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As a popular figure in the school, He Qianjian taking leave of absence for three consecutive days and did not come to school sparked quite some discussion.

The results of the second mock test would be released on Wednesday, but as early as after the first mock test, many people from several schools bet that either Li Xiao or He Qianjian would take the top spot in the second mock test. Most of the students from the attached secondary school chose Li Xiao, while most of Chenghua’s students chose He Qianjian.

As for the fact that He Qianjian had never taken the top spot since the practice entrance examination, there were two reasons why so many people in Chenghua still think that he had the possibility of winning the first place in the mock test: First was that before, he was always among the top three even if it was not in the top spot, which showed his strength. Second, it was possible that due to He Qianjian seldom taking the minor exams because of his privileges before, he was not used to taking exams, so he ranked second or third.

After the second mock test, there would be the third mock test. After the third mock test, they would directly take the college entrance examination. Before the college entrance examination, there were only these two exams that could be ranked. Last year, Chenghua had a liberal arts top scorer, but this year there was no strong opponent in the liberal arts in the third year of high school, so everyone’s hopes naturally rested on He Qianjian.

After all, He Qianjian had received various exceptional treatment all the way since elementary school, and he could be said to be a legendary existence in Chenghua. Long before he entered high school, some people predicted that He Qianjian would be the top scorer of the college entrance examination three years later. When the senior sister of the previous year took the top spot in the liberal arts, some people regretted that if He Qianjian had gone to school a year earlier, Chenghua would have produced a double top scorer in the arts and sciences that year.

Three years passed quickly, and He Qianjian’s college entrance examination was coming soon, but he was either overwhelmed by Jiang Chen from No. 1 High School or Li Xiao from the Attached Secondary School. Seeing that the hope of being the number one student in the sciences became more and more elusive——the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Even before the final reveal, Chenghua’s students couldn’t help but mutter in their hearts: Let’s hope that after glory for twelve years, he didn’t trip up in the final stage.

It was also because of this that not only the third year students in Chenghua, but also the students in the junior high school and the first and second years were very concerned about the results of this mock test.

Early on Wednesday morning, the Chenghua Bulletin Board was surrounded by students. The ranking list of the mock test was citywide. Towards the few study tyrants who were familiar to everyone, they didn’t even need to look at the school names next to their names. They just needed to look at their ranking number.

“The first is Li Xiao from the attached secondary school.”

Some people in the crowd sighed, but they couldn’t say they were very surprised. After all, since Jiang Chen in Yan No. 1 High School took a long leave and didn’t even take the mock exams, Li Xiao had been ranked first every time.

“Who is the second? Why have I never seen the name before?”

“Huo Bo?” Someone looked at the school name that followed and asked in surprise, “From Yan No. 1 High School?”

“Huo Bo?” Some people had some impressions and said with wide eyes: “Isn’t that Yan No. 1 school tyrant? And he is from class 11, how is that possible? It must be the same name and surname.”

“The famous garbage class of Yan No. 1 High School?” The speaker shook his head: “It must be the same name and surname. I can believe that the boss fights fiercely. But it’s unlikely that he would be second in the mock test.”

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“How is it impossible?” Someone said: “I saw it before, and he placed sixteenth in the first mock exam. I heard that he placed around 600 in the first practice entrance exam. Then squeezed into the top 200 in the second practice entrance exam, and then improved more and more fiercely each time. At the end of last semester, he was already in the top 50 in the city.”

“Seriously?” Someone couldn’t believe it: “Or is the Huo Bo you mentioned not the same one we know?”

“The same one.” The person said firmly, “I asked my classmates in Yan No. 1 High School. The students in their school are even more surprised than us before. I heard that someone directly questioned him for cheating, and a teacher in their school testified later that he had been tutored by God Jiang. You probably all know that God Jiang did not go to evening self-study in the last semester of high school, but you probably don’t know that this was to tutor his two friends…..Look, Shen Xu, placing in the top thirty, you should have heard of him, he’s very popular, he, God Jiang and Huo Bo had been a trio since childhood.”

“Damn.” A boy exclaimed, unable to tell whether it was jealousy or envy: “Being friends with God Jiang can have this benefit?”

“Awesome.” One person thought of something, burst into laughter, and said while their shoulders shook from laughter: “You said that Jiang Chen in Yan No. 1 High School asked for leave as soon as school started, don’t tell me he was busy holding a remedial class.”

The students at the bulletin board were taken aback for a moment, and couldn’t help but also laugh out loud.

One person said: “If it’s true, I’ll go to every class even if it costs 10,000 f**king yuan per class.”

“Ditto, I’ll go even if it’s 100,000 yuan per class. What kind of badass teaching is this, able to pull someone from the last spot to become the second in the city.”

Someone pulled the topic back: “It seems that our school’s science top scorer is out of luck this time. He Qianjian didn’t get in the top three this time, he’s fourth.”

“The third place is also from our school, Zhang Liang, who is that, I haven’t heard of him.”

“He Qianjian is in his class. He wears glasses every day, so he doesn’t have any sense of presence. I heard that He Qianjian didn’t like him very much for a while. The group of people who played well with him messed with him several times. This time, his ranking in the exam topped He Qianjian. I imagine his life may become difficult again.”

“He Qianjian himself doesn’t know what kind of trouble he is in, yet he can still mess with other people.”

Hearing this cold snort, everyone looked in the direction of the sound. Seeing that it was Zhang Yanjing who had always been at odds with He Qianjian, they couldn’t help becoming gossipy.

Chenghua was a private school, and the family conditions of the students who could study there were not bad, but these backgrounds were also divided into rankings. He Qianjian and Zhang Yanjing were undoubtedly the top existences of the pyramid. In the entire Chenghua, apart from He Qianmin who had transferred to Yan No. 1 High School, Zhang Yanjing was the only one who could smack talk He Qianjian.

The gossip of big families was well hidden, and those who were not in the same circle couldn’t touch the truth at all, let alone have any source of news. He Qianjian asked for leave for three days, and no one knew why he asked for leave. Now there were many guesses, but there was no solid conclusion, and Zhang Yanjing in front of them was undoubtedly one of the most likely to know why He Qianjian asked for leave.

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Yan No. 1 High School had Huo Bo, and Chenghua had Zhang Yanjing, both being school tyrants, the less courageous students were unavoidably a little timid, but there were also some bold ones who directly asked: “Brother Jing, why did He Qianjian take such a long leave, when will he come back? Is he all right?”

Zhang Yanjing did know why He Qianjian asked for leave, and he even knew a little bit about the recent treacherous situation in the He family. After all, their social circle was only so big, no secret could be kept for long, not to mention that the He family didn’t deliberately conceal it, they just didn’t announce it to the public for the time being.

Thinking of the young man whom he had met once before, Zhang Yanjing raised the corner of his mouth upwards, the other looked much more pleasing to the eye than He Qianjian.

Others might give He Qianjian and the He family face by not revealing He Qianjian’s scandal, but Zhang Yanjing didn’t have this concern. Hearing this question, he didn’t whet their appetites and simply smiled meaningfully: “It seems out of boredom he jumped off the balcony at home, fell into a cactus bush, and broke a leg. The people in the hospital plucked out nearly an entire operating table of cactus needles, so you tell me if you think he’s okay?”

“Jump off a balcony?” Some people was in disbelief, but they didn’t question Zhang Yanjing. As they all know, he didn’t bother to lie at all, and would rather hand in a blank paper than cheat.

Someone was curious: “Which floor?”

Zhang Yanjing sneered: “The second floor.”

Falling from the second floor could also fall like this, and before he jumped down didn’t he look at the spot first? Falling into the cactus bush in his own home, was there something wrong with He Qianjian’s head?

He Qianjian didn’t know that everyone was gossiping about him in Chenghua. His eyes were red at this moment, and he looked at He Yanfeng in disbelief. With his leg in a plaster and his pale face, he looked a bit pitiful.

“Dad? Jiang Chen treated me like this and pushed me downstairs, but you’re just going to forget about it?”

Although he was speaking to He Yanfeng, his gaze had already moved to Yang Yun, with tears shining at the end of his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Yang Yun slightly turned her head away, but there was not much emotion in her eyes.

To be honest, when she saw He Qianjian lying in the flower bed with scratches and bruises all over his body, Yang Yun felt a lot of worry and distress. After all, she had raised He Qianjian for more than ten years, even knowing that he may have done a lot of bad things behind their backs and she had also thought about giving up on this child, but this was not something that happened overnight.

What was more, it was Jiang Chen’s indifferent appearance which contrasted with He Qianjian’s tragic appearance at that time that left the greatest impression.

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He broke one of He Qianjian’s legs and forced him to fall off into the cactus bush, and he didn’t hold back the slightest bit, as if doing all of this was a matter of course. This contrasted greatly with the image of the bright and clean handsome young man she had before. With He Qianjian as a former lesson, what Yang Yun was most afraid of now was sudden contrast, and the last thing she wanted to see was a different appearance from what she imagined.

That night, after returning to their room, her husband noticed her strangeness. He didn’t say much, but just took out a stack of thick documents and handed them to her for her to look through.

In it, it was written that He Qianjian had sent people to monitor Jiang Chen since the third year of junior high school, it was written that he had a physical examination on the same day as Jiang Chen coincidentally every year, and it was written that he had sent people after Jiang Chen to break his hand, it was written that he deliberately provoked Jiang Chen at the skating rink, but when he came back, he reversed the truth and lies…..

On black and white paper, everything was very clear. Yang Yun held the stack of papers, her mind going blank. Before, she knew that He Qianjian was duplicitous, and also suspected that what happened to He Qianmin had something to do with him, but there was no real evidence for that, so it was difficult for her to separate from the mother-child relationship she had with He Qianjian completely.

But now this investigation report, like a basin of cold water, poured over her head, making her feel completely cold while completely awake.

She also had doubts about her husband’s sudden indifference or even coldness towards He Qianjian, and once felt that her husband’s drastic changes were too unreasonable, but only after seeing this did she know that there was a reason for everything.

Later, she went to Yan No. 2 Hospital and saw the injured child with her own eyes. His head was wrapped with thick gauze. Even after so many days, he could still only lie on the bed. Compared with him, don’t know how much better He Qianjian’s condition was now.

Seeing Yang Yun’s indifference, He Qianjian’s heart jumped and then sank. He called out in a low voice, “Mom…..”

Yang Yun interrupted him: “Your father’s handling is not wrong. You injured Chencl Chen’s friend first. The doctor said that his injury is serious enough to call the police, and the child’s injury is on the head. He will take the college entrance examination soon. You are already much better off than him now, so we will leave it at that.”

He Qianjian couldn’t believe what he heard. Was this the mother who would feel distressed when she saw even a scratch on him? Now he had a broken leg, and hundreds of cactus needles had been pierced all over his body, some of which when being pulled out even took his flesh with it, and the pain was so painful that he could hardly even breathe.

As expected, this was blood relationship? In such a short time, her heart had already become biased towards her own biological son. He thought that Yang Yun had at least some affection for him after so many years, but he didn’t expect it to change just like that.

He Qianjian could hardly suppress the darkness in his heart. For so many years, he had been living in the He family. Before they knew his true identity, the He family had treated him so well, so even though he knew that he was not their biological son and kept a distance from them, how could he have no feelings for them at all.

In his last life, his parents were poor people at the bottom of the society. They didn’t receive any higher education. They were petty and vulgar. They treated their children like belongings that could be beaten and scolded easily. Since childhood, if he did something wrong it was his own reasons, and if he did something right it was due to the success of parental education, something that could be gleefully shown off by them.

How many times, when he saw his classmates’ parents who were well-dressed and behaved elegantly, did he envy and complain to the heavens for not giving him such a good birth and family, but after he died once, the heavens seemed to have opened their eyes and actually gave him a chance to choose.

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Ordinary parents or rich parents, he didn’t need to think about it at all. He Qianjian chose the latter. At that time, he only thought such a family was glamorous and decent. Later, when he grew up in the He family and saw how a family that possessed wealth and education and were caring towards their children was like, the more grateful he was for his choice on the first day of transmigrating, and the more afraid that one day Jiang Chen would come back and take everything from him.

Therefore, he tried his best to disguise himself so that everyone in the He family would like him. He wanted to live like those blessed sons of heaven he wanted to be the most in his previous life, and he also wanted to have the warmth of family that he never had in his previous life.

However, Jiang Chen’s appearance shattered all his fantasies.

A biological child was a biological child, even if they had eighteen years of familial affection, even if he tried to please them so much, He Yanfeng and Yang Yun still chose their own biological child without hesitation over him.

He Yanfeng could see through the resentment and unwillingness in He Qianjian’s eyes at a glance, as well as the little bit of sadness, but he was extremely disappointed in He Qianjian now. If it wasn’t for the fact that Jiang Chen’s car accident involving the hitman hadn’t been clarified, he might have immediately kicked He Qianjian out of the house.

“This matter is settled like this.” He Yanfeng said lightly: “No matter who asks, you can only say that you slipped and fell off the balcony, including your grandparents.”

He Qianjian gritted his teeth, hating so much that he almost tasted blood in his mouth, and then slowly raised his head: “What if I tell Grandpa?”

He Yanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, the coldness in his eyes was self-evident.

“If Grandpa knew that Jiang Chen is such a person, will he let him come back to the He family so easily?”

He Qianjian had always been afraid of He Yanfeng. Even if he was reborn, he was still intimidated by the oppressive feeling of his cold face, just like the natural fear of students for teachers and employees for superiors. Since childhood, he had never dared to talk back to He Yanfeng, playing the role of the mature and excellent eldest son who always obeyed him.

But now, seeing that He Yanfeng abandoned him without hesitation for Jiang Chen, and thinking of the embarrassment and fear he had experienced during this period of time, the resentment in his heart could no longer be concealed.

“Jiang Chen is ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel, arrogant to the point of lawlessness. He dared to break into the house and break my leg and force me to jump off the balcony even before he was officially admitted to the He family. It shows what he is capable of doing when he really does come back!” He Qianjian’s tone sounded suppressed and also concealed sharpness: “If Grandpa knows, he will definitely not let this kind of person who may disturb the harmony of the He family and ruin the reputation of the He family come back!”

“Do you think your grandpa will still stand by you after knowing that you attacked Jiang Chen’s friends first?” He Yanfeng’s words were calm and mild: “His own grandson versus other people’s children, you have been using this status since childhood to do many things for yourself, so you should be very clear who the old gentleman will lean towards in the end.”

“Besides, you stayed in the hospital for three days, and the old gentleman and the old madam didn’t come to see you. Do you really think they don’t know about this?”

At this, He Qianjian froze, his face turning pale inch by inch.

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