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When Jiang Chen rushed to Yan No. 2 Hospital’s emergency department, Huo Bo was still in the operating room.

Shi Fengyue had already arrived, dressed in a simple long gray trench coat, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and closing his eyes to rest his mind, while Shen Xu squatted in the corner opposite him, his face buried in his palms, his expression unable to be seen clearly. The atmosphere was oppressive and silent.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the two raised their heads at the same time, and when they saw Jiang Chen their expressions changed instantly.

The indifference on Shi Fengyue’s face disappeared, and those dark eyes hid heat. Shen Xu stood up directly, and put down his palms. Only then did Jiang Chen see his red eyes, bruised cheeks, and the large bloodstains on his clothes.

He paused, then immediately walked faster: “How is Huo Bo?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Xu stood where he was, his pale face contrasting with his red eyes.

Jiang Chen walked over and hugged him tightly: “I’m here.”

Shen Xu hugged Jiang Chen tightly, and his tense body finally relaxed, the tears that had been welling in his eyes sliding down his chin.

“It’s all my fault…..” He trembled a little: “If anything happens to Huo Bo…..”

“He’ll be fine.” Jiang Chen patted him on the back, reassuring him firmly.

Hearing his friend’s determined tone, Shen Xu calmed down a little, and grunted lightly. He wiped his eyes, and inadvertently saw Shi Fengyue on the opposite side, only to realize that there was an outsider here, and this outsider was even looking straight at them with a cloudy expression on his face. Shen Xu immediately felt embarrassed of his behavior just now, sniffed, and let go of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also let go of Shen Xu, and turned to look at Shi Fengyue on the other side.

Shi Fengyue still had his arms crossed over his chest, and said lightly: “I have read his examination report, there is no intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral hematoma, it should be nothing serious, and he will come out in a while.”

Only then did Jiang Chen feel fully relieved. He sat down on the bench, closed his eyes tiredly, and exhaled lightly.

The familiar scent approached, and in the corridor full of the smell of disinfectant, the woody aroma on the man sitting next to him, which was usually faint and barely noticeable, became obvious at this time, like the morning after a night of snowing, the sunshine was pleasant, the light frost on the green leaves gradually melted, and the crystal clear dew condensing on the tip of the leaves, which was cool but fragrant.

Just inhaling it, his tired brain gradually relaxed, awake but comfortable.

When Shi Fengyue saw Jiang Chen move a little towards him, his slightly tense jaw relaxed a little bit, and he unfolded his crossed arms. He raised his brows slightly, and asked in a low voice, “Tired?”

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and was slightly startled, only to realize that before he knew it, he and Shi Fengyue were very close, and their breaths seemed to be intermingling slightly.

“I’m fine.” He moved away subtly, leaned back in the chair, and closed his eyes: “I’m just a little worried.”

When Shi Fengyue saw the flickering in his eyes, the corner of his mouth raised in a slight arc, and he moved closer to him, asking with a concerned tone: “How is Aunt Yang?”

Shen Xu happened to sit down on the other side of Jiang Chen, and asked at this time, “What’s wrong with Aunt Yang?”

“She just gave birth at Yan University’s Affiliated Hospital.” Jiang Chen opened his eyes with a smile on his face, “It’s a girl named Jiang Ran.”

“Girl?” Shen Xu now had some vitality: “Awesome, I’ve always wanted a younger sister.”

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes: “En, me too.”

Before Jiang Ran was born, Jiang Chen felt in his heart that there was no difference between a younger brother or sister, but after seeing the tiny bundle that was Jiang Ran, he felt that there was no one even better in this world than that little one.

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“What gift do you think I should give her?” Shen Xu was distracted, thinking hard: “For girls… it too early for a dress? Or a baby carriage, that’s right! I saw a sports car model, which is completely a miniature version of a Ferrari, it looks very cool, and it will be absolutely awesome to give it to our little sister.”

“Are you sure that’s for a girl?” Jiang Chen looked at him.

“Of course.” Shen Xu said: “It’s red and is only cool when girls drive it. Now I will give her a small one. When she turns eighteen, I will give her a real sports car.”

Shi Fengyue seemed to say inadvertently: “Why haven’t I seen you drive the sports car that Li Nanfeng gave you?”

Jiang Chen smiled, then turned to look at him: “I didn’t have time to take the driver’s license test, so I never drove it.”

Shen Xu had also seen Jiang Chen’s car, because the Jiang family lived in a community that was not suitable and there was no place to park it, so it had been parked in his garage this whole time. Thinking of the smooth lines and the parameters he saw in magazines, he immediately cheered up: “Yes, Jiangzi, when you have time you must get a driver’s license immediately, I have been coveting your car for a long time, you must take Huo Bo and me for a ride…..”

But towards the end of these words, his happy tone gradually fell down again. Shen Xu looked up at the operating room where the lights were still on, and the smile that had just floated on his face disappeared.

Jiang Chen knew what he was thinking, and patted him on the shoulder. Just as he was about to say something, the door of the operating room opened, and the surgeon and nurses came out.

The three people on the bench got up at the same time. Shi Fengyue nodded to the surgeon in the white coat at the front, and said, “How is the situation?”

“The operation went very well. Except for some concussion side effects, there are basically no problems.” The surgeon took off his mask, glanced at Jiang Chen and Shen Xu on the side, and joked: “It’s rare to see our Dr. Shi pay so much attention to a patient, so of course I must do my best.”

Shi Fengyue’s gaze shifted past him, seeing Huo Bo being pushed out. Jiang Chen and Shen Xu immediately surrounded him.

“What’s going on?” The doctor obviously had a good relationship with Shi Fengyue, winked at him and said, “I remember this is your previous patient’s family member, I’ve never seen you care so much about any patient’s family member before. Does our hospital actually have such high-quality follow-up services?”

Shi Fengyue rolled his eyes at him, turned around and followed Jiang Chen and the others.

The doctor caught up, put away this topic, and picked up another: “Just before this emergency call, your department’s Song Rongrong was at my place, and asked me to find a way to ask you out. The young lady has been romantically pursuing you for so long, almost a year now, you are not tempted at all?”

Shi Fengyue paused, and turned to look at him expressionlessly.

The doctor raised his hand in a gesture of surrender: “Okay, I won’t ask any more.”

“That person jist now isn’t simply my patient’s family member.” Shi Fengyue raised the corner of his mouth a little, and said unhurriedly: “He’s the person I’m romantically pursuing.”

The doctor laughed and said, “I know he’s your patient’s family…..what?” He widened his eyes: “Who are you romantically pursuing? Who? Which one? I recall that they are both boys.”

“The most good-looking one.”

“Most good-looking…..” The doctor recalled for a while, and when he saw that Shi Fengyue had turned around and left, he realized that he had been led along by the nose. He widened his eyes and hurried after: “Shi Fengyue, are you playing with me or are you for real?”

“Ask Li Nanfeng.”

Without looking back, he waved his hand casually and walked in the direction of the inpatient department.

In the ward.

Standing by the hospital bed, Jiang Chen, seeing Huo Bo’s pale face and closed eyes, tightened his grip on the railing of the bed a little. He looked up at Shen Xu, and asked about the whole story of Huo Bo’s injury.

Shen Xu stood on the other side of the bed, and when he heard Jiang Chen’s question, anger appeared on his face.

“Huo Bo and I were in the arcade in the afternoon, originally…..”

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Rewind to an hour ago:

The second mock exam ended yesterday, and today happened to be Sunday. After doing two sets of test papers in the afternoon, Shen Xu wanted to relax, so he took Huo Bo to an arcade that he had always wanted to go to before, and found a seat at random and started playing.

Not long after, a few more people came to the arcade, laughing and shoving, and sat down opposite them, talking about something, bursting into laughter from time to time.

The arcade was originally very noisy, and the game consoles were also at a certain height. Although they were sitting face to face, the two sides were separated by two game consoles, and no one could see the other. It did not have much impact, so Shen Xu and Huo Bo did not care.

During the interval in between playing, Shen Xu inadvertently caught some familiar key words from the opposite side.

——Second mock exam.

No one in the third year of high school would not care about grades and mock exams, so Shen Xu couldn’t help listening in a bit more. Although the conversation at the beginning was flattering, it was normal. It was probably a group of people praising one of them, wishing that person to come first in the second mock exam.

Hearing this, Shen Xu couldn’t help but start to think. The second mock exam was a city-wide joint examination in Yan City. All schools would be included in the rankings. The competition for the top ten was very fierce, but there were only a few students in the third year of high school in the city who could make it on that list and everyone knew it well.

Therefore, Shen Xu subconsciously began to guess the identity of the person opposite, and before he could use the elimination method in his mind, he heard the other party suddenly change the subject, switching from flattery to smack talk.

“That Yang Liang actually has the face to compete with our Brother Jian for the top spot, and said that our Brother Jian’s paper is marked wrong, he is just a nerd. His lenses are as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle. I’m even afraid that one day he would spontaneously combust while reading English under the sun.”

“Do you remember the time we threw away his glasses? That was really interesting. He lay there like a blind man fishing for fish. It was so funny.”

“In my opinion, Brother Jian will definitely be number one in the city this time. When the results come out, the number one in the city must treat us to a good time!”

Hearing this, Shen Xu basically knew who was in front of him. He sneered, the number one in the city, saying such arrogant words, wasn’t he afraid of being criticized.

He Qianjian was at least quite self-aware, and said, “If it’s really number one, I’ll definitely invite everyone to celebrate, but there’s still Li Xiao, so it’s not very likely.”

“Brother Jian, that’s you being humble.” Immediately, someone complimented him: “How can Li Xiao compare with you?”

“Brother Jian, you have to win for us. Last time Li Xiao got the first spot by chance, the guys in the attached secondary school all had their tails raised, as if this year’s top scorer was already reserved. Last time when those guys saw our school uniform, their eyes seemed to grow to the top of their heads.”

Someone said with disdain: “They’re just a group of poor people who don’t have any knowledge. Even if Li Xiao is really the top scorer in the college entrance examination, after four years of university, she will still work for people like us. Does she really think she is so great.”

“Li Xiao? A brat of a girl who hasn’t even grown any boobs. What else can you say about her besides just being a little smarter?”

Someone expressed an opinion: “Her cousin, Pan Liuyi, is the belle of the attached secondary school, and if you look closely, Li Xiao looks pretty good too, maybe it won’t be bad once she grows up in two years.”

“Pan Liuyi’s boobs are quite big. If it’s genetically inherited, I expect Li Xiao will develop in a year or two.”

There was a burst of tacit laughter on the other side, as if they had imagined something interesting.

As soon as the topic was skewed, it went astray, and someone suddenly asked: “Who do you think is more beautiful, Pan Liuyi from the attached secondary school or Jiang Yao from our school?”

“Of course, it must be…..Miss Han.” Someone said flatteringly, “Miss Han is our Brother Jian’s fiancée. I only met her once, and I was quite astonished by her beauty. Only someone like Brother Jian is worthy of standing with her.”

Immediately, someone followed up and praised that Miss Han. Shen Xu curled his lips and stopped paying attention to them. But it wasn’t long after he picked up the game controller when he heard familiar words again.

“But speaking of, fortunately Jiang Chen has asked for leave this semester, otherwise…..”

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“Otherwise what?” Someone immediately interrupted the person who just spoke: “Even if he didn’t ask for leave, the first place will have nothing to do with him, it’s just that he came in first place in the previous few practice exams by chance. The practice exams and mock exams are not the same.”

“The way I see it, he has some self-awareness at least. A poor bastard yet he still likes to pretend so much. What ‘most handsome guy of all three schools’. Looking like a loser, yet he has the nerve to call himself the most handsome. Who gave him the face.”

“That’s right.” A few people echoed in unison, their habitually tactful eyes flickered, and they immediately spoke up: “Don’t talk about grades, he can’t even compete with our Brother Jian in anything, so what is Jiang Chen? I heard that his father was hit by a car and broke his leg, and he asked for leave as soon as school started this semester, probably to move bricks at a construction site to pay for the treatment of his crippled father.”

There was a burst of laughter, and someone said something again in a low voice, and the laughter became more exaggerated.

Shen Xu’s expression was becoming worse and worse. He got up and was about to rush over, but Huo Bo grabbed his hand, lowered his voice and frowned, “What are you doing?”

“Did you hear what they said? Calling Jiang Chen a loser?” Shen Xu gritted his teeth and said with a dark face, “I’m going to beat them until even their own mothers won’t recognize them, and then I’ll put their heads in the toilet and let them see who actually looks like the loser.”

Huo Bo also heard those people talking, and he was of course also angry in his heart, but those people were just spewing sh*t, and none of what they said was true. Don’t mention him, Jiang Chen himself would probably just laugh it off when he heard it, and would not care at all.

Most importantly, he always felt that the relationship between Jiang Chen and He Qianjian was not simple, and he didn’t want to cause trouble for Jiang Chen before the situation became clear.

He grabbed Shen Xu and said in a deep voice, “Don’t be impulsive.”

“But they said that about Jiang Chen? Are you not angry?” Shen Xu pulled out his hand, kicked the stool, and walked over.

Just now, Shen Xu didn’t restrain his voice when he spoke, and the other side naturally heard them talking. When Shen Xu stepped around, several teenagers beside the game console were staring contemptuously at him.

“What?” One person said disdainfully: “Want to fight? One against five?”

Shen Xu rolled up his sleeves: “Your grandpa, I, can beat your whole family by myself, let alone one-on-five, even one-on-five I can make you cry.”

He Qianjian stood up, sneered, and said: “I think your friend is very sensible, I advise you to be more sensible, and I’ll let this matter go after you apologize, how about it?”

“Apologize?” Shen Xu also sneered: “Use your urine to take a look at your loser self. It’s fine if one is uglier than the next, but your face is bigger than the next. Who gave you the confidence? Did you eat too much lotus root?”

A boy pushed him: “I advise you to keep your mouth clean.”

Shen Xu’s lips curled up, his height was about 1.8 meters, and he had a smile on his baby face, but his tone was as harsh as it could be: “What? Have you brushed your teeth with the toilet brush too many times, so you can’t stand anyone else having more bad breath than you?”

Shen Xu’s mouth was so poisonous that so long as one had experienced it, there was no one who didn’t want to beat him up.

The boy who pushed him threw a punch. Shen Xu’s face turned cold and he dodged it nimbly. Huo Bo, who had just come over, landed a kick on the other’s companion. In the next moment, the prelude to the five-on-two brawl kicked off.

Huo Bo could take on three, and Shen Xu also did his part. There was no pressure at all when the two of them fought against five, and soon they had beaten them to the ground within a few blows. The fight should have ended here.

However, unlike Jiang Chen who fought with agility and decisiveness and Huo Bo, who directly hit the opponent’s vital points in a fight, Shen Xu was not as good as the former, but he had never come up short when throwing down harsh words after a fight to instigate hatred.

In the chaos and mess, Shen Xu stepped on someone’s hand and said condescendingly: “First in the mock exam?” He sneered: “That’s something you can eevee get only if our God Jiang doesn’t want it, but you haven’t even touched it with your fingers yet and you’re already acting so gleeful?”

“And still wanting to compete with Jiang Chen? A bunch of trash like you, do you deserve it?”

After saying this, Shen Xu clapped his palms and was about to leave, but don’t know which nerve of He Qianjian’s his words just touched, but the other who was leaning on the side panting for breath suddenly became violent. He grabbed the wooden stool beside him and threw it at Shen Xu. It was too late for Huo Bo to pull Shen Xu away, so he could only block the stool for him.

The corner of the wooden stool hit Huo Bo’s head, and blood was seen immediately. He Qianjian’s eyes were scarlet, and he made to hit him a second time. Huo Bo’s vision was spotted from the hit and his reaction time was slowed, so the second hit landed on his head as well.

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Shen Xu turned his head, and only had time to see a face dripping with blood, and Huo Bo’s eyes slowly closing.

Huo Bo falling to the ground finally woke up He Qianjian from his rage. He stopped on the spot holding the blood-stained stool, and his friends panicked when they saw this.

Someone said, “Is he dead?”

Shen Xu came back to his senses suddenly, hugged Huo Bo and screamed for someone to call an ambulance.

After that, Shen Xu followed Huo Bo to the hospital and called Jiang Chen.

After listening to the whole story, Jiang Chen’s eyes were icy cold, but his face showed no fluctuations, and his tone was very calm: “Where are He Qianjian and the others?”

Shen Xu shook his head: “I don’t know. At that time, I was afraid that something might happen to Huo Bo, so I didn’t pay that much attention.”

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and made a call.

He Qianmin’s voice came quickly: “Brother? Are you looking for me?”

“Is He Qianjian at home?”

“Yes.” He Qianmin was puzzled: “You are looking for him…..?”

Jiang Chen hung up the phone, glanced at Huo Bo who was still unconscious, and said to Shen Xu: “I’m going out, when Huo Bo wakes, call me.”

Jiang Chen acted too calmly, but Shen Xu keenly sensed something was wrong.

He grabbed Jiang Chen: “Where are you going?”

Jiang Chen’s footsteps paused slightly, and his tone was calm: “I’m going to take care of some things, and I’ll be back soon.”

“Are you going to look for He Qianjian?”

Shen Xu was impulsive before, but now he had calmed down. The He family had a poweeful background. If Jiang Chen went and injured He Qianjian, even if He Qianmin had a good relationship with him, this matter would not end well. But…..

He gritted his teeth: “I’ll go with you.”

“You stay here and take care of Huo Bo.” Jiang Chen pulled his hand away: “I always do things properly, don’t worry.”

Shen Xu frowned slightly, and seeing Jiang Chen’s calm expression, he was slightly relieved. Indeed, no matter what happened since childhood, Jiang Chen had always been the most level-headed among the three of them.

This time, he should also be the same, and could handle it calmly and rationally, right?

AN: Shen Xu: I believe in Jiang Chen, he has always been very level-headed.

Hou Bo: If I was awake, I sure as hell wouldn’t let him go.

Shi Fengyue: Don’t worry, I’ll be following.

When fighting——

Shi Feng Yue: Ashtray or Vase? Be careful not to cut your hands.

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