498 Please Help Eldest Brother

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Forget? What should they forget?

The thin coats they had to wear during winter? Or the fact that the two of them did not even have meat to eat for an entire year? Or the fact that He Wei had to piggyback the seriously ill He Ning from house to house back then to beg people to help send him for treatment?

Each of these incidents caused them to be unable to forgive He Man. She deserved to be in her current situation and it had nothing to do with them.

“Alright, Second Brother, let’s not talk about what happened back then. Eldest Brother, if you’re free enough to ask Second Brother and I about what happened back then, you might as well use the time to think about how to deal with the mess He Mei created. After all, He Mei is your biological daughter.” He Ning fiercely emphasized the words “biological daughter”.

He Guo slumped back in his chair weakly. He felt as if all his memories were false, and that everything seemed to be faked by these two women.

He was incompetent and did not have the ability to protect his daughter, nor did he have the ability to shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the He family.

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“Xiao Ning… take it that I’m begging you. Even if you don’t care about the Shen family, on account that He Mei is your biological niece, can you help me?” He Guo said.

He Guo’s pleading words stung He Ning’s heart. He Ning knew in his heart that his eldest brother had been very nice to him for so many years. It was not that he did not want to help, but he was just unwilling to clean up after his eldest brother again and again. For so many years, he had been the one handling all the matters in the family, both big and small.

Although He Wei was neither astute nor resourceful, he was loyal and ruthless and could be considered to be quite famous in their industry. Usually, no one would be able to find any proof of his wrongdoings. Even if he was involved in any dirty business, everyone in the industry would protect him.

He Guo was different. He was quite smart, but soft-hearted and indecisive. Everything in the family seemed to have nothing to do with him, but he was actually the one who created all sorts of mess.

If not for him indulging He Mei and allowing her to be so arrogant since she was young, she would not have been brainless and always ready to cause trouble.

“Eldest brother, do you remember how many times I’ve helped you over the years?” He Ning stared intently at He Guo.

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“I… Of course I remember everything. I have always remembered everything you have done for me,” He Guo said nervously.

Beads of sweat rolled down He Guo’s face. He Mei behaved herself and knelt on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

Every word that He Ning said now was related to whether she could stay in the He family or not. Her fate was in He Ning’s hands.

“Eldest brother, what do you want me to do?” He Ning asked.

He Guo thought that He Ning had agreed to his request. He stood up agitatedly and started voicing his opinion.

“I think that we should give that woman 100,000 dollars first. No, no, no! Give her 150,000 dollars! Ask her to take this money and leave the capital to go somewhere far away. We have many business associates in other cities. It will be very easy to get them to help find her a good job.”

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“As for the Shen family, I think we should severely punish Ma San. However, this matter is considered the Shen family’s family matter and it’s not convenient for us to interfere. Let’s give Ma San a good beating and then hand him back to the Shen family to be dealt with.”

“No, no… I think we should break his legs before we send him to the Shen family, so that he leaves this marriage with nothing! He won’t get a single cent more from the Shen family and the He family anymore!”

“This matter was caused by He Mei, but He Mei’s face is already injured. I don’t think the Shen family will make things difficult for us. Xiao Ning, when the time is right, you can find a good man from among your connections and ask him to marry Shen Na. This way, everyone will benefit. I don’t think Shen Na will reject that…”

He Guo spoke non-stop, as if he was a leader giving a speech. The only thing he lacked was applause and flowers.

He Wei and He Ning looked at each other and then turned to look at He Guo. The way they looked at him was as if they were looking at a clown in a circus.

“Why… why are you looking at me like that?” He Guo paused and asked.

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“I just think that eldest brother has really interesting ideas. Since eldest brother has already thought it all through, what else do you want me to do? Just do everything according to your plan,” He Ning said with a smile.

“That’s right, eldest brother. Why are you telling Xiao Ning so much now?” He Wei said.

Actually, what He Guo wanted from He Ning was money. After his role in the arms deal was exposed, all his savings were confiscated and he had to close his shop. He even pawned all the jewelry in the family to repay the money. He did not have any more money left.

Thank you for reading on

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