark blue tone, the sky was heavy, and a depressing aura rushed in, making people stressful.

But no one knew what was going on. As long as one stared at the painting for ten seconds, they could see the hope revealed by the painting.

The painting was hailed as the starry sky by everyone, and Jian Yi became famous. All her previous paintings had been turned up, and everyone was surprised to find that although the surface of the painting revealed a feeling of depression, it made people feel that there was hope that could not be ignored in despair.

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